3 Unusual Finds Found In Russia - Alternative View

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3 Unusual Finds Found In Russia - Alternative View
3 Unusual Finds Found In Russia - Alternative View

Video: 3 Unusual Finds Found In Russia - Alternative View

Video: 3 Unusual Finds Found In Russia - Alternative View
Video: Most SHOCKING Discoveries In Russia! 2024, September

1. The oldest mysterious artifact from the mine

In 2008, workers at one of the coal mines in the Rostov region discovered a find that could change the history of the whole world.

While making a passage at a depth of about a kilometer, the workers noticed a strange object. The mysterious artifact was located in layers of rocks, whose age was estimated at about 3 hundred million years.


He could not get into the rocks at the time of work, and until that moment the place remained untouched for millions of years. According to the description of eyewitnesses, the object is a man-made, not a natural formation.

Scientists from photographs also could not identify him.


Unfortunately, scientists or archaeologists were not allowed to the site for extraction, and workers could not quickly get the artifact without damaging it. Thus, the mine was soon closed, and the artifact remained in it.

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I forgot to mention that 2 pieces of the artifact were found. Both are in the form of a wheel, only the second is slightly smaller in size. A photo of a smaller one is used in the main photo of the publication and in the line below.


What kind of artifact it was is still a mystery.

2. Unusual artifact from Vologda

The news of the discovery of a mysterious artifact first appeared in 2013 (I could be wrong, it was too long ago). All notes spoke of an artifact whose purpose puzzled scientists.


The age of the artifact was estimated at 400 years since it was found in the cultural layers of the 18th century. However, its true age can be very different from the age of the cultural layer, because it could have got there much later than its creation.

The researchers were greatly interested in the find because of its uniqueness. Nothing like her had ever been found before.

Mentions about this artifact also suddenly began to subside, as they appeared. The last notes talked about sending the artifact for some "research". After that, the information is cut off.

The artifact does not seem to be something fantastic, but I wonder why it was intended and why the research results did not make it to the network.

3. An unusual find on the banks of the Ob River

About 2 years ago, during excavations in Novosibirsk, archaeologists discovered a mysterious find, the origin of which could not be determined.


The artifact is a banal human figurine with an unusual hat and material of manufacture. What's unusual about a hat?

The figurine looks like the hat is made of feathers, but in the surrounding areas such were not used. But how is this possible?

Archaeologists have suggested that the headdress may not be made of feathers, but have a ritual purpose. There is one more suggestion, but more fantastic.

Such headdresses are typical for American Indians, but how to explain this figure in this case remains a mystery.

Moreover, the age of the figurine is estimated at about 5-6 thousand years.

The material from which the artifact was created was also a mystery. The archaeologists did not even announce the possible options. It is worth recalling that the find is unique for an age of 5-6 thousand years.

In 2017, the artifact was sent for additional research, after which information about it was not reported. It certainly amazes me when such resonant finds quietly and quickly disappear.