10 Topics That Are Forbidden To Be Discussed In The Media - Alternative View

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10 Topics That Are Forbidden To Be Discussed In The Media - Alternative View
10 Topics That Are Forbidden To Be Discussed In The Media - Alternative View

Video: 10 Topics That Are Forbidden To Be Discussed In The Media - Alternative View

Video: 10 Topics That Are Forbidden To Be Discussed In The Media - Alternative View
Video: The World in 2021: five stories to watch out for | The Economist 2024, September

Let's make a reservation right away, the topics listed below are not officially prohibited in most countries; bloggers and small niche media write about these topics. Discussion of these topics in large, state-controlled and transnational corporations media is strictly prohibited. Let's try to break this taboo and create a fairly exhaustive list of topics that are not accepted to be discussed in the media.

1. Overpopulation

The problem of overpopulation is ignored both by the mainstream media and by the majority of the population. People are extremely sensitive to this topic, believing that no one should interfere with their right to follow the biological instinct of reproduction. It is strictly forbidden to say that the excessive anthropogenic load on the biosphere of the planet is the main cause of almost all the problems facing mankind. Even if someone raises this topic, they will instantly be labeled "fascist" or "Malthusian" and silenced. Major world media do not allow anyone to draw one very simple conclusion: without limiting the birth rate, our planet is threatened with an ecological catastrophe. It is forbidden to draw such conclusions.

2. The cause of suicides

It is customary to mention suicides in passing, but to say that the cause of suicides is an extremely poorly organized society at all is impossible anywhere in the world. A journalist who connects adolescent suicide with the inhumanity of our society and finds the reason in the existing political system (capitalism) will immediately be shown the door. It is customary to keep silent about cases of suicide all over the world, but if they are spoken about, then they are presented as a private problem of a private person, and no profound conclusions are drawn from them. Even if suicides are widespread, such as in India, where over the past 10-15 years about 20,000 small farmers have committed suicide due to the fact that they could not compete with large agro-industrial complexes, you will not read about them in the media.

The situation in India is in fact so critical that during the time you are reading this article, most likely at least one Indian farmer has drunk several glasses of pesticide solution (a favorite way to settle accounts with housing in this country) and has already gone to another world … 20,000 deaths caused by land grabbing by large corporations in the local market is not a reason to write about it in the media. Not a single journalist of any major publication will write that 70% of the rural population in India is on cheap synthetic drugs. But even if he suddenly accidentally writes about it, no one will allow him to draw the main conclusion in the article: globalization takes hundreds of thousands of lives every year, the greed of corporations leads to the death of thousands of people.

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3. Ocean acidification

Believe me, this topic is taboo for large publications. With some caveat. Articles on this topic sometimes slip through, but do not reflect the whole tragedy of the situation. The fact is that you and I are still alive only because the bulk of the carbon dioxide emitted by cars, airplanes and ships is absorbed by the ocean. Without the ocean, we would have suffocated long ago. Our ocean is slowly dying. Compared to 1980, it has 80% fewer large commercial fish. By the middle of the century, there is a possibility that life in the ocean will end. But it is categorically impossible to say that, for example, 1 cruise ship emits the same amount of air pollutants per year as 1 million cars. The owners of large cruise companies are trying in every possible way to hush up the enormous harm that their ships cause to the nature. In no major media, no journalist can report on the inhabitants of a small island who are forced to emigrate due to the fact that their ecosystem has been destroyed, fish have disappeared, coral reefs have died, blaming large corporations. This will not be missed by any major publication.

4. Use of slave labor

This is completely taboo, in The New York Times you never read the article that most of the goods and food you buy in stores are made using slave labor. Have you bought a bunch of bananas? Do you know that the people who collected them live in inhuman conditions, huddle in huts, without any conveniences and receive a pittance? Why not admit this in the mainstream media and ask large multinational companies to hang a sign on each bunch of bananas warning: "Bananas (or oranges, tangerines, coffee, and almost any product) are grown using slave labor." Do you use an iPhone? Why not urge major media outlets to include a checklist in every box that reads: “Thank you for purchasing an iPhone. People,who collected it for you live in a barracks position in the factories-reservations.

So that you could use this high-tech product, they had to huddle several people in a room and work 6 days a week for 12 hours. Many of them have not seen their families and children for months, as the exit outside the factory is limited to once a week. We recommend that you watch a video report on YouTube about the conditions in which they live. We hope that you will understand and forgive Apple, which uses slave labor to maximize the value of its product, and that you will not be disgusted with this wonderful product in your hands.”When do you think there were the most slaves on Earth? In the days of Ancient Rome? No. Nowadays. There are currently 48,000,000 people living on Earth who work only for food, without receiving any other compensation for their labor. We also use the fruits of their labor, even without knowing it. So why shouldn't the major media write an appeal to the owners of large companies, demanding to supply every thing they produce with a description of the conditions under which it was produced?

Imagine for a second that you bought new Nike sneakers and inside is a photograph of a ten-year-old toothless boy who glued them together for you. How would you like to wear them? Or, for example, when buying a new laptop, it would include a video report from the Western Digital hard drive factory, where women from Laos work at assembly, without receiving any material compensation for their labor. Upon arrival in the Philippines, recruiters take their passports and force them to work three (!) Years in order to work out a ticket on the plane on which they arrived. Women live in barracks-type dormitories, do not have access to medical care and cannot go anywhere, as their documents have been taken away from them. Do you think you would be pleased to see a report about their life on the computer you just bought? Take a look around. A very large proportion of the things that you use were created by slaves in the truest sense of the word. Maybe it's time for major media to openly start talking about this?

5. Reasons for unemployment

No, of course, you can write about unemployment as much as you like, and all major world media write about it almost every day, but it is strictly forbidden to write about the true causes of this problem. You can imagine that "Le Figaro" appeared an article with the following content: “The problem of unemployment in France is a consequence of the unbridled greed of the owners of large corporations who are transferring production to developing countries where people agree to work for a penny. Recently, three Michelin tire factories in Europe were closed, 1,500 employees were laid off, and production was moved to China so that shareholders can reap more profits and buy more luxurious villas and yachts. They are completely indifferent to the fate of the workers, since this does not in any way affect the stock price of the company. "Can you imagine the editorial of Le Figaro with the same text? Me not.

6. Refugees

No, all the media, without exception, write a lot about refugees, but only a few people write about the reasons for their appearance. Let us imagine that Der Spiegel published an article with the following content: “Germany must accept refugees, since their appearance is a consequence of the barbaric exploitation of the resources of Africa and the Middle East, this is the payment for the well-fed and prosperous way of life that you and I we conduct. We ride the autobahns, emitting millions of tons of carbon dioxide, causing droughts in Syria and Africa (a fact proven by climatologists at the University of Los Angeles) and we have to pay these people for all their inconvenience. Our companies take millions of tons of garbage and waste to Ghana and just dump them in the landfills of this country. Due to poisoning with heavy metals, many people do not even live up to 30 years old, die from diseases. Here is a list of companieswho are transporting your thrown garbage to Ghana by ships and killing the ecology of this country. Google "Electronic Dump in Ghana" and see what we consumers in prosperous Germany are doing to this country. For our uncontrolled consumption, people die every day before they even reach the age of 40. When you throw your computer in the trash, think about the fact that someone may have to pay with their lives. " Can you imagine such an article in Der Spiegel? No, such an article will never be published there, as this runs counter to the interests of the government and large corporations. There will be no such article, and the large media will keep quiet about the fact of the export of huge volumes of garbage to the African continent. Why draw the attention of affluent consumers to the facts of the consequences of their lifestyle?Why draw the attention of affluent consumers to the facts of the consequences of their lifestyle?

7. The truth about green technologies

The media enthusiastically write about electric vehicles, alternative sources of electricity, wind turbines, solar panels. But in no article you will find a description of how dangerous the production of neodymium magnets for wind turbines is for our environment. So dangerous that the only country where their production is allowed is China. They will not write about the fact that for the production of one solar panel it is necessary to spend as much energy as it will produce lies in its entire life. They will keep silent that the production of alternative sources of "green" energy leads to massive environmental pollution. They will also forget that an electric car pollutes the atmosphere even more than a conventional gasoline engine, provided that the electricity to charge its batteries was produced at a coal-fired power station. About this, God forbid,in no case should you write. Or that companies for the extraction of lithium for batteries savagely exploit the natural resources of Peru and Bolivia, and to throw in an article a couple of photos of children living near mines, dying from heavy metal poisoning, is generally unthinkable for the major world media. When you buy your first electric car, remember these kids.

They died so that you don't feel guilty about the trip to the supermarket. To make you feel good about using environmentally friendly transport. It would be nice to attach to your car photos of several women who were killed in Mexico just because the plant for the production of plastic parts for your car did not want to take their employees home on payday. They walked home through the dark streets and were killed for a small pile of money, which they earned in blood and sweat. In an interview, the owner of the enterprise will later declare that due to competition, he cannot transport employees to their homes, he has no money to ensure their safety. Then he will say that there are many others willing to replace them. The company won't even pay for the funeral of its former employees. I wish I could seehow CNN will urge brand-new car owners to print on their hoods photographs of women who have been killed so that they can ride SUVs in comfort.

8. Destruction of tropical forests

This topic, to put it mildly, is not very popular in major media. But from time to time it slips. Only never, I emphasize, never a journalist will write about the companies that are reserves for this crime against humanity. You will never read in The Wall Street Journal that, for example, the profits of the ABC agricultural holding increased due to the barbaric deforestation in the Amazon region, where the company established plantations for the production of palm oil. A journalist who makes a clear and unambiguous connection between the deforestation of tropical forests and the rise in the stock price of a particular company will simply be fired without severance pay. It is not customary to write about such things in a leading financial publication.

9. Impact of modern technologies on health

Have you ever heard of some major publication publishing facts about the negative impact of cellular communications on a person? Backed by Scientists and Research? But such studies exist, moreover, this fact can be considered proven. But neither on American or British television, you will see major investigations into how harmful radiation from cell towers is. This is an unpopular topic among journalists, since it affects the interests of large telecommunications companies, which pay huge sums of money to keep silent about the harm of their technologies to health. Business, nothing personal. The same is happening in the pharmaceutical sector. Thousands of people who have died due to the side effects of a new drug that generates billions of dollars a year is not well written.

10. Social order

There is a topic that is a complete taboo for the world's major media. This is the topic of the social order. Not a single major publication in the world will publish an article that capitalism has outlived its usefulness, that it is necessary to develop other forms of social order, will keep silent about the fact that an uncontrolled thirst for enrichment is killing our planet. Will not write a couple of unflattering words about the owners of large corporations, will not call them a dashing word. Public order cannot be discussed, and one cannot say that democracy and capitalism are antonyms and generally a forbidden topic. You won't read about it in the International Herald Tribune. The "Sun" edition will quietly keep silent. And "Boston Globe" bashfully lowers its eyes. It is not customary to talk about such things in the society of gentlemen. Look around you with different eyes. Look at the things and goods on the shelves. There is a piece of pork - it is cut down forests and rivers, poisoned by plums from livestock farms. There's a new pair of sneakers - child labor of Filipino slaves. Smartphone. For his sake, our planet was polluted with heavy metals, more than a dozen people died as a result.

And there are plastic tomatoes for you to buy, some bankrupt farmer had to commit suicide. Pretty woman's dress. So that you can carry it for your pleasure, the textile mill has poisoned a couple of rivulets, in which all the fish died. And here is soap and cosmetics with the addition of palm oil. So that you could keep yourself clean and beautiful, you had to cut down hundreds of hectares of rainforest and plant palm trees that kill the soil and the environment. In the morning you drink coffee without thinking about those Nicaraguans who live as slaves and have collected this coffee for you for a couple of pesos. Someone made good money on this. Here is a book for the production of which a tropical forest was cut down in Africa, tens of thousands of animals died, and a plantation of eucalyptus trees was planted on it for paper production. No other plant other than eucalyptus will grow in this place, since eucalyptus secretes substances that kill all other vegetation. So you flew on vacation to Turkey. Your plane's carbon dioxide emissions will ruin some fishermen in Micronesia, where ocean acidification has killed all fish.

This is our planet and we should at least be aware of the price we pay for our way of life. We must understand that in order to enjoy the benefits of civilization, we pay a very high price. And try to reduce it a little at least through our consumption. It is clear that we will not be able to refuse all goods produced in sweatshops. So let's at least enjoy the fruits of slave labor and the barbaric exploitation of nature to a minimum. We can change this world, but first we need to understand what is wrong in it. But we must do this on our own, large mass media (dis) information will not help us in this.