Table Mountains Of Venezuela. Mysteries Of Tepui Education - Alternative View

Table Mountains Of Venezuela. Mysteries Of Tepui Education - Alternative View
Table Mountains Of Venezuela. Mysteries Of Tepui Education - Alternative View

Video: Table Mountains Of Venezuela. Mysteries Of Tepui Education - Alternative View

Video: Table Mountains Of Venezuela. Mysteries Of Tepui Education - Alternative View
Video: Mysterious Islands in the Sky Unlock Secrets of Our Past: Return to Tepuis | Short Film Showcase 2024, September

In the east of Venezuela there is a place with mesas called tepui (translated from the language of the local Indians - "House of the Gods"). The most famous and high tepuis are Cerro Autana, Auyan Tepui and Mount Roraima.

Scientists claim that this is the ancient surface of the Earth. The absolute height of Mount Roraima is 2810 m above sea level. Area: 34 km2. According to the logic of scientists, more than 2 km of soil was eaten by erosion, and for some reason left these mesas. Or there is such a huge difference in erosion. But the logic of geology is selective. In one place there is an accumulation of sedimentary rocks. And here, on the contrary, erosion washed away 2 km of soil and thousands of cubic kilometers of soil were washed away somewhere, transferred.

For this reason, some alternative scholars have put forward versions on the topic of ancient quarries on Earth. Explaining that this volume of soil was transported to build the moon. Or that these are the stumps of giant ancient trees of the flint era. Hollywood fiction is resting.


Table mountains from above.


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There are many small tepuis in the park, both in height and in area.

I will put forward my version of the formation of these mesas. Moreover, there is some confirmation of my hypothesis. I believe these are not remnants of an ancient surface. I think that these local platforms were raised by cold fluids from the bowels of the Earth. These mesas were squeezed out like platforms. The masses rose like dough, locally squeezing out the surface with crystalline rocks.


And, most likely, it happened quickly. And initially the surface was relatively flat. The pressure mechanism exerted on the platforms was not magmatic, but watery. Residual pressure still exists. Water still exits through the structure of mesas and flows down from them in waterfalls:


A huge volume of water flows through the falls. It cannot be rain water or moisture condensation. Although scientists argue precisely about the mechanism of the second.


The surface of the tipui presents this picture. There is water almost everywhere.

From the school curriculum, many remember the highest waterfall on the planet - Angel. This waterfall flows down from one of the mesas of the same Canaima Highland Park - from the peaks of Mount Auyan-Tepui from a height of 1000 m. Although the area of this table mountain is more than 700 km2, there will not be enough water for year-round drainage, especially during the local drought season: in December-March.

Angel Falls
Angel Falls

Angel Falls.

This means that water comes from the bowels through the rocks of the mesas under pressure. Moreover, in huge quantities. Constantly, on the tipui, it cannot rain, feeding the waterfall.

Further evidence that the huge currents and pressure of water are related to the formation of these mesas are karst sinkholes and caves on the surfaces of the tipui:


You can find some pictures of sinkholes or funnels. The area is poorly explored. As scientists say, these are dips formed above the gullies of underground rivers. Some of the holes contain water.


Caves in these mesas. The caves could have been formed not by the gradual seepage of water into the mesas, but, on the contrary, by the release of water, and in much larger volumes than now. Perhaps the water gushed like a fountain, forming caves and supposedly round gaps during its movement. In fact, these are not dips from the flow of water inside, but the outflow of water under pressure from the structure of the platforms. And the tipuis themselves at that time could be compared with a porous plug in a pipe.

Once again, I associate these observations with catastrophic flood events that have happened or have repeatedly happened on Earth. I believe that they were the causes of the global extinction of animals.

Author: sibved