Atta Ants: Theory Of The Teleporting Uterus. Truth Or Lie? - Alternative View

Atta Ants: Theory Of The Teleporting Uterus. Truth Or Lie? - Alternative View
Atta Ants: Theory Of The Teleporting Uterus. Truth Or Lie? - Alternative View

Video: Atta Ants: Theory Of The Teleporting Uterus. Truth Or Lie? - Alternative View

Video: Atta Ants: Theory Of The Teleporting Uterus. Truth Or Lie? - Alternative View
Video: OMG! Leafcutter Ants WILL BLOW YOUR MIND | Thanksgiving Special - Part 1 2024, May

Those who invented the benefits of civilization are truly brilliant creatures. No, we do not praise the human race, it is already arrogant. Megalopolises, a complex network of infrastructures and even agriculture - all these are the merits of ants, which we shamelessly communed. But even now, humanity has a lot to learn from the tiny arthropod workers. Meet the masters of teleportation - atta ants or leaf cutters!


Before we move on to the paranormal, it is worth explaining behind the ants themselves. After all, our heroes are not simple forest mushrooms that are busy in the local park. Atta ants build huge megacities 15 meters in diameter and 6 meters deep! The population of one such city can reach up to 7 million individuals! You can find the miracle of engineering in the rainforests of South America.


For each type of activity, ants have special compartments. One chamber is a nursery, another chamber for the queen, one for garbage, and so on.

The genius of the hard workers did not stop at the construction of giant structures. In documentaries, you have probably seen more than once how our heroes in orderly rows drag leaves into the anthill. After all, it was not for nothing that they were called leaf cutters.

If you thought that atta was being brought into the house, then this is partly the case. Only the leaves do not feed the arthropods themselves, but the mushrooms that they grow and eat! Atta are one of the few creatures on the planet who have successfully mastered agriculture!

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In this way, leaf cutters drag up to 20% of fallen leaves into their anthill within a radius of hundreds of meters around the anthill!


After they fold these sheets, the leaves rot and mushrooms grow. The ants eat these mushrooms.

We will not dwell on all kinds of classes in detail, this is a topic for a separate article. Let's just say that each member of the ant family performs a strictly assigned role to him, on which the fate of the colony depends. It is because of this that the large mechanism called the anthill works with impeccable precision! All works are for the glory of the Queen Mother, which creates new and new generations of hard workers.


The different appearance of ants is due to the different work they do. This phenomenon is called polymorphism. Queen, soldier, 3 types of workers.

If tiny insects have mastered what we have been going for millennia, the possibility of teleportation of these superintelligents no longer seems so fabulous. Moreover, they have such big heads! Brainy goi.


In fact, such large heads are needed to set in motion the huge jaws that the ant uses to cut the leaf.

One experiment tells about the supernatural abilities of leaf cutters. To protect the queen, the ants build strong chambers. So strong that they cannot be pierced with a crowbar or a hammer. One problem. Despite the fact that our madam is a queen and has the right to any move, she cannot escape. The passages are too narrow - they are intended for the servants of the uterus, who feed her and take her to nurse her children.


The queen looks extremely creepy compared to regular worker ants.

A group of testers cut off part of the camera to observe the life of the monarch. As long as the camera is left open or covered with a piece of glass, nothing happens. However, if you close the chamber tightly for just a few minutes, the uterus will disappear!


Their uterus is very good!

Moreover, she will appear safe and sound in exactly the same cell on the other side of the anthill! And this despite the fact that the queen herself does not move, and it is possible to place her in a narrow hole leading to the royal mansion only in parts.


To make sure that the queen is the same, the experimenters stained the uterus, putting a mark on it.

And, it would seem, here it is - a scientific discovery that will turn our world upside down! The only problem is that the above-described miracle is described in one single work of cryptozoologist Ivan Sanderson. No myrmecologist (ant specialist) can confirm the test results that this venerable "scientist" "observed". But the bike scattered all over the Internet.

So, friends, comrades, not all books carry the light of knowledge. At times, lousy fiction lures you into ignorance. Without a doubt, the leaf cutters are incredibly cool guys, but it's still a long way to teleport them.