The Riddle Of Thinking Stones - Alternative View

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The Riddle Of Thinking Stones - Alternative View
The Riddle Of Thinking Stones - Alternative View

Video: The Riddle Of Thinking Stones - Alternative View

Video: The Riddle Of Thinking Stones - Alternative View
Video: The Riddle of the Stones 2024, June

The remarkable Soviet geochemist and mineralogist Alexander Evgenievich Fersman (1883-1945), returning from an expedition to Central Asia, in one of his scientific publications admitted the statement that sapphire and cobblestone are entities overflowing with alien energies.

Entities that show their temper are spontaneous movements, dead sticking to locations, flights and other "tricks", sometimes foreshadowing tragic events.

One of the manholes leading to the Kerch quarries of the Crimea was blocked for almost 300 years by a huge boulder of amazing red-pink color with snow-white belting stripes. Local residents - Greeks - considered the stone the home of an evil spirit, avoided it.

Therefore, when on June 21, 1941, the boulder was moved with a bulldozer knife, intending to use it as a tombstone on the mass grave of the heroes of the Civil War, the people murmured: "The spirit has been angered, there will be trouble!"



The trouble, however, hesitated, showing miracles. Each and every small and medium-sized stones in a circle of 150 meters began to move chaotic, akin to Brownian movement. The Kolo-Kol-kolotushka used to wake up the artel workers unauthorizedly began to ring.

Three boxes of cartridges exploded in the warehouses of the nearest military unit. An hour passed, and the red-pink giant, standing rooted to the spot, calmed down. Not for long. The next day, the Great Patriotic War began. And, curiously, the boulder continued to weird, setting fire to the grass and ironing the bushes until the enemy was driven out.

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In the early fifties, the handsome monolith was nevertheless sawn and used for finishing work. Everything went quietly, without any signs of devilry, which cannot be said about the events of the second half of the 18th century in the Kuskovo estate, which belonged to the chief chamberlain of the imperial court, Count N. P. Sheremetyev (175-1809).

Here is what the serf architect F. S. Argunov.

Gulba of the Devil Stone

“Where the pouring of the pond was being prepared, there was a huge stone on which, using it as a base, it was decided to build a purely planed, without paint coating, chapel. The stone had to be removed from the pit, straightened in order to work on it.

No matter how hard the six horses pulled by a train, they did not move the daredevil. If the stone swayed a little, under it and on the hillside the grass flared up with fire, the lands were bumpy, a distant large pond poured out of the banks, covering the kennel and five servants' houses.

The amazed foreman Ilya Pokrovskikh cried out: "Damn you completely!" The water left, the grass burning stopped. Damn stone cracked, making it a material suitable for making a foundation. The chapel, where the human churchyard, was cut down on it. They did not have time to consecrate. On the Pokrova, that chapel burnt to ashes, engulfing in flames from below. Well, do not move another stone that has loved peace, so that it will dashingly bypass."

As many and anywhere as you like stones, "adore" movement. On the territory of Kazakhstan, not far from Semipalatinsk, there is a vast section of the forest-steppe, from ancient times called the Vagrant Field. Local rounded boulders, for some reason only in the winter months, start races in different directions, plowing wavy ragged furrows.

In 1832, a trader in salt, a philistine Ivan Troitsky, had the opportunity to observe the development of the phenomenon. In a letter sent to his brother Kirill in Omsk, he writes: “Stones do not roll. They run, crawl with one side, scattering sheaves of sparks visible even in the sun. Stones are tolerably plowed without sowing. That is why nothing grows on the bald patches where they frolic. Gray air envelops them. It is easier to breathe on the field than around. At the same time, the soul is oppressed, longing rolls over. I'd rather get in the saddle, but from there!"

The impressions of the salt merchant Ivan Troitsky are indistinguishable from what the deacon of the Pereslavl Semyonov Church Anthony Pet-Rushev experienced at the end of the 17th century, who unsuccessfully tried to calm down the Blue-stone, which haunted Orthodox people by the fact that he was buried deeply, and even crushed by an earthen mound, slept for six months, then suddenly fired from the mound, like a cannonball.

In winter, when they were being carried in a sleigh across Lake Pleshcheyevo, a stone from the sleigh fell off, red-hot, melting the ice, and went to the bottom. Fishermen in clear weather saw a stone under water. Slowly but surely he moved towards the shore. After 50 years, he returned to its original place - a hill blown by all the winds. The stone was no longer naughty - after all, he was not disturbed.


Unfortunately, Russian scientists are not affected by the mores of the stone world. The Chinese geophysicists are a different matter. Taking as a working hypothesis that the atypical behavior of boulders and cobblestones is obviously associated with the release of the strongest gravitational and anti-gravitational energies of geopathogenic faults, they, armed with all-hearing and all-seeing equipment, went to Tibet, where they set up camp near the ancient Northern monastery, whose monks have already one and a half millennia make up the biography of the so-called Stone of Buddha.

According to legend, his palms were imprinted on the stone. This shrine weighs 1,100 kilograms. Climbs a mountain with a height of 2,565 meters and descends from it along a spiral path, drawing circles at the top and bottom points. Each climb is exactly 16 years old. Circling around the mountain and on top takes half a century.

Scientists of the PRC with the help of laser rangefinders, acoustic, seismic sensors, night vision devices have established that it is impossible to visually notice the movement of a boulder. Nevertheless, the maximum speed developed by it reaches a third of a kilometer per hour. A faint glow envelops the creeping stone. Low-pitched sounds are also heard, something like an inarticulate old man's muttering.


The final conclusions made by a group of Chinese researchers are consonant with the old ones put forward by A. E. Fersman, a hypothesis. Scientists speculate that the movable stone structures are a manifestation of silicium or silicon life forms. At the same time, boulders and boulders are activated, begin to show themselves where people constantly gather, passionately wanting the same thing.

The frequency spectra of ultra-weak radiation of the subconscious, superimposed on the frequency spectra of ultra-weak radiation of silicon inclusions of stones, enter into resonance, generating tangible kinetic energies. Our group subconscious, regardless of our will, kind of teases us. Stone organisms, whose age goes off scale for millions, even billions of years, figuratively speaking, begin to behave like heated wax, on which the subconscious desires of people are imprinted. Intriguing, mesmerizing!