A Slightly Different World . - Alternative View

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A Slightly Different World . - Alternative View
A Slightly Different World . - Alternative View

Video: A Slightly Different World . - Alternative View

Video: A Slightly Different World . - Alternative View
Video: [Animation] Different View of Reality (English, properly synced) 2024, June

In one of the small regional hospitals of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, an elderly doctor, Pyotr Sergeevich Denisov, was in charge of the neurological department. Once a story happened to him, which he could not explain. It happened in 1990

Photo: one of the most mysterious stones ever found by people. Anyone who saw and touched him came to the conclusion that the hole in the stone was made by a laser … Many remained unconvinced even after they learned that the stone is the same age as mammoths … The artifact weighs approximately 650 grams. The hole in it is through, of the correct somewhat oval shape. Its diameter is about 12 millimeters. The length of the melted part of the hole is 20-40 millimeters. The material of the molten part, like the rest of the stone, is flint. On the one hand, it spread over the relief of the stone. The state of the stone surface denies the possibility of the modern origin of the hole. One of the faces of the artifact, about 10x25 millimeters in size, is completely flat, as if the stone was pressed against a flat surface in a very hot state.

Mysterious Disappearance The

working day for about thirty minutes has already ended, and all the employees of the department have gone home. Pyotr Sergeevich was also about to leave. He took off his dressing gown, put on his jacket, turned off the

office light, went out into the corridor and put his hand in his pocket for the keys to lock the door. There were no keys. I felt all the pockets of my jacket and even my jeans - no keys! He returned to the office, examined the table, searched the pockets of the robe, looked at the lock of the safe (maybe he forgot to take them out) - no keys! What to do? After all, the key fob contained the keys not only to the safe and cabinet, but also to the house!

I had to start a systematic search for the loss. Denisov took off his jacket, laid it out on the sofa and slowly, consistently - and more than once - ransacked all his pockets. Then he examined the drawers of the table, even looked under the sofa, checked all the pockets of the robes hanging in the closet. The keys are gone!

A fruitless search

Frustrated, Denisov moved the search to neighboring offices and the corridor, where he could accidentally leave them. I reviewed it in all the offices, in all the tables … However, it makes no sense to list the places where the elderly doctor looked in search of keys. The fact remains: they disappeared completely!

There was only one thing left to do - to call your employees: hadn't any of them - by accident - captured the keychain with the keys? One of the doctors, whom we managed to get through, said that he was the last to leave and saw Pyotr Sergeevich looking for something in an open safe. Consequently, Denisov closed it himself, which meant that no one could accidentally take the keys away! Where are they?

An unexpected find

I must say that Petr Sergeevich, despite his considerable age, was absolutely sane and adequate! He sat in his office, broke down and, in the end, called his orderly - fortunately, he lived nearby! - so that he brings his keys. Fifteen minutes later the orderly came. The men locked the front door and went home, rightly judging that the morning is wiser than the evening! The loss, of course, was depressing, created a lot of problems, and what a lot!

With these gloomy thoughts, Denisov trudged along the dark streets, consoled only by the fact that the spare keys to his house were hidden in the courtyard under the porch and there would be no need to break the lock.

Having found a spare bundle, Peter Sergeevich successively opened the doors of the veranda and the house itself. In the hallway I put my briefcase on the floor and put the spare keys out of habit! - into a jacket pocket and they … blurted out about a bunch of keys already lying there, the one that was lost and which had to be searched for so long and hard!

Deja vu

And here it should be noted: the strangest thing, perhaps, was not even the mysterious disappearance of a weighty bunch of keys, but the mental state that Denisov had as soon as the loss was discovered. Instantly there was a strange sensation of loss of balance. In a split second, the ceiling and floor were reversed and returned to their original positions. There was a feeling of unreality of what was happening. It suddenly seemed to Denisov that he was not him, but a completely different, unfamiliar person! And there was complete silence, and with it - the feeling that he, Denisov, was enveloped in a thick layer of cotton wool. And yet - oddly enough - it seemed to Pyotr Sergeevich that something similar had already happened to him …

So Denisov stood and stood in the hallway, holding two bunches of keys in his hands and moving a puzzled look from one to the other. Is it really old age? How could one fail to notice a bunch of keys in his pocket - mind you, he could not imagine a weighty bunch of keys, noticeably pulling off the pocket! Not noticed after numerous and lengthy searches!

As a doctor, a specialist trained in psychiatry, Denisov knew many phenomena of the human psyche, but can what happened to him be explained by such reasons? Hardly! And not even because the bunch of keys is too large, and he, Denisov, is absolutely adequate, but because all this was accompanied by peculiar inner feelings of unreality of what was happening and even depersonalization - that is, a symptom of "already seen", the famous deja vu! These inner mental sensations left no doubt that Pyotr Sergeevich had to meet with the unknown!

A slightly different world

Several years have passed. From time to time, Denisov mentally returned to that strange incident. And one day I decided to sit in the library, look for publications that would describe similar situations. And that's what he found out.

According to the testimony of the coordinator of the All-Russian Society "Cosmopo-isk" V. A. Chernobrov, in 1995 he accidentally met his fellow student - they studied together at the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI). And this fellow student told Vadim Alexandrovich that once he was in a "slightly different world" for about two weeks. There was MAI in that world, and the same people, but those who in one world knew him well, in the other - turned away as if they were unfamiliar; his fiancee in that unusual world was the wife of another … How he got there and how he came back, Chernobrov's fellow student did not know. He only said that it happened suddenly.

Letters to nowhere

And here is another example from the same book by V. Chernobrov - the case of the famous writer Yevgeny Petrovich Kataev (Yevgeny Petrov), co-author of Ilya Ilf. It turns out that Kataev had a strange hobby. He wrote a letter and sent it to a real country, but he invented the city, street and house. Naturally, such a letter was returned with a note that the address was incorrect. Evgeny Petrovich collected envelopes from returned letters. He liked, looking at foreign stamps on stamps, to represent the travels that, obedient to his will, made these squares of paper.

And then one day Kataev sent such a letter to New Zealand, completely inventing the city, and the street, and the name of the addressee. Imagine his surprise when a few months later he … received an answer from this fictional city. Considering that Evgeny Petrovich had never been to New Zealand and did not know anyone there, one can imagine his bewilderment. Even stranger was the fact that the envelope contained a photograph with which he, Kataev, was smiling, and next to him was a completely unfamiliar man! On the back of the photo was the date: October 9, 1938. It was here that Kataev was completely at a loss. After all, it was on that day that he was hospitalized with bilateral pneumonia and was unconscious!

Evgeny Petrovich Kataev, known by his literary pseudonym Evgeny Petrov, was in a plane crash in 1942. It was on this day that a letter from the same city of New Zealand came to his Moscow address with a request that he fly less on planes, since they - his distant friends - had a premonition that Eugene might crash!

All these given descriptions of the possible contact of parallel worlds are surprisingly similar to the simple case that happened to Peter Sergeevich Denisov, but they hardly explain what happened!

And now let us recall the amazing cases of the discovery of fossilized prints of a person's bare feet next to the tracks of dinosaurs, or a gold chain in a piece of coal, which is tens of millions of years old, and many similar finds unexplained by science. Let us also recall the mysterious disappearances of people. These are the cases that defy any explanation. Comprehending all this, willy-nilly you come to the conclusion that Time seems to "allow" people - very, very rarely! - fall into the past and leave your traces there. Finding himself far from his era, such a person creates a kind of fork in that reality, because when he gets there where he should not be, he directs the world along a different path, without canceling you and me and everything that surrounds us. Without canceling the world in which we, dear readers, live and try to comprehend it!