Time To Act - Alternative View

Time To Act - Alternative View
Time To Act - Alternative View

Video: Time To Act - Alternative View

Video: Time To Act - Alternative View
Video: The TRUE story of the 3 little pigs by A.Wolf as told to Jon Scieszka. Grandma Annii's Story Time 2024, September

As a teenager, I carried pocket money in my pocket, and some of my friends already had wallets. And their flat empty wallets looked like black glasses in cloudy weather, like a “cheap show-off”, an inept psychological camouflage aimed at introducing into the “serious” world of adults. Once, at the age when I paid attention to the wallet of an adult, it seemed to me large, worn out, somehow "seasoned", and in a sense real - what a man's wallet with money should be. Then it seemed to me that to achieve such a "real" wallet requires a long and serious path. Funny, isn't it? However, this image was etched into my memory for a long time, and already, when I started working, for some time I continued to carry cash in my pocket, because I was not sure that I was really that person,who makes money.

At some point, I realized that this habit is uncomfortable. Money was crumpled in my pocket, and in order to get the necessary amount, I had to get out of my pocket everything that was in it. I bought a wallet and six months later it became that typical "real" wallet, each branch of which was filled with the corresponding details. Why am I all this? And to the fact that we can forever wait until we are ready, we can forever learn, train, to someday take a real step, but we never will. But even without any tortured training, having taken this step, we become the one who took it. To do something, stop thinking and start doing!

The above wallet example is, of course, not an example of "real steps" and strong decisions. But here the illusion is clearly reflected in the image of a serious adult, which has become an obstacle to performing the simplest action. Often such illusions become profound obstacles on the path of life. Being ready to act, a person continues to procrastinate, simply because he is not confident in himself. Confidence and uncertainty are illusions that arise in our heads. One - makes you overestimate your strengths, but at least does not interfere with self-realization. The second - makes us underestimate ourselves, and fetters us with our hands and feet.

Several years ago, when I held the first seminar, despite the good reviews, I felt dissatisfaction with my own presentation of the material. A little later, in an inspired state, I decided to familiarize myself with the recordings of that seminar, and that time I evaluated them differently. I found them great! Where do such contradictions come from? Uncertainty holds us back in many ways, makes our movements awkward, while in our actions we tend to apply more sensitivity and effort. Self-confidence, although it allows you to act uninhibited, but at the same time blinds, and encourages to overestimate yourself. The best course of action is without this blinding duality.

To start acting - there is no need to wait until you reach perfection, or until the “divine inspiration” descends. The best learning comes from practice. No amount of theoretical knowledge will save you. It is with practice that perfection comes. And so that the actions are not blind, simple attentiveness and a calm attitude to oneself are enough. On this topic, progressman.ru has a number of articles under the tag "sensitivity".

Recently I accidentally came across a recording of the TV show "Adult Games", where the invited guest, Yuri Moroz, said that business is "anti-science." He argued that the knowledge we receive at the university is only harmful. People accumulate knowledge that they never apply. A real businessman, in his words, is a person who uses a minimum of knowledge - a practical person who acts without hesitation. Of course, before taking action, he may think something. But immediately after that, the practitioner must act, otherwise he is a theoretician, not a practitioner. "Thought and then - action: thought - action, thought - action." If after the "thought" comes another thought - that's it, you're stuck. A business can only be built by those who act. This rule is true for all our designs. Whether it's learning, relationships, work, hobbies - any change of scenery is possible,when we act.

If you have a sincere desire that has not yet been fulfilled simply because you are thinking, these thoughts can last until old age. You just need to stop thinking and start doing, and only then will you become a person who achieves something, while gaining real experience. You are either a victim of circumstances or the creator of your own life. It is useless to be afraid of mistakes. The future is unknown. But the one who acts - creates his future in the present. The future is our development. To do something, you just need to go and start doing! It would seem, what could be easier? But for some reason, sometimes we don't seem to understand this. To become a practitioner, a person who acts, you just need to start acting!