In The Samara Region Filmed A UFO? - Alternative View

In The Samara Region Filmed A UFO? - Alternative View
In The Samara Region Filmed A UFO? - Alternative View

Video: In The Samara Region Filmed A UFO? - Alternative View

Video: In The Samara Region Filmed A UFO? - Alternative View
Video: Top Secret UFO Projects: Declassified | Official Trailer | Netflix 2024, September

A resident of the region published in the Samara Territory blog a video and photographs taken by him the day before during the shooting of the rainbow. The photographer was surprised when he noticed a UFO in the frame. According to him, a certain green object flew across the sky and outwardly defied explanation.

“I don’t want to be taken to the durka, but there’s no strength to keep silent,” an eyewitness is quoted in the Samara Krai blog, noting that the author of the photo and video material is “a completely sane member of the blogging community,” who wished to remain incognito, because he is afraid, that he could be taken to a psychiatric hospital.

Today the residents of Syzran are actively discussing the news about UFOs on social networks.

- Yes, a surprise! We have an anomalous zone in the Samara region, I myself have seen flying saucers more than once, - some netizens comment.

- It's just a natural phenomenon called "halo". Sunlight is reflected, and glare is obtained - soothe others.

The author specifies that he shot an unidentified object in the sky over Samara.

Recall that such an atmospheric phenomenon, according to scientists, is extremely rare. For its appearance, several circumstances are needed at once. The weather should be clear, and the luminary should be not high above the horizon.

The illusion of several luminaries is created by ice crystals in cirrus clouds at an altitude of 5-10 km. Usually these crystals lead to the creation of a multi-colored halo around the Sun. When specially placed, it can form the illusion of multiple luminaries.

Promotional video:

Traditionally, a large number of signs are associated with the occurrence of similar phenomena. People say that the appearance of multiple suns is a harbinger of cold weather.