The Law Of Acceptance - Alternative View

The Law Of Acceptance - Alternative View
The Law Of Acceptance - Alternative View

Video: The Law Of Acceptance - Alternative View

Video: The Law Of Acceptance - Alternative View
Video: AV9.1 - Alex Thomson - An Infernal Convergence 2024, September


Formation, creation and vision of the surrounding world by man using the law of "Acceptance"

Table of contents.

1. Action of the Law of Acceptance in the signs of the zodiac.

2. Action of the Law of Acceptance in society.

3. Operation of the Law of Adoption by Women.

4. Action of the Law of Acceptance in astrology, numerology, and consequences.

5. Operation of the Law of Acceptance in art and its consequences.

Promotional video:

6. Operation of the Law of Acceptance in Voodoo, Witchcraft and Magic.

7. Action of the law of Acceptance in science.

8. Colors. Color spectrum. The number of colors.

9. Literature, predictions and prophecies through the prism of this law.

10. Teleportation. A teaching and training technique for moving the body in space. Second lesson. First and second stage.

11. The Philosopher's Stone and the Transformation of the Elements.

12. Metaphysics. Growing crystals. Medicine.

13. Miscellaneous in the actions of the Law of Acceptance.

14. Time management. Travel to the past.

14.1. Travel to the future.

14.2 Acceleration and deceleration of time. Personal.

15. Vision. Psychology. Reliability of information.

The Law of Acceptance is a very interesting law. For example, the fact that humanity itself accepts it for itself, and triggers the mechanism of its action and existence. If a person or a large number of people begins to believe that this omen, superstition or magical action and effect works, then it actually begins to work and act on people and objects. What is considered correct and true at this stage may in fact not correspond to the truth at all. But we must also take into account the fact that no one ever acts 100% alone, there is always the presence and operation of other laws in operation of this law. Let it be small or not so obvious, but this is always there, and there is interaction and overlapping laws. Sometimes it happens that the same phenomenonan effect or action can be well and accurately explained using different laws and different theories. And the most interesting thing is that they will all be true almost the same. The Law of the Absurd in action! But another thing is interesting, that the Law of Acceptance in its actions, phenomena, effects, strength and power is analogous and almost similar to the Egregor phenomenon! Only it is not only someone's national (in some cases it manifests itself in this way) but also interethnic and international (that is, planetary in its scale and action). Unlike the actions of Egregors, which are national, state for a person. The scope of this law also includes customs, traditions, rituals, superstitions, and so on and so forth, and much more. Yes, sometimes it happens that a person builds his world so much from the world of the Matrix,that the reality of the world of man and the Matrix begins to burst at the seams! And there is an imbalance in the outlook of a person (in the wrong steppe), and he begins to see the world as completely unreal, illusory. There comes an imbalance in the psyche and thinking of a person, inadequate.

6.2.1. Action of the Law of Acceptance in the signs of the zodiac.

For example: Characteristics of the zodiac signs for a person. These characteristics are now in effect, and really correspond to humanity, of course, among those peoples who accepted it. Although over the millennia that have passed, since they were composed and accepted, they have moved a lot in time. The beginning and end of the times of the zodiac signs has changed.


The beginning and end of the times of the zodiac signs has changed.

That is, in fact, a person is already of a different sign and he should have different characteristics from another already sign, and not from the one that is now accepted and considered to be active. Although, thanks to the law of Acceptance, it is in effect now. Absurd and nothing more! But it works.

6.2.2. Action of the law of Acceptance in society.

A person forms around himself the world that he considers and thinks that it is this world that really exists, in a single version. But this world of his is real only for him, and in his ideas, but for other people, he is different in reality. Two people who live in the same city, and maybe not even so far from each other, in fact live in different worlds, created by their imaginations and ideas about the world. They have created their own worlds, and they do not even know and do not imagine that there are other different from their representation, other worlds! Which are next to them at the same time, created by them thanks to the law of Acceptance. Even when they have the same system on their computers, and they simultaneously access the same news section, they will even have different advertisements, the one that they explicitly or implicitly like. Although this should not be so logically. And when they go in transport, or walk, they will be surrounded by different people they deserve. And which they themselves have created with their own ideas. And if they go to the same store for groceries to the same saleswoman, then the attitude of this saleswoman towards them is completely different, such as they endow her with their ideas.

6.2.3. Operation of the Law of Adoption by Women.

Everything turns out according to the law of Acceptance. The author has already spoken about this (in his book "Women and the Laws of the Absurd"), but I have to say it again here. When a woman, in her ideas about the world around her, says “All men are goats, bastards, alcoholics, males, scoundrels and there are no good men,” she forms around herself the world she talks about and gets it according to the full program. Around her are formed and are only those men about whom she says that she wanted and got it. The Law of Acceptance in Action! Therefore, each person himself forms the world that he wants and lives in it personally. That is, a person creates a heaven or hell for himself on Earth and in his life. Of course, one must also take into account karmic retribution and working off, but it is again the person himself who creates it with his own hands, with his actions and words, in his past lives. What I have sownthen you reap! And so it will always be, and forever and ever. I will give you another example from the same book. This is a well-known phenomenon if a woman, being pregnant, wants her child to be beautiful and similar to her idol, for example, Allen Delon, Jean Marais or Tikhonov and Lanovoy. For this, you need to hang a portrait of this person in your rooms so that he is always before your eyes and to look and admire him. When the baby is born, the boy will look a lot like this portrait. Again the action of this law of Acceptance. Below is a real example of how you can change your fate with the help of the higher law of Acceptance, changing the real world. True, this schoolgirl did not know that she was applying this law. But the most important thing here is that she wanted to change the reality of this world. And she changed it for herself, the main thing is that she did not harm anyone. And in this, the Matrix helped her by modeling this world as she needed. That is, the Matrix again made a throw back in time and moved this family with this guy (her future husband) from another city or another area to her area.

As a schoolgirl, Yulia Iryshkova wrote on paper how she sees her future husband. And five years ago, her dream finally came true - she went down the aisle exactly for the one whom she made up her mind. I learned about Evgeny and Yulia Iryshkov through mutual acquaintances on social networks. I found it interesting their story of dating and love.

Young people have been together for 12 years, five of which are legally married. While still in school, Yulia watched a TV program about the visualization of desires. After watching it, the young lady had an idea in her head: try to imagine; how she sees her future husband. I wrote all the parameters on a piece of paper: a tall brunette, an athlete, and to live nearby. She hid the piece of paper in her writing table, and even forgot about her message - How was it? I remember, I took some piece of paper, and, it seems to me, even mechanically began to write. There was just a goal to find a husband. She described him, clarified that he lived nearby. “I lived nearby,” she emphasized, then it was the most important thing for me,”Yulia recalled about her youthful adventure. - After all, my mother did not let me go far from home, and I was not interested in meeting boys from the district. I put it in my desk, I had my secret there and forgot it.

The girl completely forgot about the message, until one day she met him at the bus stop. his tall brunette athlete, and he lived nearby. She was 15, he was 18

- It all started with the fact that after finishing the ninth grade in 2007, my mother and I moved to live in the area of the Brigadier Bridge - says the interlocutor. - I entered the Chemical-Technological College on the basis of the Penza Technological Academy as a technologist of brewing and wine production, and was forced to travel every day to study on the minibus "2a". Every day I came to the bus stop at the same time - 6.50. As a matter of fact, like Zhenya. Then the young people got into the same minibus and rode together. This went on for about a month. Now every morning she walked in high spirits, because she knew that she would meet with a pretty fellow traveler. He was the hero of her visual writing. But then, she didn't think about it. After all, the note was in the writing table. And to get to know the handsome Julia was ashamed of a girl.- Everything was decided by chance. One evening, the girl, along with her mother, went to an ice cream store, which was not far from her house. I did not particularly pretend, I practically went in what is. - And then I notice a guy through the window who enters the same store. I was ready to fall through the ground because of my appearance. But, apparently, it did not bother him, because he immediately approached me with the phone. We can say that he almost poked them in the nose and insistently asked: "Write your number." It was difficult to refuse, but because of excitement I forgot to give the last figure. Looking ahead, I will say that it was a six. I came home and patiently waited for the call. The expectations were short-lived. Zhenya called the same day with a claim: “You know, you didn't write the last number to me! I had to call five people before I heard your voice. "- he told Yulia. And without wasting time, the next day he invited her out on a date. - At first I rejected, they say, I have training - until the age of 17 I was engaged in athletics, study. She was so businesslike, - the girl laughs. - But when Zhenya said: “Well, okay,” I forgot all about it and agreed to a meeting. I didn't want to let go of my own. And he said on the very first date that we would get married. All I had to do was twirl a finger around my temple, saying that we hadn't even met yet. We were so young what a wedding. And he said on the very first date that we would get married. All I had to do was twirl a finger around my temple, saying that we hadn't even met yet. We were so young what a wedding. And he said on the very first date that we would get married. All I had to do was twirl a finger around my temple, saying that we hadn't even met yet. We were so young what a wedding.

Surprisingly, Yulia's parents immediately accepted Zhenya very well. And he began to tell all his acquaintances when they were getting married, in what year the first child would be born, as they would call it.

According to the interlocutor, so, by the way, everything worked out. Five years ago, on August 1, 2014, they became husband and wife, three years ago Kira was born, and seven months ago, their son Evgeny Evgenievich, a small copy of her husband. The coincidences did not end there. As it turned out, they were pretty often already in the families of Yulia and Eugene. Both families were associated with the railroad. Zhenya managed to graduate from a railway technical school and even worked for seven years on the road - first as a foreman, and then as a foreman.

- With my husband I feel like behind a stone wall. He solves all my problems, makes decisions. I am a classic wife: I am completely responsible for the house, I come up with romantic surprises, I plan a vacation,”says the young woman.

Yulia adds that the age difference also plays a role in relationships. Eugene is three years older than her and sometimes perceives his wife as a little girl. For example, once she managed to get lost in our small town. After that, he does not let her go anywhere: he either takes her away or takes her away. In winter, she checks to see if she's dressed warmly, if she forgot her hat. And after he realized that in the driving school she had learned the material poorly, he himself began to teach her theory and practice.

There is also enough romance in a relationship. Together, holding hands, flew on a parachute over the Black Sea, climbed to a height in the Guam Gorge. And when Julia gave birth to her eldest daughter, Zhenya under the windows of the maternity hospital in the cold shouted to her about his love and laid out his heart from candles. True, on December 11 - it was terribly cold, I had to put on a jar for every candle. And this is also difficult work.

- After a long time, my mother decided to throw out the table in which the map of the visualization of desires was hidden. It was in the table that she found a note, read it and did not understand at first. Then we kept secret one evening with her and my mother remembered that she had a description of a future husband such as Zhenya. The most interesting thing is that I forgot about her, and I saw her only once. But the note did the job. Imagine my mom's surprise. Both she and all relatives and friends were very surprised to learn that such things could be realized. Everything coincided, even the fact that Zhenya lived not far, just two houses from mine. I also wrote this moment on paper.

Mom, by the way, said that even as a child I said that I want to become a wife and mother of two children. When they asked me what I want to become when I grow up, I answered so. For me, this is the main purpose: to be a wife, a loving woman, a friend to my husband and have a strong family.

By the way, then Julia wrote another tiny note and hid it in a stuffed toy. I wrote just like a spell so that their love with Zhenya would be eternal and we would always be together, and also tried to forget about her.

The coincidences in the Iryshkov family did not end there. The number "2" has become no less magical. - The deuce, by the way, plays a big role in our life: on October 2, we began to meet, on November 2, Zhenya made me an offer, we planned the wedding on August 2, but the banquet hall was busy on that day, so we had to postpone it to the first day. Guess what number our apartment is under? That's right, under the second. So some kind of magic still exists, - Yulia Iryshkova smiles.

Taken from the site.…

This is what it means to correctly conceive of your life. I emphasize again that Julia correctly conceived (software visualization) the implementation of her life task. Read carefully how she talks about her role as a wife! She is a really smart woman, and this is very rare, unfortunately there are many smart and educated women, but for a woman to be smart just like a woman there is only one such out of 100,000 ordinary women. That's how, unfortunately, the rest have a little, but not enough!

4- Action of the Law of Acceptance in astrology, numerology, and consequences.

The Law of Acceptance operates everywhere and always, influencing the fate of a person on his character and can even completely rewrite the Book of Fates of a person. How it's done? Please give an example of how it happens. Moreover, the author knows this absolutely for sure and has repeatedly met with this. Let's say two children were born in the same city, in the same maternity hospital, and at the same time! In fact, they both have the same astrological matrix and, according to Pythagoras, the matrix (numerical), that is, it turns out that they should have approximately a very similar fate and life and character. Of course, karmic tasks and working off of past lives, as well as the influence of name and surname and generic tasks, will make adjustments here. But suppose that when these two boys were given birth certificates, the first child was given the correct date of birth,but the second was mistaken and entered the wrong date of birth, the parents at first did not pay attention to this, and then they left it that way, nothing terrible, they say, there is no such thing.

Yes, if it were so, but in fact it turned out differently! The first child had a numerical matrix: 4 twos, 2 fives, 2 9, 1 8, 2 3 and the boy later became a physician (strong healer), smart (candidate of sciences), with strong intuition and great help from the guardian angels! And the second: in the matrix there is no health, no twos, no guardian angels, little intelligence, no intuition. As a result, the child became a very sick person, an energy vampire and died at the age of 20, his life path was short. And what is the result? Very bad. It would seem that some kind of piece of paper, with an error in some numbers, and such consequences? But no, because these are the actions of the law of Acceptance, and it refers to the higher laws that redraw the astrological matrix, and rewrites the Book of human destinies,and makes the fictitious date of birth act like the real one! Just like that, and not otherwise! Such is the law. Also his action. If a person changes his last name, then the same consequences come. The new surname also changes the astrological matrix, the matrices of Pythagoras. And if a person assigns himself a stage name, or he is given a nickname or a nickname, then the Law of Acceptance and the same consequences also begin to work here. By the way, these consequences do not have to be bad, they can be very good, if the changes (numerical) can be positive and even very positive and very successful. Which can strongly correct even negative karmic influences on a person. That's the way Gentlemen!then the same consequences occur. The new surname also changes the astrological matrix, the matrices of Pythagoras. And if a person assigns himself a stage name, or he is given a nickname or a nickname, then the Law of Acceptance and the same consequences also begin to work here. By the way, these consequences do not have to be bad, they can be very good, if the changes (numerical) can be positive and even very positive and very successful. Which can strongly correct even negative karmic influences on a person. That's the way Gentlemen!then the same consequences occur. The new surname also changes the astrological matrix, the matrices of Pythagoras. And if a person assigns himself a stage name, or he is given a nickname or a nickname, then the Law of Acceptance and the same consequences also begin to work here. By the way, these consequences do not have to be bad, they can be very good, if the changes (numerical) can be positive and even very positive and very successful. Which can strongly correct even negative karmic influences on a person. That's the way Gentlemen!they can be very good, if the changes (numerical) can be positive and even very positive and very successful. Which can strongly correct even negative karmic influences on a person. That's the way Gentlemen!they can be very good, if the changes (numerical) can be positive and even very positive and very successful. Which can strongly correct even negative karmic influences on a person. That's the way Gentlemen!

And then an interesting picture emerges that numbers rule the world! Rather, they act! But again, these numbers are also subject to the law of Acceptance, because it was people who accepted them as such and people who endowed them with such properties! So where is the egg and where is the chicken? Gentlemen! What do you think about this?

5. Operation of the Law of Acceptance in art and its consequences.

Yes, the actions in the art of this law are not entirely pleasant, but this law is not at all to blame for this, and only people themselves are to blame. By the way, A. Green's story "The Gray Car" seems to be so called, the film "Mister Designer" is based on it, and these events could well have been real, for this there is just a fundamental basis. So are the golems. The fact is that when an artist creates his works of art, especially when he is actually very talented and not just talented, but has great energy of creativity, emotions, feelings, energy, then he moves into the portrait that he draws, or makes a sculpture of the essence and soul the person from whom he draws a portrait. That is, he accepts that the image and the person are one and the same. And as a result, he divides the soul and life of a person between the portrait and the person himself, and it even happens like this,that most of it goes to the portrait. And as a result of this, a person dies quickly, and early. Their portraits bring them death. Such artists are quite famous and there are many of them, both foreign and Russian.

For example: An article by the Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent dated 02.08.2013, Andrey Dettsal.

“All of Repin's sitters died after painting the canvas. Many of them did not die by themselves. Thus, the artist's "victims" were Mussorgsky, Pisemsky, Pirogov, the actor Mercy d'Arzhanto. Fyodor Tyutchev died as soon as Repin began to paint his portrait. Meanwhile, even absolutely healthy men died after being models for the painting "Barge Haulers on the Volga".

Comments of the author of the site "If you calculate how many years the one with whom the picture was painted (before they began to paint it), and when he died after painting the picture, you can find out how many percent of life this picture took from a person".

Author's comments: “They were alive and could have been alive if they had not been painted! A sad fate! As they drew, they were able to live for only two years, and then the whole company went where they no longer return."

Inexplicable but the fact. Repin's paintings influenced general political events in the country. So, after the artist painted in 1903 the picture "The Solemn Meeting of the State Council", the officials who were depicted on the canvas died during the first Russian revolution of 1905. And as soon as Ilya Efimovich painted a portrait of Prime Minister Stolypin, the sitter was shot dead in Kiev.

Another mystical incident that influenced the artist's health happened to him in his hometown of Chuguev. There he painted the picture "The Man with the Evil Eye". The model for the portrait was Repin's distant relative, Ivan Radov, a goldsmith. This man was known in the city as a sorcerer. After Ilya Efimovich painted a portrait of Radov, he, not yet old and quite healthy, fell ill. “I caught a damned fever in the village,” Repin complained to his friends, “Perhaps my illness is connected with this sorcerer. I myself have experienced the strength of this man, moreover, twice. " Article from "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

Another material from the PLANETA social and political magazine November 2014. Abridged.

The riddle of damned pictures.

The painting "Adoration of the Magus" painted by the artist Pieter Bruegel the Elder in 1564. The painter invited his cousin, a beautiful but barren woman, as a model. Since then, in the houses where this picture appears, children have ceased to be born - this happens even with those who had never had problems before. "The Adoration of the Magi" appeared in private collections four times, and each time the same story was repeated: in the family that bought children were not born for 10-12 years. But as soon as the owners sell the canvas, everything went well again. In museums and storerooms, she did not bring trouble.

Paintings "La Gioconda" negatively affect the viewers, especially if they are creative and emotional natures. Another frightening feature of "La Gioconda" is that it takes a long time for a painting to spend a long time in a museum reserve or a secluded restoration, as it begins to fade and its colors fade rapidly. But as soon as the canvas reappears in public, it literally comes to life, becomes bright. So "La Gioconda" is perhaps the most famous painting in the world - an energetic vampire that sucks the forces and feeds on the admiration of the public's attention. This model died at the age of 28.

Comments of the site's author: "La Gioconda" and Leonardo de Vinci greatly shortened his life. There are many more such artists and such paintings. This all just shows the law of "Acceptance" in action, how it works. But this is not all, the Lord's evening is not yet! Move on!

Taken from their "MIRACLES OF OUR PLANET" Abridged article.

Scientists say wax figures are fraught with dangers.

In St. Petersburg, the local wax museum is visited by thousands of tourists from all over the world. They are delighted with the exposition: “We seem to have traveled through time - what costumes, what greatness comes from the statues! They are just like alive. " The journalist Igor Ivanov was the first to suspect something was wrong. During the excursion, he noticed that the figures emanate not inherent warmth. To dispel his doubts, the journalist asked for an overnight stay at the museum. “The director warned me that he would take the risk himself, Ivanov recalls. But my interest took over. You never know, maybe I'm too suspicious and it seemed to me. And if not? This is a sensation!"

Igor was locked in a museum. The watchman showed where the light turns on and where to run "if something happens." The journalist walked indulgently through the halls, but stood rooted to the spot around the second corner. “Someone was looking at my back. I turned around. It was Count Palen, the author of the conspiracy that led to the assassination of Paul 1. There was a sneer in his eyes, they seemed to be watching me in the semi-darkness. I felt cold. I was already on tiptoe, walked through the darkened halls and realized that I was not alone. Although there was no one except the wax figures,”says Ivanov. Further more. Igor turned on the lights in all the halls, but he did not leave the feeling that not just figures, but living people were looking at him. “To distract myself from this feeling, I began to read poetry, sing songs, greet the emperors and regicides, just not to remain in silence, but also convinced myself,that all my sensations are just a play of the imagination. " At midnight, the correspondent decided to work. He took out his camera and began to take pictures of the statues. “When Dantes's turn came, I brazenly climbed over the rope and began to photograph the details of his figure. When I accidentally touched the villain's hand, I was stunned: his hand was warm. " In a minute, the journalist ran where his eyes were looking. He returned to the museum in the morning. Having met the director, Igor did not admit anything, but he understood everything: "And I warned you that they live their own lives at night," the director said with a grin. In a minute, the journalist ran where his eyes were looking. He returned to the museum in the morning. Having met the director, Igor did not admit anything, but he understood everything: "And I warned you that they live their own lives at night," the director said with a grin. In a minute, the journalist ran where his eyes were looking. He returned to the museum in the morning. Having met the director, Igor did not admit anything, but he understood everything: "And I warned you that they live their own lives at night," the director said with a grin.

Peter without a head and minx Golitsina.

Psychics claim that wax figures live their own lives and feel great at the same time. For example, the great and terrible Chancellor Ernst Biron was caught a couple of times in the mornings with his pants down to his knees, in the presence of the empresses - Anna Ioannovna and Elizaveta Petrovna - it looked a little awkward. The empresses themselves are good too. They were seated at a gambling table. The queens hold cards in their hands, but they do not follow the course of the game, but glance sideways at their favorites. So, there is a candle on the table. No matter how many times they changed it to a new one, the next morning the wick turned out to be scorched. By the way, the candle is far from the only morning surprise from wax figures. One morning, the museum workers entered the hall where Catherine 2 and the unfortunate Peter 3 were sitting next door. The disgraced emperor did not have … a head! During the night she moved to the next table.

There is another story, the author read about it in some magazine or newspaper, probably in the mid-90s. I don't remember exactly where, it told about a number of strange incidents in different cities of Russia, which coincidentally coincided with the exhibition of the exhibition of the museum of wax figures. This analysis was made and published based on the summaries of these incidents.

In the evenings, a strangely dressed man with a beard approached the booth selling alcoholic drinks (in the 90s they were in abundance and everywhere) and asked for two bottles of vodka, when the seller gave these bottles, the man took them away and immediately ran away. According to the description, the investigators drew up a portrait that strangely resembled the description of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, who was in this museum of wax figures, but a wax figure cannot be charged with theft! True, the museum servants, when checking the figures before the show in the morning, felt a slight smell of fumes emanating from these figures, but they preferred to keep silent about it. I do not know how much this article is based on real facts, but the author suggests that such an event could very likely have occurred. The fact is that when a sculpture creates a wax figure, he puts into it his feelings and emotions about the nature of this model. But most importantly, it opens a communication channel for this figure with her afterlife. And every soul is still striving again into the material world, and here, please, they create a channel for it and the opportunity to again, at least somehow, but again to be in the material world. And the darkness of the night is the best time for communication with the subtle world (even sound spreads more strongly at night, but this is still to be explained, no one is a state). And wax is a plastic material that can bend when heated, but, of course, it needs to be heated more so that the wax figure can move. Of course, not every figure can move, for this it needs to have a strong will and desire.but again to be in the material world. And the darkness of the night is the best time for communication with the subtle world (even sound spreads more strongly at night, but this is still to be explained, no one is a state). And wax is a plastic material that can bend when heated, but, of course, it needs to be heated more so that the wax figure can move. Of course, not every figure can move, for this it needs to have a strong will and desire.but again to be in the material world. And the darkness of the night is the best time for communication with the subtle world (even sound spreads more strongly at night, but this is still to be explained, no one is a state). And wax is a plastic material that can bend when heated, but, of course, it needs to be heated more so that the wax figure can move. Of course, not every figure can move, for this it needs to have a strong will and desire.for this she needs to have a strong will and desire.for this she needs to have a strong will and desire.

The famous story about the Prague golem could well be the same thing. If the creator of the golem has invested willpower, emotions when creating this golem, of course it must be someone's copy of a person. And the spell did not play the main role, but just a simple switch, and that was all. And in general, in magic, the main role is played not so much by a spell, but by creating an image and filling it with your emotions and feelings, and a spell is just a trigger key, a power button.

Jeanne on Fire In 1992, the French artist Rene Charbonneau worked on the painting “Jeanne d'Arc at the stake”. Jeanne Lenois, a student of the Faculty of Chemistry, posed for him as a model. The day after the painting was finished, a fire broke out in the university laboratory, where only Jeanne was at that time. The girl was burned to death, like the Maid of Orleans, which she portrayed.

Source: 8 Most Incredible Coincidences In History

© Russian Seven

Photos are a complete copy of what was photographed, in the photo there is a complete semblance of the original, which means that part of the soul and life is transferred there. Therefore, all primitive tribes do not like to be photographed so much. They all say the same thing, that photography steals their souls, which is actually true. This photograph also acts like a painting, but only weaker, but then it can be magically influenced more strongly. If there is a group photo and there are dead among the living, then it is not difficult to determine who is dead. It is enough to drag your fingers over the photograph and heat emanates from living people, and cold comes from the dead. The author did this several times, and it was not difficult to determine who was dead in the photo and who was not. But this is just paper cardboard that emits both heat and cold! Interesting! But it doesn't seem to be like this,according to the laws of physics and thermodynamics. And there is a place for this. Only I do not advise you to abuse it and it is inappropriate to experiment with it, you need to be ready for this, both spiritually and energetically. Remember this always! If you stare into the abyss, then it can look at you in response! It is necessary to very accurately distinguish between what is curiosity and what is curiosity, these are very different concepts. And the result will be different.

6. Operation of the law of Acceptance in Voodoo, witchcraft and magic.

Voodoo dolls, like all other dolls that witches make, and sorcerers are created according to a relatively single recipe. A doll is made for a specific person, the likeness of this person (acceptance of the image of this person for this doll), the doll's hair is sewn from this person, nails are sewn into the doll and the cloth is soaked in the blood of this person. Thus, the doll becomes, as it were, a copy of this person, or rather its double, and the soul and life of this person is transferred to it. As a result of all this, one can influence this doll and influence the original, making him pain and suffering. From ethnographic and esoteric sources, it is known about the following witchcraft action that scientists cannot explain in any way. In some tribes there is a death penalty which is carried out by a leader or a sorcerer (shaman),in the direction of the condemned to death (even if he is not nearby) the rod of the leader is directed and the death sentence is pronounced. And when he (sentenced to death) is told that he was sentenced, he immediately loses interest in life and very soon dies, for no apparent reason. And the only reason is the law of Acceptance. In this tribe, it is accepted by everyone that if the leader directs the rod towards the condemned and pronounces the sentence, then he should suddenly die, that is the whole reason for his death. All this was accepted, and once it was accepted, then it had to act, so it works. In magic, witchcraft, spells play not the main role, but an auxiliary one.then he immediately loses interest in life and dies very soon, for no apparent reason. And the only reason is the law of Acceptance. In this tribe, it is accepted by everyone that if the leader directs the rod towards the condemned and pronounces the sentence, then he should suddenly die, that is the whole reason for his death. All this was accepted, and once it was accepted, then it had to act, so it works. In magic, witchcraft, spells play not the main role, but an auxiliary one.then he immediately loses interest in life and dies very soon, for no apparent reason. And the only reason is the law of Acceptance. In this tribe, it is accepted by everyone that if the leader directs the rod towards the condemned and pronounces the sentence, then he should suddenly die, that is the whole reason for his death. All this was accepted, and once it was accepted, then it had to act, so it works. In magic, witchcraft, spells play not the main role, but an auxiliary one.witchcraft spells do not play the main role, but an auxiliary one.witchcraft spells do not play the main role, but an auxiliary one.

7. Action of the law of Acceptance in science.

It is with great regret that I want to inform all of you, Honorable Ladies and Gentlemen, that everything that you lead around you, in fact, does not correspond to reality! This is all not real, this is Maya (illusion). And those laws and formulas in physics, chemistry, mathematics and other sciences are also not really real and correspond to reality! All this happens according to the Law of Acceptance! The author may not be entirely right, but he expresses the point of view that seems real to him. And you, the Lord, will decide for yourself what is right and what is not, for you and your point of view. And I need to have time to state my point of view and my view of the vision of this sublunary world! I am already 70 years old, and who knows how long I still have to be among the living in this world! And you also have to be reasonable. The point is, what we see. We take everything for granted. Valid,although in reality this is not entirely true, because we look at the world in reverse! When a child is born, he sees this world as truly real, as it really is, and not as later told by adult uncles and aunts. Suffice it to say that the child sees that uncles and aunts are walking on the ceiling, his vision is upside down compared to us! So Lord! So, where is the true sight of us or a child? We tell him that, in fact, the uncle and aunt are below. And he, this child "accepts" this as a true and correct point of view, although it does not really correspond to reality. And the standard of beauty of women among the same peoples differs in time: very well-fed women were considered beautiful, at other times they were rickety and tuberculous! And where is the truth? So it is in everything! Let's go further through the sections of science.

8. Colors. Color spectrum. The number of colors.

Do you think that the real world is as you see it, and that all people see it as you see it? No, it's not true, the world looks the way you think it should be in your mind. How you want it to appear. This is the whole truth of the reality of the world! Color example: Do you think there are 7 types of colors? Does the color range consist of 7 colors? It was not always so and not for all peoples! The number of colors can be changed even now! Here is a short excerpt from the article located at the address, by clicking on the picture (columns with sheep) you can read it in full. And here only a small piece of this interesting article concerning and confirming this supreme law of Acceptance is given. These excerpts from this article will be given in quotation marks.

“Researcher Guy Deutscher had an interesting experiment. He raised his daughter, trying not to mention the color of the sky, and once asked her what shade she sees. The girl couldn't answer

the firmament was colorless to her. Only after some time did she come to the conclusion that he was blue. This raises an interesting question: can a person see a color that has no definition? An unnamed color?"

It turns out that if there is no name and a certain color is not accepted, then it turns out that it simply does not exist? Isn't it Lord! And here's some interesting stuff!

So according to this article, in this picture the Greeks saw that the sheep were of this color. This picture is from this article.

“It's hard to imagine, but the color blue in human history is relatively recent. Ancient people did not know such a concept. For example, in Homer's Odyssey, the sea was “the color of dark wine,” and the sheep were generally purple. Why did this happen? Was the world of a different color in ancient times?

We at Bright Side are trying to figure out what was wrong with the color perception of ancient people and why the unnamed doesn't exist for humans. For the first time, the scientist Ulyam Gladson faced the issue of ancient color perception - he noticed a strange color of objects in Homer's poems - purple sheep and green honey. After counting all the references to color in the Odyssey, he found that black and white occurred about 300 times, red, yellow and green - no more than 30. Other texts of that era were also limited to these colors. It turns out that the world of the ancient Greeks was of five colors? Yes and no.

Philologist Lazarus Geiger continued the work of Gladson and found out that this limitation of colors was characteristic of all ancient civilizations. Not a single mention of the color blue has been found in the Icelandic sagas, or in the Koran, or in the writing of ancient China. So, for example, in the Hindu Vedic hymns many times the description of heaven is found, but they never speak of their shade."

Now read on for what the authors of this article suggest. It turns out that according to the provisions and some conclusions of this article, the Law of Acceptance is in operation, and it works, and how!

“From this experiment we can conclude that while there is no word that defines the color, it is difficult for us to identify it. Ancient people could physically see shades of blue, but they simply did not understand what they were looking at. Of course, all colors originally exist in our world, just over time, the human brain develops and becomes able to see and distinguish them. However, if a global catastrophe occurs and the level of people's intelligence drops dramatically, humanity will again return to the original spectrum. Only a global question remains open: if you see something, but do not know about it, does it exist? And can you see something that has no name or analogy? “Let's go beyond the Lord and Lady!

9. Literature, predictions and prophecies through the prism of this law.

When writing literary works, and

“Below are examples of amazing coincidences of various events in terms of date, scenario, place of action, materialization of the fictional almost into absolute reality, etc. These examples are taken from Internet sources and, of course, cannot claim their absolute reliability. However … If the fourth (and even less) part of these examples is reliable, then you should think about the fact that in our world there is a place for everything, including the most incredible.

Edgar Poe wrote a ghastly tale of how shipwrecked and food deprived sailors ate a cabin boy named Richard Parker. In 1884, the plot of the horror film came to life. The schooner "Lace" was wrecked, and the sailors, mad with hunger, ate the cabin boy, whose name was … Richard Parker.

In 1898, the writer Morgan Robertson in his novel "Futility" described the death of the giant ship "Titan" after colliding with an iceberg on its first voyage … 14 years later, in 1912, the ship "Titanic" died almost in full accordance with the description of the death " Titan ": the structural and other characteristics of the ships coincided; around both ships, even before they went to sea, an unimaginable hype was raised in the press because of their huge size; both ships deemed unsinkable hit an iceberg; the disaster happened exactly in April; in both cases, there are many celebrities on board ships as passengers; the accident very quickly turned into a disaster due to the lack of discipline of the captain and the lack of life-saving equipment, etc.

Author's comments: Later it turned out that the original name of this ship was just the name "Titan". This name was later changed to the name "Titanic" for unknown reasons.

Famous actor James Dean died in a horrific car accident in September 1955. His sports car remained intact, but soon after the death of the actor, some evil fate began to pursue the car and everyone who touched it. Judge for yourself: Soon after the accident, the car was taken away from the scene. At that moment, when the car was brought into the garage, its engine mysteriously fell out of the body, crushing the mechanic's legs. The motor was acquired by a doctor who placed it in his car. He died soon after during a race. James Dean's car was later repaired, but the garage in which it was being repaired burned down. The car was exhibited as a landmark in Sacramento, fell off the podium and shattered the thigh of a passing teenager. To top it off, in 1959, the car mysteriously (and completely independently) fell apart into 11 parts.

By a strange coincidence, some famous ufologists died on the same day - June 24, however, in different years. So, on June 24, 1964, the author of the book "Behind the Scenes of Flying Saucers" Frank Scully died. On June 24, 1965, film actor and ufologist George Adamsky died. And on June 24, 1967, two UFO researchers, Richard Chen and Frank Edwards, left the world at once.

Once, in the midst of a noisy friendly feast, Marcello Mastroianni sang an old song "The house where I was so happy burned down …". Before he had time to finish singing the verse, he was informed of the fire in his mansion. That is, we ourselves set our reality a program of actions, we remake our world at our discretion and desire, and by the way, not always successfully. Remember the saying "Be afraid of your desires, they can come true."

To the above examples of amazing coincidences, I would like to add the assertions of some researchers of consciousness that such "copying-cloning" is global in nature, and that it is it that is the basis for the development of any civilization: they say, folk myths and fairy tales are a clear example of how invented events or myths sooner or later, but necessarily materialize, - turning into real clone copies.

Taken from the source:

10. Teleportation.

This phenomenon has long been used and applied.

for thousands of years by different types of citizens. Sorcerers and witches have long been using teleportation in their black deeds, moving all sorts of charmed objects into pillows, mattresses. And even living creatures such as toads and snakes are mixed into the stomach inside a person.

In order to master the teleportation method, three things are necessary.

First: This is the ability to work with images, in order to be able to move, you must very accurately be able to accurately imagine the place where you want to move yourself (or some object).

Second: You must have a very good energy and will and desire to do this.

Third: The most important thing in this is that it is necessary to accept the very idea of the possibility and action of this movement, teleportation. But this is the most difficult thing.

Physical foundations of the movement of bodies in space: The fact is that everyone (and we are the same) are simultaneously in the material world and the Matrix. The matrix is a huge virtual-holographic computer, which is located in the First thin layer, and the second layer contains its external database and external RAM, where only the masters have access (only to the second layer). Which receives orders and projects for the construction of further pieces and parts of the Metagalaxy. The first master receives a holographic plan for the construction of the Universe, and the second master receives a plan for filling the holographically constructed Universe with matter. In the third layer are the Masters and Builders themselves, and in the third layer they build a holographic model of the Universe, and in the seventh layer they already fill it with matter, and we are also in the seventh layer. Therefore, everything (and we too) is in the software package. We actually exist in the form of files and programs, which are then filled with matter, that is, our software part is primary. We are simultaneously in three layers. In the second layer, in the external database as files, in the third layer as holographic objects, and in the seventh as material objects. Well, we are temporarily contained in the fifth, sixth layers, before the new discharge into the material world. To perform new, planned, next tasks. Therefore, when we set the program to move, we simply shuffle our file from one part of the hard disk to another part of the hard disk (this is in the third layer of the Universe), and that's it. This is not really complicated! This is covered in detail in my first book.which are then filled with matter, that is, our program part is primary. We are simultaneously in three layers. In the second layer, in the external database as files, in the third layer as holographic objects, and in the seventh as material objects. Well, we are temporarily contained in the fifth, sixth layers, before the new discharge into the material world. To perform new, planned, next tasks. Therefore, when we set the program to move, we simply shuffle our file from one part of the hard disk to another part of the hard disk (this is in the third layer of the Universe), and that's it. This is not really complicated! This is covered in detail in my first book.which are then filled with matter, that is, our program part is primary. We are simultaneously in three layers. In the second layer, in the external database as files, in the third layer as holographic objects, and in the seventh as material objects. Well, we are temporarily contained in the fifth, sixth layers, before the new discharge into the material world. To perform new, planned, next tasks. Therefore, when we set the program to move, we simply shuffle our file from one part of the hard disk to another part of the hard disk (this is in the third layer of the Universe), and that's it. This is not really complicated! This is covered in detail in my first the third layer as holographic objects, and in the seventh as material objects. Well, we are temporarily contained in the fifth, sixth layers, before the new discharge into the material world. To perform new, planned, next tasks. Therefore, when we set the program to move, we simply shuffle our file from one part of the hard disk to another part of the hard disk (this is in the third layer of the Universe), and that's it. This is not really complicated! This is covered in detail in my first the third layer as holographic objects, and in the seventh as material objects. Well, we are temporarily contained in the fifth, sixth layers, before the new discharge into the material world. To perform new, planned, next tasks. Therefore, when we set the program to move, we simply shuffle our file from one part of the hard disk to another part of the hard disk (this is in the third layer of the Universe), and that's it. This is not really complicated! This is covered in detail in my first book.we just shuffle our file from one part of the hard disk to another part of the hard disk (this is in the third layer of the Universe), and that's it. This is not really complicated! This is covered in detail in my first book.we just shuffle our file from one part of the hard disk to another part of the hard disk (this is in the third layer of the Universe), and that's it. This is not really complicated! This is covered in detail in my first book.

Methodology for teaching and training to move the body in space:

First lesson: It is necessary to start with choosing a suitable time according to the lunar calendar. So that wherever you are going to conduct training, no one bothers you in any case. And the room must be closed from the inside. We must start with a small and light object. The table should be smooth, without a tablecloth and preferably plain. At one end, you need to draw a circle (in which this object is obsessed), you can use a felt-tip pen. One color where he will be at the starting position, and another circle where he should move in a different color. You need to blindfold yourself during training, this is a prerequisite. And you also need to have an electronic device that will respond with a call to movement. Motion sensor.

The first part: It is necessary to sit comfortably, relax and carefully look at the object of movement, remembering and creating its image, then look at the place of movement, and remember the image of the place of movement.

Second part: Put on a blindfold. Turn to the moving object, restore its image very clearly, and then turn to the place of moving and imagine the image of this object already there. When you hear the sound of the motion sensor, wait a little and remove the blindfold. Thank our Lord!

And what is more, in no case should your capabilities and skills be demonstrated to anyone! This is categorically

prohibited! Do this window dressing and demonstration, you will regret it! I do not advise!

Third part: Do everything the same, with only one difference.

In the first case, everything is as it is, and in the second, put a thick book between the points of movement. In the third case, place between them, a board 0.5 m high, along the width of the table.

An exercise for developing magical abilities and initial exercises for telekinesis are given in the author's book "The Healer's Guide".

Second lesson: Moving yourself.

In order to move yourself, that is, your body from one place to another, you must follow some rules.

1. You cannot show it, and especially brag about it. The fact that you know how to do this is strictly prohibited. For violation of this rule you may be transferred to where they are not returned! This is all serious, one mistake and will be like a sapper. Where your parts flew, no one else will ever know!

2. One of the main conditions is good and great personal energy. The second is faith in yourself and that you are within your power and capabilities. The third is large, frequent and intense workouts. The fourth is the need to maintain consistency in your actions. And I want to emphasize once again that you must learn to work with images, be able to see, understand and feel the world of images and objects. Without this, nothing will work, or it will be very bad, low-quality and dangerous. To understand this better, you must try to understand the meaning of the work.

"Characteristics of objects", it is in the book "Formula of Mind", but this is for those of course who want to do this thoroughly.

3. First stage. First you need to learn how to mix your body in the astral way. But I will not give this here, there is no need for this, since there are so many different methods for different tastes. Therefore, choose what suits you best and best. I don't want to repeat this, it's none of my business. When you master the technique and technology of astral travel well and firmly enough. Then you need to firmly know and be able to some things.

A. It is necessary at the right time to be able to use a powerful energy impulse. That is, you always need to have a sufficient supply of energy.

C. Be able to quickly bring your astral body to the desired point in space. And for this you need, from the beginning, to have your own idea and image of the place where you will move your astral body. Of course, it was better at the beginning (of training) to be in this place, to study well this place, the situation, what and where to be in this place, and where there is enough free space where you can move yourself safely. You know, it seems to me that it will not be very good to do, for example, an assembly from the cabinet and yourself. And you need to know for sure that then no one will accidentally move the furniture. At the right time.

B. But first, it is best to mix in a large room (hall). It is necessary to install and turn on a motion sensor with an audible alarm. Buy two small (1-m * 1-m) identical rugs, only in different colors, but with the same patterns. Put them at a distance of 1 meter from each other first. Then, of course, you need to increase the distance between them. And put the motion sensor so that it can react when you move from one rug to another. Just stand on one mat and then go to another if the sensor is triggered, then everything is ready. Prepare a blindfold. Yes, and it is necessary to take into account so that later to place the rugs in the same place, there is a starting mat, it must be chosen once and for all. In this case, no one should be present, everything should be turned off, phones, smartphones, TVs, intercoms and calls. Getting Started: The rugs were placed 1 meter. We put it on, turned on the motion sensor. We stood on the rug, carefully looked at the other rug and imagined how you would look on that rug. Now they put on a blindfold (and it is desirable that there was a slight twilight in the room), and moved their astral body to this rug. Standing in the astral body, carefully examine your physical body and your astral body and the rug on which your astral body is now. And the last step is to move your physical body and connect it with your astral body. Imagine that you are already on that rug completely in both physical and astral bodies at the same time. And as soon as you hear that the motion sensor has worked, it will be possible to remove the blindfold from the eyes, the first stage and the first stage have already passed and passed. We put it on, turned on the motion sensor. We stood on the rug, carefully looked at the other rug and imagined how you would look on that rug. Now they put on a blindfold (and it is desirable that there was a slight twilight in the room), and moved their astral body to this rug. Standing in the astral body, carefully examine your physical body and your astral body and the rug on which your astral body is now. And the last step is to move your physical body and connect it with your astral body. Imagine that you are already on that rug completely in both physical and astral bodies at the same time. And as soon as you hear that the motion sensor has worked, it will be possible to remove the blindfold from the eyes, the first stage and the first stage have already passed and passed. We put it on, turned on the motion sensor. We stood on the rug, carefully looked at the other rug and imagined how you would look on that rug. Now they put on a blindfold (and it is desirable that there was a slight twilight in the room), and moved their astral body to this rug. Standing in the astral body, carefully examine your physical body and your astral body and the rug on which your astral body is now. And the last step is to move your physical body and connect it with your astral body. Imagine that you are already on that rug completely in both physical and astral bodies at the same time. And as soon as you hear that the motion sensor has worked, it will be possible to remove the blindfold from the eyes, the first stage and the first stage have already passed and passed.carefully looked at another rug and imagined how you would look on that rug. Now they put on a blindfold (and it is desirable that there was a slight twilight in the room), and moved their astral body to this rug. Standing in the astral body, carefully examine your physical body and your astral body and the rug on which your astral body is now. And the last step is to move your physical body and connect it with your astral body. Imagine that you are already on that rug completely in both physical and astral bodies at the same time. And as soon as you hear that the motion sensor has worked, it will be possible to remove the blindfold from the eyes, the first stage and the first stage have already passed and passed.carefully looked at another rug and imagined how you would look on that rug. Now they put on a blindfold (and it is desirable that there was a slight twilight in the room), and moved their astral body to this rug. Standing in the astral body, carefully examine your physical body and your astral body and the rug on which your astral body is now. And the last step is to move your physical body and connect it with your astral body. Imagine that you are already on that rug completely in both physical and astral bodies at the same time. And as soon as you hear that the motion sensor has worked, it will be possible to remove the blindfold from the eyes, the first stage and the first stage have already passed and passed.and moved their astral body onto this rug. Standing in the astral body, carefully examine your physical body and your astral body and the rug on which your astral body is now. And the last step is to move your physical body and connect it with your astral body. Imagine that you are already on that rug completely in both physical and astral bodies at the same time. And as soon as you hear that the motion sensor has worked, it will be possible to remove the blindfold from the eyes, the first stage and the first stage have already passed and passed.and moved their astral body onto this rug. Standing in the astral body, carefully examine your physical body and your astral body and the rug on which your astral body is now. And the last step is to move your physical body and connect it with your astral body. Imagine that you are already on that rug completely in both physical and astral bodies at the same time. And as soon as you hear that the motion sensor has worked, it will be possible to remove the blindfold from the eyes, the first stage and the first stage have already passed and passed. Imagine that you are already on that rug completely in both physical and astral bodies at the same time. And as soon as you hear that the motion sensor has worked, it will be possible to remove the blindfold from the eyes, the first stage and the first stage have already passed and passed. Imagine that you are already on that rug completely in both physical and astral bodies at the same time. And as soon as you hear that the motion sensor has worked, it will be possible to remove the blindfold from the eyes, the first stage and the first stage have already passed and passed.

D. But it is necessary to take into account that for this to take place, it is necessary to master all the exercises that are given in the book "Healer's Guide", these are finger exercises to increase your energy, as well as exercises to control the elements. Then you need to master the exercises that are given there, according to telekinesis. The next stage is mastering the technique of astral travel from independent sources. And only then start doing the exercises that are given on this site. Well, in general: then, you can choose any exercises and techniques for yourself on the Internet. This is your own business, choose what suits you best and what you do best. The main thing is that you get what you want exactly, and it is not necessary to get hung up on something and on whom. There are a lot of techniques and guides on the Internet, so you have a wide choice of what to do. Success,and once again success to you!

E. In the next edition of the Healer's Guide, these exercises will be included in this book, and this will be possible when I still find pictures on anatomy (heart, stomach, kidneys, human and animal dogs, cats, cows and others) that will be with licensed for permission for commercial use, but it is very difficult to find, almost impossible to say. These pictures are needed for a more visual story of how to do contactless operations at a distance inside a person or animal.

4. Second stage.

Then, of course, it is best to start mixing in your apartment, from one part to another. from a smaller part to a larger one. For example, from the bathroom or toilet to the center of the hall.

5. The third stage. When you can mix yourself accurately and reliably over long distances. You will be able to manage well the elements of fire, air, water and earth. Disperse clouds and cause rain and lightning storms. Make lightning strikes continuously at the same point on the ground (put a bucket, or some large metal object). But of course you need to stay away from the point of lightning strikes, and of course be in a safe place, this is a mandatory rule. Stay dry in the rain (no umbrellas or other accessories). When you can pour the water out of the glass without touching the glass. To be able to follow the trail of both the past and the future. Only then will it be possible to start mastering the art of flying in the air, at any heights and speeds. It is hard, but possible, but what a joy it is to soar and fly among the clouds, over mountains and forests!

6. Fourth stage. Read layers of time, read information from objects and see time.

Formation and creation of the surrounding world by man using the law of "Acceptance".

11. The Philosopher's Stone and the Transformation of the Elements. The philosopher's stone, as such, may and never existed at all, there is no need for it and there was no, it is an ordinary fantasy and illusion. But in fact, the philosopher's stone is, has always been and exists in unlimited quantities! Real is acting, but the other is alive, and stronger and more powerful! But he is just the grape that is from Krylov's fable! The point is that the philosopher's stone is man himself! Real and real, and all those miracles that were attributed to some mythical piece of stone, this is exactly what he did and created (turned other metals into gold, and by that type) exactly the living philosopher's stone-man! How it happened, is happening and can happen, I will explain now. By the way, those cases in which the transformation of other metals into gold took place is actually the reality of being,it really was. The thing is that the words in the Bible that a person was created in the image and likeness of God are not just words, but a real fact (and all that nonsense that aliens created a person is sheer nonsense, when a person sneezes the whole Universe, it shakes !). We are children of God, and in us is his strength in creation and creativity. Certainly not as strong as our Lord, because we are his children and his creation. But enough to shake the entire Universe! Therefore, these alien types are so interested in us, they are mortally afraid of us, especially when we can go out into the vastness of the entire Universe! Then yes! Oh, how we will unfold with all our hearts! Each person contains all the power of creativity and creation (of God), and contains the entire universal library of knowledge! The author is by no means joking, and does not exaggerate a bit. This is actually the case, but the question is,that not all foolish children can be given the keys to the library and the opportunity to create. A man is like a monkey with a grenade, what can you do if unfortunately this is so. You look at some, and he has no thoughts in his head at all, but only spins about how to eat, drink, have a snack, beer, football, hockey, and there are no other thoughts, there is no rational activity of the brain apparatus, and how such (almost monkeys can give a grenade!) the entity can be given a creative opportunity! After all, it will blow everything to hell, this individual is unreasonable! And a reasonable individual, which is not entirely human, will make even worse furnaces, cyclone-b, gas chambers. So it turns out that it is dangerous to give humanity the keys to its own capabilities! You don't have something that words like "the keys of Solomon" and Solomon's ring do not say? This is precisely the access to knowledge and opportunities,but even if you took possession of the genuine ring of Solomon, then for you it will be a simple ring. Because only the one who has access to the "power" can activate it and own it. And for this it is necessary that this person correspond to some spiritual and moral parameters. He must also have the ability to think and think in images, to accept and transfer this to things, objects, phenomena, elements. And then he can turn any metals into gold (only he does not need it, there is no point in it) and other magical actions, so to speak. Such people were, are and will always be, only they do not need to show and advertise themselves. Nikolai Tesla was partly like that, he was a metaphysician. And each person can get all the information that exists, but the question is this, then it will not be interesting to live, this is the first thing,and the second is that you have to be worthy of this knowledge and the most important thing is to be ready to understand and accept it! And this, unfortunately, is still the lot of a few! But if a person wants knowledge and wants to receive it, earning it with his sweat and labor, only then can he himself be a philosopher's stone and transform the world and substances around him! You also need to have a strong spiritual pillar, this is one of the keys of Solomon! All this is in your power to do, deserve and earn. Continuation of this topic in Metaphysics. All this is in your power to do, deserve and earn. Continuation of this topic in Metaphysics. All this is in your power to do, deserve and earn. Continuation of this topic in Metaphysics.

12. Metaphysics.

12.1. Metaphysics is the combination and interweaving of physics and magic together into one organic whole. This is already a real vision and knowledge of the real world. In the beginning, this will also be relative knowledge, for complete it will take a lot of time, and rethinking all the knowledge and images of this sublunary world.

An example of metaphysics: The Metaphysician extended his hand, and in a few seconds a huge crystal of a beautiful, green emerald appeared on his hand. Miracle? Not! Violation of the laws of physics and conservation of the laws of energy and conservation? No, there is nothing like that in this, everything happened strictly according to the laws of physics and there are no violations, no laws.

When the metaphysician extended his hand, he transferred to his hand all the necessary substances and ingredients needed to create an emerald. Then he created the necessary conditions for the synthesis and manufacture of emeralds.

Pressure, temperature, catalysts and greatly accelerated the processing and manufacturing times of the emerald. That's all, and no violations of the laws of conservation of matter, physics, chemistry and crystallography. And in this way everything else is done, it is created about the same. And why then do we need a philosopher's stone, if man himself is one.

12.2. Growing crystals.

In Siberia, there are factories for growing crystals of various kinds, and there is a profession of operators who monitor and control this process. So there are men and women operators, for men the process of growing crystals goes according to scientific developments. But for women operators, crystals for some reason (it is not clear how) grow faster. The thing is that women perceive growing crystals as (instinctively) children and naturally, since they accept them as a living child (of each crystal), then he becomes them at the time when the operator-woman works. If you put in very precise equipment, you can measure and establish that crystals acquire the property of living organisms while women operators are working. All this happens according to this law.

12.3. Medicine.

Here the Law of Acceptance plays a very important role. The author performed operations on people, standing at a distance of 1-1.5 meters from them. The author assumed that he took a kidney in his left hand, and then he sewed this kidney higher than it was now (this disease is called pubescence of the kidneys). The author created an image of a kidney, and assumed that it was a real kidney, and then the image of this kidney worked with this. This is the law of Acceptance in action. A person often even fell asleep during the operation, and when he woke up he was much better. This is the action of the Law of Acceptance, the author accepted that he took this kidney in his hand and sewed it higher, but physically this action did not actually exist. He also rubbed kidney stones, healed a hole in the heart (but not completely, until the age is not the same). This is all (given) in my fourth book, The Healer's Guide.

13. Miscellaneous in the actions of the Law of Acceptance.

13.1. Blondes are not stupid at all! It is precisely accepted - again the law of Acceptance.

But blondes were not like that before, if blondes get together and prove to the whole world that they are very smart, then people will accept them as smart and beautiful and olfactory! And they will become like that for all people. They need to create their own club and prove it! Again this law is in action.

13.2. God created man in his own image and likeness!

Thinking out loud. Continuation of the article.

Formation and creation of the surrounding world by man using the law of "Acceptance".

14. Time management. Travel to the past.

Traveling into the past is quite possible and acceptable, and it does not require any excessive efforts. You just need to follow some precautionary rules. Why is the author constantly talking about this, because in magic and esotericism, perhaps Russian does not work !!! If you try to climb where you don't need to, just out of curiosity, then you can (at the same time will definitely) grab the adventures and troubles in full. This is especially true for girls and women! Nothing personal! But because of their stupid curiosity, they are constantly looking for adventure in one place! But this often ends tragically for them, the author has their ordinary and everyday life, and not esotericism.

Let's go further. Two people are required to travel:

1. The leader is the one who will lead the follower on a journey into the past.

2. The follower is the one who will travel in the past.

For travel, nothing is especially needed, no trance or any esoteric techniques, everything is done very simply. Gotta admit

that it is quite possible and commonplace. It is also necessary to be able to imagine and work with images. The presenter, of course, must have at least some extrasensory abilities. The follower sits down more comfortably, closes his eyes and the leader, after asking where and at what time to send the follower. Launches the follower into the fabric of time and directs him into the river of past time. And it controls his state of health, mood, emotions and brings him back to the present in time. Drinks a glass of clean cold water. Take a rest and send the next one. No more than 3 people in one session.

Follower - must also have small extrasensory

opportunities. During the session, there should be no outsiders (of course, there may be those who also want to travel, but no more than 2-3 people). TVs, tape recorders, smartphones, regular phones must be switched off. Doorbells, intercoms as well. Next in line is to sit quietly, not to talk, and not to make noise. The follower must say to which continent he wants to move, a country or some known geographical feature. And what is the past tense. You need to consider

a small nuance, with the definition of time. Before 0 time (the beginning of our era), you need to say the exact date (let's say 1256 April 15, of course the account according to modern calculation), or just a month, let's say September.

Up to 2,000 - 10,000 years can be centuries, let's say 8,500 years. With 10,000 - 1,000,000 years already for millennia, let's say 860,000 years. Well, then, after 1,000,000 years, let's say you want to see how dinosaurs live, so this is already from 228 million years to 64 million years, in this time interval. Well, let's say 120 million years ago. Yes, and it is undesirable to go further 300 million years ago, because there was no longer any intelligent life. And it is also forbidden to enter the past 20th century. Otherwise, it will be like this, walked, stumbled and something flew off, and rolled on. The future is also prohibited. Please take into account that everything we think, say, do it is all recorded and registered. In the noosphere, by the Matrix, so you cannot deceive anyone. Even when it is impossible to fly into any temple or any sacred place, because your soul is a magician, sorcerer, shaman,a priest, a priest (who lives at that time) can capture and captivate, and your body in this world without a soul will fall into a coma and after a while will say goodbye. And the body will be sent to the cemetery. When visiting that world and time, you should inspect everything on a low-level flight, if you want to look at something carefully, then you should not stay in one place, as it were, slightly (vibrate) stir at least a little from place to place. Dinosaurs should not fly too close. worth it.then stay in one place should not be as if slightly (vibrate) stir at least a little from place to place. Dinosaurs should not fly too close.then stay in one place should not be as if slightly (vibrate) stir at least a little from place to place. Dinosaurs should not fly too close.

It is especially dangerous to fly into cities where you see an overly developed civilization, especially to the Atlanteans, Lemurians and others. And you should always talk about what you see to your presenter. So that he knows everything and can have time to pull you back from the past back. The host himself does not have to look where you are. Since he, according to Heisenberg's uncertainty, will greatly influence you on your journey and all this time will knock down all the settings. And not to chat, brag about these sessions and not advertise them, they may then not be allowed to travel in time. You have to pay for everything and for the language too. The author conducted many such sessions, and it was all not so difficult, of course, observing safety precautions. And never consider yourself smarter and more cunning than everyone else, these are the people, by the way, there are regular customers of all pyramids!

Happy travels to the Past of the Lord and Lady!

By the way, the head is not only meant to eat and wear hats and hats!

14.1. Traveling to the future is meaningless in all respects. In this way it is possible, but I repeat, it is meaningless because you will find yourself in the unknown future and who else! The point is that the future is multivariate! From the present time, a multivariate fork of events is constantly going on, and it is not known which fork of events you will find yourself in. Therefore, all those who got into the future and reported about it in the present fell into the sky! Yes, they may have actually seen the future, but that's whose future they saw, but not ours, not ours. This is where there is no point in traveling to the future, in any way. And the technologies of the future will not be obtained when it will not be possible, the Moira Sisters will not give in any case. Do not hesitate, this is for sure, do not consider yourself smarter than them! Man vs. the Moir Sisters! Yeah!

14.2. Personal acceleration and deceleration of time.

A person can both speed up and slow down time, but only his own. This technique is used in some oriental martial arts.

15. Vision. Psychology. Reliability of information.

The world around us does not correspond to the current reality, which it really is. It is as we imagine it to ourselves, based on our vision, both moral, psychological and others, which we also transfer to others. That is, a person believes that all people are the same as him, and as well as he does such as good deeds and such nasty things to which he is subject. That is, he accepts that everyone else is acting and doing the same as he is. But he subconsciously assigns these qualities to them, and considers himself a good and decent person, but the rest are all mean and bad people! And the second point, a person accepts a common point of view on everything that is accepted by the majority of people, although this may be absolutely not true, but since it is accepted by everyone, then he takes it for the truth!Not everything is true that we see and accept as truth. A real example: At the institute at the Faculty of Law, a professor was supposed to give a lecture "On the reliability of testimony." As soon as the professor began the lecture, a young man ran into the audience

15. Vision. Psychology. Reliability of information.

15.1. The world around us does not correspond to the current reality, which it really is. It is as we imagine it to ourselves, based on our vision, both moral, psychological and others, which we also transfer to others. That is, a person believes that all people are the same. And they also do the same good deeds and such nasty things to which he is subject. That is, he accepts that everyone else is acting and doing the same. But he, it assigns these qualities to them subconsciously. And he considers himself a good and decent person, but the rest are all mean and bad people! And the second point, a person takes a common point of view on everything that is accepted by most people. Although this may be absolutely wrong, since it is accepted by everyone, then he takes it for the truth! Not everything is true that we see and accept as truth. A real example: At the institute at the Faculty of Law, a professor was supposed to give a lecture "On the reliability of testimony." As soon as the professor began his lecture, a young man ran into the audience, and behind the second and in his right hand was some long object. The second young man ran to the first, then turned to face him and the second stuck in his stomach, what he had in his hand! He screamed and fell, grabbed his stomach and blood flowed from there. Everyone was terrified! The police immediately jumped in, twisted the second person and took away with them, taking the subject of the crime. A few minutes later, orderlies with a stretcher and a doctor rushed in, quickly put the young man on a stretcher and carried him away. But half blood, students in shock, not who sob and cry. Two policemen in civilian clothes come in and ask to write a statement of the incident. When the students finished and signed their testimonies, the police collected them all and why they gave them all to the professors. The professor read everything carefully, and said you described everything almost correctly, but for some reason, then all of you have a difference in readings in the same different. And he read the testimony of witnesses - students about the knife. All the sizes and shapes of the knife were different. Then he waved his hand, and suddenly the lights went out in the audience, and a video of what they had witnessed appeared on the screen. But in the hand of the second young man was not a knife, but a large yellow "Banana". The light turned on and everyone was again in shock and bewilderment and confusion.then all of you have different readings in the same. And he read the testimony of witnesses - students about the knife. All the sizes and shapes of the knife were different. Then he waved his hand, and suddenly the lights went out in the audience, and a video of what they had witnessed appeared on the screen. But in the hand of the second young man was not a knife, but a large yellow Banana. The light turned on and everyone was again in shock and bewilderment and confusion.then all of you have different readings in the same. And he read the testimony of witnesses - students about the knife. All the sizes and shapes of the knife were different. Then he waved his hand, and suddenly the lights went out in the audience, and a video of what they had witnessed appeared on the screen. But in the hand of the second young man was not a knife, but a large yellow Banana. The light turned on and everyone was again in shock and bewilderment and confusion.

The professor showed the sheets with their testimonies, and said now you understand what is the reliability of the testimony. And you need to learn to understand this. This is an interesting picture, everyone saw everything, but it turns out they saw something else. But the real picture was completely different! They accepted what was not true, but for them it was real!

15.2. If you have watched detective films, you should have drawn to one moment that is almost always repeated in all these films. During interrogation, the detectives tell the suspect how it all happened, he is indignant, "But I told you this 20 times." They told him, “We’ll listen to nothing again,” but why do they do this, have you ever wondered? The fact is that when a person tells (if what he actually saw) the same thing, but if he did not see it, then in repetitions he (mistakes) will always have some different options that he overlook. Which will allow you to determine that this person is lying. Except when this legend is specially prepared for this occasion.

15.3.1. Reliability of documentary (true, as it were) information.

Yes, in fact, even information that has all the qualities of being true and accurate documentary information, in fact, can be completely false.

Example: We met, the author, my friend and our classmate, she really liked my friend, but the author naturally did not. And they talked, walked and took pictures. The author decided to joke and made a sign to his friend when he wanted to take a photo of us, he got ready, a classmate smiles, and the author hugged her, and a friend took a photo of it. And then there was an indignant cry, and she chased after me to punish. But the deed was done. In the photo, she stood and smiled hugging the author, it was clear from the photo that she was not opposed and even happy with that. Although this was not true. If it were necessary to present this photo in court, then neither the expert, nor the lawyer, nor the prosecutor could prove how it is not the original and that the photo shows that we are in very friendly relations! Although this is a 100% lie!And where, then, is the truth, and how to define it? You can never believe anything, even what We see with our own eyes, because it can be a lie! This may be information that has not been correctly processed on the basis of an incomplete and not entirely unreliable (not professional) analyzed picture. Like this! You prayed before going to bed Desdemona! Quack, and that's it! Othello, and you see to be mistaken, and you were wrong! And everyone knows it! But he then strangled Desdemona! So before you want to strangle your Desdemona (conditionally of course), first check, in fact, everything is correct and accurate! And does it correspond to reality!and not entirely unreliable (not professional) analyzed picture. Like this! You prayed before going to bed Desdemona! Quack, and that's it! Othello, and you see to be mistaken, and you were wrong! And everyone knows it! But he then strangled Desdemona! So before you want to strangle your Desdemona (conditionally of course), first check, in fact, everything is correct and accurate! And does it correspond to reality!and not entirely unreliable (not professional) analyzed picture. Like this! You prayed before going to bed Desdemona! Quack, and that's it! Othello, and you see to be mistaken, and you were wrong! And everyone knows it! But he then strangled Desdemona! So before you want to strangle your Desdemona (conditionally of course), first check, in fact, everything is correct and accurate! And does it correspond to reality!

And if a man kisses a girl who hates him forcibly, and he is very disgusting to her. And she will naturally try to push him away and will do it with indignation and resentment at this! But if three photographers will be incessantly, they will shoot all this. They will receive pictures showing that she is hugging him! Although in fact, she tried to push him away, as she was disgusted. But the photo will show that she seems to be hugging him, which means there is some kind of relationship between them! And now another Othello will appear, in his fair, but in fact stupid and senseless anger! So where is the truth of the Lord! There is evidence and it is genuine (not fake, not photoshop, not digital processing), but they are actually false! Everything that we see in this world may not be true. Despite the fact that we see it with our own eyes!

15.3.2. Another case that shows that this person is guilty. All the evidence is there, and that he is absolutely to blame for all this. And they are right, he is to blame! Yes, what they saw was real and reliable, and 100% proof, but they did not have all the information, or they were not able to understand this information, or they did not have enough (necessary for this) intelligence. But in fact, this guilty person is completely innocent of anything. Always remember that anything that is too obvious is not always true! And the obvious is actually a true lie and a lie! Remember this always, first all try to figure out what he (or she is to blame) is to blame, and only then draw conclusions, and on a cold sober head! Take your time, life is easy to break, but you can't fix it!

An example from the life of the author. The author's wife had an acquaintance (divorced), and the ex-husband gave his daughters an old computer. 386 machine, EGA display, two 5.25 ″ drives and somewhere, probably, a 200 megabyte hard drive (I don’t remember exactly, but somewhere in this size). And they did not start it, and they asked my wife to let the author start this computer. The author brought the system boot floppies at 5.25 ", and tried to start the computer, but the floppy drives were faulty and could not read the floppies. The author went home and took his 3.5”floppy drive and the Windous 3.11 floppy disks, but the author made the mistake of not grabbing his keyboard either. When the author replaced the drive, it was necessary to change the name of the drive in Setup, when the author tried to enter Setup, the keyboard was so old and faulty that many keys did not work at all and just the very ones used and needed. And the author could not enter Setup, and even the restart key did not work either. After several more torments, the computer rebooted, and an inscription appeared on a red background "enter the password", of course the words were in English. The author was shocked! How could this be, in order to set a password, you must first enter Setup, then go to the menu, select the section where the password is set, then enter the password and enter confirmation to set the password in Setup, and then it is necessary to enable confirmation to save these changes in Setup. This is an operation consisting of many actions, and here once everything is ready for you, and we have arrived. The author opened the case to reset the Setup settings, for this you need to close two contacts or remove the battery. But there are no these contacts, as well as batteries. The board turned out to be non-standard, with protection against hacking,it was a special motherboard for banks, or for those who needed to ensure the safety of information on a computer. The battery was there, but it was inside the microcircuit. I had to remove the motherboard and, with the help of my friend, throw off this Setup. Then he did everything, started the computer. But of course the acquaintance of my wife and her daughters looked at me with malice and not contentment. Therefore, one cannot immediately blame anyone for something, although everything seems to be on the face of proof of guilt! Still, we must try to figure it out more accurately, and not make a decision immediately and in the heat of the moment. Think, think and think again!started the computer. But of course the acquaintance of my wife and her daughters looked at me with malice and not contentment. Therefore, one cannot immediately blame anyone for something, although everything seems to be on the face of proof of guilt! Still, we must try to figure it out more accurately, and not make a decision immediately and in the heat of the moment. Think, think and think again!started the computer. But of course the acquaintance of my wife and her daughters looked at me with malice and not contentment. Therefore, one cannot immediately blame anyone for something, although everything seems to be on the face of proof of guilt! Still, we must try to figure it out more accurately, and not make a decision immediately and in the heat of the moment. Think, think and think again!

From the book: "Physics and Philosophy of the Real World for Representatives of the 5th and 6th Races." Author: Valery Asadov