A Resident Of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Filmed A Ghost - Alternative View

A Resident Of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Filmed A Ghost - Alternative View
A Resident Of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Filmed A Ghost - Alternative View

Video: A Resident Of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Filmed A Ghost - Alternative View

Video: A Resident Of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Filmed A Ghost - Alternative View
Video: Дороги Сахалина. Южно-Сахалинск-Охотское. Sakhalin roads. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - Okhotskoye. サハリンロードス 2024, September

A resident of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk claims that a ghost has settled in her car. The girl filmed her cat, which was walking around the car, and when she played the recording, she was horrified - there were otherworldly sounds in the video.

“There was absolute silence in the car. I tell you this for sure. Not a single sound. The cat was also silent, did not emit a squeak. Watching the video - and there! Some kind of afterlife voice. It became terrible, goose bumps crawled through my body. She showed the video to the church minister, she advised to consecrate the car, - the author of the otherworldly video Maria Pegova shared with RIA Sakhalin-Kuriles.

Skeptics will say - these terrible sounds were caused by a technical failure of the camera. However, the rector of the Church of St. Innocent of Moscow, Archpriest Viktor Gorbach, told RIA Sakhalin-Kuriles that such mystical phenomena really do take place in reality. So, along with good spiritual forces that serve God, there are also evil ones aimed at destroying the personality.

- As for the possibility of the influence of these forces on a person, it largely depends on the spiritual life of the person himself. Such situations can occur for various reasons. For example, if a person enters into some kind of relationship with dark forces, sins, swears, blasphemes. But it is not necessary that the one who encountered such a phenomenon is bad or guilty of something. Rather, it is a definite sign. The Lord loves and saves everyone through different situations, people. It is possible that the author of the video was sent a sign - to think about what he lives for and what is the meaning of his existence, - Gorbach noted.

He added that such phenomena do not occur "why", but "for what", and recommended the South Sakhalin woman to go to the temple, talk to a priest and rethink her life. Now Mary is in thought - to consecrate the car or not. By the way, parishioners often ask church clergy to sprinkle holy water on apartments, houses, cars and even their workplaces. But in the overwhelming majority of cases, they want to perform a prayer service not in order to drive away evil spirits, but to thank God for what they have.