Divine Cards - Alternative View

Divine Cards - Alternative View
Divine Cards - Alternative View

Video: Divine Cards - Alternative View

Video: Divine Cards - Alternative View
Video: Don't Let Tarot Cards Ruin Your Life [MUST WATCH!!] 2024, September

The Peruvian Nazca desert is lined with giant geometric shapes. The 300-meter drawings can only be viewed from an airplane. Their true purpose is still a mystery.

Moscow scholar and geosymbol Dmitry Vorobyov, looking at the maps of our country, in the interweaving of roads, saw clearly drawn images of saints. According to the historian, the lines along which the highways later ran did not appear randomly and by no means accidentally.

Dmitry Vorobyov, a senior lecturer at the Institute of Innovative Technologies, began studying city maps on the instructions of his superiors. Imagine the historian's surprise when, tracing the main thoroughfares with a felt-tip pen, in the outlines of the streets and alleys of the Boulevard Ring, he saw a schematic representation of a woman's head. The maiden's face was covered with a scarf. And the Garden Ring outlined a semicircular halo above her head.

We look at the map. Indeed, the female image.

- Gogolevsky Boulevard and Soymonovsky Proezd are the nose and lower part of the virgin's face, Nikitsky Boulevard and the beginning of Tverskoy Boulevard - the brow, - the historian leads the map with a pencil. - Mouth - Volkhonka area. Do you think that by chance there are two institutes in this place - the Russian language and philosophy?

Skeptical, we are forced to admit that the Kitai-Gorod area falls exactly on the frontal part of the Queen of Heaven, where the city and State Duma are located "as the governing mind".

“The Neglinka River, hidden under the ground, flows into the crown of the head, like a stream of invisible grace,” the historian continues with inspiration. - On the crown of the head - a crown, which, like precious stones, adorn the monasteries: Sretensky, Petrovsky, Nativity of the Virgin.

The contours of the virgin pass exactly along the border of the ancient White City, the walls of which were erected back in 1593.

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On the map of the Moscow region, the saint appears already at full height. Leninsky Prospect and Kashirskoye Highway gently outline the maiden's camp. The Moscow scholar dignifies a woman in a long dress as the Mother of Russia.

- Do you see a semicircle? - Vorobyov leads along a smooth line with a pencil. - Exactly along this line are monasteries: Novodevichy, Andreevsky, Donskoy, Danilovsky, Simonovsky, Novospassky, Pokrovsky, Andronnikov. The Tatar-Mongols could not pass through this line. Moscow is a holy, sacred place. In addition to the "White Head" of Moscow, in the system of ancient ramparts - Danilovsky, Suschevsky, Presnensky, Gruzinsky - Vorobyov saw the head of a bear. The back of a giant bear runs along Stromynka, Shchelkovskoe highway and Balashikha. The beast is considered the totem of the Russian people. Everything in history, according to the historian, is predetermined.

- Who drew and painted all this? "The one who can see well from above!" - laughs the Moscow expert.

Vorobyov believes that there is a certain plan that is drawn for every country and for every people. Many centuries ago, someone from above imposed a seal - a kind of matrix - on the territory of Moscow, which was later outlined by roads and began to be built up with houses.

The layout of Moscow is actually striking in its geometric precision. On maps, the capital looks like a 12-pointed star. The Garden Ring is a strict circle from which the rays depart - the roads directed to a certain side of the world and to one of the zodiac signs. There are exactly 12 rays. The roads are turned from one another exactly 30 degrees. Space is divided with cosmic precision.

“It's curious that Moscow is located exactly in the center of the Russian Plain, or, as it is called, the East European Plain,” says Dmitry Vorobyov. - At an equal distance from the Ural, Scandinavian mountains, to the Carpathians and the Caucasus. We can say that the capital is located at the base of a stone cross. The same is with Voronezh. The city is located in the center, at an equal distance from Kiev, Moscow, Saratov, Rostov-on-Don.

There is also a Russian spirit in the mind of the Moscow expert and geosymbolist Vorobyov.

On the map of the central part of Russia, the highways running from Moscow formed the head of a Russian soldier in a helmet.

- Under the helmet of the knight - the city of gunsmiths Tula, in the forehead - the Eagle. Eyes - Belgorod, that is, a white eye that does not jinx. Chin - the coast of the Azov Sea. The Moscow-Rostov and Moscow-Volgograd routes have drawn the Vityaz's neck and the aventail - a chain mail net coming out from under the helmet, the historian continues to tell. - In the Great Patriotic War, the Germans hit the knight's entire head at once: "in the forehead" was a tank battle near Prokhorovka, "in the mouth" the battle for the Dnieper raged, ruffled "beard" on Malaya Zemlya in Crimea. And the Nazis could not step over the "head" of the knight. Stalingrad - the comforter of the Russian spirit - became a point of return for them. Moscow was too tough for the Germans. Because on the capital near the Garden Ring there is a "seal" - "White Head", a kind of icon with a halo.

It is curious that the face of the hero is on the territory of another state - Eastern Ukraine, in the beard of the knight - Crimea. Inside the giant "head" everyone speaks Russian. According to Vorobiev, Ukraine will always be split: its different parts have different defenders and patrons.

According to the maps drawn by the historian, similar saints "guard" other cities of Russia. There are, for example, invisible and now visible defenders and patrons of ancient Novgorod. On the map, in the interweaving of streets and roads, we see the image of three heroes.

Taking the atlas, we in the editorial office also tried to draw figures different from Vorobyov. They took them in different directions with markers. But no matter how they twisted, the appearance was formed … of a maiden, a bear, a knight.

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Who marked the surface of the earth? As for the Nazca desert, scientists suggest that the mysterious lines and figures, which are 2,000 years old, are "drawn" by a laser beam from one point in the sky. The rocky plateau, where the lines passed, was destroyed and turned into light sand under the action of a high-tech beam instrument.

The territory of Russia is marked with images of saints. Is it the creativity of some higher intelligence, aliens or a powerful, but forgotten earthly civilization? Scientists have something to puzzle over.