Why Do Scientists Attribute All Ancient Structures To Temples Or Tombs? - Alternative View

Why Do Scientists Attribute All Ancient Structures To Temples Or Tombs? - Alternative View
Why Do Scientists Attribute All Ancient Structures To Temples Or Tombs? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do Scientists Attribute All Ancient Structures To Temples Or Tombs? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do Scientists Attribute All Ancient Structures To Temples Or Tombs? - Alternative View
Video: How the Ancients Cut Stone with Sound - Lost High Technology Explained | Ancient Architects 2024, September

Most of these temples, which I wrote about recently, are in India, but this is the situation with all objects on Earth.

The other part is, most often, tombs. In other words, any structure that scientists sooner or later find becomes a tomb or a temple, although often they have nothing in common.


As for the temples, then everything is clear, it is easiest to explain something by this or that religion and nothing is required for this. Tombs are also in theory, logical, because the rulers were most often buried separately from other people.

But then inconsistencies arise. I will return to the temples of Asia about which I recently wrote a lot. Most often, there is approximately similar architecture, which is difficult to explain without advanced technologies, but there are no symbols of religion.


As a rule, the symbols of Buddhism were added to temples only later, or in general during the restoration in the 19th century, for example. Moreover, these symbols have a bright contrast with other elements of the structures, that is, they were added by a less developed civilization.

As for the tombs, in this case, everything is even simpler. No matter how scientists try to attribute many structures to tombs, more often than not, they simply simply do not find anything related to burials.

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What are the pyramids, which are still issued as burial structures. Although the real burials in the pyramids can be counted on one hand, there are hundreds of pyramids themselves.

In general, scientists just do not really want to understand, and it is hardly possible in our time. Since many objects, it seems to me, have lost their functions, for which they were built by ancient civilizations.


But as an example, any of the structures can be anything. For example, something like an observatory, only for a highly developed civilization. Some object for communication (not only on Earth), refuge (such as the Barabar caves) or civilizations of the past could move in space.

Of course, the version of movement, like teleportation, although it seems fantastic, but in some objects, for example, completely empty rooms were found. That is, they were built, the material was processed, but there is absolutely nothing, not even any inscriptions and drawings.


And the pyramids, apparently, played some kind of global role throughout the world. But which one, you can guess for a long time. Either they just stopped working, or we don't know how to make them work. But the fact is that they could not build such huge structures absolutely everywhere just for beauty or "burials" - this is stupid.

When I write about the temple, in most cases, I do not think so, but simply call it officially, as the scientists came up with. Although many objects, I'm pretty sure, have nothing to do with religion at all.


Moreover, I do not really believe that highly developed civilizations, in principle, adhered to at least some kind of faith and religion.

As a result, it seems to me that the current “temples” and “tombs” are structures of various purposes, which we simply do not understand, or few people want to understand it. Plus, as I said, most likely, a lot is simply not working now, therefore, it is simply not possible, unfortunately, to find out the true purpose of this or that ancient object.