Incredible Adventures - "Transformations" Of Prince Guidon - Alternative View

Incredible Adventures - "Transformations" Of Prince Guidon - Alternative View
Incredible Adventures - "Transformations" Of Prince Guidon - Alternative View

Video: Incredible Adventures - "Transformations" Of Prince Guidon - Alternative View

Video: Incredible Adventures -
Video: The Successor romance comic part 1 2024, September

"The Tale of Tsar Saltan …" A. Pushkin began writing in 1828 and finished on August 29, 1831, i.e. he was old enough and well versed in family affairs. Where then such strange metamorphoses come from:

tsarevich, having begun to rule the "island", that is, the city

… with a palace, With golden-domed churches

With towers and gardens … , is

suddenly called a prince, although before his homemade

… an arrow sang, It touched the kite's neck - the

kite shed blood in the sea, the

prince lowered the bow …", he was a prince, and the swan thanked him for her salvation from death in the claws and from the "bloody bite" of the evil sorcerer vulture as a prince:

"You, prince, my savior, My mighty deliverer …"

And then suddenly

With the permission of the queen

… he began to reign, and was named: Prince Guidon."

This was followed by completely charming metamorphosis-transformations, which the prince was thwarted by the same rescued swan-bird. Here she

“… flapped her wings, Splashed

water with a noise

and sprayed it

From head to toe.

Then he shrank to a point, turned around like a Komar, Flew and squeaked.

The ship caught up to the sea, Slowly landed

on the ship - and hid in the crack … ", and the reverse transformation into a princely appearance upon returning to his" island "is not described.

So let's write down: "KOMAR" - the code name of the 1st model-appearance of the princely UFO (or … "dron-a"?) Or, let's say … "MARCO" (the name of the traveler, but what?), "ROMKA" (little watt … low-power … undersized …) "FOOD" ?! Oh, does it have anything to do with the ship? It has. And to the star landmark? Has too. There is a constellation called KORMA on the map of the Southern Hemisphere of the starry sky, No. 34, PUPPIS. And what kind of description exists for this landmark? We read:

“One of the largest constellations in the sky. It was formed in the middle of the 18th century, when Nicola Lacaille divided the constellation ARGO into four parts. In northern latitudes, it is observed only partially. It can be seen under the constellation UNICORN and to the left of the constellation GREAT PES. On the star atlases, altered according to the Christian tradition, this constellation was called Noah's Ark. " This is where, it turns out, it existed, this "ship" - "bark-LIK-0" (the first counting, well-LEV-oh, therefore!), And everyone on Earth is looking for him … Miracles-ah-aaa …

And when after the prince's "appeal" to the bird-swan after an unofficial visit to Tsar Saltan for help in the hope of "… a wonderful miracle to start …", then with the words:

Do not worry; glad to serve

you, I am a friendship. “-

she helped him here too. Our prince

Promotional video:

“I just stepped into the wide courtyard.

Well? Under the tall tree

He sees that the squirrel is gnawing a nut in front of everyone, the

Emerald takes out

And collects the shell, puts in equal heaps … ", and then all the financial and economic affairs and miracles associated with the squirrel entertainer are indicated and, accordingly, described in one of the previous articles ("The entertainer of PROTEIN for the prince, Gvidon Saltanovich").

And then, after the next visit of the shipbuilders, "… who traveled all over the world …" and reported on the next journey to Tsar Saltan, what happened to the prince at the suggestion of the swan-bird?

“Here again she

sprinkled it all in a moment:

The prince turned into a fly

He flew and sank

Between the sea and heaven

On the ship - and climbed into the crack. The

reverse transformation from a" fly "into an" elephant ", oh, that is, into a prince, again does not affect. This means that we will write down: "FLY" is the code name of the next, 2nd model-appearance of the princely UFO (or … "dron-b"?). Heaven is mentioned … So, we are looking for a landmark with the name "FLY" … There is one! Constellation FLY, no. 45, MUSCA. And this…

“Constellation of the circumpolar region of the Southern Hemisphere. Johann Bayer called him APIS. Edmun Halley in 1679 entered it into his atlas under the name Flying Bee (MUSCA APIS), and Nicola Lacaille - South Fly (MUSCA AUSTRALIS). The brightest star in this constellation is "alpha" FLIES. " All. Not a lot … Unless one recalls Sokolov, a citizen of Sokolov, dressed in the appropriate suit, from the Ural dumplings … And you can also "catch" a hint of the Big (or / and Little) Dipper in the word AUSTRALIS - URSA MAJOR (or / and … MINOR), TRAL … yes, and ATLAS, besides, and … FOX - POWER …

This is followed by the incarnation of the diva associated with the appearance-appearance of 33 heroes from the depths of the sea, which was again heard during the next and tacit visit by the prince of the chambers of Tsar Saltan (ATLAS-N (ash) ?!) For help, of course, the prince turned to the bird-swan, and these wonderful 33 heroes, very by the way, turned out to be her brothers!

“Don't be sad, go, wait for the brothers to visit.

The prince went, forgetting the mountain He

sat on the tower, and he began to

look at the sea … -

further, the sea knights appeared before his eyes

“And, shining with gray hair, Uncle goes ahead

And leads them to the hail …


The uncle says to the prince: The

swan sent us to you

And ordered

to keep your glorious city

And to bypass watch.

From now on, we will be together every day without fail

At your high walls To

leave the waters of the sea."

And everything (or even not quite everything) that is associated with the fabulously indescribable materialization of 33 heroes in the earthly world is also presented in three parts of previous articles: "The ocean … will raise a howl, rush to the empty shore …" … "a lot of little-known things …" and "To keep that island."

Again turning our thoughts to the "Fairy Tale …" we see, again after the visit of the shipbuilders, "… have traveled all over the world …" and once again heading on a long journey to "… the kingdom of the glorious Saltan …", a sad prince on the seashore with his indispensable appeal to bird swan for help:

“. … The soul asks…

It pulls and carries away…


And again she

instantly sprayed it all.

Here he was greatly reduced by the

Bumblebee, the prince turned, Flew and hummed;

He caught up with the ship at sea, Slowly sank

To the stern … and hid in the crack."

The reverse conversion of the "dumbfounded" prince into human form is not described here either. Isn't it modern "hologram" video visits to the father-tsar with space "navigation" bells and whistles? We write down the following: "SHMEL" - the code name of the next, 3rd model-appearance of the princely "UFO-M", modernized (or … "dron-b?"). However! On the star map, squeaking-buzzing landmarks are no longer found, which means that it will work "invisible", a sort of … a sort of quite modern "kos bridge ellsom", or something. "In digital" SHMEL will take the form: 8 + 5 + 6 + 4 + 3 = 26 … And what is our number 26 on the map of the starry sky? The constellation SNAKE (well, not a buzzing, so hissing "creature"!), SERPENS, almost a "present", or… present, or SPENCER (CHARLES ?! CHAPLIN ?!). We read about "SNAKE":

“The only constellation in the sky, consisting of two parts and separated by Ophiuchus. In ancient atlases, the constellation is divided into the Head of the SNAKE (SERPENS CAPUT) and the Tail of the SNAKE (SERPENS CAUDA). The brightest star "alpha" of the SNAKE is called UNUK ELKHAYA. " Yes-ah … really! If the prince himself on the ship with the shipbuilders-"guests" made his way on the sly, then he would travel "like a hare", without visas, without tickets and luggage. And the constellation HARE on the celestial map, by the way, is also indicated, No. 24, LEPUS. Continuous miracles: all the characters from our childhood FAIRY TALES on the "ATLAS of the Starry Sky" maps (AA Shimbalev, Moscow-AST - Minsk-HARVEST, 2005) work as NAVIGATORS ("k" -NIGA-AUTHOR-ami)! !! Or … NAVI-HA-ATOM-WORLD.

Oh, another distraction with passion! So what was there, in the "Fairy Tale …", with the swan princess then? It was our glorious prince who returned to her, after an unofficial visit to the tsar-father in a "dazed" form, after listening to the stories of his "old grandmother" in the Saltan palace about the unspeakable beauty of the "overseas" princess.

“The prince walks by the

blue sea, He does not take his eyes off the blue sea;

Lo and behold - a

white Swan floats over the flowing waters."

This is followed by a conversation between the prince and the swan, from which it follows that the prince was on fire to marry, in spite of the fact that they tried to seriously warn him, and that

“… a wife is not a mitten, You

cannot shake off a white hand

Yes, you cannot shut your belt.

I will serve you with advice -

Listen, about all this.

Think about it in a way, Do not repent later."

Here, well, well! Where did the princess, i.e. Does the Swan-bird have such deep knowledge about the state-knowledge-calling of the "WIFE", if she has not been an earthly "wife" before? Neither give nor take, this "bird" is not at all simple, Swan … Le-bird-ear … although it remains in the "Fairy Tale …" as … as … who? "And O (acting ?!) beautiful princess" …

“The prince began to swear before her, That it was time for him to marry, That

he thought about all this in a way;

That he is ready with a passionate soul

For the beautiful princess

He walk

away from the village on foot, At least to distant lands."

While the prince “swears” there, let's see what the word “packing” of the concept WIFE “in numbers” is like: 8 + 6 + 6 + 1 = 21 (the number of the Virgin, her Christmas is an everlasting holiday, in the church liturgical, i.e. e. liturgical, the year is celebrated on September 21); may also mean the beginning of the 21st century for earthlings, № 21 - the constellation PAINTER (PICTOR, in our opinion - almost HISTORY).

Which earthly most famous Renaissance painter and explorer comes to mind, Leonardo da Vinci? "Madonna in the Rocks" … In "scales" (spectral … anna-LIZA) … in "schools" (frequency characteristics of LIGHT waves? Sound?), DIFFRACTION (diction … part of men's outerwear), INTERFERENCE ("third", SHEET, MUSIC), reverberation (verb … receiving-transmitting UST-troy's-two …) Just a STORM of thoughts!..

And we have a specific charming POETICAL PAINTING of the princess:

“They say that there is a princess, That you can’t take your eyes off:

During the day, the light of God obscures the

earth, At night it illuminates the earth - The

moon shines under the scythe, And a star burns in the forehead.

And she herself is majestic

She acts like a pava;

The speech speaks

sweetly, As if the river murmurs

Only, completely, is it true?"

Let's think about this in the sequel …

Author: Olga Shilova