Letter To Grandson From Umberto Eco - Alternative View

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Letter To Grandson From Umberto Eco - Alternative View
Letter To Grandson From Umberto Eco - Alternative View

Video: Letter To Grandson From Umberto Eco - Alternative View

Video: Letter To Grandson From Umberto Eco - Alternative View
Video: Umberto Eco Interview: I Was Always Narrating 2024, September

We decided why not show our readers the most interesting letters of great people. This is a good way to learn wisdom and feel the golden words.

“Learn by heart” is an appeal by an Italian writer and philosopher to his grandson, in which he is about the most important thing - about memory.

My dear grandson

I would not want this Christmas letter to sound too edifying, in the spirit of De Amicis, and would preach love for our neighbors, homeland, humanity and the like. You would not listen to this (you are already an adult and I am too old), since the value system has changed so much that my recommendations may not be appropriate.

So, I want to give just one piece of advice that can be useful to you in practice now when you use your tablet. I'm not going to give you advice not to do this for fear of sounding like a stupid old man. I use it myself. As a last resort, I can advise you not to linger on hundreds of pornographic sites that show sexual games between people, between humans and animals. Don't believe that sexual relations boil down to these rather monotonous acts. These scenes are designed to keep you home and to prevent you from going out and meeting real girls. I am assuming you are heterosexual, otherwise accept my recommendations as applied to your situation, but look at girls at school or on playgrounds because they are better than TV characters and will give you more joy someday.than girls online. Trust me, because I have more experience (if I only watched sex games on a computer, your father would never have been born, and you would not have been).

But I didn’t want to talk to you about this, but about the disease that struck your and the previous generation, who are already studying at universities. I'm talking about memory loss.

It is true that if you want to know who Charlemagne is or where Kuala Lumpur is, then you can click a button and immediately find out everything from the Internet. Do this when you need to, but, having received a certificate, try to remember its content, so as not to search again when you need this knowledge at school, for example. The bad news is that the understanding that a computer can answer your question at any time discourages you from remembering information. This phenomenon can be compared in the following way: after learning that you can get from one street to another by bus or metro, which is very convenient in case of a hurry, a person decides that he no longer needs to walk. But if you stop walking, you will turn into a person forced to move in a wheelchair. Oh i knowthat you go in for sports and know how to control your body, but back to your brain.

This is my recipe. Learn a short poem every morning, as we were forced to do as children. You can arrange a competition with friends for the best memory. If you do not like poetry, then you can memorize the composition of football teams, but you should know not only the players of the Club of Rome, but also the players of other teams, as well as their previous compositions (imagine that I remember the names of the players of the Turin club who were on board the plane that crashed on Superga Hill: Bachigalupo, Ballarin, Maroso and so on). Compete in who best remembers the content of the books you have read: do your friends remember the names of the servants of the three Musketeers and d'Artagnan (Grimaud, Bazin, Musketon and Planchet) … And if you don't want to read The Three Musketeers (although you don't know that at the same time you lose), then do a similar game with the book you read.

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It seems like a game, and it is a game, but you will see how your head is filled with characters, stories and all kinds of memories. You may ask why a computer was once called an electronic brain. This is because it was conceived after the model of your (our) brain, but the human brain has more connections than the computer. The brain is a computer that is always with you, its capabilities expand as a result of exercise, while your desktop computer loses speed after prolonged use and needs to be replaced after a few years. And your brain can last you up to 90 years old, and at 90 years old, if you exercise it, you will remember more than you remember now. It's also free.

Then there is historical memory, which is not connected with the facts of your life or with what you have read. She keeps those events that happened before your birth.

Today, if you go to the cinema, you have to come to the beginning of the movie. When the film starts, it is as if you are always being led by the hand, explaining what is happening. In my time, you could enter the cinema at any time, even in the middle of a movie. Many events happened before you came, and you had to conjecture what happened earlier. When the film started over, you could see if your reconstruction was correct. If you liked the film, you could stay and watch it again. Life is like watching a movie in my day. We are born at a moment when many events have happened over hundreds of thousands of years, and it is important to understand what happened before our birth. This is necessary in order to better understand why so many new events are happening today.

Today school (in addition to your own reading circle) should teach you to remember what happened before you were born, but it does not do it well. Various polls show that today's young people, even university ones, born in 1990, do not know, and perhaps do not want to know about what happened in 1980, let alone what happened 50 years ago. Statistics say that when young people are asked who Aldo Moro is, they answer that he headed the Red Brigades, and he was killed by members of this underground left-wing radical organization.

The activities of the "Red Brigades" remain a mystery for many, although they were present on the political scene only 30 years ago. I was born in 1932, 10 years after the Nazis came to power, but I knew who was the Prime Minister during the March on Rome. Maybe in the fascist school they told me about him in order to explain how stupid and bad this minister ("cowardly Fact") was, displaced by the fascists. Even so, but I knew about it. But let's leave the school aside. Today's youth do not know film actresses from twenty years ago, but I knew who Francesca Bertini was, who starred in silent films 20 years before my birth. Maybe it was because I was leafing through old magazines dumped in the closet of our house. I suggest you flip through old magazines too, because it helps to understand what happened before your birth.

But why is it so important to know about the events of the distant past? Because often such knowledge helps to understand the course of today's events and, in any case, how knowing the composition of football teams helps to enrich our memory.

Consider that you can train your memory not only with the help of books and magazines, but also with the help of the Internet. It is useful not only for chatting with your friends, but also for studying world history. Who are the Hittites and Kamizars? What were the three ships of Columbus called? When did dinosaurs die out? Was Noah's Ark Held? What was the name of the ancestor of the bull? There were more tigers a hundred years ago than there are now? What do you know about the Mali Empire? Who told about her? Who was the second pope in history? When was Mickey Mouse created?

I could keep asking questions ad infinitum, and they would be wonderful subjects to explore. All this must be remembered. The day will come and you will grow old, but you will feel that you have lived a thousand lives, as if you participated in the Battle of Waterloo, attended the murder of Julius Caesar, visited the place where Berthold Schwartz, mixing various substances in a mortar in an attempt to obtain gold, accidentally invented gunpowder and flew into the air (and so he needs it!). And your other friends, who do not seek to enrich their memory, will live only one life of their own, monotonous and devoid of great emotions.

So, enrich your memory and learn “La Vispa Teresa” tomorrow.