The Medical Mafia Pays Scientific Journals For Articles On The Benefits Of Vaccines - Alternative View

The Medical Mafia Pays Scientific Journals For Articles On The Benefits Of Vaccines - Alternative View
The Medical Mafia Pays Scientific Journals For Articles On The Benefits Of Vaccines - Alternative View

Video: The Medical Mafia Pays Scientific Journals For Articles On The Benefits Of Vaccines - Alternative View

Video: The Medical Mafia Pays Scientific Journals For Articles On The Benefits Of Vaccines - Alternative View
Video: Watch: TODAY All Day - July 10 2024, September

There is a reason why social media platforms like Facebook have been aggressively and systematically banning all vaccine-related content lately: when information guardians like medical journals fail to maintain full and authoritative control over what they say Some doctors and the public about vaccines, the inconvenient truth about the dangers and ineffectiveness of these drugs is starting to permeate society and spread like wildfire.

This is why pharmaceutical companies are investing innumerable millions of dollars in corrupt financial relationships with medical journals that are so desperate for Big Pharma's money that they are willing to do whatever pharmaceutical corporations tell them, including never publishing any independent scientific data. which can question the safety and efficacy of vaccines.

As it turns out, advertisements for drugs and vaccines are the bread and butter of most major medical journals in business, as the pharmaceutical industry and medical journals have an "exclusive and dependent relationship." This is why medical journals only publish ads for pharmaceuticals and medical devices.

If it weren't for these medical journals acting as mouthpieces for Big Pharma, pharmaceutical corporations would not be as profitable as they are today. Numerous independent studies have shown that advertising for medical journals provides the pharmaceutical industry with “the highest return on investment of any advertising strategy used by pharmaceutical companies,” which is why they are Big Pharma's core business.

In addition, the pharmaceutical industry attaches great importance to the advertising of its products in print magazines, since magazines are the main means of communication among doctors. In other words, medical journals act as a “gatekeeper between pharmaceutical companies and patients,” which is why the pharmaceutical industry spends about $ 9 out of every $ 10 on medical journal advertising.

“Pharmaceutical companies provide magazines with the income they need, and in return, magazines play a key role in suppressing research that raises critical questions about vaccine risks that could jeopardize profits,” says Protecting Children's Health, adapted from an e-book chapter Conflicts of Interest Undermines Children's Health, which can be accessed free of charge at this link.

This is why you will never see advertisements for nutritional supplements or any other form of nutrition in so-called medical journals: because vitamins, minerals and functional foods compete directly with pharmaceuticals and vaccines, which, as you probably already well know, are the only ones adopted. a form of modern "medicine" in the United States.

Most of the results of clinical trials are NEVER reported in journals because the results are unfavorable for Big Pharma.

Promotional video:

In addition to their deceptive advertising practices, medical journals are also complicit in disguising research that contradicts the pharmaceutical industry's fabricated research that is always beneficial to its interests. In fact, the vast majority of clinical trials will never be published because most do not support the conclusions reached by the pharmaceutical industry through their own research.

Research funded by the pharmaceutical industry almost always contains false information due to a number of factors, not least of which is methodological error and impairment in research design and analytical strategies. According to the Child Health Protection article, bias can also be present due to things such as:

“… Inappropriate sample sizes, short follow-ups, inappropriate placebos or comparisons, the use of incorrect surrogate endpoints, inappropriate statistical analyzes, or 'misleading data presentation'.

From time to time, one or two informants will boldly leave this or another magazine to reveal the truth about what is really going on behind the scenes. One of them is Dr. Marcia Angell, former editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), a "prestigious" peer-reviewed journal that is full of lies and misinformation.

“It’s simply not possible to trust most of the published clinical studies or rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical advice,” said Dr. Angell, adding that “she came to this conclusion with heart pain, slowly and reluctantly, more than two decades as editor of the New England Medical Journal"

Yes, it's hard to admit - but much of what science calls “science” is really just propaganda from the pharmaceutical industry to maximize profits for pharmaceutical corporations, even if it puts everyone at risk of serious life who takes pharmaceuticals or vaccines. and especially children.

“This concerted campaign to prevent the spread of vaccine content that is out of line with the party line will make it harder for American families to do due diligence about the risks and benefits of vaccines than ever,” warns Children's Health.

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