Megaliths In The Magadan Region - Alternative View

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Megaliths In The Magadan Region - Alternative View
Megaliths In The Magadan Region - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths In The Magadan Region - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths In The Magadan Region - Alternative View
Video: Megaliths in Russia Narration 2024, September

A journalist from Magadan, Igor Alekseevich Beznutrov, reported in 2009 that he had discovered strange stone formations in the vicinity of the city, the study of which suggests their artificial origin.

There are still many secrets and mysterious places in the Magadan region that are waiting for their explorer. One of these places is literally 30 kilometers from Magadan. One of the hills from afar attracts attention with its conical shape. It is not a dominant height, but a breathtaking view opens up from it! Only the surrounding landscapes are just a setting for the gem. The main thing is ahead.

At the top of the hill, we see strange structures made of huge boulders, each weighing several tens of tons.


Already at first glance, a certain architectural character of these structures is noted. A wall of boulders fitted to each other. Oval bowls with melt water in stone slabs. Constructions that are drawn to be called ritual altars. Something that looks like the remains of bas-reliefs, practically destroyed by the merciless time.


The eye now and then notices the drilled round holes, the strict geometry of individual stone blocks and slabs, on some of which the remains of "plaster" are visible. Here and there there are stones surrounded by embossed stripes.

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A stele almost drowned in moss and tundra mosses.


The stone giants of Stonehenge involuntarily come to mind, "flying stones" - the seids of Vottovaara, menhirs-cups of the North Caucasus and Egypt. Today, scientists from different countries claim that many of these buildings were erected in antediluvian times. What is it? Freaks of nature, the result of centuries of weathering? Or, after all, the hand of an ancient man, armed with technologies unknown to us?

But even more surprise awaited when they managed to look at this area from space using the Google Earth program. The main megalithic structures were located in a row on one line, stretching from the north-east to the south-west. The impression was that they were built using an unknown sight. And several structures of the conventionally called "central building" in images from space look like a spear, the tip of which points towards the Bering Strait to the place where there was once a small isthmus that connected Eurasia with America. According to which, according to many scientists, people could easily move to the neighboring continent, gradually settling it.


Already this circumstance made it possible to make the first assumption that stone structures are the work of human hands. But who and in what centuries was able to spend a huge number of man-hours on structures made of Cyclopean stone? Yes, scientists admit that many centuries ago in the Far Northeast there was a completely different climate, which allowed hundreds of thousands of different animals to live in the endless savannah expanses. But talking about the existence of a developed human civilization in these parts, and even capable of such construction, was usually considered in the scientific community a sign of bad taste.

There is another mention of strange people who lived in antiquity. The Taigonos Koryaks have preserved a legend about the so-called “flying people”. They lived on the tops of hills, occasionally going down to reindeer people for exchange trade. According to legend, they knew how to work with stone and iron. The Koryaks said that most of the ancient ritual copies, which are still used in the rites of the Koryaks, have iron tips, which were once exchanged from “flying people”. When asked where the “flying people” had gone, the old people shrugged their shoulders: “We don't know. Flew away …"

Flying people … It is difficult to build any assumptions and far-reaching conclusions on this material. But what a strange thing - many ancient authors, including ancient historians, repeatedly mention the flying abilities of the inhabitants of the legendary continent called Hyperborea, which was allegedly located in the Arctic region near the North Pole.

By the way, about Hyperborea. Something similar to megalithic buildings in the vicinity of Magadan was found on the Kola Peninsula by Valery Nikitich Demin (1942-2006), a Russian scientist and writer, Doctor of Philosophy. Author of books and articles on the Hyperborean subject. Head of the first research expeditions "Hyperborea".

If we compare the technique of "construction" and the material that was used for it, it is difficult to avoid the feeling of similarity of these two places, which are thousands of kilometers apart. However, if we assume for a moment the reality of the "flying abilities" of the Hyperboreans, then what did such a distance mean to them? After all, the ancient Greek god Apollo (called Hyperborean by the Greeks) flew once a year from Greece to Hyperborea?


In one of his articles, VN Demin writes: “Could it be that the ancient inhabitants of the Arctic had mastered the technique of aeronautics? Why not? After all, many images of probable flying vehicles - such as balloons - have been preserved among the rock paintings of Lake Onega. Archaeologists never cease to amaze the abundance of the so-called "winged objects" that are constantly found in Eskimo burial grounds and are attributed to the most distant times in the history of the Arctic … suggest ancient flying devices.

Subsequently, these symbols, passed down from generation to generation, spread throughout the world and were entrenched in almost all ancient cultures: Egyptian, Assyrian, Hittite, Persian, Aztec, Maya and so on - to Polynesia."

“It is known that interest in the legendary Hyperborea flared up regularly from century to century. For the first time, they started talking about this polar country at the end of the 16th century. Then the maps of the medieval Flemish cartographer Gerard Mercator were in circulation, on which an unknown land was indicated in the center of the Arctic. By that time, many of the lands designated by Mercator according to unknown sources were rediscovered by navigators. The cartographer was said to have copied his maps from older maps that were highly accurate.

They started talking about Hyperborea again at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, when the books “Found Paradise, or the Cradle of Humanity at the North Pole” by the American scientist V. Warren, “The Arctic Homeland in the Vedas” by the Indian B. G. Tilak, "Plutonium" and "Sannikov Land" by the Russian academician V. A. Obruchev.

In 1921, the head of the Cheka Felix Dzerzhinsky sent an expedition to the Kola Peninsula in search of traces of Hyperborea. The expedition was led by the popularizer of aviation and theosophy A. V. Barchenko. On Seydozero, the expedition discovered and photographed cyclopean ruins and dungeons. However, no one saw these pictures, since the results of the expedition were classified, and its members disappeared in the camps and dungeons of the NKVD …

Finally, in our time, they started talking about Hyperborea again after the publication of data from modern paleoclimatology, which confirmed the version that it was really warm in the Far North before the last great glaciation. There were deciduous forests rustling, and the temperature did not drop below zero even in January. About a hundred centuries BC, the planet's climate changed dramatically - the level of the oceans rose, and Hyperborea (scientists preferred to call the ancient continent Arctida) simply drowned. And then her tracks disappeared under the multi-meter ice.

Employees of the Russian-German Laboratory of Marine and Polar Research named after O. Yu. Schmidt of the St. Petersburg Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of Roshydromet a few years ago, discovered on Zhokhov Island, which is next to the ridge of the Novosibirsk Islands, an ancient man's camp. In itself, this was already a small revolution - after all, it was previously believed that only polar bears lived in this area, and even, perhaps, mammoths. Later excavations gave a real sensation. It turned out that apart from nomadic camps, there were settlements on Zhokhov Island, in which civilized people lived 8 thousand years ago. But this island is nothing more than the remnant of a large territory that has already sunk to the bottom of the ocean …


In 1998, Moscow archaeologist Alexander Prokhorov organized an expedition to Mount Ninchurt on the Kola Peninsula, where the Chekists from Barchenko were already looking for Hyperborea. Scientists have overcome several tens of kilometers through the impassable taiga, with great difficulty crossed the mountain river and, finally, reached the foot of the mountain. Local residents assured that their grandfathers had seen some buildings here. According to local legend - the dwellings of ancient sorcerers.

On the very first day, on one of the tiers of Ninchurt, Prokhorov's expedition found a powerful stone structure that served as a fence for a small reservoir with melt water. An even older one was found under its masonry. Judging by the moss, under which the stones were hidden, the buildings were at least one and a half thousand years old. Elsewhere, Prokhorov photographed longitudinal cuts on a mountain with a strangely regular shape."