Humanity Is The Result Of An Experiment Of An Extraterrestrial Civilization - Alternative View

Humanity Is The Result Of An Experiment Of An Extraterrestrial Civilization - Alternative View
Humanity Is The Result Of An Experiment Of An Extraterrestrial Civilization - Alternative View

Video: Humanity Is The Result Of An Experiment Of An Extraterrestrial Civilization - Alternative View

Video: Humanity Is The Result Of An Experiment Of An Extraterrestrial Civilization - Alternative View
Video: Stephen Hawking's Stark Warning for Humans to Leave Earth 2024, September

Hello everyone, today I want to express my unusual version of the origin of humanity.

In this article, I will not try to speculate about the origin of life in general, but only suggest where we came from as a species. Let's imagine a picture of our planet about 50-100 thousand years ago.

At that moment, the Earth was already overflowing with a wide variety of living species. Among them, some were more developed, while others were striving for complete extinction. Everything went on as usual, and nothing foreshadowed the emergence of humanity.

Now imagine the moment "x". An extraterrestrial civilization expedition stumbled upon Earth. It is difficult to guess now how much that civilization was developed and whether it had met planets inhabited by life before, but this is not particularly important.

On this planet, they found monkeys or primates that interested them. Maybe they were somewhat similar to them, maybe they had an increased chance of evolution or some other factor unknown to us. As a result, the aliens decided to conduct an experiment and help this species evolve.

It is difficult to imagine how exactly, but apparently it was a gene modification. You know, this indirectly confirms one scientific fact. If you recall Darwin's theory, then it says that we descended from a common ancestor of man and ape. But the transitional link between the monkey and the man was never found.

Do you know why they didn't find him? Because it simply does not exist. From the level of a monkey, we were artificially developed to the modern one. Roughly speaking, we were created. Of course, there is a possibility that after millions of years the monkeys could have evolved like this themselves, or they would have been destroyed by some meteorite.

Further we see a more interesting picture. I called our creation an experiment for a reason. Now it is difficult to say when we appeared as an intelligent species, but we will rely on 40-50 thousand years ago. I do not take this dating from my head, but based on the find of a bracelet found in Denisova cave.

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This bracelet could not be made by ordinary monkeys, because it was created from a rare mineral, and in order to make a hole, one had to show considerable ingenuity. It also testifies to the existence of a culture at that time. I believe we can start counting from 50 thousand years.

Unfortunately, we do not know exactly what was from 50 to 7-8 thousand years ago. I assume that people did something wrong, and for this their aliens were punished. Again, let's not guess, let's take the more famous periods.

If we take, for example, most of the advanced civilizations of antiquity, and consider their myths, then we can notice an amazing fact. There, not only gods who came from heaven appear, but also their direct influence on the development of society.

The most ancient times are described by myths, and they say that the gods even ruled over countries. During the reign, the necessary knowledge was passed on to improve life.

The Sumerian civilization shows us this very clearly. Their level of existence was very high for that time. They had a written language, they had a developed system of government, knowledge in astronomy, medicine, they "invented" the wheel and so on.

At some point, the gods helped people with agriculture and metallurgy. One gets the impression that they decided not only to create the look, but also to help it develop. Thus, several millennia passed, and at some point the gods decided to leave us.

Apparently they held a meeting, and decided only to observe us, without direct intervention. I assume that they are watching us now. I have a vague suspicion that they even keep in touch with someone from the Earthlings.

I propose this interesting version. Please do not forget that these are only my thoughts, and I am a human being, and I can be wrong. I hope that my version will find support among you. Thank you all for reading, don't forget to like and subscribe to the channel.