Tipon And Megalithic Masonry Together With Accurate Calculations In Construction - Alternative View

Tipon And Megalithic Masonry Together With Accurate Calculations In Construction - Alternative View
Tipon And Megalithic Masonry Together With Accurate Calculations In Construction - Alternative View

Video: Tipon And Megalithic Masonry Together With Accurate Calculations In Construction - Alternative View

Video: Tipon And Megalithic Masonry Together With Accurate Calculations In Construction - Alternative View
Video: 7 Hours of Bafflingly Advanced Ancient Stonework That Experts Are Still Struggling To Explain 2024, September

Tipon is a huge complex located almost 30 kilometers from Cusco. In addition to multiple terraces, you can see a well-developed system of the so-called water supply. And of course, everything works to this day.

It became strange for me that the place is really far from the most famous, although the complex is large, with an area of almost 2.5 kilometers. As always, this is attributed to the Incas, without any facts and confirmation.

But it is worth finishing with the basic information and what can be distinguished in the complex itself? In all objects in Peru, I noted a sharp contrast in the technology of stacking blocks, this complex is no exception.


Just looking at several terraces at the same time, a bright transition from masonry made of ordinary stones, which are not at all processed and somehow hold on, to already higher-quality masonry, is sharply traced.

And in this case, I do not declare with certainty that this is the work of some highly developed civilization, but the fact is that it was done by civilizations of different levels of development.


And different levels of civilizations cannot differ sharply, say, over the past 100-200 years, this is at least one millennium, or even several.

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And for some reason, it is in Peru that all structures are made in the layers of several civilizations. The only explanation for why this was done by different civilizations is to leave at least something behind, but why?


In addition, anyone should understand that at least several civilizations existed in Peru, which they built from the very beginning, and the subsequent ones were simply completed and appropriated to themselves. Why this can be clearly seen only in South America is difficult to answer, but it is so.

If you do not ask the question of a well-developed water supply system, then there are other questions. There are at least 3 different masonry technologies in terraces and walls, which are different from each other.


Untreated small stones, which, purely theoretically, could have been folded by primitive man. Already larger processed and well-laid blocks of small sizes, and all this without a bonding solution, but there are practically no gaps between the blocks.

And the next, so-called "layer of civilization", both throughout Peru and in this complex, is already an impressive megalithic masonry, again without mortar, but the stones are large, well processed, of the correct shape and without any gaps.


Although there are not many megalithic masonry in Tipon, it is there. Of course, this is hardly comparable to Sacsayhuaman, but the complex, I think, is still worthy to at least know about it.

On the one hand, it seems clear why the place is not so well known, both among tourists and among researchers, but I am at least interested in the question, where is the nearest quarry, where did the material come from?


If it is tens of kilometers, as in some cases of ancient structures around the world, then other questions will arise. And yes, the most important thing I forgot to mention is the height.

The complex is built on a hill, at an altitude of 300 meters above the lowland, which, as I said above, raises additional questions about the transportation of megaliths. And given that there are several dozen terraces, a lot of material was needed, but where did it come from and, most importantly, how was it delivered? A question that will remain unanswered.
