What Destroyed The Previous Civilization? - Alternative View

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What Destroyed The Previous Civilization? - Alternative View
What Destroyed The Previous Civilization? - Alternative View

Video: What Destroyed The Previous Civilization? - Alternative View

Video: What Destroyed The Previous Civilization? - Alternative View
Video: Why Alien Life Would be our Doom - The Great Filter 2024, September

Scientific problem

Everyone knows about DNA genealogy today. It is a full-fledged scientific discipline that is rapidly gaining popularity. The study of human DNA mutations makes it possible to bring some clarity to many issues that have been argued about for centuries, or even just wondered by scientists and people who are not indifferent to history. In turn, sometimes DNA genealogy, without the help of other sciences, cannot find an answer to the problem that has arisen before it.

For example, when studying the haplotypes of people of non-African origin, it is not possible to find traces of ancient ancestors more than 64 thousand years ago. It turns out that almost all living people had a common ancestor about 64 (plus / minus 6) thousand years ago. After that date, the genetic diversity that we know now began.

But archaeologists also find more ancient remains (presumably) of the ancestors of modern man ?! With one caveat - from a genetic point of view, they are not our ancestors (until proven). So what happened 64 thousand years ago that out of Africa, all over the Earth, single specimens of our species survived, which later gave life to all of humanity? A possible answer is given in the article by Professor A. A. Klesov on the website pereformat.ru.


As an assumption, a hypothesis was put forward about the disastrous consequences of the eruption of the Toba volcano in Indonesia about 70 thousand years ago or a sharp cooling on the planet (for example, caused by this eruption). However, for all the magnitude of the consequences, these reasons could hardly knock out almost all ancient people.

A more realistic version was proposed by Valery Pavlovich Yurkovets, a professional geophysicist, paleoclimatologist, an expert in the field of the influence of climatic disasters, including the migration of ancient humans, a member of the Academy of DNA Genealogy from the beginning of its formation. In his article in the September 2015 DNA Genealogy Bulletin, he provides evidence of a huge cosmic body falling into the Pacific Ocean between 57 and 71 thousand years ago.

Promotional video:

Place of expected impact and direction of waves
Place of expected impact and direction of waves

Place of expected impact and direction of waves.

The fall (presumably) of an asteroid with a diameter of about 11 km (!), Caused several waves MEGatsunami - a cosmogenic tsunami. Imagine: an asteroid, the size of which exceeds the depth of the ocean, crashes into the water at a breakneck speed! That is, it hits almost without amortization directly into the earth's crust under water.

Several waves of MEGAtsunami are formed: from a collision with water; from the filling (collapse) of the formed void (water crater) and from the impact of the asteroid's body on the ocean floor. If the earth's crust breaks through (thin under water), then an eruption also occurs, which also causes a tsunami.

On the high seas, a tsunami wave can travel at a speed of 700 km / h, which is comparable to the speed of an airplane! The height of the waves of a cosmogenic tsunami, according to calculations, can reach several kilometers and exceed the highest mountain ranges on earth. The impact energy was such that the waves circled the planet several times in different directions, crushing the continents, colliding and causing giant eddies.

A giant ripple current in the Namib Desert in southwestern Africa
A giant ripple current in the Namib Desert in southwestern Africa

A giant ripple current in the Namib Desert in southwestern Africa.


Paleoclimatologists confirm a significant cooling throughout the planet during this period. The eruption of the Toba volcano, too, may not accidentally fall into this period, but this does not yet prove the fall of the asteroid and the passage of tsunami waves through the continents.

But the traces of sodium salts found by scientists throughout Antarctica and in many high-mountain lakes around the world - speak just about this. In addition, ice cores in both hemispheres show the presence of sodium in frozen water (about 68 thousand years ago), which could have got there ONLY with sea water.

On all continents, there are traces of giant ripples, called "giant ripples of the current" - a system of elongated ridges or chains of crescent-shaped dunes, synchronously oriented towards the stream that formed them, sometimes separated by jumpers comparable to the heights of the main dunes (satellite photo above).

Giant ripple current in the Namib Desert - increase
Giant ripple current in the Namib Desert - increase

Giant ripple current in the Namib Desert - increase.

The length of the dunes is impressive - up to 20 km, but these are not classic sand dunes, the basis of these dunes is made up of giant rubble sprinkled with sand (photo below).

The dunes of the giant ripples of the current consist of such rubble
The dunes of the giant ripples of the current consist of such rubble

The dunes of the giant ripples of the current consist of such rubble.

According to calculations, the depth (height) of the stream that covered the Namib Desert could be from 9 to 15 kilometers. These and other calculations show that the traces of a giant tsunami, which are present on all continents, were left by several successive waves formed by a single fall of a massive cosmic body into the Pacific Ocean.

The waves, in fact, were mudflows (sharp rubble mixed with soil, debris and plant debris), up to 15 km high, rushing at the speed of an aircraft. They swept all living things out of their way, mixed them up, pounded them into crumbs and buried them under alluvial deposits. Scientists have long known about the inexplicable disappearance of most species of the animal world 60-70 thousand years ago, but did not have a clear explanation for this phenomenon.

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We often see monuments of past civilizations - who built them and how?

We often see monuments of past civilizations - who built them and how?

The "bottleneck" of the modern human species

The wave height decreased with distance from the impact epicenter, as did the current velocity. Perhaps only because of this, humanity survived and all living (non-African) descendants have one progenitor-patriarch who lived (survived) about 64 thousand years ago and had the BT haplogroup.

It is believed that several people survived in Africa (of course, their number is unknown) with different DNA variants, which partly explains the great genetic diversity of the population of the black continent, along with the subsequent several waves of migration (the so-called "open system").