Music As Medicine - Alternative View

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Music As Medicine - Alternative View
Music As Medicine - Alternative View

Video: Music As Medicine - Alternative View

Video: Music As Medicine - Alternative View
Video: Music as Medicine -- Longwood Seminar 2024, September

Our health depends on many factors - lifestyle, nutrition, fresh air, physical activity, etc. It is curious that the sounds around us are also of great importance.

Take care of your ears

Our mood affects how we feel. When we are calm and pacified, then some diseases can recede - the heart does not hurt, the pressure is normalized, sometimes even asthma attacks disappear. And our mood, in turn, is built from many bricks. One of these building blocks is the sounds around us.


Imagine waking up at seven in the morning on Saturday morning to the sound of a hammer drill behind a wall. What will be your mood? Or you are flying on a plane in which cheerful vacationers have already begun to celebrate the end of workdays to the accompaniment of crying children. Or do you work in a team where everyone screams from morning till night and quarrels with each other. What will be your condition? Irritation, anger, desire to kill everyone.

The constant high level of noise literally destroys a person. It is no coincidence that in noisy production, workers are given noise-absorbing headphones. And you, too, can escape the noise attack. There are simple devices, for example, earplugs (the name of which comes from a very correct call - take care of your ears).

But it is best not just to protect your ears and your psyche from aggressive sounds, but at the same time to use one very effective medicine - good music. You can put on your headphones and listen to beautiful tunes that will keep you safe from the noise on the plane, subway, office, or even on the factory floor. Fortunately, nowadays, an ordinary phone can contain thousands of melodies that create a special mood.

Promotional video:

Of course, you can listen to music not only with headphones, but also at home, and in any situation - it creates the necessary background, a romantic atmosphere, helps to relax after work, etc. By the way, it is no coincidence that in various spas, music is one of the most important components for relaxing a person, along with massage, body wraps and pleasant smells.

Mantra for happiness

Of course, what you listen to is very important, because music is different from music. Some melodies can drive you into depression, some cause aggression and a desire to destroy. Monotonous pop melodies with a bouncy, lively rhythm also do not contribute to relaxation. Of course, in order to feel normal, you need to listen to calm, pacifying and relaxing music that calms you down and creates an appropriate mood.


Of course, you should like her. Don't listen to what is annoying - even if it is a beautiful and healing melody. Music should resonate in your soul, evoke some pleasant associations, evoke dreams, influence your mental and emotional state. Each person must collect for himself a collection of melodies that help him in life, literally save him in some unpleasant situations.

By the way, it is interesting that in ancient Chinese and Indian traditions from time immemorial there was music for all occasions, and it has survived to this day. These are mantras that ordinary people and priests have learned from generation to generation. And each mantra is dedicated to this or that event, feeling or sensation.

It is believed that if you listen to them and sing, then you will attract certain events and circumstances. There are mantras for financial well-being, for the fulfillment of desires, for the acquisition of happiness and love, etc. There are mantras that affect the emotional state of a person - to relax, to get rid of fear and hatred. There are purely "medical" mantras - to get rid of certain diseases, to improve physical condition, to increase vitality, to get rid of excess weight.

All these mantras can be easily found on the Internet and listened to, changing your mood - and your life for the better.

This mantra, for example, invariably brings me a financial flow, however, I try not to abuse it.

Natalia Trubinovskaya