Statues Depicting Reptilians From The Ancient Buddhist Temple In Horyuji - Alternative View

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Statues Depicting Reptilians From The Ancient Buddhist Temple In Horyuji - Alternative View
Statues Depicting Reptilians From The Ancient Buddhist Temple In Horyuji - Alternative View

Video: Statues Depicting Reptilians From The Ancient Buddhist Temple In Horyuji - Alternative View

Video: Statues Depicting Reptilians From The Ancient Buddhist Temple In Horyuji - Alternative View
Video: Buddha statues dusted at Horyuji temple 2024, September

With enviable regularity, data on finds that do not fit into the modern understanding of humanity are leaking from different parts of the planet.

And the scientific community, at best, simply ignores such data, and the found artifacts disappear without a trace from free access, settling in private collections. The same fate befell the unusual statues from an ancient Buddhist temple located in Japan.

Whom do the statues represent

If you carefully study the photographs of the statues (this is all that remains in the public domain), you can see that they depict a kind of hybrid - a human body and a lizard's head. Moreover, their bodies clearly have hypertrophied muscles.


Unfortunately, practically nothing is known about these artifacts of the past, and one can only guess who was portrayed in this way by the ancient masters.

But if you look for similar images of the past in other places on our planet, you will be surprised to find that almost every nation of antiquity has similar objects that depicted either deities or demons.

Promotional video:

An ancient manuscript describing unusual creatures similar to humanoid reptiles
An ancient manuscript describing unusual creatures similar to humanoid reptiles

An ancient manuscript describing unusual creatures similar to humanoid reptiles.

Who is depicted there?

And the legends, by and large, tell the same story: about a powerful race of underground inhabitants who love gold and exploit people in the mines for the extraction of precious metal.

Unfortunately, official science does not react in any way to such artifacts, pretending that they simply do not exist. And this temple statue now adorns a private collection, and how many such "inconvenient" artifacts have found their refuge in private hands, one can only guess.

Reptilian images found on the African continent
Reptilian images found on the African continent

Reptilian images found on the African continent.