Miraculous And Inexplicable Cases Of Salvation - Alternative View

Miraculous And Inexplicable Cases Of Salvation - Alternative View
Miraculous And Inexplicable Cases Of Salvation - Alternative View

Video: Miraculous And Inexplicable Cases Of Salvation - Alternative View

Video: Miraculous And Inexplicable Cases Of Salvation - Alternative View
Video: Impending cataclysms. Relationships between people. Revival of Humaneness (English subtitles) 2024, September

There are cases when people who were considered dead, for example, in accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters, suddenly return "from the other world." Many mysteries are connected with this - after all, these miraculous salvations defy rational explanation.

During the Great Patriotic War, Private Ivan Zh. Died. In any case, his comrade saw him fall to the ground, struck by a grenade fragment. There was no way to pick up the bodies of the killed. The unit commander sent a funeral to the family of J.

Several months later, the commander received a message that a deserter from his unit had been caught in a village. The name of the captured soldier was Ivan J. "Why, he died!" - exclaimed the commander. However, he was assured otherwise.

Ivan J. appeared before the military all tattered. At 30, he turned completely gray. The private was talking nonsense. As if after the battle, when he was hit in the head and, in the opinion of his comrade, killed, he woke up in an unfamiliar area.


There was not a soul anywhere, no volleys of guns, no battles. Around only steppe and forest. For several days the soldier wandered through the forests, feeding on what God would send. In the woods Ivan came across some small house, like a gatehouse. There he was met by a woman dressed in a dark dress and headscarf like a nun. It turned out that she spoke in an unfamiliar language - not Russian, but not German either. Ivan claimed that the woman was able to talk to animals, a dog and a cat, that lived with her, as well as squirrels and birds.

J. stayed in the forest house. The woman fed him, looked after him, but they explained only by gestures. He did not understand who the owner of the house was, what she was doing here. For all the time, no one has ever visited the woman, although she herself sometimes went somewhere for a long time with a bundle in her hands. Ivan wandered around the neighborhood, hoping to find signs of other human habitation or to meet other people.

Once the soldier could not return to the woman's house - he could not find the road to him from the forest. For another week he wandered through the forest, completely weak from hunger and fatigue. Finally, he fell somewhere under a bush and lost consciousness. Then the inhabitants of a nearby village stumbled upon him. Before putting Ivan Zh. On trial for desertion, they nevertheless decided to conduct an inquiry. They put him in a car and took him in search of the "forest woman".

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They combed everything in those parts, but they did not find any hut in the forest. We began to question the local residents, and what if there really is some German spy hiding in the forest who recruited a Russian soldier? Nobody has heard of the mysterious stranger. And only one village old woman suggested that Ivan met with a mermaid. “In the old days, there were gobies, witches, mermaids, and mermaids. And now they rarely appear to a person."

Of course, none of those conducting the investigation believed in these "grandma's tales." It was decided that Ivan Zh. Was most likely hidden by one of the local women. And about the mermaid, everything is either a lie or nonsense. Ivan disappeared without a trace somewhere in the Stalinist camps, or rather, he was immediately shot. His family was never told anything.

A mysterious story has happened in our days with a young climber Yevgeny R. Being with a group of friends in the mountains, he fell off a cliff into an abyss. However, his remains were not found anywhere.


A year later, several people from that group went to the same place to commemorate their late friend. We sat down at the cliff and suddenly noticed that some kind of haze was rising from the bottom of the abyss. And then they heard shouts: "Help, help!"

Warily, one of the friends glanced down. There, at the bottom of the abyss, Zhenya stood and waved his hands, calling for help. He was wearing the same clothes as the day he disappeared. At first, the figure of Eugene seemed as if shrouded in fog, but then the fog dissipated.

Zhenya was immediately dragged upstairs with the help of a rope. It turned out that he had no idea how much time had passed. He remembered the fall into the abyss. Then - a lapse in consciousness. I woke up at the bottom of the abyss safe and sound. I was able to get to my feet myself. I saw my comrades above and shouted to them. At the same time, he was still surprised that they were not dressed as they were before his fall.

It seemed that Eugene had lost his memory. He was never able to answer the question where he was all this time. It was assumed that he was kidnapped by some people and injected with psychotropic drugs. But during a medical examination, nothing was found in his body.

Later, some more details were revealed. Zhenya said that when he was lying in a swoon after a fall, he had an amazing dream (or was it a vision?) About a city that has no equal on earth. This city consisted of beautiful buildings of whimsical architecture, surrounded by lush gardens. He met people there in long robes, speaking a foreign language, but at the same time he understood every single word. Gradually, the memory returned to Eugene, and he began to claim that he saw a magical land in reality.

The young man gave up mountaineering, although he several times came to the place of his "death", trying to find a way to the fabulous city. But all is in vain. Few people believed his stories.

In one of the Latin American countries, a bomb planted by terrorists in the lobby of an administrative building killed about two dozen people. Some of them only left ashes. About a month later, the local police were contacted by a young man and woman looking very emaciated. Newlyweds Justavo and Anita La Paglia, who were believed to have died in the explosion, survived!

They said that, being in the building on business, they heard a terrible rumble, and came to their senses in the desert hundreds of kilometers from the city. They ended up at a ranch, whose owner accepted and fed them, but refused to help them get home, demanding that they do various jobs for him. He treated them like draft animals. But somehow they managed to steal his car and escape. When they reached the first settlement, they left the car there and took a bus to the city.

The most interesting thing is that when the police tried to find the man who kept La Paglia and his wife in slavery, there was no one with that name and surname in the district. True, someone remembered that a man with the last name of the rancher died many years ago, leaving no offspring, and his estate was sold to someone. There was no dwelling in the indicated place in the desert. Meanwhile, Justavo and Anita talked about their stay at the mysterious ranch in such details, which are simply impossible to invent.

So what happened to all these people? Maybe at the moment of danger and death, they were teleported to another reality, which saved their lives, and then somehow returned back? But why exactly they were saved and what forces are behind it - this is the biggest mystery.
