Cradle Of Humanity Hyperborea: Why The Slavs Are Considered The Children Of The Gods - Alternative View

Cradle Of Humanity Hyperborea: Why The Slavs Are Considered The Children Of The Gods - Alternative View
Cradle Of Humanity Hyperborea: Why The Slavs Are Considered The Children Of The Gods - Alternative View

Video: Cradle Of Humanity Hyperborea: Why The Slavs Are Considered The Children Of The Gods - Alternative View

Video: Cradle Of Humanity Hyperborea: Why The Slavs Are Considered The Children Of The Gods - Alternative View
Video: Aristogenesis Episode 2 pt.I - the Hyperborean Myth 2024, September

There are still many blank spots in the history of our planet. For example, the legend about Hyperborea, the country of the northern peoples, which is called the cradle of humanity. Did it really exist?

Hyperborea haunted many great minds. She interested ancient philosophers on a par with the sunken Atlantis. The ancient Greeks were the first to write about Hyperborea in their writings. Nostradamus also mentioned this country. And at Mercator's Hyperborea was plotted on the map of 1595.


The ancient Greeks were the first to write about Hyperborea. According to their mythology, Hyperborea was located in the Arctic Circle and was the resting place of Apollo himself. By the way, Hyperborea is on behalf of the deity of the north wind, Borea. The Greeks really believed that somewhere in the north there was a truly heavenly civilization.

According to ancient Greek authors, the Hyperboreans were the happiest people on earth. They were immortal, and they died only when they were fed up with the pleasures of life. Well, that is, the inhabitants of this country threw themselves into the sea when they were too tired of life. Legends say that the Sun does not set in Hyperborea for six months, there is no wind, there is no disease and hunger. Apollo comes to them every 19 years, and all Hyperboreans are followers of his cult. It was they who arrived in Greece and were the first to build the Temple of Apollo here.


Too fabulous, right? But the works of the ancient Greeks inspired other scholars so much that throughout history one can find the study of Hyperborea. For example, Nostradamus called the Slavic peoples Hyperboreans. Mercator marked the location of Hyperborea on the map.

It is believed that Hyperborea existed until the fifth millennium BC. It was located on the territory of the Kola Peninsula, the Ural Mountains and other northern territories of Russia.

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What can we say about the past, if in our memory the search for Hyperborea was organized. In 1922, an expedition of Alexander Barchenko was sent to the Kola Peninsula. He began his search at Lake Seydozero, which is considered sacred. They managed to collect about 30 folders with documents and research. But, unfortunately, almost all participants became victims of repression, and Barchenko himself died in 1938.

In August 19997, an expedition Hyperborea-97 was sent to the Kola Peninsula, under the leadership of Valery Demin. There are still research groups working there that study the historical and architectural monuments of the Far North.

Unfortunately, until now, Hyperborea has remained only the same myth as Atlantis. But some scientists still believe that traces of an ancient civilization can be found on the territory of Russia.

Anastasia Ustinova