Who Is The Oldest In The World? - Alternative View

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Who Is The Oldest In The World? - Alternative View
Who Is The Oldest In The World? - Alternative View

Video: Who Is The Oldest In The World? - Alternative View

Video: Who Is The Oldest In The World? - Alternative View
Video: The History of the World: Every Year 2024, September

Life surprises us every day. And it is most calm when they concern not our reality, but the affairs of a long time ago (well, very long ago) of bygone days.

Riddle of the White Pyramid

From a young age we heard about the Egyptian pyramids and considered them a building and cultural achievement of purely Ancient Egypt. True, later it turned out that the Mayans and the Aztecs had erected these magnificent structures.

But China never ceases to amaze. Recently, a real sensation has occurred in the scientific world. In China, archaeologists have discovered dozens of huge pyramids. They are larger than Egyptian and (more importantly) much older. Where did they come from, and why did the world not hear about them before?

The Chinese Lake Fushian Hu is located at an altitude of 1,750 meters above sea level, its length is 35 kilometers, and its width is seven. The depth in some places reaches 150 meters. According to ancient legends, there is a sunken Golden City at the bottom of the lake.

Several years ago, the Chinese military explored the bottom of the lake. After lengthy and complex events, an entire complex of many buildings was discovered, including castles, monuments and a stadium. All this is connected by roads. And in the heart of the city there is a stepped thirty-meter pyramid. Divers found steles with unknown hieroglyphs around it, a statue similar to the Egyptian Sphinx, and many other artifacts.

Now the German historian and archaeologist Academician Hartwig Hausdorf is studying the Chinese pyramids. More recently, he received admission from the Chinese authorities to the mysterious area. “I was allowed to visit this restricted area west of Xi'an City, the capital of Shaanxi Province. It turned out that there are more than 100 pyramids of various sizes. Most of them are built on flat terrain, but some are in the mountains, including the mysterious White Pyramid, located 65 kilometers southwest of this region. True, I was never allowed to see her,”he wrote.

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Truly, the biggest mystery surrounding the Chinese pyramids is the carefully hidden White Pyramid.

It was first described by US Air Force pilot James Kausman. During one of the flights, in 1947, he flew over the area, which is called Death Valley in China. One of the engines almost stalled, the fuel began to freeze, and the pilot had to descend. Suddenly, right below the crew saw a giant pyramid of white shiny material! At its top was a huge crystal. The plane could not land near the structure, only flew around three times.

According to Hausdorff, the White Pyramid is possibly the largest in the world. There is testimony from American military pilots during the Second World War: they are talking about a white pyramid 1000 feet (approximately 300 meters). But after the formation of the People's Republic of China in 1949, it became impossible to verify the truth of this information.

Let's remind that the Cheops pyramid is officially recognized as the largest pyramid in the world. Its height is about 140 meters, and its age is estimated at about 4500 years.

Interestingly, the White Pyramid is located at the same latitude as the Pyramid of Cheops, but 72 degrees east. Its location fits into the grid of the Earth's geomagnetic energy channels. But getting close to her is impossible. Chinese troops are protecting the pyramid from the eyes of foreign guests.

Although it is not entirely clear how one can save such a bulk from views, given the current level of space technology.

Nevertheless, such secrecy gave rise to rumors that it was built by aliens, Atlanteans or Lemurians as a huge battery or a site for UFOs.

In general, the origin of the White Pyramid remains a mystery, but it is already an indisputable fact that it is grander and more ancient than all the Egyptian pyramids.

Hello from aliens

Local scientists were lucky enough to find a sensational find in Romania. They found a piece of aluminum, 250,000 years old. The find is 20 cm long, 12.5 cm wide, 7 cm thick. The fact is truly amazing. After all, for the first time humanity began to produce aluminum only 200 years ago.

Experts believe that at that distant time it was made by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. And Romanian ufologists are sure that the discovered piece of metal was once part of a mechanical system in an alien ship.

An equally amazing find caught the eye of Mrs. Emma Khan in June 1934 in the rocks near the American town of London, Texas. It looks like an ordinary hammer. The metal part is 15 centimeters long and about three centimeters in diameter. But it literally grew into limestone about 140 million years old, and now it is stored along with a piece of rock.

The experts who examined the find immediately came to a unanimous conclusion - a hoax. However, further research carried out by various scientific institutions, including the famous Battel Laboratory (USA), showed that not everything is so simple.

First, the wooden handle, on which the hammer is set, has already turned to stone from the outside, but inside it has completely turned into coal. This means that its age is also estimated at millions of years. Secondly, specialists from the Metallurgical Institute in Columbus (Ohio) were amazed by the chemical composition: 96.6 percent iron, 2.6 percent chlorine and 0.74 percent sulfur. It was not possible to identify any other impurities. Such pure iron has not been obtained in the entire history of earthly metallurgy. Impressive, isn't it ?!

However, we will talk about other unusual finds prescribed for aliens or disappeared races sometime next time.

Author: Alexander BELENKY