G. Sidorov On The True Illuminati, Freemasons And "false Goals" - Alternative View

G. Sidorov On The True Illuminati, Freemasons And "false Goals" - Alternative View
G. Sidorov On The True Illuminati, Freemasons And "false Goals" - Alternative View

Video: G. Sidorov On The True Illuminati, Freemasons And "false Goals" - Alternative View

Video: G. Sidorov On The True Illuminati, Freemasons And
Video: Inside the secret world of the Freemasons 2024, September

A lot of conspiracy literature has been written about the Illuminati, and especially recently. With whom only the representatives of this secret society are not connected. Many of these publications are designed to create a little more fog to hide the real Illuminati from us, by exposing "false goals" that are designed to lead us away from the truth.

Interesting information on this topic is provided by the Russian traveler, biologist, anthropologist G. Sidorov, who believes that in fact the real Illuminati have nothing to do with either the Freemasons or any other similar society. And even to humanity in general. Here's what he writes about them in his book The Rock of Those Who Think They Are Gods:

“So who gave rise to the priesthood of Set on Earth and gave him the necessary knowledge to create the“chosen of God,”and on the basis of Judaism and Christianity built the structure of European Freemasonry? This secret is unknown to the Masons of the highest initiation. Only the servants of Set know her. And even then, only those that are directly related to their curators …

So who are these mysterious unknowns? To answer this question, let's remember the structure of our DNA. It turns out that only 1% of the total number of genes in human DNA is responsible for the structure of the body. All other genes, and there are 99% of them, are considered genetic junk. But ancient geneticists knew well that the so-called genetic garbage is the main component of the chromosome, since it is responsible for human behavior. From all of the above, it follows that the appearance of a person can take on a creature that 99% may not be. Visually, such a creature cannot be distinguished from people. She will be an exact copy of you and me, but at the same time, genetically, 99% completely different.

On this genetic principle, the essence of the invasion of an alien alien intelligence on Earth is built. They look like people, but only in appearance. In fact, such creatures are not people. If you believe the legends of Tibet and India, it was they who led the kingdom of the Atlanteans and led it to war with the northern empire, in fact, this war destroyed it. It was they who, in the post-Flood period, seized power in Sumer and, relying on the Semitic tribes, genetically dissolved the Sumerians in the mass of the Semites who migrated to Mesopotamia. They did the same with the state of Sargon I. The genetic Akkadians were also dissolved in the Afro-Asian stratum of new settlers. Later, exactly the same fate befell Babylonia and Assyria. It's the same everywhere, the same handwriting …

We will not explain where the one percent people came from, but 99 percent the non-people in the Middle East. This is beside the point. It is important that they entered the human world a long time ago, and in our time these creatures have not gone anywhere, they live and prosper. The most unpleasant thing is that they have not a sham, but quite real power over society. Exactly as they had in Sumer, Akkad and Babylonia …

The question is, what do these only seemingly people want, but in fact, representatives of alien intelligence? The fact that on Earth they were created with the help of genetic engineering is clear to us. This fact is indicated by numerous myths of our ancestors, such as the cycle of Indian legends about the Nagas. They explicitly say that naga snakes can take on a human form. The same is told in Chinese myths, in Australian, Germanic, Iranian and Russian myths everywhere the same thing. But the question is still not entirely clear what they need on Earth, these alien creatures in the form of a man. The fact that they harbor a fierce hatred for humanity is understandable. This is confirmed by many facts. World wars alone are worth something! Or the Red Terror in Soviet Russia. The traces of their activities are marked by streams of human blood and an ocean of suffering. So it's not hard to guesswhat they want.

If you look closely at what is happening on Earth, it becomes clear that all of our vaunted technogenic civilization was created by these creatures. How is it done? Through the acceptance of the concept of one God, through the credit and financial system and the market economy, everything is simple and ingenious. When they talk about the most significant invention in the history of mankind, then they just do not invent. In fact, money is such an invention. More precisely, paper money, which can be printed in any quantity and bought with it all the corrupt and materialized non-people.

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Technology couldn't be easier. Now, it is not necessary for the alien creatures, who have received a human appearance, to occupy important government posts, as they did in Sumer, Akkad and Babylonia. IN

at present it is enough to bring to power the materialized soulless degenerates from the human tribe. It is very easy to manipulate such people through bribery. It was for these purposes, through the organization of world chaos, that the ancient social class organization of the people of the Golden Age was destroyed …

The Polynesian legends also tell about the great catastrophe that happened 13 thousand years ago in the Pacific Ocean. The legends of the peoples of Polynesia and Melanesia claim that a gigantic continent sank to the bottom of the Great Ocean. It turns out that two continents - both Atlantis and the legendary Mu - went to the bottom at the same time, at the time of the Atlanteans' expansion into Africa, America and Eurasia. It turns out that this happened in the midst of an ancient world massacre. All this suggests that the warring parties used some kind of super-powerful tectonic weapons.

Until recently, no one believed in such a weapon on Earth, but in our time humanity has come close to its creation. Consequently, the ancients could well have it. If we consider the historical process not discretely, but as a single system, then we face a chain of successive events. Something like a mosaic: The Golden Age (the time of estate communism, when the degenerates not only did not have power over society, but also did not have elementary citizenship) died in the chaos of the ancient world war. Plato in his "Dialogues" describes how the kings of Atlantis lost their divine essence and turned into, greedy for everything material and power, non-humans.

They threw the forces of their empire to conquer the world. How could this happen, bypassing the corps of philosophers and priests? Only through substitution or direct zombie. One way or another, but the goal was achieved. A world squabble began, and people ruled by non-humans not only destroyed their prosperous countries, but also completely destroyed the world of stellar estate communism. Why stellar? Yes, because the formation of estate communism came to Earth together with our ancestors from the Metropolis.

In distant highly developed worlds there is only one, and there can be no other socio-economic formation. Why so, and not otherwise, a long story. In short, everything looks like this: any planet, no matter how rich it is, still has limited resources. Therefore, the task of the carriers of the mind that populated it is not to kill the planet, but, on the contrary, to create conditions on it that are most suitable for the life of all ecosystems without exception. It is clear that if degenerates stand at the head of society, in their heads they will not be concerned about the ecosystems of the planet they occupy, but about personal gain. Naturally, very soon the resources of the planet will be depleted and the civilization of consumers will destroy itself. This is the law of any degenerate society.

This is why there can be no market economy in space. The institution of money is considered the greatest evil. There is no private ownership of the means of production and land, there is ownership of clothing, pets and weapons. And degenerates are either destroyed (this mainly refers to all kinds of psychopaths and perverts), or are deprived of their citizenship rights and ostracized, on other planets they do not rule society. Once upon a time it was the same with us, on Earth. But unearthly mind intervened in the affairs of people, and now - we have what we have.

How can we call them, these seemingly people, but in fact, visitors from another world hostile to us? As we know, on the hierarchical ladder they are much higher than the Masons and the dark priesthood they created. Today they are called the Illuminati, followers of Lucifer. But the name does not reflect this essence, the fake Illuminati, by order of the Vatican, were created by Weishaupt on May 1, 1771. This is just the most active part of Freemasonry, that's all. Therefore, you should not confuse them with those about whom we described above. It is important that after the activity of the Jew Weishaupt, both of them began to be called by the same name. What is this if not skillful camouflage? If we are talking about the Illuminati below, we will mean alien beasts who have taken on the form of a man …

Modern historians are trying to hammer it into our heads that the Illuminati were created by the Jesuits to counter the Masonic movement. Only those who have "not all at home" can say this. The fact is that the Illuminati and Masons have never been at enmity and are not going to be at enmity. The Illuminati do their job, the Freemasons do theirs. Both are quite happy with each other. It's just that Weishaupt's Illuminati led the Masonic movement and gave it the right direction, for this they were created. They also represent a false target to hide the true Illuminati, who are 99% non-human genetics. Currently, both groups have merged into one. And now it is difficult to determine where the real Illuminati is, and where the "soap bubble" is.

In fact, the old Masonic technology was applied here, where along with the network of visible Masonic lodges there is the same network of invisible ones. It is the invisible Masonic lodges that are truly dangerous, they control both politics and the economy, and the visible ones cover them. They are great at distracting public attention, thereby allowing their colleagues to succeed.

At the moment, they are trying to convince us that an information war has been waged against Russia for two centuries in a row by the united elites of the West. First, not two centuries, but at least since the adoption of Christianity. And secondly, all Western elites are adherents of the Illuminati clan. Europe, America and many other countries, such as China, have long been ruled by non-humans. Freemasons in the Western elites occupy those posts that are not occupied by non-humans. As a rule, middle managers are recruited from the latter, but not the highest. This is the subordination in secret societies.

But this is in the West. We have, if there are Illuminati, there are only a few of them, this is understandable. In the West, Russia is seen as a colony. But there are more than enough Masons in our government, and not only in the government, the fifth column is completely made up of them. The one that imposes liberal-democratic values on our people. What does this mean? That modern Freemasonry is the main striking force in the colonies of the third world. Through their influence, not only in developing countries, but also in developed countries, the rules of the game are established that are needed by the Illuminati and those who govern them."

Thus, it can be noted that many "false goals" launched by the servants of the forces of evil are intended to confuse us as much as possible and lead us away from the truth. Explicit Masonic societies, distracting attention to themselves, provide the activities of secret lodges. In the same way, the Illuminati is the name for the most active "elite" of Masonic societies, so that we do not guess that the real Illuminati, who have created many problems for mankind and more than once threatened its existence, are in fact not genetically human, although they look like people.

These creatures can be calculated by their immense greed, pathological craving for riches and power, cold intellect, poorly concealed hatred of humanity and desire to drown humanity in blood as a result of a new world war under invented plausible pretexts. Almost all of them secretly participate in Satanic human sacrifices to their dark egregor and try to impose their "new world order" on humanity.

This is the very same hybridoreptiloid world "elite", which is 300 + 300 of the richest families and ruling clans of the earth. And when ordinary people realize that the "powerful of this world" have been deceiving them all this time and that in fact the "conspiracy theory" is by no means a collection of fantastic works, then the power of this inhuman "elite" will come to an end.
