Is The End Of The Solar System Near? - Alternative View

Is The End Of The Solar System Near? - Alternative View
Is The End Of The Solar System Near? - Alternative View

Video: Is The End Of The Solar System Near? - Alternative View

Video: Is The End Of The Solar System Near? - Alternative View
Video: Martin Rees - Will the Universe Ever End? 2024, October

Astrophysicists from the Universities of Oxford and Harvard have conducted research on the time of human existence. They put forward a hypothesis according to which both the life span and development around the Sun can be compared with the period of the life of the star itself.

Specialists conducted a study, according to the results of which the life expectancy around the star is theoretically equal to the life span of the star itself. The only exceptions are those cases when this duration is violated by another celestial body, in particular, a black hole.

In addition, the existence of civilization can be interrupted by other unnatural reasons, including the impact of a certain destructive force or a collision with a celestial body.

Research data from American and British scientists have shown that theoretically, life can appear in the region of a star, 0.08 - 3.7 times heavier than the Sun. According to calculations, the weight of the star is inversely proportional to the duration of life. In other words, the lighter the star, the longer living objects can exist. For example, the most common stars are red dwarfs. These luminaries can exist and support life around them for ten trillion years.

If we talk about stars similar to the Sun, then in the process of their development they go through several stages of development, ranging from a yellow dwarf to a subgiant, and then a red giant, and after 10 billion years - a white dwarf. But at the same time, in any of these time intervals, the star can make conditions unsuitable for life on planets located in the immediate vicinity.

The Sun will enter the subgiant stage in 6.5 billion years, creating unsuitable conditions for life on the nearby planets. However, even before the transition to this stage of development, the changes that occur with the luminary can turn the Earth into a planet unsuitable for life. According to scientists, when subgiants arise, large planets that are located nearby gradually dissolve. This is due to the fact that the star enhances the gravitational influence on the planets of its own system.

According to experts, humanity has enough time to find a planet suitable for life and move there. On the other hand, humanity may face another catastrophe, and in the very near future. According to NASA experts, long-term observations of the 1997 XF11 space object showed that this celestial body could collapse onto our planet in 12 years, completely destroying one of the continents. This object about 2.5 kilometers long in 2028 will fly up to the Earth at great speed, being at a distance of only 900 thousand kilometers from it. Scientists do not rule out collisions.