Temple Of The Black Light - Alternative View

Temple Of The Black Light - Alternative View
Temple Of The Black Light - Alternative View

Video: Temple Of The Black Light - Alternative View

Video: Temple Of The Black Light - Alternative View
Video: Nekrosystem - Temple Of The Black Light 2024, July

This organization was originally called the Misanthropic Luciferian Orden (or MLO). It was formed in 1995 in Sweden, and subsequently the members decided to rename their community Temple Of The Black Light (Temple of the Black Light).

It is quite difficult to understand the philosophy of the Order without special training. It unites several currents of modern occultism and, at the same time, relies on ancient magical teachings. The main direction of the Order's activities is the study of Chaos and the search for keys to open portals that allow Chaos to penetrate the material world.


Adepts of the Order regard Chaos as nothing without dimensions and time frames, from which something was created, which we call the Universe, the cosmos, the world. According to the adherents of this doctrine, in the material three-dimensional world, like in a prison, the great Black Flame of Chaos is locked, the particles of which burn in the souls of the initiates. Thus, the aim of the Order is to find a way to release this flame to freedom, to return it to its former power. The Black Flame itself was not created by someone, it is only part of the all-consuming Chaos that has always existed.


On a more mundane level, Chaos is recognized as a symbol of absolute freedom from any dogma and generally accepted foundations. Humanity in the context of the philosophical constructions of MLO is considered no more than a herd united by collective madness, which does not deserve the right to exist after the advent of the original Chaos.

The rituals conducted by the Order are aimed at destroying cosmic harmony and introducing into life as such the greatest possible destructive energy and suffering. It is worth noting that all members of the Order, without exception, subject themselves to suffering, both physical and psychological. In their opinion, this helps to strengthen the spirit and knowledge of the true nature of Chaos. The neophytes who joined the organization become brothers of more experienced adepts, they are helped in every possible way in esoteric and magical practices, they have the right to count on any help.


Promotional video:

The Temple of the Black Light is one of the most radical and, at the same time, interesting in its concept of Satanic organizations. Lucifer is a central figure in their philosophy, as a material symbol of Chaos, giving people the opportunity to see the light of true darkness. The principle of conducting magical rituals, of course, is kept secret and one can only speculate about their nature. It is worth noting that the members of this movement currently reside not only in Sweden, but also in Norway and the Netherlands.

It is difficult to cover the complex conceptual system adopted in MLO within the framework of one article, but I hope I managed to convey their philosophical views in general terms.