Caral - The First City In America, Which Is About 5,000 Years Old - Alternative View

Caral - The First City In America, Which Is About 5,000 Years Old - Alternative View
Caral - The First City In America, Which Is About 5,000 Years Old - Alternative View

Video: Caral - The First City In America, Which Is About 5,000 Years Old - Alternative View

Video: Caral - The First City In America, Which Is About 5,000 Years Old - Alternative View
Video: Caral - Supe: The oldest civilization in the Americas - HQ 2024, September

This ancient city, or rather its ruins, discovered 70 years ago, immediately became a sensation among archaeologists. Caral is located on the territory of modern Peru in South America. Scientists suggest that the city appeared in the period from 2600 to 2000 BC.

Caral was discovered completely by accident by an American traveler only in 1949. But a more thorough study of the archaeological Peruvian find began only in 1994 and continues to this day. Prior to this discovery, other archaeological sites had been found in this region with the remains of ancient structures, in size that clearly distinguished them from ordinary dwellings. The same structures were found during the excavations of Karal.


Thanks to this new discovery, scientists were also able to more accurately determine the age of the city. This was done with the help of radiocarbon analysis of one of the finds at the excavation site - a woven bag made of reed fibers. According to rough estimates and conclusions, the oldest city in America is already about 5000 years old.

But, oddly enough, only 10 years ago this object was included in the UNESCO list. The city is very well preserved, which became possible due to the dry climate. About 20 thousand people could live on an area of just over 60 hectares, scientists suggest. Interestingly, Caral originated at about the same time as the ancient cities of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and China appeared.


The city itself may have been the capital of a large region. Among the various objects of urban architecture, 7 pyramids stand out, between which there were residential streets, squares, warehouses, an amphitheater. Another interesting fact - not a single weapon was found on the territory of Karal, there are no walls or fortifications. This indicates that the locals did not participate in wars and battles. But scientists have found copies of the most ancient musical instruments, such as a flute made of pelican bones, horns made of llama and deer bones.

The researchers also found out that the local population worshiped the "sacred fire". Residents in their dwellings set up sacred hearths. But there was also the most important hearth, which was constantly burning and had a complex ventilation system. A special amphitheater was built for the altar, which protected the sacred relic from accidental fire with a double wall.

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Perhaps it was about this city that the Peruvian Indians formed a legend. He tells about a certain city in which all the stones that were illuminated by the morning sun turned into gold. But if any of the people tried to touch the gold stones, they instantly lit up and disappeared.

According to another local legend, in the city of sun worshipers there was an eternal sacred fire that protected the population of the city from wars. Therefore, people did not need either weapons or fortress walls. But once wild tribes came here, who destroyed buildings, plundered temples, and turned the city into ruins. And, indeed, during the excavations, not only traces of fires were found, but also demolished tops of the pyramids. Although the official version about the reasons for people leaving the city is unfavorable climatic conditions.


Now excursions are conducted on the ruins of the ancient American city of Caral. The entrance to the territory is paid, it is forbidden to walk on your own outside the excursion group. You should also be aware that the guide only speaks Spanish.