Are The Stones Alive? - Alternative View

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Are The Stones Alive? - Alternative View
Are The Stones Alive? - Alternative View

Video: Are The Stones Alive? - Alternative View

Video: Are The Stones Alive? - Alternative View
Video: Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality | Anil Seth 2024, June

pictured: "Creeping" stone from Death Valley (USA)

Does stone life exist? But what kind of life can stones have? With a person, it's a different matter. The main obstacle to understanding the life of stones by people and the life of people by stones is the different perception of time

Time flows slowly for stones, but very quickly for people. Because of this, people think very quickly, and stones - very slowly. Different speed of thinking does not give us the ability to communicate with stones. Stones are thinking beings. If you're lucky, you can hear the echo of their voices. The distortion of the information field makes it possible to combine the speed of our thinking, and we can hear the stones say … Stop, stop, you say! Where did you get this from? And here's where.

In the 80s of the XX century in Voronezh, at a secret military enterprise, some cameras for spacecraft were checked. In the experiments, fragments of basalt were used, which were placed in a chamber, after which the fireproof door was closed, and the temperature was brought to the specified one. The engineer observing what was happening said the following: “The stone first turned cherry, then glowed with a bright white light and, finally, began to creep to the sides until it turned into a puddle. A little time passed, and bizarre patterns ran across its surface. And then something resembling a jellyfish suddenly appeared in the red-hot substance. A few minutes later, the "stone jellyfish" suddenly began to move and increase in size, as if absorbing molten rock. Half an hour later, not a trace remained of the basalt puddle - all the substance was absorbed by the "jellyfish". Then something incredible happened: the "jellyfish" slowly broke away from the bottom of the chamber and "floated" above its surface. I turned off the power supply to the chamber. "Meduza" clearly did not like it, she lit up with a pulsating light and rushed upward and instantly passed through the super-strong shell without damaging it. For a while, she circled around the shop, and then, without damaging the roof, flew out into the street."

As a result, the experiments were terminated, and a non-disclosure subscription was taken from the engineer.

In fairy tales and legends of any nation, you can find not only talking animals and birds, but also thinking stones. In childhood, this is not surprising: the animateness of the surrounding things is perceived as a natural form of their existence. Time goes by, a person grows up, and gradually everyday life kills in him the feeling of unity with the inanimate world. Traditional science has separated the human world from the world of dead nature with an impenetrable wall. But are the wise academics really so right?

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"The most obvious properties of stones, allowing us to say that they" live ", are their spontaneous movements on the surface of the Earth, - writes esotericist, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences M. Burleshin. - Moving stones are found in all parts of the world. But most of all they write and talk about the wandering stones of Death Valley, located in the US state of California. Here, along the bottom of the dried up Lake Restreik, stones ranging in size from a small cobblestone to a huge boulder weighing half a ton make strange walks. The stones move slowly, sometimes in a zigzag manner, overcoming tens of meters of path and leaving clearly visible traces in the sandy ground. They do not roll, do not rotate, but they creep along the surface, as if someone invisible pulls them along. The movements of restless boulders have been repeatedly recorded by experts,but so far to no avail: people cannot catch the boulders while traveling. However, as soon as observers move a little to the side, away from the subjects of their study, they begin to move - sometimes up to half a meter per hour. Scientists really wanted to prove that all these "wanderings" are pranks of pranksters or even an advertising campaign carried out by employees of the national park to attract tourists. Day and night, they tracked the explored areas of the desert around the perimeter and so far did not notice a single "helper" of restless boulders. "that all these "wanderings" are pranks of jokers or even an advertising campaign carried out by the workers of the national park to attract tourists. Day and night, they tracked the explored areas of the desert around the perimeter and so far did not notice a single "helper" of restless boulders. "that all these "wanderings" are pranks of jokers or even an advertising campaign carried out by the workers of the national park to attract tourists. Day and night, they tracked the explored areas of the desert around the perimeter and so far did not notice a single "helper" of restless boulders."

Tourist stones are also found in Russia. In the Far East, not far from Lake Bolon, there is a boulder weighing 1.5 tons, almost round in shape, which the locals call the "Dead Stone". The stone can lie motionless in one place for several months, but then it begins to "crawl". Then people try to stay away from it, believing that the stone is moved by the evil spirits that live in it.

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In the foothills of the Alatau there is a whole group of living stones - there are about 50 of them. Local residents say that the stones were once 5 kilometers down the slope. Local residents report that the stones began to move after the "Shaybola basin", ie the UFO, arrived.

There is a record-breaking stone near one of the Buddhist monasteries in Tibet. He makes many kilometers of marches in the surrounding mountains. The stone weighs over a ton. His route is always the same. A boulder climbs a mountain 2560 meters high, then descends from it and begins to "walk" in circles. It takes an average of 15 years to go up and down the stone. The 60 km circular route takes 50 years.

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In many legends one can read that stones grow and even are born in the ground. This is understandable, because farmers have been removing all stones from the field for a long time so as not to spoil the inventory. But a year goes by, another and some new cobblestone must reappear on the field and disable the agricultural machinery. Where it comes from, nobody knows. When the famous Russian mineralogist, academician A. Fersman, was asked about this, he either jokingly or seriously said that he agreed with this point of view. There are other scientists who quite seriously believe that stones are living things. For example, A. Bokovikov (Kemerovo) has been observing the life of stones for many years. One of his main devices was a camera: the scientist managed to photograph all stages of the development of stones, from the birth of a new life to its natural death. The similarities between wildlife and stone are amazing. For example,the photograph of the agate section shows the shell, protoplasm, and nucleus. Then the process of division begins, just like in a school biology textbook. Only this happens with dead stones.

There are also pictures of reproduction by budding in Bokovikov's collection: at first the stone is “inflated with a flux”, then it cracks along the circumference, and now the “baby” is separated from the body of the “mother”. The scientist is sure that he found several signs of living organisms in stones.

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Recently, French scientists have become interested in the life of stones. So, Dr. R. Damon put a stone in the electrocardiograph, and the device showed that the stone has a weak but regular pulsation. Biologist Bertrand Escolier joined the study of the amazing phenomenon of stones. They conducted hundreds of experiments, during which it turned out that the most ordinary stones breathe. The stones take from three days to two weeks to inhale. By photographing the stone at long intervals, the scientists found that the stone moved 2.5 millimeters in two weeks. After the end of the experiments, the scientists concluded: stones are living beings with a very slow process of life.

If these conclusions are correct, then it turns out that there are two forms of life on Earth: one is protein, the other is silicon. They not only exist in parallel, but are also capable of influencing each other. Let us recall at least the use of precious and ornamental stones for the treatment of various diseases.

The founder of the Russian scientific biolocation, Nikolai Sotchevanov, also contributed to the study of the life of stones. He studied living and dead objects by their energy-information fields. Man, animal, wood and stone have such fields. Sotchevanov conducted several thousand experiments. Their goal is to try to quantify the two main parameters of the energy-informational field of people, animals, and minerals. He called them "mind" and "spirituality." The scientist was struck by the results of the study of the mineral kingdom. It turned out that stones have properties that correspond to what we call mind and spirituality! Perhaps that is why in ancient times they were used by alchemists to master the secrets of nature, doctors - for treatment, and mothers - to protect a child from the evil eye? The leaders in the table of mind and spirituality were water and ice. Close to these substances came the limestone formed,as you know, from the remains of small marine animals.

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From all that has been said, several conclusions can be drawn. First, we humans live in an animate world. And this revelation came to us when we are still killing animals in cold blood, not to mention insects and plants. Hence follows the second: through the energy-informational fields, the entire surrounding world, including stones (and these are small grains of sand, and giant mountain ranges) somehow affects people. The question is how exactly? Well, for example, it is quite possible to imagine that a surge of poetic inspiration or a sudden inspiration that comes to us on the banks of a turbulent water stream or on the slope of a limestone cliff is the result of thoughts inspired by stones. Maybe this is how nature tries to convey to people its truths, values, wishes and warnings …