Megalithic Complex In The "Valley Of Springs" - Alternative View

Megalithic Complex In The "Valley Of Springs" - Alternative View
Megalithic Complex In The "Valley Of Springs" - Alternative View

Video: Megalithic Complex In The "Valley Of Springs" - Alternative View

Video: Megalithic Complex In The
Video: 7 Hours of Bafflingly Advanced Ancient Stonework That Experts Are Still Struggling To Explain 2024, September

The megalithic complex is located 700 meters north of the village of Anastasievka. This is a mound of 6 meters in height with a diameter of 70 meters, which is located on the right-bank above-floodplain terrace of the Pshenakho River (Psynako, which means "Valley of Springs").


This is a complex structure, consisting of a dolmen and a stone corridor leading from the dolmen to the outside of the mound. During the summer solstice, from the top of the mound, you can see the sunrise between the two peaks of Mount Two Brothers. Not far from the mound, there is a mysterious ring with a diameter of 6 meters.


The structure is officially dated back to the 3rd millennium BC. Perhaps the complex was not only a place of worship, but also an ancient astrological observatory. According to the legend of the Adyghe people, dwarfs lived in amazing dwellings of stone slabs, and giants built their houses.

The megalithic complex includes a huge, six meters in diameter, as well as a pseudo-portal dolmen. Another mystery remains the sanctuary, which was previously located on the site of a dolmen, surrounded by several rows of rings. As a rule, in this way, the inhabitants of that time surrounded the grave graves, but in Psynako all the grave pits were filled with stones, while no human remains were found.


In addition, the dolmen itself was surrounded in a circle by walls reaching a height of three meters. In order to get into it, it was necessary to crawl along a small corridor, strictly oriented from northeast to southwest and ending in a small room.

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The Temple of the Sun was discovered by archaeologist M. K. Teshev in 1979. Scientists discovered a dolmen under the mound, but it was not the dolmen itself that was unusual in Psynako I, but a number of structures associated with it. First, at the place where the dolmen was later built, back in the 3rd millennium BC. got enough of the sanctuary. It was surrounded by special stone rings. Usually the population of that time surrounded the grave structures with such rings "cromlechs". However, no traces of burial were found in Psynako. There were grave pits, but they were filled with stones. Why and why is not clear to anyone.


Later, next to the sanctuary, a dolmen was probably built by other people. It was made of large slabs of tuff sandstone. The dolmen was covered with two slabs, with the front one rising above the back. The manhole leading to the inside of the building had an arched shape. A stone sleeve was pushed into it.


But the most surprising thing is that the dolmen was surrounded by a circular structure with walls reaching a thickness of 1.8 meters and a height of 3 meters. Probably, the ancient architects wanted to build a domed structure. It turned out that the dolmen was placed in a structure resembling a sphere. It is possible that by this the dolmen builders wanted to establish a connection between the garbage can and the heavenly sphere. In this mound, Psynako is very similar to the famous English megalithic complex Stonehenge.


But the mysterious sphere is not all. A rather wide and high corridor-manhole was laid under the entire mound from the entrance to the dolmen. Moreover, it is quite accurately oriented from the north-east to the south-west. Through this manhole, people made their way into the dolmen, opened the sleeve and, apparently, performed some ritual or astronomical actions. From the coals found at the entrance, it was possible to establish the time when the fire was last lit. This took place 2340 BC.

There are no mounds on Earth that are reminiscent of Psynako in details. In total, four megalithic structures are known to be under the kurgan. One is in New Greynge in Ireland, another is in Erdhoy in Denmark, a third is in Algalar in Portugal and the fourth is Los Millares in Spain. All of them are united by a corridor passage that leads to a vaulted burial chamber, but none of them has a dolmen.


Excavations were carried out until 1985, the complex was prepared for museification. However, today the original structure of the Temple of the Sun is almost completely destroyed, the landmark itself is mothballed.
