The Mystical Power Of A Swear Word - Alternative View

The Mystical Power Of A Swear Word - Alternative View
The Mystical Power Of A Swear Word - Alternative View

Video: The Mystical Power Of A Swear Word - Alternative View

Video: The Mystical Power Of A Swear Word - Alternative View
Video: Diana and Roma NEW Adventures in a Magical Cartoon World! Сompilation 2, Funny Cartoons for kids 2024, July

Today, for many people (including those who are quite cultured in appearance), swearing is a habitual norm of communication, despite legislative attempts to limit its use in everyday life. But if you think about it, what's so terrible about this very mate? Why is there a taboo on obscene language in society? The root of the problem, as it turned out, should be sought in the times of Ancient Rus …

Where did the Russian swearing come from … Disputes about where the Russian swearing came from have been going on for a long time. At first, the Tatar-Mongols were stubbornly accused of this misfortune. But at the end of the last millennium, scientists discovered a piece of ancient birch bark with abusive expressions scrawled on it. This is how it turned out that the mat is a primordially Slavic invention. But for what purpose was it “invented”?

There is an interesting version that mate is a special language, and our ancestors allegedly spoke in it with evil spirits, and which in this case played the role of a kind of amulet against evil spirits. Mat in Russia was called black language. According to ethnographers, in ancient times people used it, intending to curse the victim, that is, the mat was a kind of sacrifice to evil spirits. It is no coincidence that the Slavs considered it a great sin to curse pregnant women and children. It was forbidden to swear in the house and, we emphasize, even in the barn (so as not to energetically harm the cattle).

Scientists have found out one curious fact: our distant ancestors used a mat to transform excess sexual energy into a much needed physical one at certain moments of their life. This took place on Shrovetide, during spring plowing, as well as during the wedding night. Thus, in the old days, people used to swear very rarely, and even then only men.

"It is not proper for noble men to scold like commoners …"

Under Ivan the Terrible (this quote belongs to him) and Alexei Mikhailovich Quiet, it was generally impossible to hear obscene language on the Moscow streets. In accordance with the Cathedral Code, its use was punished very cruelly. The guilty person could even be put to death.

The rulers of Russia waged an irreconcilable struggle against the mate. For him, a person could pierce the tongue with a red-hot ramrod, they could put him in prison or tied to a pillory. At a later time, they were simply fined for mate, publicly shamed, and also forced to rinse their mouth with soapy water.

Immediately after the revolution of 1917, the Russian philosopher and theologian Sergei Bulgakov said that the victory of the Bolsheviks is the victory of swearing: in their revolutionary hymns they sang about themselves as “the curse of the branded” …

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Something is heard native, obscene, mischievous …

Sane, cultured and even more spiritual people have always been ashamed of obscenities and abstained from it. Our language even has an alternative replacement for it, these are the well-known "badge-fly", "pancake burnt", "yokhany babay", "yepsel-mopsel" and a great many other delights.

Despite this, modern society actively uses mat in speech. At the same time, not only men and women swear, but even children. People do not know that once the mat had a demonic essence, and, on the contrary, they say that it is more fun to live with him.

Independent researchers, however, argue that foul-mouthed people age faster and live shorter lives. Whether this is so, of course, is not known for certain. Official science, in any case, is silent on this matter, since no large-scale research has been conducted on this topic. Thus, each of us decides for himself whether to be friends with “black abuse” or not, depending on the cultural traditions of his family, his spiritual development and his own ideas about human ethics …