Trilateral Commission - Alternative View

Trilateral Commission - Alternative View
Trilateral Commission - Alternative View

Video: Trilateral Commission - Alternative View

Video: Trilateral Commission - Alternative View
Video: Brzezinski: On Global Leadership 2024, September

The Trilateral Commission, like the Bilderberg Group and the Council on Foreign Relations, is an extremely important structure in the secret world government. The Trilateral Commission project was first proposed in 1970 by Zbigniew Brzezinski, head of the Department of Russian Studies at Columbia University. He believed that the need for cooperation between the governments of Asia, Europe and North America is constantly growing. Brzezinski was convinced that in the world of global communications and economics, there would soon be a need for a world government, and this requires coordination of the actions of the world elite on different continents. In particular, he stated: "The concept of national independence is no longer viable." Brzezinski, developing his idea, emphasizesthat this one earthly government will be financed by the "one planetary tax system." Thus, the activities of the Trilateral Commission were aimed at implementing a new economic system on a worldwide scale.


Brzezinski first voiced the idea of creating a Trilateral Commission at a meeting of the Bilderberg Group, which was held in Belgium in the spring of 1972. The official date for the creation of the Trilateral Commission is July 1, 1973. David Rockefeller became the chairman of this structure. He was previously chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations. Brzezinski was elected as the North American Founding Director.

The Trilateral Commission received three headquarters - in New York, Paris and Tokyo. It is governed by an executive committee of thirty-five members. The Commission meets approximately once every nine months. The Trilateral Commission is funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and Time Warner, Exxon, General Motors, Wells Fargo and Texas Instrument.

The principled position of the Trilateral Commission is that too much democracy in politics can be dangerous. The organization's document, published in 1975, entitled "The Crisis of Democracy," states that democracy will perform better in a "moderate form." As an argument, the commission argues that an excessive amount of democracy weakens the country and makes it unable to respond quickly to a crisis situation. To shed more light on the relationship between the Trilateral Commission and the national policy of the government, it is necessary to recall that one of the authors of this document, Professor Samuel P. Huntington, later became the planning coordinator at the National Security Council under US President Jimmy Carter. And already in this capacity he helped to create the Federal Agency for Emergency Situations.

The Trilateral Commission is considered a group of powerful people who want to rule the world with the help of international corporations. Republican Senator Goldwater, who ran for the 1964 presidential election, said: “In fact, the Trilateral Commission wants to create a global economic power that surpasses the government of any country in the union. As creators and leaders of this system, they will rule the world. The Trilateral Commission regularly publishes a list of its members, as well as documents in which it expresses its official position on certain issues, but most of its activities are classified.