The Role Of Emotions In The Evolution Of Life - Alternative View

The Role Of Emotions In The Evolution Of Life - Alternative View
The Role Of Emotions In The Evolution Of Life - Alternative View

Video: The Role Of Emotions In The Evolution Of Life - Alternative View

Video: The Role Of Emotions In The Evolution Of Life - Alternative View
Video: The science of emotions: Jaak Panksepp at TEDxRainier 2024, September

Each physical cell of the body has an upper limit of maximum load. Moreover, the level of this border changes, both within the species and in the same individual.

In an individual, it (border) depends on the following reasons:

1. The evolutionary level of development of the essence of an individual. An entity of a higher level of development is able to withstand a greater load.

2. Genetics. Even a slight variation of genetics within the same species gives a colossal range of possibilities among the carriers of this genetics.

3. The physical condition of the body as a whole. An emaciated or sick individual has a lower ceiling.

4. The biological age of the individual. With age, the degree of interaction, both between the bodies of the entity and between the entity and the physical body, decreases.

5. Biorhythms of the body. Physical, emotional and intellectual biorhythms reflect the periodic activity, respectively, of the etheric, astral and first mental bodies that form the essence …

… Each emotion changes its own dimensionality of the astral body by a specific amount, which is constant for a given emotion. Therefore, we can talk about a constant spectrum of emotions, and that each emotion has its own level of dimension.

Promotional video:

Low and negative emotions are in harmony with the lower astral plane of the planet.

Higher and positive emotions lead the astral body to the upper astral plane.

Emotions are not only a reaction to what is happening around and within us, emotions have a qualitative effect on the astral body, changing the level of our own dimension.

Comprehending this phenomenon gives the key to understanding "karma": why every act we commit, every thought born in the depths of our soul affects us, dooming us to the horrors and torments of "hell" or rewarding us with the delights of "paradise".

And we, with amazement, realize that the “Higher Power” or “Lord God”, punishing or rewarding us - is nothing other than WE OURSELVES, the consequences of our actions and thoughts, crimes and deeds accomplished during life.

And that our own "Supreme Judgment" is carried out automatically, regardless of our desire and knows no mistakes, no leniency, no mercy …

How is this judgment done, how is the crime punished?

Crime and Punishment is not only a philosophical or judicial category, but also a real natural phenomenon.

Only, unfortunately, in most cases, the reckoning for the perfect overtakes the essence in its subsequent incarnations or immediately after the death of the physical body. But that doesn't make the punishment any less weighty.

The fact is that consciousness, memory, feelings, emotions, both before and after death, belong to our essence and only to it. The physical body is only the foundation and carrier for the essence.

And when we “remove” the already useless physical shell, our consciousness, memory, individuality remains.

Understanding the nature of karma is directly related to the mechanism of the influence of emotions on the qualitative state of the astral body, and through it - on all other bodies of the essence …

Every action we take is accompanied by a change in our emotional state. More precisely, a certain emotional state corresponds to each action.

At the same time, the qualitative structure of the entity is rebuilt to enable the implementation of a specific action or deed.

This qualitative transformation of the entity lasts for some time, after the implementation of the action or deed, after which the structure of the entity returns to its original state, or rather, very close to the original state …