Why Didn't Our Ancestors Use The Term UFO? - Alternative View

Why Didn't Our Ancestors Use The Term UFO? - Alternative View
Why Didn't Our Ancestors Use The Term UFO? - Alternative View

Video: Why Didn't Our Ancestors Use The Term UFO? - Alternative View

Video: Why Didn't Our Ancestors Use The Term UFO? - Alternative View
Video: "Aliens built the pyramids" and other absurdities of pseudo-archaeology | Sarah Kurnick 2024, September

Good day, Dear readers! I will not be mistaken if I say that each of us is familiar with the term UFO and perfectly understands what it is. That's all that is not ordinary flies, not like the planes we know, rockets or airships with balloons - all this is UFO. Unidentified flying objects. The key word here, as you yourself understand, is unidentified. To some extent, even funny: the word indicating the complete absence of any signs has acquired this very qualifying meaning.

Everything inexplicable is UFO. And, it seems, there is nothing more to talk about. But several thousand years ago, there was something to talk about. And many said (and also wrote). Plato, for example, wrote a lot of interesting things on this topic, Chinese chroniclers and Scandinavian storytellers. The Incas, Aztecs, Maya, all the temples painted their characteristic images. Moreover, everyone knows that the fuselage of a modern supersonic aircraft was copied from a golden figurine found in the treasures of South American Indians. Before that it didn't work. But that's okay.

The most breathtaking find, so to speak, the cherry on the cake, surfaced in 1875. We are talking about the treatise "Vimanika Shastra", the author of which is allegedly Bharadwaji the Wise, who lived in the IV century BC. e. The treatise contains descriptions of strange aircraft, similar in their technical characteristics to modern UFOs. The devices were called vimanas.


In fairness, it must be said that the version of the extraordinary find "in one of the ancient Indian temples" deserves a critical approach. It is not known whether Maharshi Dayananda Saraswati (Bharadwaji the Wise) was one of the seven rishis (sages), but it is known that the slokas of the Vimanika Shastra were written down from the words of a certain Subbaraya Shastri who was in a state of trance. And these events took place in the first half of the twentieth century. However, this does not mean that the information obtained in this way can be simply dismissed. The fact is that Subbaraya Shastri, between life and death due to a serious illness, met with the great saint Guruji Maharaja, in whose company he spent several years. Guruji not only healed the hopelessly ill Shastri, but also introduced him to the secret Vedic knowledge. Thanks to this knowledge Subarraya,apparently, and received information while in an unconscious state.

"Vimanika Shastra", voiced by an unconscious Indian sage, is a practical guide to the classification of aircraft, the rules of operation and their production. Moreover, we do not find the concept of "unidentified" anywhere. All their types are well known to the author. Even those belonging to other worlds. Subbaraya describes in detail all aircraft used in the universe. As well as representatives of the crews of such ships. Naturally, the characteristics of ships of non-humanoid races are presented rather sparingly.

The emphasis is mainly on the appearance of the aliens flying the starships. Very similar to the descriptions of aliens by famous science fiction writers. Especially large correlations (may the readers forgive me for the buzzword) with the works of Edmond Hamilton, whose telepathic reptilians also hide their bodies under long cloaks with hoods so as not to frighten ordinary people. Considering that his most famous novel "Star Kings" was published in 1947, exactly after the death of Subbaray Shastri … Apparently even here no wonderful fantasy "fired", but there was a banal plagiarism.

So, about the non-humanoid starships Shastri, as I said, says little: who controls them and in what vortex fields they move. But on the ships operated by terrestrial and similar races of nearby galaxies informs readers in more than detail. The treatise indicates that all types of aircraft in ancient times had a general name - vimanas. Regardless of their characteristics and purpose. "Vimana is something that can move through the air from one place to another." But there were many types of them. Here are the most common ones. The simplest device of this kind is the so-called kapoto-waya.

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Translated, this means "air dove". An aircraft used for movement in atmospheric air currents. According to the author, the lifting force of the machine was provided by the flapping movements of the wings, similar to the movements of the wings of a bird. By the way, the not unknown Leonardo Da Vinci tried to implement such developments. True to no avail.

The next most difficult were vehicles called mana-javana. These ships had the properties to move at the speed of thought (probably we are talking about the speed of light) already in any environment, had a much larger size and range of movement.

Next are the akashi-patana, starships that use the principles of space-time corridors or torsion fields, the propagation speed in which is several million times (!) Higher than the speed of light. However, this is not all. Particularly noteworthy are the so-called mother ships - Tripurari. Three-tiered starships of enormous size, carrying hundreds and even thousands of smaller vimanas for various purposes. It can also be compared to a flying city. Even larger cities were called hiranya-pura. They were created exclusively from gold and platinum group metals. As a result, they had special properties. Indeed, notice how valuable gold has been in all ages and continues to be in our time. Can anyone tell why? I don't think so.

It shines, does not rust … And then what ?! Well, this metal does not have any special properties that explain its enduring value! Or we just don't know these special properties. Nevertheless, people persistently collect it. Is always. And it always disappears somewhere. That's how much information is missing - thousands of years ago - there was a centralized accumulation of the noble metal. I don't even know where to start … Maybe with the Egyptian pharaohs? No, and there were enough collectors before them. Take at least the same Babylonian king Hammurabi or the ruler of Assyria, about whom the verses were added: "I am the king of the kings of the earth and the king Esarhaddon!" And Solomon is worse? About his gold mines who just did not write. And where are they now? Wow, for thousands of years no one has been able to find it. Because there is nothing to look for - all the untold gold has long gone into business. Macedonian also collected. For that in the wars of conquest, magic plates helped to destroy the fortress walls.


Now, they say in the United States, world gold vaults have been formed. And they also say that there is no gold there - so, there are fake ingots, either from lead, or from iridium, slightly gilded. I would like to check whether this is so or not? But who will give it … Now our president is intensively forming a gold reserve, and it must be the same - immediately a technological breakthrough - a bunch of advanced weapons based on new physical principles from nowhere! Though…

There are just coincidences. One way or another, for some reason, flying cities were built from gold! To give credit, even built from flowers !!! But that's another story. Shastri points out that all these vimanas were divided into three types: created with the help of energy mantras, erected exclusively with the help of technology, and mixed. It is clear that only a select few could create apparatus from clots of energy - those who are called Gods in the Indian epic. The second most complex, mixed construction could be handled by demigods, partially possessing the code of divine DNA. To make a purely material starship was already within the power of ordinary people, but with special knowledge.

No matter how simple the technological starships are, it should not be assumed that the process of their production was very simple. Not at all. One list of used rare earth metals takes several pages! And it is different for each ship. Over 400 different melting furnaces may be needed to make a single alloy. Well, the chemical composition of the loaded ore more than resembles the creations of medieval obscurantists alchemists. In addition to the metals themselves, there are also plant roots, parts of insects and much more.

Unless the dried skrebatyat is not mentioned! However, this is not all. Not only is it very difficult to control the vimana without lengthy preparation, it turns out that the diet of aeronautics itself must be unique. Otherwise, the pilot will not be able to perform the necessary "mantras" or "tantras" and the ship will die. The diet is really very special and also takes many pages, so just take my word for it. In any case, astronauts are not fed that way.

The only thing that I have never been able to understand is the contradiction between the statement about the impossibility of destroying the vimaana in principle and the warning about her death in case of inexperience of the pilot. I would be glad if someone from the readers helps to understand this paradox….