Esoteric Secrets Of The Ancient Russian Goddess - Alternative View

Esoteric Secrets Of The Ancient Russian Goddess - Alternative View
Esoteric Secrets Of The Ancient Russian Goddess - Alternative View

Video: Esoteric Secrets Of The Ancient Russian Goddess - Alternative View

Video: Esoteric Secrets Of The Ancient Russian Goddess - Alternative View
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Many ancient peoples living in the Vedic tradition have always had a female hypostasis of God the creator. That is why the pantheon of Vedic gods has always included a goddess - the wife of the supreme god. There was such a goddess Lada and our distant ancestors - the Vedic Russians. It is from her name that Lake Ladoga bears its name, on the southeastern coast of which the main temple of the goddess Lada was once located. From this temple, with the beginning of the genocide of the Vedic Russes, the famous golden statue of Lada (Golden Baba) was evacuated to distant Siberia and hidden in secret vaults, for which the servants of the forces of darkness hunted for many centuries and continue their hunt.

Why have representatives of the world parasitic system tried for so many centuries to find and destroy this statue of it? The point here is not so much the greed of gold, but the fact that for the Russian people this goddess has always been a patroness and intercessor. Christians know her under the name of the Mother of God, but many ancient peoples knew her long before Christians as the Mother of the World.

Here is what the Russian traveler, biologist, anthropologist G. Sidorov writes about this ancient Russian goddess:

Now it becomes clear that the Western "democracy" imposed on us with its satanic "values" has as its goal the degeneration and destruction of the Russian people and our state. After all, it is in following the energies of the ancient Russian goddess that the sources of the power and invincibility of our distant ancestors lie, who often won battles with numerically superior enemies, whose satanic ratios were repeatedly sent to Russia by the servants of the world parasitic system.

It also becomes clear why the Mother of the World protects precisely the Russian people, who, despite the efforts of the servants of darkness, have preserved in their memory esoteric knowledge about the life-giving energy of true Love, which is a manifestation of the Old Russian goddess in our world of gross matter.

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