America Was Discovered Long Before Columbus By The Egyptians! - Alternative View

America Was Discovered Long Before Columbus By The Egyptians! - Alternative View
America Was Discovered Long Before Columbus By The Egyptians! - Alternative View

Video: America Was Discovered Long Before Columbus By The Egyptians! - Alternative View

Video: America Was Discovered Long Before Columbus By The Egyptians! - Alternative View
Video: Was Columbus really the first to discover America? 2024, September

Found writing, and artifacts that united the "old and new world" 3600 years ago.

Egyptologists have found traces of cocaine and nicotine in mummies 3000 years ago. Apparently, cocaine and tobacco have been known since the time of the pharaohs. Were they "imported" to Egypt from America !!? That is, this continent was discovered long before Columbus !!?

It turns out that in ancient Egypt, long before Christopher Columbus discovered America, there were connections with American cultures. It was previously believed that Europeans first saw the cocaine tree after Columbus discovered the New Earth and found many new species of both plants and animals that can only be seen in America. But relatively recent studies of Egyptian mummies have surprised and puzzled scientists around the world, disproving early evidence.

The study of this mystery began back in 1992 - then the curators of the museum in Munich performed scientific tests on the material of one of the many mummies. This mummy belonged to the priestess of Henttawi, who was more than three thousand years old. During the experiment, museum staff asked for help from toxicology specialist Svetlana Balabanova, who worked in Ulm at the Institute of Forensic Medicine. Balabanova did not expect big surprises from the study of the mummy of the priestess of Henttawi, since she had previously studied Peruvian mummies of the pre-Columbian era, hoping to find traces of the use of coca. She took samples from one incomplete mummy, one complete and 7 severed heads. To the surprise of all the study participants, the analysis revealed the presence of traces of cocaine and nicotine in the hair of the mummies !!!!

Scientists have begun to examine other Egyptian mummies from the collection of the Munich Museum and have received the same incredible results. German scientists were amazed at these unexpected discoveries. At first, Balabanova did not even believe, she decided that there was a mistake. She checked the equipment again and realized that the possibility of accidental introduction of any foreign matter was absolutely excluded. Encouraged by this incredible discovery, she assembled a team of forensic experts who conducted new analyzes of Peruvian and Egyptian mummies, as well as skeletons from southern Germany and Sudan. Traces of narcotic substances were found mysteriously everywhere.

Balabanova and her colleagues at the end of 1992 examined about 11 Egyptian mummies and found traces of nicotine in all cases. In 10 cases out of 11 - traces of hashish, and in 8 cases - cocaine. At least 26 Peruvian mummies had traces of nicotine. All of these results have led to lively discussions. The attention of all scientists was riveted on the "cocaine mummies".

The discovery of German scientists had the effect of a bomb exploding. After all, the forests of South America are home to evergreen, huge coca bushes. Then where did he come from in Africa more than a millennium before Columbus !? The results of these studies shook the entire foundation of historical science. The researcher was bombarded with letters and ridiculed. However, a little later it turned out that Balabanova was not mistaken in her work. There was evidence of the results of her work. In the Nubian Desert, a few years later, scientists discovered the bodies of dead people, which naturally turned into mummies. Many human mummies have been surveyed that lived more than 3000 years ago. Traces of nicotine were found in the tissues of many of them. It was also revealed that 56 people used cocaine during their lifetime.

Egyptians in their daily life very often used intoxicating herbs, intoxicating juices and roots. Opium, for example, could even be given to children so that they would not annoy them over trifles. Scientists estimate that the Egyptians knew more than 800 drugs. With opium, everything is clear - poppy grows in the Old World. But what about the cocaine found in the bodies of the Egyptians? Is it possible to somehow explain this without changing the usual picture of the development of civilization?

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When the first shock from the discoveries passed, they remembered that such facts had been known for a long time. They were simply not noticed. When the tomb of Tutankhamun was excavated in 1922, they found not only the gold of the rulers, but also the dried body of a tobacco beetle !!!


French scientists, examining the mummy of Ramses II in 1976, also found particles of tobacco. Samples of substances were found even under a layer of resin, which was applied during embalming. You cannot accidentally spill tobacco there. In addition, such substances were found in the abdominal cavity of the mummy.


Tobacco is known to have excellent bactericidal properties - it protects the body from decay. For this reason, the Egyptians used it for mummification. The Egyptians probably even smoked tobacco themselves. Researchers have found in the vicinity of Giza clay pipes dating back to 2000-1700 BC !!!!


Back in 1970, Norwegian ethnologist Thor Heyerdahl proved that it was possible to cross the Atlantic on Egyptian papyrus boats.

Residents of Africa could get to America !!!

Finds made in America., Or Wigwams of the ancient Egyptians.

As stated in the Sixty Books of Chilam Balam, written by native priests and scribes who sought to preserve and perpetuate the sacred history of the Maya people, the first civilized inhabitants of Mexico and Yucatan were the so-called ah-kanule - “the people of the Serpent”.

The book Chilam Balam provides overwhelming evidence of the arrival of this people in America on a “strange ship” that sparkled like scales on a snake's skin. The innocent natives, who saw that it, without the help of oars, was approaching the shore, took it for a huge snake, slowly moving towards them. Pale-faced creatures arrived on this ship. They wore strange capes, and they all wore emblems of two snakes on their foreheads. The amazed natives, who met them on the shore, saw that the symbol of the Sacred Serpent, which they worshiped, was sparkling on the aliens' foreheads, and realized that these were the Gods who had left their home to teach them teachings and command them.

The detailed accounts of the natives clearly point to the purely Egyptian attributes of the time of the pharaohs. A strange ship in the form of a huge snake is an ancient Egyptian boat with a high nose and sail, and the emblem on the forehead of the aliens with the image of two snakes is the Uray of the Egyptian pharaohs, the supreme gods, as well as nobles of royal origin. (The divine uray is colorfully represented on the death mask of Pharaoh Tutankhamun).


It became clear that the arriving "people of the Serpent" are the ancient Egyptians! They conquered the tribes of Mexico and Yucatan not with the power of new, unprecedented weapons, but with their wisdom and power, thus laying the foundation for the development of civilization in this region of America.

All the main features characteristic of the civilization of Ancient Egypt are also inherent in the cultures of Mesoamerica !!!

In Mexico, not far from the ancient Mayan city of Palenque, there are still two magnificently preserved pyramids. Square at the base, they are crowned with a pointed top, just like the late Egyptian buildings.

Photo of the palace and temple of the inscriptions in Palenque
Photo of the palace and temple of the inscriptions in Palenque

Photo of the palace and temple of the inscriptions in Palenque.

In ancient Palenque, the architectural style of the Temple of the Inscriptions is strikingly similar to that found in a number of ancient Egyptian pyramids. The interior of the structure is lined with stone blocks, processed according to the ancient Egyptian model. The ornate ceiling is decorated in the same style of architecture.


Egyptian influence is particularly evident in the original visual arts of Mesoamerica. The murals in the temples of Mexico and Ancient Egypt were applied in the same way - using a grid divided into 19 squares!

The method of depicting people, objects and the very technique of painting murals in the ancient city of Palenque is surprisingly similar to what was practiced in Ancient Egypt. The human figures painted on the walls of temples, like the ancient Egyptian ones, are arranged in rows, while the legs and heads of most people are depicted in ancient Egyptian - in profile.


The burial of the ruler of Palenque, Pakal, is decorated with the same sophistication and care that is characteristic of the unique tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs.


Around the ornate carvings of Pakal's stone sarcophagus, jade statues of Kinich-Ahau ("Lord of the Pupil of the Sun") were placed, strikingly similar to "ushabti" - protective amulets - amulets made of faience, which abound in ancient Egyptian tombs. It is noteworthy that the ancient Egyptian god Horus also bore the title of "Lord of the Pupil of the Sun" and was revered as the personification of the power of the supreme ruler of the country.


An important detail connecting the culture of Mexico with Ancient Egypt of the time of the pharaohs is the ancient Egyptian symbol of immortality "Ankh" - "Cross of Life". It was used by the peoples of America on clothing and religious objects. A vase made in the pre-Columbian era and decorated with ancient Egyptian symbols "Ankh" is kept at the National Museum of Anthropology of Mexico in Mexico City.


The material heritage of the ancient Egyptians is further emphasized by the similarity of the religious ceremonies that took place on both sides of the Atlantic. On the walls of the Medinet-Abu temple complex in Western Thebes, erected in honor of the victories of Ramses III, the pharaoh is depicted placing incense balls during the ceremony of preparing for the ascension of prayer. Exactly the same scene is depicted on the pages of the Mexican Selden Codex, and it uses the exact same spoon-shaped censer used in ancient Egypt!


The ancient Egyptians visited North America and during their stay there passed on their knowledge of the most complex hieroglyphic writing to the peoples inhabiting present-day Canada and the regions of the United States adjacent to its territory.

The writing of the Mikmak Indians is hundreds of hieroglyphs, most of which are borrowed almost unchanged from the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic writing or its hieratic version !!!!

Thus, it becomes quite obvious that the writing of the Mikmak tribe (and also in part its language) was borrowed from the ancient Egyptians.

In the wigwams, some Indians (when the first French missionaries arrived) had some semblance of libraries of stones and pieces of bark, and the healers owned serious medical manuscripts that they read to the sick. The Indians claim that with their icons they can convey any thought, just like we do with our alphabet.

Davenport stele found from the Mimak Indians of which 3600 years old is written in Egyptian, Ibero-Punic and Libyan.


In the center of the stele is a scene surrounded by inscriptions in three languages - Egyptian, Ibero-Punic and Libyan. The Iberian and Libyan texts state that the inscription keeps the secrets of the calendar. The inscription ends with an Egyptian hieratic script. Its decoding is given next to the interpretation of the Celtic-Libyan inscriptions. The Egyptian text reads: “A mirror is attached to the pillar so that when the sun rises on New Year’s day, it would throw rays on the stone, whose name is the Observer. New Year is when the sun meets the zodiacal constellation Aries, when the day is growing and the night is decreasing. At this time, they celebrate the New Year and make sacrifices."

The tablet depicts the celebration of the New Year according to Egyptian customs on the morning of the vernal equinox (correlated with the modern date of March 21; in antiquity - later). This celebration consisted of the erection of a ceremonial New Year's pillar, made up of bundles of reeds, which they called "Jed".

This ceremony, in its meaning, was the erection of the spine of the god Osiris. On the left you can see a mirror in a carved frame, and on it hieroglyphs, read as "mirror of the Egyptians." On the mirror is an inscription that reads: "Reflective metal." On the right is the rising sun, with the hieroglyph "Ra" (Sun God, or the Sun). There are stars above the image of the morning sky. As the illustrations show, the Iowa stele confirms what we know from the graves at Thebes about the Jedi Column ceremony on New Year's. The Egyptian chronicles mention this ceremony, which took place in the month of Kagakh, corresponding to our March. This is also confirmed by the Iowa stele. The Egyptian text of the Davenport stele states that it is the work of Wntu (Astrologer), a priest of Osiris from Libya.

The meanings of the texts in the Libyan and Iberian languages coincide with the hieroglyphic text. This is suggestive. This stele is definitely of American origin. It may have been created by a Libyan or Iberian astronomer who copied a similar but older stele from Egypt or, more likely, from Libya, aboard the ship. The priest of Osiris could consider the stele as a calendar in distant lands. The date of her birth is no later than the 8th century. BC e., since we do not know the Libyan and Iberian inscriptions earlier than this date. The Egyptian text could only be a copy. Judging by its stylistic features, this text could be attributed to the 16th century. BC.

The case of the Paraiba Inscription or the amazing Rio de Janeiro.

In the late 1880s, in the illustrated magazine Novu Mundu, Ladislau Nettu, director of the National Museum in Rio de Janeiro, reported an amazing discovery of a stone with an inscription on the Paraiba River. The translation of this inscription read: “We, the sons of Canaan, sailors and merchants, were expelled from Sidon to this distant island, a mountainous land, which was mistaken for the abode of gods and goddesses. In the 19th year of the reign of Hiram, our king, we went to sea in ten ships and sailed for two years, skirting the hot country. Then we separated and, having experienced danger, arrived here, 12 men and 3 women, to this forest island ….

From the inscription it appears that the sailors passed from Suez to the southern tip of Africa. At the Cape of Good Hope, their galleys were scattered by a storm, and one ship, carried by the current, fell into Brazil.

Meanwhile, several more artifacts have been discovered in Brazil. The German Schönhagen studied them for fifteen years and recognized them as Phoenician. And in the summer of 1978, the following message circulated around the press: in Colombia, in an old burial near the town of Samaca in the Boyaca district, fragments of terracotta with Phoenician letters were found.

The famous American underwater archaeologist Robert Marks reported to the media in 1982 that a Brazilian diver had discovered two Roman amphorae II century BCE in Rio de Janeiro Bay near the Governor's Island. BC.

So, another diver found two ceramic anchors a little later at the bottom of Guanabara Bay near Rio de Janeiro. Scientists have determined their age - two and a half thousand years. And immediately after that, a ceramic dish, presumably Phoenician, was discovered off the coast of Bayia at a depth of twenty meters. Its age coincided with the age of the anchors.

Before that, in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, numerous ancient Egyptian, Phoenician, runic, and Hebrew inscriptions were found in the United States and Brazil. As a rule, academic science, when it cannot discredit such findings, simply ignores them.

Before you is a huge inscription on a rock in Phoenician language, right above Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, “ I, Bedezer, the first-born son of Jetbal ” !!!!!


In the 19th and 20th centuries, in several states of North America (Utah, Wyoming, Georgia), during construction and agricultural work, … clay tablets with cuneiform were discovered. Images of some of them were published in local newspapers. Two tablets have even been dated to around the 2nd millennium BC.


Cuneiform Tablet, Utah (USA)

The list of found and studied finds could be continued and continued, but then the article would turn into a book, so let's stop.

Victor Maksimenkov