Island Of Antichrist: A Springboard For Armageddon - Alternative View

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Island Of Antichrist: A Springboard For Armageddon - Alternative View
Island Of Antichrist: A Springboard For Armageddon - Alternative View

Video: Island Of Antichrist: A Springboard For Armageddon - Alternative View

Video: Island Of Antichrist: A Springboard For Armageddon - Alternative View
Video: The Terrifying Truth About The Antichrist 2024, September

The moment comes in the history of mankind when the forces of good and evil will converge in a decisive battle

Events in the Middle East are developing at a kaleidoscopic speed. Old alliances are rapidly crumbling and new ones are being created from recent enemies. Before our eyes, the reality that has developed for decades is crumbling, a certain balance of forces and interests that allowed the Middle East to remain at least slightly predictable and more or less stable. The intertwining of the economic, geopolitical and religious interests of the countries of the region has always been in conflict, fanning local armed conflicts. However, never before had the world faced the threat of a nuclear war between the superpowers because of them. Moreover, the events in the Middle East leading to the third world war are developing exponentially.

In June, events took place that radically changed the entire alignment of forces and interests in the region. Quite unexpectedly, the King of Saudi Arabia, Salman, appointed his 31-year-old son Mohammed bin Salman (eldest son by his third wife) as crown prince, placing him first in line to inherit the throne. At the same time, he removed his nephew, 57-year-old Mohammed bin Nayef, well known in Washington and a "counter-terrorist king", from the royal line of succession, relieving him of his post as Interior Minister and stripping him of all titles. Mohammed bin Salman was already the world's youngest defense minister and head of the Economic Council, the curator of the bloody war in Yemen, and now the post of first deputy prime minister, and in fact the ruler of Saudi Arabia, is being added to all his posts.

King Salman, to support this decision domestically, reinstated all allowances and bonuses that were canceled or suspended due to the difficult economic situation for civil servants and military personnel, and as a result, bin Salman's candidacy was approved in allegiance by the 31st of 34 members. Mohammed bin Nayef, according to Western political scientists, an adversary of terrorism, who survived 4 attempts on his life by terrorist organizations, was replaced by a supporter of terrorism, an extremely aggressive and unpredictable leader.

This decision shocked many Western politicians, accustomed to the system of counterbalances in Arab politics. It destroyed all balances, predictability and loyalty to the previous, both official and unofficial, agreements and introduced strong aggression and volatility into the geopolitical situation, which bin Salman showed almost instantly, presenting an ultimatum and blocking the neighboring emirate of Qatar and putting the Arab world on the brink of war with Iran and Russia. Iran and Pakistan immediately stood up for Qatar, and Turkey, under the pretext of holding joint exercises, sent a serious military contingent to its base in Qatar. In response, bin Salman allegedly issued a paradoxical statement about the destruction of all Russian troops in Syria within 3 days, which was later refuted, including by Ramzan Kadyrov. The source of the stuffing was a German news agency blocked on Twitter and operated from Pakistan.

Many Western publications agreed that what happened makes a military clash between Saudi Arabia and Iran inevitable and only a matter of time, while the events in the Middle East have already crossed the point of no return. Moreover, Qatar dismissed all ultimatums and practically abandoned the dollar. However, Eastern policy is so deceitful and controversial that, according to Bloomberg, even when actually at war, the two states continue to share oil tankers for oil exports.

But the most incredible thing was the seemingly inexplicable rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Israel. Up to this point, they only supported unofficial contacts, allowing the Israeli special services to use the territory of the emirates for special operations and use the airspace of Saudi Arabia for air attacks on Iran. But since bin Salman came to power, according to Iranian FarsNews, the Israeli air force has sent 18 fighters to Saudi Arabia, including F16-I, F15-CD and F16-CD, along with two Gulfstream aircraft, two tanker aircraft and two C130 aircraft specializing in electronic warfare. This happened at the request of the new Crown Prince bin Salman to block his cousin bin Nayef and prevent a coup d'état.

In addition, the Israeli special services through their own channels received an invitation to restore diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia in full. Absolutely incredible events that no political scientist and analyst would have predicted. How do two antagonistic hostile forces suddenly become not only allies but also close friends? What common interests are pushing them into practically brotherly embrace of each other? In order to understand this, it is necessary to return to two events preceding a sharp exacerbation of the situation in the Middle East, the coverage of which the world media did not attach much importance to and practically ignored.

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During the reconstruction of Masjid al-Haram, the Great Mosque of Mecca, which began in 2014, during the 2015 hajj, an excavator dug up and opened the crypt, which contained the so-called "ark of the Archangel Gabriel." Archangel Gabriel, who announced to the Virgin Mary about the birth of Jesus Christ to her, gave this ark, possessing "tremendous power," to the Prophet Muhammad so that the latter would hide it in "a place of worship and prayer." The transfer of the ark took place in the Hira cave on Mount Jabal an-Nour near Mecca. However, Gabriel forbade the prophet to use the power contained in this ark, since this is "divine power." It was to be kept in the temple at the "place of worship of the Angels before the creation of man," until the future comes Qiyâmah, which means "the day of the Resurrection," or the End of the World, Armageddon.


On September 12, 2015, during the first attempt to remove and open the ark, there was a powerful plasma release that killed 15 workers in the tunnel, 107 more people on the surface, broke a tower crane and damaged powerful construction equipment. The construction firm, owned by the Ben Laden family, leading this renovation, acknowledged the incident. On September 24, another attempt was made to open the ark, as a result of which 4,000 pilgrims were killed as they walked near the construction site due to plasma emissions and panic and crush.

The official authorities blamed a strong wind and a crush in the ranks of pilgrims as the cause of the mass death of people. The deaths of only 111 initially and 2,000 subsequently were recognized. However, only one Iran, by no means the largest Muslim state, officially announced the deaths of 464 of its pilgrims.

The shrine, for inexplicable reasons, did not fall into the hands of the Saudis, who consider themselves the keepers of Mecca and Medina, and on the contrary, its acquisition threatened the state with destruction. Then, on September 25, representatives of the Guardian of the two sacred mosques in Mecca contacted Patriarch Kirill and had a long conversation about an ancient document called "Instructions of the Archangel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad", which the Russian soldiers in 1204 during the plundering of the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople (now Istanbul) saved from the hands of Roman Catholic crusaders and transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church for safekeeping.

As a result, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the creation of a flotilla on the basis of the Admiral Vladimirsky research vessel, consisting of the Varyag missile cruiser, the Bystry destroyer, Boris Butoma BMT and the Alatau powerful rescue tug. In December, the squadron entered the port of Jeddah, despite the prohibition of the Gentiles from entering the sacred land of Mecca and Medina, removed the relic from the crypt and took it to the Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity in Antarctica.

Later, this church was visited by Patriarch Kirill immediately after meeting with Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain and Pope Francis in Cuba.



The second event also went unnoticed in the world. On June 14, 2017, the Committee on Defense and National Security of Egypt unanimously approved an agreement to transfer two islands in the Red Sea, Tirana and Sanafir, to Saudi Arabia and sent it to the House of Representatives for a final vote. Most of the Egyptian MPs voted in favor of the agreement. According to Interfax, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has ratified an agreement on the transfer of two uninhabited islands in the Red Sea to Saudi Arabia. The history of the transfer of these islands is very dramatic. Egypt got them after the partition of the Ottoman Empire, in 1967, after a six-day war, these islands, along with the Sinai Peninsula, was occupied by Israel. However, in 1987, under the 1979 peace treaty between Israel and Egypt, the islands returned to Egyptian jurisdiction.

Saudi Arabia has pledged to build a bridge across these islands, connecting Sinai to the kingdom, thus creating a land corridor between Africa and Egypt to Mecca and Medina. For a long time, the Saudis were committed to the transfer of the islands, even imposing an oil embargo against Egypt. But, apparently, the meeting of Donald Trump in Riyadh with the leaders of Islamic countries and the laying on of hands on a mystical luminous ball prompted Egypt to transfer the islands, although this decision has no rational explanation.


A natural question arises as to how Israel can benefit from these events. Indeed, with the acquisition of these islands, Saudi Arabia gains full control over the Israeli port of Eilat, Israel's only exit to the Red Sea. How can you help your main "historical enemy and enemy" in such plans? Experts will simply laugh at such questions. Jews and Saudis are not historical enemies at all. Both of these peoples are Semitic and have common historical roots. The Saudis trace their ancestry to the eldest son (firstborn) Abraham Ismail (Shmael), whom he gave birth to from his Egyptian maidservant Hagar. The Jews are the descendants of the younger son of Abraham Isaac, the father of Jacob, the founder of the 12 tribes of Israel, whom he gave birth to from his wife Sarah. The tribes of the Arabian desert, to which Ismail went with his family,are called Hagarians, or Ishmaelites.

Arabia is now ruled by the house of Saud in the person of a king, although Islam explicitly prohibits Muslims from having kings. The Saudis are de facto neither Arabs nor Muslims. The religion of Wahhabism, which has ruled in Arabia since the 18th century, is a branch of Sabbateanism, a deviant sect of Judaism. The Sabbatians are followers and disciples of the Jewish Rabbi Shabtai Tzvi, who was proclaimed the Jewish Messiah in 1665 and brought about the greatest schism in Judaism of all time. Together with his numerous followers, Shabtai Zvi converted to Islam in 1666. Despite this, many Sabbatians are still members of three religions - Judaism, Islam and Christianity.

On the territory of Turkey in the 19th century, communities of Sabbatians who converted to Islam were called dönme. Turkish donme were originally founded in Greek Thessaloniki by Jacob Kerido and his son Berahio Russo (Osman Baba). In the future, the donme spread throughout Turkey, where they were called, depending on the direction in Sabbatianism, Izmirlars, Karakashlar (black-browed) and Kapanjilar (weights). The Young Turk movement consisted largely of the Donme. Kemal Atatürk, the first president of Turkey, was a donme and a member of the Veritas Masonic Lodge, a division of the Grand Orient of France.

He made a secular state out of Turkey and participated in numerous genocides of the Orthodox Greek and Gregorian Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire, who for centuries lived peacefully alongside Muslims. In the Ottoman Empire, Armenians traditionally served as finance ministers, the best of whom is considered to be Hakob Kazazyan Pasha. The chair of the Minister of Finance in the government of Ataturk was taken by the leader of the Karakashlars, Javid Bey. Traditional Muslims of Turkey believed that the Donmeh took revenge on Sultan Abdul-Hamid for obstructing Theodor Herzl's activities in Palestine, and accused three enemies of the revolution - the Zionists, Freemasons and the Donme.

The internal political struggle in Turkey is now determined by the fact that Recep Erdogan is a supporter of Orthodox Sunni Islam and is trying to revive the best traditions of the Ottoman Empire in Turkey. His main opponent, Fethullah Gülen, hiding in the United States, is a donmeh and is trying to make Turkey a secular state, as Ataturk saw it. The situation in Azerbaijan is similar, only the Sabbatians are called denmez there. They permeate the system of power at all levels, business and culture. Therefore, as I wrote in the articles "The war of dams and nuclear power plants begins in the Transcaucasus" and "New US President - New Threats for Russia", Azerbaijan is called Israel's branch in the Caucasus. In terms of the number of various Jewish public organizations, Azerbaijan is ahead of Israel, second only to New York,and President Ilham Aliyev very harshly turns Shiite Azerbaijan into a Sunni country of the Wahhabi sense.

With the apparent enmity between the two branches of Islam, Sunni and Shi'ism, the orthodox leaders of Sunni Turkey and Shiite Iran are becoming the best allies in the fight against Wahhabi Sabbatian Saudi Arabia.

Sabbatianism has a huge number of followers and in various currents of Judaism. The largest of these is Hasidism. Orthodox Jews accuse the Hasidim of adherence to the messianic teaching of the false messiah Shabtai Tzvi and his European branch, Francoism, founded by Jacob Frank. After Frank became an adherent of the Donmeh, his followers, Polish Jews, began to convert en masse to Catholicism, creating in this concession a strong core of Sabbatians. Adherents of Frankism, or as it is called the "Cult of the All-Seeing Eye", are many Jewish banking houses, such as the House of the Rothschilds, as well as the main Masonic lodges. The Sabbatians-Francoists infiltrated all secular, atheistic, indifferent organizations and political parties. For instance,According to Dr. Bella Dodd, a legal adviser to the Franco-created Communist Party of the United States, during the 1930s, more than 1,100 members of the Communist Party joined the Roman Catholic Church and later became its bishops, cardinals and even popes. Eugenio Pacelli (Pope Pius XII) is considered one of the brightest followers of Francoism and communism. This is what explains the all-round support of the Vatican for the establishment of a new world order under the control of a world government. This is what explains the all-round support of the Vatican for the establishment of a new world order under the control of a world government. This is what explains the all-round support of the Vatican for the establishment of a new world order under the control of a world government.

In Russia, with the existing strict legislation against Jews, the introduction of the Sabbatians into society was very difficult. However, a number of decrees of Empress Catherine II, in particular from 1783 and 1794, greatly facilitated the adoption of Orthodoxy by Jews and, accordingly, the integration of the Sabbatians into society and even into the Orthodox Church.

In Russia, the Sabbatians were called crossings, and later they took leading positions in the state, economy, trade, finance, became the leaders of revolutionary socialist and other radical parties, who simultaneously made revolutions in Turkey, Austria and Germany, and in Russia. A significant number of Sabbatians were present at the top of the USSR, and in modern Russia they occupy key positions in the state apparatus, economy, finance, business, media and culture.


The first step in converting Protestant Christians into Sabbatians was to translate the so-called King James Bible (the Protestant Bible) into English based on the Hebrew Massoret text, and not on the basis of the Septuagint (Orthodox Bible) or the Vulgate (the Catholic Bible in the original translation). But the main contribution to the process was made by the Scofield Bible published in 1909 in the USA. According to theologians, the Scofield Bible for 100 years made out of tens of millions of Protestants ardent Sabbatians and Zionists. According to Pastor John Hagee, founder of Christians United of America for Israel (CUFI), "50 million evangelical Bible believing Christians will unite with five million American Jews together in the name of Israel."

Supporters of American Sabbatianism rely on dispensationalism - a set of theological concepts that view the historical process as a consistent distribution of divine revelation over periods, each of which corresponds to a special type of contractual relationship between mankind and God.

According to their calculations, humanity is now at the turn of the sixth and seventh dispensations. This means that there will soon be a "period of persecution and trials" (tribulation), the persecution of believers, which should begin before the second coming of Christ. Dispensationalists understand this as a seven-year period of persecution of the Jewish people. The Christians of the "True Church", those who received the "new birth" through joining the church, will escape the horrors of the seven-year massacre leading up to Aramageddon and known as a period of trial or persecution. They will be saved by a pretribulation rapture. This explains both the fraternal policy of Donald Trump towards Israel and the messianic expectations of American Protestants, expressed in the fastest possible revival of Israel,the erection of the Third Temple and the approach of Armageddon.

The close ties of contemporary Sabbatians, Francoists, Freemasons, Wahhabis, Communists and Zionists are beautifully described by Robert Mock, MD, in his book Rothschild Sabbatean Zionist State of Israel preparing the Future Home for the Returning Ten Tribes of the House of Israel.

A distinctive feature of all branches of Sabbatianism is messianism - waiting for the coming of the messiah (in the Orthodox tradition of the Antichrist), and not just waiting, but accelerating this event by any available means. The last battle of Armageddon, according to their expectations, should take place with the tribes of Gog and Magog, which, in their opinion, are the Russians and Persians. Hence the centuries-old hatred of Russia and Iran on the part of both Western countries and Israel and the Saudis.


But let us return to the two events described above - the movement from Mecca of the "ark of the Archangel Gabriel" and the transfer of two islands to Saudi Arabia by Egypt - Tirana and Sanafir. The history of the "ark of the archangel Gabriel" has already been described in detail by me. Saudi Arabia lost its sacred weapon against the Antichrist during Armageddon. But where does this have two small islands in the Red Sea opposite the Egyptian Sharm el-Sheikh, you ask?


The larger of the two islands, Tyran, is mentioned in the Old Testament during the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, when they crossed the sea that opened before them and stopped at a cliff on the island of Tiran. For centuries this mountain has been a cult site for the worship of the northern god of the seas and storms, Baal Tsafon (Baal, Baʿal). In the first millennium BC. Assyrian sources mention Baal as the name of the mountain itself. Baal, according to historians and archaeologists, is one of the oldest human gods worshiped by the Phoenicians and Semites. But according to many magicians, as well as Christian and Jewish theologians, this is one of the most terrible hellish demons.

The cult of the bloody god Baal has existed from ancient times to the present. Until recently, the only cult monument - the so-called Arch of Baal, known to us from the cover of the textbook "History of the Ancient World", stood in Palmyra. However, before the “Ark of the Archangel Gabriel” was taken out of Mecca, it was blown up by ISIS * in October 2015. The world community thought that the Baal Arch was forever lost to world culture, but suddenly this iconic monument was revived, and not just anywhere, but in the emirate of Dubai.


Any mention of world government at any level instantly leads to accusations of eerie conspiracy theories and ridicule of the authors.

However, the world government really exists and even has its own official website. On February 12, 2017, 4,000 world leaders from 130 countries gathered in Dubai for the World Government Summit. World leaders marched into the conference room under the revived Arch of Baal.


The revival of the Baal Arch in Dubai was enthusiastically received in Israel. The publication BreakingIsraelNews, which promotes the construction of the Third Temple in Jerusalem and the meeting of the Jewish Messiah (in the Orthodox tradition of the Antichrist), in the article "A new world order is formed under the arch of Baal" quotes the words of one of the main promoters of the End of the World, Rabbi Pinchas Winston:

“Tradition tells of four exiles, the last of which is the Roman exile. Israel is being attacked by Arabs, but nowhere do we hear of a fifth, Arab, or Ishmael, exile. This Roman arch in Dubai symbolically connects everyone: Ishmael, the Arabs and Edom, who were embodied by Rome (in the arch - author's note) …

Like the Romans, the Arabs try to control the world and succeed. It seems that Arabs are against Jews, in fact Arabs are continuing Edom's mission to conquer the world. This connection between Dubai and Rome shows that Edom never ended. He just put on a mask …

The impetus for a unified world government goes back to the Tower of Babel, it tries to put power in the hands of the rich, the powerful and the arrogant …

The desire to fix the world and make it a better place is reminiscent of the messianic movement. But if it is not based on God, it is boring and destructive because it is based on the ego. It has always attracted secular academia because it strengthens Human intelligence over the one who rules us all."


We can see with our own eyes the messianic Sabbatian plans of the Saudis, Israelis and Francoists all over the world. First of all, they are inextricably linked with the figure of the Antichrist, in Islam - Dajjaal. In Islam, there is a hadith in which Tamim ad-Dari, the prophet Muhammad's assistant, told how, after a long storm, his boat was washed up on an island, where he and his companions met a strange man chained to a rock. He was disproportionately built with thick, coarse hair and only one eye. The second eye looked like a grape. The man said that he is Dajjal and is waiting for the coming of Armageddon.

On his forehead, Dajjal had the inscription "kafir" - an unbeliever, and he possessed incredible strength. It is known from other hadiths that the Dajjal will remain on earth for 40 days, the first of which will pass as a year, the second as a month, the third as a week, and the remaining 37 days as our usual days. He will move from city to city, causing fitnah - a temptation that distracts from the truth. Finally, he will come to Mecca and Medina, but will not be able to enter these holy cities, the Tour Mosque and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Each time he tries to enter these holy places, the angels guarding the holy cities with swords in their hands will chase him away, not letting him go beyond the sacred mountain Uhud in Medina. The description of the swords is very similar to the plasma emissions from the "ark of the Archangel Gabriel." There will be three earthquakes and all the hypocrites will leave Medina. Unable to enter Medina,Dajjal will go with his army of 70,000 Jews (Black Banner Army, ISIS Army *, - author's note) to Syria, where a decisive battle will take place with the forces led by the prophet Isa - Jesus Christ.


The cult of the one-eyed Dajjal, the "Cult of the All-Seeing Eye," is present in all Sabbatian organizations, including the Freemasons. We can see the all-seeing eye at the top of the pyramid on the 1 USD banknote. The pyramids and towers of Babel in the form of many skyscrapers are now being erected and are being erected one another higher on the Arabian Peninsula. There, in all emirates, in particular in Dubai, many islands in the form of an eye are poured. The European and American Sabbatians are not lagging behind the Saudis. A striking example is a luxurious mansion in the form of the “eye of Horus” or “eye of the Dajal” on an island off the Turkish coast in the Mediterranean Sea, which was presented to Naomi Campbell by her friend, Russian oligarch, co-owner of Capital Group Vyacheslav Doronin.


But the emirate of Dubai holds the lead in this, claiming the temporary capital of Dajjal. Dajjal Island cannot be within land reach of the Medina, so islands are being built near the coast. It is known that the Great Architect, who is worshiped by Masons, the builder of the Temple of Solomon Hiram Abiff, actually bore the name Hiram Abiud, which is an anagram of Dubai, and the famous Masonic handshake A-grip is named after the Jewish king Herod Agrippa. The same anagram is found in the name of the American federal district of Columbia with the capital Washington, where the Capitol building was built according to the plans for the Temple of Solomon, and each column, ceiling and portico has its own name, corresponding to the terms of the American legal system. The name Columbia contains the anagram "abi" and the second part is "Mulok", the god of sacrifice. In Hebrew, the name sounds like "Melech", or "Abi Melech" - King.

Video Antichrist-Dajjal: The Evil Subscribers Plan

Many people over the centuries have tried to locate the Dajjal Island in the shape of an eye on maps, guided by a literal interpretation of the hadith. Found in the Persian Gulf, and off the coast of Yemen, and in the Mediterranean Sea, and even in Great Britain. However, many Islamic scholars call the island of Tiran, which was transferred by Egypt to Saudi Arabia, as Dajal Island. Now that the “ark of Gabriel”, the divine weapon against the Antichrist, has been removed from Mecca, it is possible to build a bridge that will connect the Tyrant with a single land road with Medina and Jerusalem, which will meet with tremendous support from Israel.

The expression of the first prime minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, is well known: "Jotvat, or Tyrant, who was part of the Jewish state fourteen hundred years ago, will become part of the third kingdom of Israel."

It should be clarified: the Jews had two kingdoms - Israelite and Jewish. Both kingdoms fell. But with the rise of Zionism, the Third Kingdom was proclaimed 159 years ago. Professor Martin Tyler wrote in his 2011 book A Look Inside the Hermit Kingdom:

“The birth of Israel itself was strange. What began as a project to resettle Eastern European Jews fleeing increasingly restrictive laws in the early 19th century has evolved into an inspired movement to create a third Jewish kingdom, enter the Messianic era, and rebuild the Third Temple. An outpouring of religious fanaticism such as that seen in the establishment of Israel was unprecedented and never repeated.

During its 153 years of existence, the Kingdom of Israel, or the Third Jewish Commonwealth, pushed back foreign colonialists and tried to create an empire of its own, caused an unprecedented growth of religious fanaticism and became the seat of a once prosperous nation that formerly inhabited every corner of the globe, whose beliefs and customs are now largely degrees are a mystery to the outside world that they left behind so many years ago to pursue the dream of returning to their promised land."

The messianic project, which was initiated by the false messiah Shabtai Tzvi, also generated an unprecedented schism within Jewish society and Judaism. A huge part of Israeli society strongly disagrees with the Sabbatian messianic views of modern Israel. The famous Jewish leader Noam Yarkoni, who moved from Israel to New York, wrote in 2011:

“It is said that King Shabtai I, known to the Israelites as their Messiah, created the country through divine will. The truth is quite different. The truth is that Israel was born before his parents were born. Israel was never going to be a country. It was intended as a refuge for increasingly oppressed Eastern European Jews who had few alternative places. However, what began as a humanitarian project turned into an obsession with fulfilling the dream of an end to Jewish statelessness and the arrival of the messianic age, the biblical promise to collect exiles, and a revolution against the Ottoman rulers of Palestine.

Shortly before the birth of the Kingdom of Israel in 1858, a prominent European rabbi warned the Jewish people against surrendering to blind euphoria and committing great historical folly. His words of wisdom, ignored then, seem prophetic today."


But the Sabbatians now ruling in Israel and the United States - followers of the Jewish false messiah Shabtai Tzvi, stubbornly go to their goal, no longer hiding too much. On the combat aircraft of the American and Israeli Air Force, the CFIR inscription is openly flaunting - the English spelling of the inscription on Dajal's forehead.


This inscription with a stylized "all-seeing eye" has nothing to do with the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) - the Consolidated Research Base. According to the DEBKAfile publication, very close to the Israeli special services, what is happening is the result of a global process initiated by Donald Trump after the beginning of his presidency.

The son of the Saudi king, Mohammed bin Salman, appointed as the de facto ruler of the oil kingdom, is building the country into a new US-Israeli alliance. Israel for the first time will be admitted to an alliance with the most powerful Sunni Arab countries, which have the same goals. A new alliance has emerged consisting of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt and Israel, all of whose countries have the same goals.

Israel's chief of staff, Lieutenant General Gadi Eisencott, spoke openly on June 20 about the rapidly developing ties within the alliance in various political, economic, financial, intelligence and military fields. Israel strongly welcomes the new alliance and its new goals and priorities.

It is practically impossible to deny the religious and mystical component in the current world events. Yes, economic, geopolitical, cultural and civilizational interests also influence the course of world development. But the processes lasting for millennia cannot be compared with the immediate benefits within the framework of human development. And it seems that we are now on the verge of the largest changes, the sacred roots of which go deep into the centuries.

You can treat the above in different ways, call everything conspiracy theories, conspiracy theory, nonsense. But one cannot deny the driving forces that have guided the development of human society for millennia. And it would be foolish to reduce everything to another oil or gas field or the victory of another subjective ideology invented by people. The world is not reduced to class theory or another philosophical "truth". On the contrary, all artificial subjects invented by man serve to ensure objective processes in the development of mankind.

Alexander Nikishin

* organizations recognized as terrorist and banned in the Russian Federation