Our Ancestors Had Their Own Principles Or Commandments - Alternative View

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Our Ancestors Had Their Own Principles Or Commandments - Alternative View
Our Ancestors Had Their Own Principles Or Commandments - Alternative View

Video: Our Ancestors Had Their Own Principles Or Commandments - Alternative View

Video: Our Ancestors Had Their Own Principles Or Commandments - Alternative View
Video: The Law 2024, September


Should a person be brave? Why is this the first principle? Because it destroys fear. If a person is a coward, he will not find his place in life, the energy that is given to do things, he will direct it to fear. Fear blocks any undertakings, sits on the same level, does not allow one to be whole, does not allow one to make a decision. Therefore, courage is needed.

Courage is laid in childhood. If a child grows up in conditions of shouting, restrictions (“don't touch”, “this is not allowed”, etc.), then naturally the child's courage is suppressed, so such a person will be afraid to take a step all his life. You cannot restrict the child, you cannot shout at him. If something is doing wrong, then you need to explain so that the child understands.

If you do not do this in the first 7-10 years, then it will be very difficult to do it later. You can't intimidate a child yet. Very often, our parents, in order for the child to behave well, intimidated by Baba Yaga, Babai, etc. In fact, all this has a very strong effect on the psyche of the child.

How can we develop courage? We must remember that we have it, and not constantly indulge in weaknesses, not run away like an ostrich, hiding its head in the sand, but start doing something. Therefore, you need to say to yourself "Stop being afraid !!!", even if it's difficult. For example, you can jump from a parachute, somewhere in the country to spend the night alone, i.e. so that it was scary for the mind, but physically safe. And in order for this practice to give results, the following principle must be observed:


Let's figure out what honesty is? In the Russian language, which makes it unique, every root, every word carries a meaning. Honor, part, purity of thoughts, and above all not deceiving oneself. We try to deceive ourselves all the time.

Since childhood, our parents have deceived us, thereby instilling in the child the ability to deceive himself. And therefore, since a person's thoughts are very energy-intensive, imagine a person who thinks one thing, says another, and does the third. His internal energies, like a swan, cancer and a pike, pull in different directions - and the result is zero.

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A person who cheats, he loses energy, and therefore it is believed that cheating is one of the vices of an ignorant person, only the lower classes of people who are completely unaware of themselves, live in fear, etc. were capable of cheating. At least our ancestors did not know what deception is.

Even a particle not in the Russian language did not exist - it appeared quite recently, with the baptism of Rus, before that there was acceptance, our ancestors accepted life in all its diversity.

Honesty helped the person remember himself in a past life. When a person cheats, he blocks his memory. He does not want to accept reality, and tries to come up with something corresponding to reality. And gradually a person, deceiving, replaces reality with his image.

Therefore, one must be sincere. When a person is honest, a connection with the gods awakens in him, and this connection was called conscience. Conscience, shared message, message of the Gods. And the voice of conscience is the voice, as Gurdjieff said, the voice of the highest intellectual center.

Cheating. First of all, we must not deceive ourselves - our inner world. Naturally, when our ancestors lived in harmony with nature, they had no desire to deceive another. When a person begins to deceive himself, he gradually begins to deceive society as well. Those. on the contrary, deceiving one's surroundings means gradually deceiving oneself. It's all interconnected. What's in the nutria is outside.

How can you be honest with yourself? Listen to your heart, do not try to deceive, you need to accept. Or else remorse cannot be avoided. The inner, sublime part says "You are breaking the natural law, the natural balance." Now morality and new perverted assessments are already imposed on all this.

The next principle is perfection

Now a way of life is being imposed on us, when a person has become absolutely impeccable. We do almost all things on command, we don't even know how to think. Our thinking is now broken. The man saw something, thought, then switched over and is already thinking about something new.

For example, we were thinking about something, suddenly a car passed by, and we are already thinking about something else. The resulting value is zero. And that's why impeccability is so important - the ability to bring everything to the end. If you started thinking, then you need to think it to the end, until you come to some kind of constructive decision.

Perfection means that you have no unfulfilled desires left. Gradually, a person comes to the fact that he controls his desires, leaving those that are really needed. And remember: what is in the small, so in the big.

If you fail in small things, then you will also fail in big business. Until the moment of the decision, you can think about something, reflect, count, but when you have already, everything, made a decision, you must definitely implement it.

Track your thoughts, carry them out, more meditation (this is a reflection on a given topic). When doing something, be in it, think only about it. Otherwise, there will be no result - you do one thing and think another.

In Russia there was such a concept - "to put your soul" into what you do. How can you do "from the heart" and think about something else? It doesn't work that way. Invest fully in what you do.

Author: Yaroslav Rakov