Forbidden Archeology - What Can Be Attributed To This Concept From Archaeological Finds? - Alternative View

Forbidden Archeology - What Can Be Attributed To This Concept From Archaeological Finds? - Alternative View
Forbidden Archeology - What Can Be Attributed To This Concept From Archaeological Finds? - Alternative View

Video: Forbidden Archeology - What Can Be Attributed To This Concept From Archaeological Finds? - Alternative View

Video: Forbidden Archeology - What Can Be Attributed To This Concept From Archaeological Finds? - Alternative View
Video: Highlights: Forbidden Archaeology | Michael Cremo | Talks at Google 2024, June

Of course, there is no official concept of "forbidden archeology", which is quite obvious. But the forbidden archeology, in fact, includes everything that does not fit into the official chronology of history and the possibilities of ancient people.

Probably one of the most important finds of this kind are huge people. I do not argue that now and in the past there have been and will be many falsifications and elementary Photoshop with huge skeletons, but they were found in reality and this is a fact.

Recently, I became interested in the Ahnenerbe and a similar Soviet project called Orion. Over time, some documents get into the network, to researchers, and other people, who all this is displayed in the public.


In general, if not to stretch, then in the Orion project there are references to the discovery of skeletons in Central Asia (if I am not mistaken), many times more than modern people. This is practically not confirmed by anything, only some words and documents, but that is, that is.


But besides giants, of course, there are a huge variety of other artifacts that are either very difficult to explain by the official history, or impossible from a word at all, even for our time.

On my channel, not so long ago, I wrote several parts about artifacts with a prohibitive level of processing, if you are interested, you can read it, but here I will give a few examples.

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For example, one of the artifacts of the British Museum is a "dish" of basalt with some kind of outrageous machine processing. The artifact looks like it was just created using modern technology, but it is not.


As a rule, many of these artifacts are from a thousand to many thousands of years old, up to tens, if, of course, the age estimates are correct, which is doubtful. Although it doesn't really change anything.

An example of a slightly different kind is the obsidian "bowl," if you can call it that. Processing obsidian at this level and creating just such a shape is a difficult process even now, let alone thousands of years ago.


Some argue that such an obsidian bowl was cast, but this version is no less amusing than the manual processing of such an artifact. In that case, how did you cast obsidian, make such a shape and polish everything perfectly, even from the inside?

And the list of similar artifacts can be continued for a very long time, but the outcome is always the same. Such finds are either classified / destroyed, or initially do not provide any information to the public, or they simply simply ignore, which often happens.


One way or another, whoever says anything in defense of official history, scholars specifically ignore facts that would help rewrite history. And this is not due to a lack of "evidence", as some believe, but due to initial ignorance, or unwillingness to change anything.

And such finds, such as skeletons and artifacts, prove only a different civilization of the past with technologies unknown to us and in many respects surpassing modern capabilities, and this is worth recognizing.