The Temple In Baalbek Was Erected By Egyptian Priests - Alternative View

The Temple In Baalbek Was Erected By Egyptian Priests - Alternative View
The Temple In Baalbek Was Erected By Egyptian Priests - Alternative View

Video: The Temple In Baalbek Was Erected By Egyptian Priests - Alternative View

Video: The Temple In Baalbek Was Erected By Egyptian Priests - Alternative View
Video: How the Ancients Cut Stone with Sound - Lost High Technology Explained | Ancient Architects 2024, September

Numerous tourists and scientists are attracted by the ruins of the grandiose temple complex in the city of Baalbek, located in Lebanon to the northeast of the capital, Beirut. Now it houses a cyclopean open-air museum.

The main temple of Jupiter rises on a grandiose stone platform, in the base of which, at a height of 8 m, there are stone monoliths (trilithons) measuring 19.1 x 4.3 x 3.6 m, weighing about 750 tons and volumes of 300 cubic meters. Local legends say that they lay here forever. The outer entrance to it began at the eastern side along a wide grand staircase, at the top of which there were two side square towers. Behind them first stretched the Small Hexagonal, and then the Big Courtyard with the skeleton of a giant two-tower altar. Here are the remains of two rectangular pools nearby. The Pantheon was fenced in by a wall as high as a 5-storey building. Of the 84 columns that once stood along the entire perimeter of the Pantheon, only a few have survived today. A 40 m wide stone staircase rises from the Great Courtyard to the Temple of Jupiter. Climbing up this staircase,tourists get to the site, from where the panorama of the entire complex of former buildings is clearly visible. On the platform, among a heap of ruins, rise the six largest round columns on the planet, miraculously survived the earthquakes. Their height is more than 20 m, with a diameter of more than 2 m. The columns at the top are connected to each other by a powerful load-bearing beam with friezes and a cornice. These artistic giants were raised to a height of 25 meters and today rest there. These artistic giants were raised to a height of 25 meters and today rest there. These artistic giants were raised to a height of 25 meters and today rest there.

A few hundred meters south of the ruins of this complex, there is a blank of another stone colossus ("Stone of the South") measuring 21.5 x 4.8 x 4.2 m, weighing more than 1000 tons and a volume of 433 cubic meters.

The main part of the Baalbek veranda (with a plinth), measuring 49 x 89 m, is occupied by the ruins of a temple (see Fig. 65), which was once built from ordinary blocks of 2-3 cubic meters. The building material was marbled limestone - a relatively soft stone that lends itself well to processing.

Figure: 65


The stone blocks contain mysterious square holes-nests with a depth of 20–30 cm. These nests stretch in a chain along almost the entire perimeter of the platform. There are up to 5–8 holes in small blocks measuring 1.5 x 2 m. There are also holes at the base of the columns. It is possible that they serve for a more even redistribution of large loads inside the stones. A similar solution is sometimes used today in large metal structures and steel castings, given the periodic exposure to significant temperature and other factors. On the walls of stone blocks, traces of mechanical (turning) processing of planes are clearly visible. The grooves from the incisors have a diameter of about 4 m. So, at that time, mechanized processing was used for finishing stones, which increased productivity and accuracy.

For some time, it was believed that the temple complex (the Large, Small and Round Temples in honor of Jupiter, Bacchus and Venus) was built during the Roman conquests in the Middle East in the 1st – 3rd centuries. n. e. During this period, Baalbek was renamed Heliopolis. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Byzantines built their temples on the territory of the Great Court.

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Arabs, crusaders, Turks, and Timur's hordes who came here to replace each other, repeatedly used the ancient masonry for the construction of fortress walls, castles, mosques. During its history, the buildings were destroyed four times and rebuilt three times. It is claimed that the sanctuary at Baalbek existed long before the arrival of the Romans here. The historian M. Elauf writes that the Egyptian temple in Baal Gede (the ancient name of Baalbek) was not built by the Egyptian priests from scratch, but only restored by them after the earthquake during the conquest of Syria by Egypt. The fact that the Temple of the Sun in Baalbek was erected by Egyptian priests was also argued by the Roman writer Macrobius (5th century AD). He noticed that the statue of the god Osiris in Baalbek is similar to the Egyptian god Osiris, which was transported by sea from Egypt. Giant Baalbek blocks are akin to megalithic structures and heavy forms of architecture of Ancient Egypt, which is not typical for the Roman period of construction.

Before the new era, the ancient sanctuary, protected by mountain ranges from pirates from the west and from conquerors from the east, was a major religious center. Alexander the Great also visited the Baalbek sanctuary, bringing great gifts and asking for help and success in his campaigns from the god Jupiter, whom he revered as a father.

The French historian and archaeologist Solsi argued that the structures of Roman temples with a traditional colonnade differ markedly from the earlier structures of the basement with its underground corridors. The construction of the basement differs from the Roman building in the color of the stone and the arch of the vaults.

About the purpose of the Baalbek cyclopean platform with its dungeons, the researcher Volney reports one of the legends, which says: "… This building was only erected in order to store priceless treasures in its underground vaults, which should still be there". There is no exaggeration in this legend. It is known about Baalbek's dungeons, but they are far from all explored. For example, from the underground part of the platform itself, there were long underground passages in different directions. Palace and cult and fortress structures were connected with the underground passages of the western direction, and the northern direction - with ancient tombs, hiding places, etc. There was a whole network of underground passages for various purposes. In the vicinity of Baalbek, gold, silver, raw materials for obtaining copper and a number of other minerals were mined,large deposits of which exist today. There is a hope that ancient written and other historical materials, waiting for their researchers, are still preserved in the dungeons. In the mountainous part, to the west of Baalbek, there are ancient caves used by the priesthood and the miners, keeping their secrets.

In the history of Baalbek, the previously used methods, with the help of which the ancient builders carried out the transportation and lifting of stones of gigantic size and weight to a great height, remain a mystery.

Ancient written sources, traditions and legends indicate that the movement of giant stone megaliths was carried out by ancient builders using a technology unknown to us. For example, the megalithic stones of Stonehenge (England) weighing 20-50 tons were delivered 300 km from Ireland without much difficulty by the legendary priest-magician Merlin, who used his special knowledge and abilities. It is believed that Merlin put the stones in a weightless state and then transported them.

On the famous Easter Island, the indigenous people in past centuries and now claimed that their stone statues weighing up to 20-50 tons moved themselves from the quarry to the place of their installation by means of magical power. The possibility of moving large stones along the ground with the help of magical power is mentioned in the ancient legends of Polynesia, South America, Africa, etc.

Oddly enough, but in life there are clear examples for such a statement. It is known that Jesus Christ could enter himself into a state of weightlessness and walk on the surface of water bodies like dry land. In ancient times, other people had similar abilities.

Energy columns (funnels) of a tornado are natural phenomena that move various heavy objects in space.

Studies show that material objects in a state of weightlessness (levitation) have an increased energy field several times compared to its usual state, but more displaced to one side. In a person, an increase in the energy field usually goes around his natural aura, with a decrease in the height of "standing waves".

Bodies in zero gravity increase their energy field by different channels and paths: from thought, sight, human hands; from external natural sources; from engineering (technically) devices; when using several sources simultaneously.

A spectacular spectacle was arranged by the priests after the completion of the construction of the pyramid of Cheops in Egypt, when the last stone (a special pyramid with a height of about half a meter) at morning dawn was brought into a state of weightlessness by the power of the eyes of thousands of builders present, after which it soared to the top of the pyramid, where it was fixed by those who were there masters. There is no exaggeration here. If by the power of the energy of one person, books, tables and other bodies move in weightlessness, then by the power of the energy of thousands of builders a small pyramid with a purposeful flight path could soar in the air.

Hence, it is clear that a person is capable of introducing material bodies into a state of weightlessness and controlling their flight in space.

Based on the foregoing, it can be assumed that using small-sized energy sources (generators of "magic power" in the form of a three-layer hand pyramid), as well as devices used to create weightlessness of the "tomb of the Lord", the ancient builders could move stones of cyclopean size as in a horizontal, and in the vertical plane without any problems.

As you can see, the people of the Earth in ancient times could build cyclopean structures without space aliens. There is a hope that ancient knowledge and various devices were preserved not only in the monasteries of the East, but also in other places of the planet, including on the territory of our country and in the Baalbek region.