Graveyard Granny - Alternative View

Graveyard Granny - Alternative View
Graveyard Granny - Alternative View

Video: Graveyard Granny - Alternative View

Video: Graveyard Granny - Alternative View
Video: Granny & Davis 2024, September

Around 87, a strange story happened to my sister. Just yesterday they remembered her. I was 8 years old then, and my sister Masha was 4 years old. I don’t know why my parents were impatient to go to the grave of my mother’s son from his first marriage at the end of October (her baby died at 5 months) - whether to paint the fence, or something else, is not the point. But they took my sister and me with them. And now October: it's cold, the trees are bare, the sky is gloomy, it gets dark early - and we are at the cemetery. What are the children to do there? Nothing. Adults work, paint something there, but we get in the way under our feet. The brother's grave was not by the road, but in the depths of the cemetery. About twenty meters to the road, but since the trees are bare, everything is clearly visible a kilometer ahead. Mom, seeing that Masha and I are just getting in the way, says to me: “Lida, take Masha, and take a walk along the path. Just don't go far, be in front of your eyes."

I took Masha by the handle, took her for a walk. We walk along the path: ten meters in one direction, ten in the opposite direction. I read the inscriptions, and Masha is capricious. And then she spotted a toy on some grave and started whining: "I want that toy over there!" And my mother from childhood told us nothing in the cemetery even to take in hands! Especially toys. Naturally, I didn’t let her. Masha was offended, stamped her feet, and said: “I'm offended and I'm leaving! And she pulled her hand away from me. " I answer: "Yes, go!"

I knew that my mother was looking after us, Masha would not go far. I turn towards my mother, I see - she is painting the fence, and does not look in our direction. Well, I think, then we need to take Masha by the hand again, until she really hasn't gone anywhere. I turn around - there is no Masha! Well, that's how it fell through the ground. Well, where could a child have disappeared in exactly three seconds? Moreover, she was wearing a bright red cap, and a cemetery with bare trees a mile away would have been visible, but no one was. I'm going to my mom. Mom is in a panic: the child is missing! They began to search: they walked, shouted, called.

Nothing. The silence is deathly. No child. And it was already getting dark. Mom is hysterical. Daddy is not himself running among the graves, looking for Masha.

Nothing. As it sank into the water. Mom’s legs gave way, collapsed to the ground, sobbing loudly. It was already completely dark, but the child was gone.

Dad suggested to go to the exit: maybe someone found Masha and brought her out?

We come running. Nobody here. Mom is already just howling loudly. And suddenly we see: from the darkness a red cap appears, about thirty meters away. Masha is coming! Moreover, he walks with the handle raised up: as if holding someone by the hand. Goes talking to someone. Then he asks someone: "Where?" Turns in our direction and shouts: "Mom !!!"

Mom, of course, ran to Masha, sobbing, kissing her. They barely reassured my mother. Masha began to ask: where was she worn ?! and she says:

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I was offended by Lida, and went along the path. And she was waiting for Lida to catch up with me now: she saw that I was offended. I walk and I walk. But Lida is not. I turn around - and I stand alone. And there is no one: I see neither Lida nor my mother. And I walked along the path, did not turn anywhere. I went back. I go, I go, but there is no one. And I decided to go to the exit myself. I think: I'll wait for you there. I thought that if you always walk along the path and do not turn off, you will always come out to the exit. I walked for a long time, it got dark, I'm scared. There are graves all around, but there is still no way out. And then I see my grandmother: she was like in cartoons - a long black coat, or a dress, and a high gray hairstyle with a bun. And round glasses. And she asks me: "What are you doing here?" I say: "I am lost, and I am looking for a way out." And the grandmother says: "Come with me, I will take you to the place where children meet with their mothers."And my mother always taught me not to go anywhere with strangers! And I answer: "No, I will not go with you, you better show me the way out." Grandmother sighed and said: "Well, let's go."

And she took me to the gate. She was the first to see you, she says: "There is your mother." I ask: "Where?" And she points at you to me. I ran to you right away.

And Masha for a very long time, about five years, if not more, did not believe us that we had not seen any grandmother. She walked alone. Masha even drew her for us in detail, proved that she was, there was a grandmother!

But we definitely saw how Masha walked completely alone, but holding on to an invisible hand …

And what kind of grandmother she was, and to what place “where all the children meet their mothers” she wanted to take Masha - we still do not know. And here's the strangeness: Masha has since begun to feel the cemetery from a kilometer away. We are driving with her in a car through unfamiliar terrain, and Masha always feels: there will be a cemetery ahead, I feel. Moreover, okay even in Moscow, in the city, and outside the city, and in other people's cities, and in general in other countries with her the same way: she feels the proximity of the cemetery.

Here's a story I remembered.