How Jesuits And Freemasons Buried The History Of Europe, Siberia And China - Alternative View

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How Jesuits And Freemasons Buried The History Of Europe, Siberia And China - Alternative View
How Jesuits And Freemasons Buried The History Of Europe, Siberia And China - Alternative View

Video: How Jesuits And Freemasons Buried The History Of Europe, Siberia And China - Alternative View

Video: How Jesuits And Freemasons Buried The History Of Europe, Siberia And China - Alternative View
Video: Jewish in Europe (2/2) | DW Documentary 2024, June

According to the "Scaliger-Petavius" version, the civilization of Western Europe dates back to the delightful "Ancient" Greece "and the mighty" Ancient Rome ". It turns out that Western Europe began to count its history and culture about 800 years before the beginning of the new era, and Russia-Russia led its history and culture only from 988 AD, from the baptism of Russia, that is, for 1800 years " lagged behind”, hence our“underdevelopment”. With the introduction of the Scaliger-Petavius version, the West-Rus confrontation needed by the Vatican has received a clear ideological completeness. In Europe, where for many peoples the common language of communication was Slavic, a "dead" language was introduced - Latin. For all the years of struggle against the heritage of the Slavs, the Vatican has honed its "craft" and its guards - Jesuits on the one hand, and the Masons on the other,scattered across many countries with a "noble mission" to rewrite history to suit their greatness. Most of all went to Europe, Russia, Siberia and China. At the same time, inconvenient artifacts and sources of writing were destroyed. It was for China that most of Siberian history was rewritten and many of its peoples began to be called in the Chinese way, and Slavic place names disappeared from the territories of Siberia and Primorye. But it was China, which has been linked to us throughout history by blood ties, that took shape as a state thanks to the efforts of Russia.and Slavic place names disappeared from the territories of Siberia and Primorye. But it was China, which has been linked to us throughout history by blood ties, that took shape as a state thanks to the efforts of Russia.and Slavic place names disappeared from the territories of Siberia and Primorye. But it was China, which has been linked to us throughout history by blood ties, that took shape as a state thanks to the efforts of Russia.

Of the numerous Vatican agents sent to Russia and Siberia, for example, G. Z. Bayer, did not know Russian at all and studied Russian chronicles translated from Latin, and what kind of story he could write to us.

The writers of the false history of mankind were well aware that during the last glaciation of the Earth, Siberia was lucky, there was a warm climate and the civilization of a white ("Caucasian") man received its bright development. Therefore, the Vatican drove its agents further - beyond the Urals, so that they, under the guise of scientific research, burned archives, with artillery, powder mines and steel chisels, crushed the monuments of history, art and architecture of the Slavic-Aryan peoples of Siberia. Artificially, there was a clear distinction between "civilized" Europe and "underdeveloped" Asia.


At the same time, in Europe, on the basis of the "dead" language - Latin, Western European languages were invented and brutally introduced, that is, linguistic "apartments" were set up. At least until the middle of the 18th century, there was no corner on the globe, even in Turkey, where they would not understand the Slavic language. You can easily read the early Latin alphabet in Russian in Latin letters, an example - please.

A deplorable speech on the occasion of the death of King Charles XI of Sweden. 1697


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Here's another example.

In the 18th century, in the hands of the Montenegrin house of princes Chernoevich there was a diploma of Pope Leo (Lev) 4th (847-855), written in Cyrillic, with the following content (the text is transmitted according to Zhunkovich):

“Bozieju milostiju mi cetverti papa vethego Rima, i sudija selenski (omitted 'v'), namjestnik svetago verhovnago apostola Petra: daem vlast preozvestenjeisemu mitropolitu Albanskomu, da imjeet silu i vlast duhovnu i o nikotorde po pravilom svetih apostol Petra i Pavia i procih.

I da budet seniu episkopu granice Ш Rufini od istoka od Olbarlie kako sosfoit Skadar do Bielogo polja, od Zapada kako sostoie adriamckoe more do Ragusii, od Severa da imjeet do Zahimie. SUa duhovnie vlasti da imjeet vezati i reSiti.

Dato v Ijeto Hristovo 843 va vethom Rime . The letters denoting the numbers in the original are replaced by Zhunkovich with Arabic numerals.

Until recently, in tsarist Russia, the Latin language was called barbaric.


But the roots of the Latin language are from our ancestors - the Etruscans.


After the introduction of the Latin alphabet instead of the Slavic language, the ideologists of the Vatican turned their gaze to the very object of the opposition they artificially inflated - to Russia. Without unnecessary noise and dust, at the beginning of the 18th century, the future creators of Russian "history", who later became "academicians", G. F. Miller, A. L. Schlözer, G. Z. Bayer and many others. others. In the form of Roman "blanks" in their pockets they had: the "Norman theory" and the myth of the feudal fragmentation of "Ancient Rus" and the emergence of Russian culture no later than 988 AD. e., and the 300-year-old Tatar-Mongol "yoke", and other rubbish.

When G. F. Miller in 1749 at a closed meeting of the Russian Academy for the first time read out his report: "The origin of the people and the name of Russia", M. V. Lomonosov punched him in the face, for which he was sentenced to death. Fortunately, Catherine II pardoned Lomonosov.

For example, Jesuit-Masonic activities in Siberia. In 1720-1727. an expedition of the Russian Academy under the leadership of N. G. Miserschmidt. Taking with him the captured Swedish officer-lieutenant colonel Philip Johann Stralenberg (1676-1747), he traveled from the Urals to Northern Manchuria and from the Sayan Mountains to the Lower Ob. They were not the last in the "historical" cleansing of these territories.

Following Miserschmidt, “brilliant pages in the study of ancient history, historical ethnography and archeology of Siberia were written by the academic expedition of 1733-1743, especially by such members as G. F. Miller, I. G. Gmelin, S. P. Krasheninnikov, J. Lindenau and G. V. Steller.

Johann Georg Gmelin, returning from an expedition in 1743, fled to Germany in 1747, where he published his work "A Journey in Siberia from 1733 to 1743", in which he made such slanderous attacks against the peoples of Russia and Siberia that even Russophobes The Academy of Sciences refused to translate it into Russian.

Gerard Friedrich Miller, a scientist of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, published his major work "History of Siberia" in German in three volumes. In 1750 this book was published in Russian in St. Petersburg. Having completed work on a tome entitled "History of the Russian State", in which not by washing, so by skating, the episodes necessary for the Vatican, humiliating Russia, were included. Sly Germans - "academicians" in 1803 entrusted its literary processing and publication to the freemason N. M. Karamzin.


As the version of the "Scaliger-Petavius" took root in Western Europe, the Vatican sent its agents not only to Russia and Siberia, but also to China, India, Japan and other countries of the East. The most seasoned Jesuits went there.

For example, in the Arab countries, they arranged the matter so that the Arabs allegedly by 988 had already written a masterpiece of world literature "One Thousand and One Nights" - an outstanding monument of the literature of the Arab East, including over 300 fairy tales and short stories. The collection is based on the folklore of India and Iran, revised and supplemented by Arab folk storytellers - "medlahs", in the 9-10th centuries. By this time, Cyril and Methodius had just brought the alphabet to Russia. But look what they thought about this in tsarist Russia.

Cyril and Methodius learned to read and write from Russian books.


Also from the above text, we learn that Slavic tribes lived in Khazaria, adhering to the Vedic worldview, i.e. pagans to be converted to Christianity.

For example, the researcher of the religious life of Europe, the German Heinrich Bemer, left a description of how Jesuit Robert de Nobili penetrated into India and sulked the Brahmans in it: “For this purpose he himself turned into a siniasi, or penitent brahmana. He bought himself a fiery red hat, a bedspread, a red and yellow muslin robe, and the wooden shoes of a penitent Siniazi. Then he shaved his head, adorned his ears with huge earrings, painted his forehead with the yellow sandalwood ointment, which is the hallmark of the brahmanas, and settled in a dugout, where he lived in seclusion for a whole year, eating vegetables and water.

In this way, he managed to attract the attention of the brahmanas, and they, in the end, began to visit him. Having assured them with an oath of the ancient nobility of the Roman Brahmins, he achieved complete success in his pretense. He spoke in the same way as a brahmana, wrote works in Tamil, in which Christianity, strangely mixed with Indian wisdom, took the form of a completely Hindu teaching. Even 20 years after the death of Robert Tatuwa in South India, where he was a missionary, his followers remained - 250,000 Catholic Hindus!


But who are the Jesuits?

The Constitution of the Order of Jesus (officially the Society of Jesus) was finally approved and signed in Rome by Paul III in 1540, and the Jesuits devoted themselves entirely to the service of the Pope, swearing an oath of unconditional obedience to him.

From The Secret History of the Jesuits by Edmond Pari; translation from French, 1975:

“Jesuits are spies and contract killers of the Catholic Church. Those who believe that the Jesuit Order is a religious organization are gravely mistaken. They are and have always been a political structure in all respects. It is a political tool for influencing society with the help of fairy-tale characters and rituals borrowed from more ancient religions. The division into ecclesiastical and secular authorities is fictitious for the Catholic Church and does not matter, since it tirelessly and tirelessly works for the acquisition of world power - and does not shun any means. Its power is based on mass murder, torture, mass robbery, organized crime, fooling the population and cutting it off from real spirituality and magical power. She controlled kings, queens, nobles, presidents, governments and just about everyonewho has some kind of power."


Let me remind you that the Jesuits were expelled for their political activities from Portugal (1759), France (1764), Spain and Naples (1767). The order was even liquidated for 40 years in 1773 by Pope Clement XIV (bull "Dominus as Redemptor"). However, in 1814 Pius VII restored the order to fight against revolutionary movements. Nevertheless, the notoriety of the Jesuits led them further to conflicts with the authorities and to the prohibition of their activities (for example, in Germany from 1872 to 1917).

In the middle of the 16th century, the Jesuits established themselves in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, which converted to Catholicism, where they founded a number of educational institutions, and published about 350 theological works. With their help, Poland was constantly in conflict with Russia. At the end of the 16th century, a powerful Catholic order arrived in Lviv - the Jesuits, who were smart, educated and wealthy.


During the Time of Troubles at the beginning of the 17th century, the Jesuits actively participated in the enthronement of False Dmitry I. The Jesuits were in the army of False Dmitry I and were expelled from Russia along with the Polish-Lithuanian invaders.

In 1689, after the overthrow of Sophia by Peter I, the Jesuits were again expelled from Russia, but soon Peter himself allowed them to settle in Moscow, where they founded a school attended by the children of a number of nobles (Golitsyns, Naryshkins, Apraksins, Dolgorukiy, Golovkins, Musins- Pushkin, Kurakin, etc.). Only in 1719 (Peter's decree of April 18), in connection with the trial of Tsarevich Alexei, who was associated with the Austrian Jesuit mission, were they ordered to leave Russia.

After the first partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1772), the Jesuits again appeared in Russia. Under Catherine II

Russia became the only state where the Jesuits received the right to work. Under Paul I, they established a school for the children of the St. Petersburg Collegium of St. Paul (later the Collegium of Nobility).

At different times, representatives of the families of the Golitsyn, Stroganov, Baryatinsky, Prozorovsky, Gagarins, Vyazemsky and others studied at the collegium.


In 1812, on the initiative of Alexander I, the Polotsk Collegium of the Jesuits received the rights of an academy and the leadership of all Jesuit schools in Belarus.

This allowed the order to expand its missionary activities throughout Russia. Jesuit missions were established in Astrakhan, Odessa, Siberia. Conversions to Catholicism became more frequent, especially after the official restoration of the order by the Pope in 1814. At the same time, the protests of the Orthodox clergy against the activities of the Jesuits in Russia intensified.

On 1815-20-12, after the conversion of Golitsyn's nephew to Catholicism, a decree was issued on the expulsion of the Jesuits from St. Petersburg and Moscow. And in 1820, on the recommendation of the Minister of Spiritual Affairs and Public Education Golitsyn, Alexander I made a decision on the final expulsion of the Jesuit Order from all of Russia. The local authorities were instructed: "The Jesuits, who have forgotten the sacred duty of not only gratitude, but also the oath of allegiance and therefore unworthy to use the patronage of Russian laws, should be sent out of the state under police supervision and henceforth not allowed into Russia under any guise or name." The Jesuit colleges and academies were abolished, their property, libraries, land holdings, etc. were confiscated. The Jesuits were ordered to either leave the order and become residents loyal to Orthodoxy, or leave the country. About 200 Jesuits were then expelled from Russia.


At the Genoa Conference (1922), the Vatican provided diplomatic support to the atheist regime, which had not yet been recognized by anyone in the West. In 1925, the Jesuit Cardinal Michel d-Erbigny came to Moscow to negotiate a "concordat": the Vatican will further contribute to the international recognition of the Bolshevik regime in exchange for freedom of activity in Soviet Russia to catholicize the Orthodox and finish off the reactionary Orthodox Church. This plan failed only because Catholicism was also unacceptable to the theomachists. Nevertheless, under the order of the Jesuits in Rome, the so-called Oriental Institute "Russicum" was created to study the East and prepare Catholic preachers for the USSR.

But let's continue.

In 1583, the Jesuit scholar Matteo Ricci (1552-1610) arrived in China, and Chinese Catholics, along with adherents of other religions in China, freely worshiped there and founded their schools.


The missionary and "brilliant Jesuit" Matteo Ricci entered the mansions of the highest dignitaries, dressed in a mandarin robe, "believed" in Confucianism, declaring it the logical completion of Christianity (of the Catholic sense, of course), introduced the Asians to cartography, the technical and scientific achievements of the West and trained dignitaries Empires for the arrival of "specialists" in history from Europe.

Before the appearance of M. Ricci in China, no dynastic chronicles were written in China! That is, there was no “skeleton” that could be used to “sketch” the history of China at least in a rough draft. It was nevertheless written, but only by the generations of Jesuits who arrived after Ricci, which took them many decades.


Chronicles of China VI-VIII centuries and its Turkic environs, that is, the period of interest to us, was translated and written by the French May and Gobil. In the middle of the 18th century, another Frenchman, professor at the Sorbonne Deguille, on the basis of these translations, promptly prepared and published in France the multivolume "History of the Huns, Turks and Mongols". Many Jesuits worked on the history of China in other periods.


An example can be given of where the Chinese names for the Siberian peoples came from. Calling Siberian Rus “Great Tartary” and its mounted warriors Tatars was a common occurrence in Russia and Western Europe even in the 17th and 18th centuries. In 1673, the book “The Embassy from the Dutch East Indian Company to the Great Tatar Khan” was published. Khan is the usual military rank of the Russian prince, and with the prefix "ka" it meant the highest rank, this name was used by many peoples, later it was fixed only in Asian countries, and the kahan-kagan among the Jews.


The first Manzhur emperor Shunzhi is called the "Great Tatar Khan" here, and the book with many beautiful illustrations is an account of a trip to Beijing in 1656 by a delegation of Dutch merchants led by John Newhof (aka artist), Peter de Goyer and Jacob de Keizer. The following lines from this book are interesting: “The chief chief sat on a wide bench with his legs folded like a tailor, to his right … sat two Tatar princes, and to his left - Adam Schall, a Jesuit, a native of Cologne in Germany, who lived in great honor at court for about 30 years. He was a very fine-looking old man with a long beard, cut and dressed in the Tatar fashion."


The evidence that the Cossacks of the Pied Horde, who left the hated Romanovs, appeared in China under the guise of the "Manchu Qing Dynasty" (1644-1911) was also a noticeable increase in the influence of the Jesuits in the Celestial Empire. Former Horde people, Cossacks-Manzhurs wanted to create for themselves a "Chinese home" with great history and great culture in its written annals.

Thus, the leadership of the new China, with its ambitious goals, and the Jesuits, with their insidious plans for Russia-Russia, fell into each other's arms. From now on, the unlimited intellectual power of the Jesuits over China was consolidated for many years. The Jesuit Adam Shalle cured the young Manzhur Emperor Shenzhi of a serious illness and began compiling a treatise on Western methods of calculating calendars. He was soon appointed head of the Imperial Chamber of Astronomy. For the next two hundred years, this Chamber was headed only by Catholic missionaries. Especially successful was the Jesuit Ferdinand Verbist (1623-1688), who acted in China under the Kangxi Emperor (1654-1722).


“Probably, in the person of this Jesuit, who was 31 years older than the emperor, Kangxi found someone like a father. In his Astronomia Perpetua, one of more than forty books written or translated in China, Verbiest says: “I usually went to the palace at dawn and did not leave until three or four o'clock in the afternoon, and during this time I was alone with emperor, reading and explaining. Very often he left me to dine and treated me to the finest dishes served on a golden platter. In order to fully appreciate these signs of friendship shown to me by the emperor, a European must remember that the monarch is treated like a deity, and hardly anyone sees him, especially from foreigners “… Never before him or after him there was the influence of the Jesuits in China is so powerful. As Nigel Cameron points out,"It was the result of an alliance between a brilliant emperor and a brilliant Jesuit." The relationship between China and the West has never known this kind of interaction."

This is how the Siberian army of the Pied Horde became the Manzhurs, and their names sounded in the Chinese interpretation, processed by the Jesuits. And this action did not play any role in the fact that the Cossacks who had fled to Siberia since the days of Razin and Pugachev joined the manzhurs. All their Russian names, thanks to the efforts of the Jesuits, sounded in the Chinese way.

So the destruction of the Cossacks of Russia, as Christians, Mohammedans and adhering to the Vedic worldview, i.e. pagans, began in ancient times. Cossacks and white officers of tsarist Russia knew and remembered their enemies, who later became red commissars who destroyed old Russia, and in the new Russia there was no place for many. And again, as has happened more than once, some of the Russian people were scattered all over the world.


Thanks to the efforts of the Jesuits, Kangxi began attacks on Russia from 1684, and this resulted in the Albazin events on the Amur. This prompted the Boyar Duma to send an embassy to Beijing in 1686, after which, in 1687, the siege of Albazin was lifted, but the attacks on the Russian fortresses continued for a long time. Here I would like to note about the ambassadorial ties of Russia with China. After unsuccessfully sent in 1654 by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Boyar's son Fyodor Baikov to the court of the emperor of the Celestial Empire, four years later a serviceman of the Tara city was sent from the Irtysh Ivan Perfiliev and his companion from Tobolsk Setkul Ablin. They arrived at Xuanye's father, Emperor Fulin. It is curious how he perceived the appearance of Russian guests. In a response letter to the Russian tsar, it was inscribed: … the tribute that was sent from you,we accepted and against that we send to you a salary and mercy.”Perfiliev, among other Chinese gifts, was given to the king ten poods of tea.

With a large caravan, Perfiliev decided not to get involved, thereby depriving himself of the tea primacy in Siberia, yielding to Tomsk merchants, yes, yes, Tomichi already traded with the Celestial Empire at that time. Ivan brought his tea to the Beijing market, in Russia there was a lot of Ivan's tea, he sold it and bought 352 semi-precious stones with that money: yahonts, lalas, etc., and the gift fit in his pocket.

It may not be strange, but natural that the Russians decided to oppose their supremacy to the arrogance of the Celestial Empire, which considered itself the Middle Kingdom, and the rulers of all the outlying lands - tributaries.

In 1670 the boyar's son Ignatiy Milovanov left Nerchinsk with an embassy to Beijing. In the letter of order, the ambassador was ordered to declare the Bogda king i.e. to the Manchu emperor: "… as under the high Russian tsarist majesty's hand are kings and kings with their states, and the great sovereign favors them, keeps them in his tsar's merciful patronage; I would have committed under his high royal majesties by hand … and would give him a tribute to the great sovereign …"

Milovanov was introduced to the emperor. Paradox. Performing the "ke-to" ritual, the Russians presented themselves as tributaries. And then they impudently declare, - walk by the arm of our king, Lord Bogdykhan, and give him a tribute! Why the insolent people were not hanged, but listened to, awarded with gifts and released, a riddle?

At this time, Xuanye is already seated on the throne. He is 16. He studies Manchu martial arts and Confucianism. He is married to the niece of the highly esteemed Mandarin Songotou, but, in fact, does not rule the state, but indulges in the joys of youth. The state under the young emperor is ruled by Songotou. And with him - a gang of Jesuit advisers. These Christ-loving brothers have been sowing their seeds in China since the 13th century - remember the missionary Carpini, the first "zaslanets" who was sent by the Pope on April 16, 1245 with a peace mandate to convert to Catholicism. Of course, the "Mongols" did not accept Catholicism; in the 13th century they continued to be pagans, tolerant of any religion. Among them were Cossacks of different faiths, Orthodox, Muslims, Nestorians, Jews, but there were no Catholics. However, the belief that the Mongols, both in Siberia and in China, will be able to be baptized,long ingrained in Western minds.


In 1688, under the watchful eye of the Jesuits, Kangxi issued a decree allowing the Chinese to convert to Christianity and the missionaries to preach everywhere. After that, the number of adherents of the faith of Christ began to grow rapidly - ten years later, there were more than 200 churches in the Celestial Empire.

in 1720, the new legate Mezzabarba brought this bull again, and, having achieved an audience with the emperor, demanded that he forbid his Christian subjects to honor their ancestors and Confucius. And it was here that Kangxi really got angry - he told the ambassador everything he thought about the intervention of the Pope in the affairs of a sovereign state, and advised that he, if he wants to further spread the teachings of Christ in the Middle Kingdom, send him not pathetic scribbles, but doctors, scientists and various craftsmen. Then Christians in China will have no problems.

In this case, in 1724, the new emperor issued a decree prohibiting the confession of the teachings of Christ on the territory of the Middle Kingdom, after which he expelled all missionaries from the side-altars of China.


In 1807, the future founder of Russian Sinology and Orthodox missionary Nikita Yakovlevich Bichurin - Father Iakinf (in encyclopedic reference books - "Joakinf") arrived from St. Petersburg to the "field" prepared by the Jesuits in Beijing. O. Iakinf performed the same function of a dummy “historian” as N. M. Karamzin.

He was the first to make Russia happy with translations into Russian of the "Chinese" historical chronicles slipped to him by the Jesuits, and research on the basis of these "chronicles", in which, "naturally", it was not said about the formidable warriors of the Siberian Cossacks, or about Siberian Russia, or about Far Eastern Russia, but there and there for some reason turned out to be full of Chinese. This coincided with the resettlement by deception of the Siberian Cossacks to Turkestan and their replacement on the Siberian land by linear Cossacks in 1808, for which ordinary people from peasants and foreigners were recruited into the Cossacks. This is how the Freemasons and Jesuits achieved their goals.

Here I would like to note how Nikita Bichurin fell into the arms of the Jesuits. After fourteen years of study at the Kazan Theological Academy, he was assigned to Irkutsk for the archimandrite position of rector of the Irkutsk Seminary. However, from Siberia, he was honored to be exiled … to Tobolsk, an eloquence teacher in the seminary there. Cause? The "young specialist" brought from Kazan a short-cropped actress-mistress ("servant boy") dressed in a man's dress. She lived in his "monastic" cell for a year and a half. But the misfortune, once heavily tipsy seminarians, who got wind of the "boy", also wanted him. In the absence of the rector, they broke down the door and burst into his cell - the girl jumped from the second floor into a snowdrift. The seminarians overtook her in the courtyard and became so brutal that the soldier who stood up for the "boy" received an ax in the chest!The scandal reached St. Petersburg; the archimandrite was punished.


In St. Petersburg, Fr. Iakinfu was patronized by the Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod, Prince A. Golitsyn, who sought to remove his punishment. The benevolent characterization of the Tobolsk ruler, sent to the capital, also helped. On May 10, 1806, a decree came from the Synod to Tobolsk, in which it was reported that "… the Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod, Prince Alexander Golitsyn, had the pleasure of reporting to the Tsar about the permission of the sacred service to the former rector of the Irkutsk Seminary, Archimandrite Iakinf, and His Majesty expressed His Highest consent to Synod and ordered to send him, Iakinfa, to the Beijing Spiritual Mission to fill the vacancy of the Archimandrite there. " Returning to Irkutsk, Fr. Iakinf soon joined an ambassador's group of Russian officials on their way to Beijing.

On the life path of the Chuvash Nikita Bichurin, who, at the suggestion of the authors of the "Chinese" chronicles, destroyed the Slavic paleoethnographic image of our Trans-Ural territories, and the Mordvin Nikita Minov, the future omnipotent patriarch of Moscow Nikon (1605-1681), who in 1666 caused a terrible split in the Russian Greek Orthodox churches (RGPTs) - there are many similarities. And the point here is not in nationality, but in a tarnished reputation, committing bad deeds, from which no one is immune. It's just that Jesuits and Freemasons recruit personnel for dark affairs in this way. Well, God be their judge, let's continue.

In the late 18th and early 19th centuries. difficult times began for the Society of Jesus. The reason is the intrigues of the "rear officials" at the papal court. To replace the Jesuits in Beijing, the Franciscan Catholics caught fire; dad didn't mind. Passions ran high so much that the "Beijing" Jesuits asked Russia for political asylum. Emperor Paul I allowed not only them, but the entire Order with its headquarters to settle in St. Petersburg. This was aided by the threat to the Order of Malta when Napoleon took Malta.


Russia took upon itself the financing of the Order, the history of Sovereign Vedic Russia and Great Tartary (Siberia) was not needed for it. Paul I intended to use the Beijing "brigade" through diplomatic channels in the countries of the Far East. Therefore, on March 17, 1801, Pope Pius I issued a decree authorizing the redeployment of the Order. On October 12, 1802, a certain Gruber was elected general of the Order of the Society of Jesus, who was able to persuade Pope Pius I to return the Jesuits to Beijing. And that was done.

The hopes of the Freemasons for control over the Emperor did not come true, Paul I in practice resisted all Masonic trends. In an effort to limit the destructive influence of foreign morals and the spirit of the French Revolution, the Emperor banned the import of foreign books and banned the wearing of French-style clothing. On the whole, Paul's accession to the throne led to a sharp breakdown of the liberal Catherine's order, which caused the discontent of many noble families. Paul I realized the treachery of the plans of the Anglo-Saxons and tried to limit the ubiquitous British intrigues. This became the death sentence to the Emperor, on the night of March 12, 1801. he was killed.


As for Iakinf-Bichurin, he opened the doors of the Jesuit nests in Beijing with his left foot. They were obliged to love him "by definition." He had them in mind when he said “… according to the explanation of his teachers.” He did not have to “write down the meaning of every new hieroglyph he met” on the street. He had at his disposal long-established libraries and ready-made dictionaries.

Is a big cross being put on everything that over 200 years "experts" have sprinkled about the ancient and medieval history of our Siberian and Far Eastern territories? Yes, it is, because after Bichurin many generations of Russian "historians" have swallowed the Jesuit bait, including Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences A. P. Okladnikov, and remained without scientific titles. The famous L. N. Gumilyov, believed: “The founder of the study of the history and paleoethnography of Central Asia in Russia was N. Ya. Bichurin (Iakinf). His translations of Chinese chronicles still remain a reliable foundation for research. Mistakes and inaccuracies in translation are rare, insignificant and do not distort the main narrative, as the textual works of N. V. Kuhner, who specifically compared the works of Bichurin with the original texts”.

Bichurin is a sacred cow for Gumilyov. Therefore, he is not alarmed by the "course" of Chinese history. And he, says Lev Nikolaevich, is this: "… fortunately, the events of Chinese history are always accurately dated." And they are dated, as it turns out, according to the chronology adopted in Western Europe - from the Nativity of Christ, that is, according to the version of "Scaliger-Petavius". Even what happened before Christ is ordered according to a scheme familiar to all of us. And here dear Lev Nikolaevich should be on his guard. How did it happen that China, which despised everything "barbaric", and Western Europe, which knew about China only by hearsay, lived according to the same chronograph-calendar?

Fortunately, it was possible to find a summary of the renaming of toponyms, villages and cities in the Chinese way in the Chinese geography Da Qing I-tun-chji, translated by N. Ya. Bichurin. This capital source was published as a work anticipating the history of the ancient Turks and other nomads, as well as of China itself (Bichurin N. Ya. Collection of information on the historical geography of Central and East Asia. Cheboksary, I960).

This is where it would be nice to inquire about the origin of the "Chinese geography of Da Qing Yi-tun-chji." Then, perhaps, it would have turned out that in this "capital source" the Jesuits did not rename, but simply cleaned out all the Slavic-Russian names on the maps of both China and its Turkic environs.

This "geographical dictionary" was really compiled for Bichurin and with the active participation of Bichurin, since it is physically impossible for the Jesuits to "competently" destroy Russian toponymy in Siberia and the Far East by the Jesuits themselves, without an expert in the Russian language, which was the margin of Bichurin.


It is believed that in China there is no literature, historical chronicles written on paper earlier than the 18th century. But the Jesuits painted the history of China with a duration of 8000 years, and where there is truth, and where is fiction, go figure it out. This topic is very interesting, and it could have been left alone out of respect for the hardworking Chinese. However, China considers Siberia and our Far East to be its own. Therefore, we will have to remind our Chinese friends that thanks to Russia, China exists as a state.


China considered Vatican agents as teachers and friends, but they did not think so, their fruits of labor did not take long to appear. When Great Britain, France and Russia liberated their forces after the Crimean War, the British began to look for an excuse to unleash a military conflict in the Qing empire, it was not for nothing that they had pushed their way to China from Ivan the Terrible. Such an excuse was found - it was the detention by the Chinese authorities of the English ship "Arrow", which was engaged in smuggling trade. On October 8, 1856, Chinese officials boarded the Lorchi Arrow, a Chinese ship (home port of Hong Kong) and sailing under the British flag. It was suspected that this ship was engaged in piracy, smuggling and opium trade. Twelve people were arrested and, despite UK demands, they were not released. After this incident, Great Britain declared war on the Qing Empire.


At the end of October 1856, a British squadron bombed the port of Guangzhou. At the beginning of 1857, American ships also took part in the hostilities. France soon joined England, choosing the arrest and death of the French missionary Auguste Chapdelin in the province of Guangxi as a pretext for her intervention. After the Qing Empire lost the battle for the Dagu forts on May 20, 1858, it became clear to the Chinese government that further resistance was pointless.


Former "friends" called this period the Second Opium War and in 1860 the Anglo-French troops approached Beijing. The emperor fled to the Mountain Refuge, and Prince Gong Isin left to negotiate. The British and French ambassadors demanded that the Grand Duke Gong accept the terms of peace before October 23, threatening otherwise to burn the imperial palace in Beijing and subject the city to cannon fire. To intimidate, they chose Yuanminyuan Palace and plundered and completely destroyed it. This palace interfered with the Jesuits, its appearance did not fit into the historical constructions of Chinese history and reminded of the true origin of the Manzhurs. But there remained a gazebo in the form of a swastika, its forms were not so noticeable.


Yuanmingyuan ("Gardens of Perfect Clarity") is a garden and palace complex destroyed in 1860, located 8 km north-west of the Forbidden City, east of the preserved Summer Palace of Emperor Qianlong. In Yuan-ming-yuan, emperors of the Qing dynasty spent most of their time visiting the Forbidden City, mainly for formal receptions.

The priceless collection of porcelain and other contents of the palace were plundered by order of Lord Elgin. Charles George Gordon, who took part in the destruction, wrote: "It is difficult to imagine the beauty and splendor of the palace we burned … We destroyed, like vandals, an estate so valuable that it could not have been restored even for four million." Victor Hugo likened Britain and France to "two robbers who broke into a museum, devastated, plundered and burned it, and then fled with laughter along with sacks of treasure." The press periodically reports about plans to restore the palace in its original form, but so far only a miniature copy of it has been rebuilt in the southern city of Zhuhai. But most importantly, those artifacts that connected us and China cannot be returned.


Under the influence of the Russian envoy Ignatiev, Prince Hun agreed to sign treatises with Great Britain and France. To quickly remove foreign troops from the capital, the emperor sent his ratifications in advance. On October 24-25, 1860, the Peking Treaty was signed, according to which the Qing government agreed to pay Great Britain and France 8 million lians in indemnity, open Tianjin for foreign trade, and allow the Chinese to be used as labor (coolies) in the colonies of Great Britain and France. From that moment on, the southern part of the Kowloon Peninsula passed to Great Britain. On November 14, in gratitude for Count Ignatiev's salvation of Beijing from destruction and plundering by the Anglo-French troops, Aisingero Isin (Prince of Gong) on behalf of the Qing Empire signed an agreement with Russia on the border along the Amur and Ussuri,putting an end to the Jesuit passions over territorial claims and playing off Russia with China.


By the end of the XIX century. China came up in the position of a country whose imperial greatness had been completely destroyed by foreign powers. As a result of the two Opium Wars (1839-42, 1856-60), which China lost due to extreme technological backwardness and the inability of reality to appreciate the power of Western civilization, the once majestic Celestial Empire was enmeshed in a whole network of humiliating treaties with foreign powers. As a result, China lost Hong Kong, part of Manchuria, Western settlements were created practically throughout China, more than a dozen of the largest ports were opened for foreign trade, and the foreigners themselves enjoyed the rights of extraterritoriality, paid an extremely small trade duty or did not pay it at all. All this was a terrible humiliation of China's national dignity.

It is on this wave that one of the largest uprisings, not only in the history of China, but also throughout Asia, which in the West was called "boxing", in China was called ihequan ("Fist for justice and harmony") or ihetuan ("Units justice and harmony "). The main backbone of the rebels were schools and religious sects of traditional martial arts wushu or gongfu (kungfu), and therefore in official Chinese documents, the rebels were called simply chuan - "fists" or "schools of fist art", while foreigners contemptuously called them "boxers". The main idea of the uprising was an extreme hatred of foreigners and everything foreign, and Russia also got it.

The uprising was suppressed surprisingly quickly and extremely brutally, all in all, more than 10 million people died in these events. The ihetuani themselves fought desperately but pointlessly. Their detachments were finished off in different provinces, including Russian Cossack detachments. However, the main striking force was the Franco-British and American troops, as well as Russian troops in northern China.

The defeat of the Yihetuan uprising culminated in the signing of an unprecedented "Boxing Protocol" between China on the one hand and the Western powers on the other. (Great Britain, the USA, Russia, Japan, Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary), as well as other countries that joined them that did not actively participate in the operation - Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands.


But most importantly, the largest indemnity in the history of the Celestial Empire was imposed on China: China had to pay foreign powers 450 million taels (333 million dollars 67.5 million pounds sterling), and the amount was to be paid in installments from tax collection and proceeds from the sale of salt (this has always been a state monopoly). This colossal amount for those times was paid in gold until 1940, and only Russia after the revolution gave up its share in this contribution.

The real payments should have become even larger.

This, the most recent armed uprising in the history of imperial China, caused irreparable harm to China. But there was another side to all these events - they led to a gradual revival of Chinese nationalism, the formation of a new Chinese idea, which later became the cause of the national revolution in China.

The role of Russia in the history of China can hardly be overestimated. It was the far-sighted Russian policy that made the "Celestial Empire" a full-fledged world political player. Millions were invested in this. People died for this. And in the XX century, Russia (USSR) has repeatedly helped the "Chinese comrades", both militarily and economically. Largely thanks to the support of the USSR, by the end of the 20th century, China turned from a weak state, torn by contradictions and civil strife, into one of the strongest world powers.

It all began with the renunciation by the leadership of the RSFSR "of all unequal treaties imposed by the tsarist government on China, and of all the privileges enjoyed by tsarist Russia together with Britain, Japan, the United States and other imperialist states in China" in July 1919.


Naturally, the Chinese politicians liked this turn very much, who almost without exception advocated the abolition of the treaties imposed by the "Celestial Empire" with the European powers. The leader of the Chinese national liberation movement, Sun Yat-sen, even said that Russia is an example of a republic, with which the Chinese people should follow an example.


And although China at that time, in fact, was not a single state, the young Soviet republic consistently supported all parties and movements that advocated the liberation of the country from the protectorate of Western countries.

Military aid to the "good Chinese"

Already in 1923, the country in which the Civil War had just ended sent to help, as we would now say, the Chinese nationalist Sun Yatsen, who led the Kuomintang party, a group of military specialists and $ 2 million in addition. In the same year, a group of Chinese soldiers visited Soviet Russia, who adopted the progressive experience of the young Red Army for them.

In the summer of 1924, an officer training school for the revolutionary Chinese army was opened on Wampu Island in southern China. The USSR almost completely financed the school until the severance of relations with the Kuomintang in 1927. Over the years, the Soviet Union spent about 900 thousand rubles for the needs of the school, supplied thousands of small arms and millions of cartridges. The total aid to the "good" revolutionary Chinese who fought against the "bad" in the 1920s amounted to hundreds of millions of rubles. A striking example of Soviet internationalism and altruism.

Xinjiang Highway - China's "road of life"

In the 30s, the practice of participating in Chinese "showdowns" with the support of the most progressive, in the opinion of the Bolsheviks, forces continued. In 1932, Japan occupied the territory of the same Manchuria, which Russia entered the border with in the 17th century. By the way, the only country that agreed to help China in the fight against the Japanese militarists was again the USSR.

On August 21, 1937, the Soviet-Chinese non-aggression pact was signed. Moscow in 1938-39 issued loans to the "Celestial Empire" in the amount of $ 250 million. Already from October 1937, the revolutionary troops of China received Soviet weapons, ammunition, medicines, and gasoline. In less than 2 years, the USSR delivered 985 aircraft, 82 tanks, more than 1,300 artillery pieces, and over 14,000 machine guns to China.

Most of the weapons went along the Alma-Ata - Lanzhou highway through Xinjiang.

The Xinjiang Highway has become a “road of life” for China. It involved up to 5,200 Soviet ZIS-2 trucks. For the transportation of people and especially important cargo, an airline was created, served by TB-3 bombers (converted into transport vehicles), and then by twin-engine DS-3.

On October 1, 1937, 447 Soviet pilots and mechanics, airfield maintenance specialists, engineers and aircraft assembly workers were trained to be sent to China. The volunteer pilots dressed in "civilian uniforms" were sent by train to Alma-Ata. Fighters I-15 and I-16 were driven from Alma-Ata to Lanzhou on their own.

Only in one battle over Wuhan on April 29, 1938, Soviet and Chinese pilots shot down 21 enemy fighters and bomber at the cost of losing 12 of their aircraft. The Japanese indirectly recognized the effectiveness of the actions of the Soviet pilots, demanding that the USSR withdraw them from China. This requirement was not fulfilled at that time.

Manchu stronghold

Until 1945, the USSR was forced to comply with the non-aggression pact signed with Japan, concluded in 1940. However, in the course of the brilliantly carried out Manchu operation, it was the Soviet troops that liberated Northeast China and made its territory a reliable stronghold for the Chinese Communist Party, which ultimately predetermined its victory in the fight against the Kuomintang and helped end the era of civil wars and turmoil in China.


The Soviet Union rendered great assistance to the PRC in the 1950s. It was at this time that Port Arthur and the famous Chinese Eastern Railway (CER) were transferred to the "younger Chinese brother". Loans were provided on preferential terms. Assistance was provided in the rearmament of the army, especially in connection with the war in Korea. With the direct participation of Soviet specialists and workers, over 300 large factories were built, which were fully equipped. In fact, it was about the formation of a new industry of the People's Republic of China. More than half of the PRC's trade was with the USSR.

According to some reports, about 11,000 Soviet specialists worked in China during this period. That is why the former "friends" of the Chinese, Masons and Jesuits, stirred and began to tear China away from the USSR. They did it under N. Khrushchev, but that's another story.

Nuclear umbrella for the "Celestial Empire"

Naturally, the US did not like the growing power of communist China. Several times these countries stood on the brink of direct armed confrontation. If it weren't for the USSR, the Americans would have staged dozens of Chinese Hiroshimas without hesitation to break the Chinese desire for resistance. However, the Soviet Union has repeatedly made it clear to the United States that intervention against China is tantamount to intervention against the USSR. And in case of nuclear strikes on China, nuclear strikes on the United States will follow.


In 1954, Mao Zedong announced to the USSR Secretary General Nikita Khrushchev about his desire to have nuclear weapons.

For obvious reasons, this desire was not immediately understood in the USSR. Khrushchev has repeatedly declared to Mao Zedong that the "nuclear umbrella" that the Soviet Union provides is enough for China. After lengthy negotiations, on October 15, 1957, the parties signed the "Sino-Soviet Treaty on New Defense Technologies." The Soviet side tacitly agreed to transfer appropriate nuclear and atomic technologies to China. And although the subsequent cooling in relations between the two countries interrupted this work, the Chinese already had initial groundwork and Soviet specialists, thanks to whom they created a nuclear bomb in 1964.

Now we understand our strong ties with China, we are connected historically, politically, and most importantly, a lot of our peoples, mostly Siberians, found their homeland here in the past, so that they are also connected by blood.


According to the Vatican's plan, the true history of Siberia and its connection with the Celestial Empire should have been forgotten forever. Siberia has been the guardian of the Indo-European super-ethnos, its parental womb, not for hundreds of years, but for thousands of years. The memory of her would interfere with ruling the world. It was from there that the Great, for the West, "Mongolian", Power of Russia, carried in its womb a great creative mission, the likes of which no one today can not only repeat, but even formulate. It was that organization of the military class, that structure of the army, its management, created by our ancestors, that was the most formidable force that interfered with the insidious designs of our enemies. That is why the Masonic-Jesuit "guard" so diligently tore off Siberia and China from Russia.

For example, historical inconsistencies from data on the life of the Italian colony of Genoa in Crimea, from a letter:

“Genoese colonies in the Northern Black Sea region are fortified trading posts on the coast of the Caucasus and Crimea, founded by the Genoese for intermediary trade in the Black and Mediterranean Seas in the 13-15th centuries. Since the end of the 14th century. Kafa (the port of Feodosia) has actually become a warehouse for goods brought from all over Europe and Asia. From the countries of Western Europe, cheap fabrics, expensive cloth and brocade, morocco, ornaments were delivered here. From Russia - timber, flax, hemp, wax, honey and other goods, from Siberia - iron, copper, resin, bacon …”. These colonies lasted exactly two hundred years, that is, from the end of the XIV to the end of the XVI centuries. Ermak moved to Siberia at the end of the 16th century - September 1, 1581. It turns out that the closest ancestors of the Kuchum khan who fought with Ermak, who did not know, like Kuchum himself, firearms, were excellent metallurgists,which had their blast furnaces not in the Urals (the "oligarch" Stroganov was the boss there), but somewhere "in the depths of Siberian ores." The Siberian Turks, who had become Muslims by that time, raised pigs to export fat. Isn't it strange?

How can one fail to recall the rector of the University of Krakow, Jesuit and freemason Matthew Mekhovsky, who in 1516 published the brochure "Notes on the Two Sarmatians", where, on command from the Jesuit "Central Committee", he suddenly spoke about Siberia in a caricatured light: "In these countries (Siberian) do not plow, do not sow, live in tents made of twigs. Forest life has made people look like foolish beasts: they dress in rough animal skins, sewn together at random, most of them stiffen in idolatry, worshiping the sun, moon, stars, forest animals and everything that comes along."


The West was afraid of the revival of the military power of the Cossacks, for whom the term "Mongolo-Tatars" was coined in due time, was afraid of the Russians realizing their historical roots, which stemmed from Siberia. As you can see, "artillery preparation" on the eve of the historic funeral of Siberia began even before Matteo Ricci's "business trip" to China, and G. Miller to Siberia.

An unpleasant situation has developed at the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East, FEB RAS. The Institute not only did not reject the anti-scientific arguments of the Chinese leaders claiming to Siberia and the Far East, but, on the contrary, by its inaction, provokes the intensification of the expansion of the Middle Empire into our territories.

Arguments pointing to the historical priority of Russia over Siberia and the Russian Far East are rejected by the Institute, and those proving the opposite are promoted. Here is the statement of the director of the institute V. L. Larina: "The territory of Primorye really belonged to the Chinese from time immemorial - it is enough to check it on any old Chinese map" (Primorskaya newspaper "Competitor" N 15 of 20.04.04).

Former Governor of Primorsky Krai E. I. Nazdratenko said in one of the TV programs "Far East": "I understand why the Chinese are proving that Primorye is their territory, but I do not understand why Russian historians are proving the same to me." In order to study such a deplorable phenomenon (flourishing, by the way, with the money of the state budget) and fight against it, the editorial offices of the newspapers "Potayennoe" and "For Russian Delo" with the support of the North-West branch of the International Slavic Academy in 2000 organized the Second Amur Expedition (WHA). VAZ materials criticizing the Far Eastern "historians" were repeatedly heard from the pages of newspapers, and on October 7, 2006, an open letter was sent to the governor of Primorsky Krai. However, in response to publications and appeals, officials receive official formal replies from “history”.

Our ancestors made history, they participated in it, while others wrote and rewrote history for themselves. For this, our ancient monuments, our ancient books and writing were destroyed. We have lost a lot, and now we have to restore everything bit by bit, the temptation of our enemies to take advantage of this situation is too great. If Siberian history is something vague and distant for some, then we can give an example of Muscovy, where the Jesuits and Masons "worked" tirelessly.

In 1682, by order of the next heir to the throne - Fyodor Alekseevich (Peter the Great's brother), category books were burned in Moscow, which contained all the information about the origin of boyar families. The Romanovs were in a hurry to destroy the true genealogy of the Ancient Aryan Sovereign aristocracy in order to make way for their dynasty. Only after that did the "discharges from Rurik" appear.

In order to finally erase from memory the technology of their sabotage accession to the throne, the Romanovs ordered their "historians" to erase from history the reign of Ivan IV's son Demetrius, the reign of Ivan Ioannovich - the son of Ivan IV, the reign of Simeon and unite all these rulers under one tsar - Ivan the Terrible. They also attributed their own crimes to him, accusing him of creating the oprichnina.

They ordered to name Boris Fedorovich, the legitimate heir to the Horde dynasty, by the name of his mother - Godunov. They ordered to introduce into the falsified history of Russia the Western European term "Mongolo-Tatars", in relation to their own Cossack Horde (Army) and colorfully describe the fictitious atrocities of the "foreign yoke of underdeveloped Asian tribes."

In later times, historians of tsarist Russia, due to secrecy and inaccessibility of information, could not understand the origin of the Cossacks, their reasoning is given below.


But all the Cossacks of Russia once came out of the ancient Siberian lands, and the most ancient branch of warriors - the proto-Cossacks - survived in Japan, these are the Ains. If we have already understood a lot about the Siberian Cossacks, then west of the Ural Mountains, on the Russian Plain, about the Cossacks it is worth clarifying the situation a little.

The royal court of the Romanovs tried not to idealize and mention as little as possible about the Cossacks in Russia; they tried to take mercenaries from Europe for military service under Peter I. During the war with the Swedes, the military circumstances for Peter I became the reason for the enrichment of the treasury and the abundance of funds for the conduct of the war. Almost all the innovations of that time corresponded to this goal, which subsequently received a distinctive character in the field of transformations. Thus, for the correct and complete collection of levies, a census of all residents in the state was necessary, and in 1702 registers of births were established for the record of the baptized, deceased and married. The war with the Swedes forced Peter to remember about his people, and the Russian peasant was ordered to stand up under arms by force. In 1705, it was ordered to rewrite all merchants with an indication of their trades. Fisheries in the North Sea (whales, cod and walrus), which have been carried out so far by free people, are given exclusively to the company, which was headed by Menshikov. For the same purpose, important changes were made in office work to increase the treasury. As early as 1701, serf huts were set up in the cities and overseers were installed, who were supposed to record every transfer of property, all contracts and conditions. In 1703, not only in cities, but also in villages, it was ordered to conclude all sorts of conditions with workers, cabbies, industrialists, not otherwise than with the recording and payment of duties. The need for soldiers led to the most extreme means of recruiting the people into military service. In January 1703, all enslaved landowners and patrimonials left after the deaths were ordered to be rounded up and registered as soldiers and sailors. In October of the same year, all servicemen and merchants were to hire every fifth from their yard, from business (i.e. workers) every seventh, not younger than twenty and not older than thirty. The same order affected the balts, kliroshans and monastic children. The coachmen were obliged to give one person to the soldiers from two yards. From all over Russia, it was ordered to take thieves who were being held on trial into military service. In 1704, under the threat of severe punishment, it was ordered to gather in Moscow for children and relatives of service people and choose from them those fit for dragoons and soldiers. A series of encroachments on all property followed. In November 1703, in all cities and counties, it was ordered to describe forests in an area of fifty miles from large rivers and twenty from small ones, and then it was completely forbidden throughout the state to cut large trees under fear of a ten-ruble penalty.and for cutting the bast - on pain of death. Inns, commercial marinas, mills, bridges, transports, shopping areas were described and taken into the treasury, and given away from the bargaining for rent. On all artisans: bricklayers, carpenters, tailors, bread makers, kalachniks, peddlers, petty traders, etc., annual taxes were imposed at two hryvnias per person, and on unskilled workers, four altyns. In January of the same year, a kind of tax was instituted: throughout the state, it was ordered to rewrite oak coffins, take them away from the undertakers, take them to monasteries and to the priest's elders and sell them four times against the purchase price. Everyone who brought the deceased had to appear with a label, and whoever brought the dead without a label, the priests had to start an action against him. In the same month, a tax was introduced on beards: from servicemen and orderly people,as well as from trade and townspeople for 60 rubles per year per person. From guests and rich merchants of the drawing-room hundreds of 100 rubles each, and from people of lower rank: boyars, coachmen, cabbies, 30 rubles, etc., etc.

Tsarist officials, under the pretext of collecting state income, oppressed and tortured the inhabitants, took the opportunity to take too much from them: a convenient means for this was the law. For their part, the fierce inhabitants openly resisted the tsar's decrees, gathering in crowds, clubbing officials and soldiers with a club. The old habit of circumventing and not obeying the law, constantly manifested itself, put obstacles to the enterprises of Peter. Meanwhile, the recruitment of people into the army went on in an increasing manner: in January 1705, a man from twenty households was taken from twenty households for artillery, aged from 20 to 30 years old from different cities, townships and volosts. In February, it is necessary to take from the clerks detailed information about their relatives and choose dragoons from them.

The people were naturally inclined to revolt; but in the heart of the state, where the army and the upper class were concentrated, was for the tsar, the explosion was inconvenient to appear. Riots began to flare up in the outskirts, as had been done more than once in the history of the Moscow state.

Here it is given as an example of the fact that Peter I, being already involved in Freemasonry, lived and reasoned according to Western standards. What they wanted in the West, he did brilliantly. Instead of relying on the Cossacks of Russia, he destroyed them. This is how Peter portrayed the triumph over the Cossacks of Russia.


He tried to recruit servicemen abroad, mainly mercenaries, and for large-scale hostilities, he began to recruit from the common Russian people. The war with the Swedes is a project of Great Britain and here it is necessary to explain where all our trouble comes from. Here it is appropriate to recall how the time of troubles began, why our peoples were finally divided afterwards.

Those who tried (or, as the satirist Zadornov says, "traders") under Ivan the Terrible to gain free access to the riches of Siberia, having received a refusal, poisoned him and subsequently brought the Romanovs to power.

But this was preceded by the fact that the first Tsar, John Vasilyevich, unfortunately opened the Pope and the Jesuits free entrance to Russia. Their plans included the creation of the empire necessary for the Jesuits and Rome on the site of the Moscow state, and it is important that the main positions in the state and in the Church should be occupied by “their own,” controlled candidates. It is important that the head of state receives the imperial crown only from the pope. It is also important that the work of union - the transitional stage in the conversion of the people to Catholicism - be carried out without haste, for sure.


In 1586. The Vatican supported the plan for the conquest of Russia by the Polish king Stephen Bathory (drawn up with the participation of the Jesuit Anthony Possevin). Pope Sixtus V promises the King of Poland 25,000 scudi a year for the conquest of Muscovy and the introduction of Catholicism in it. Sessions of the Diet begin, at which a decision should be made to invade Russia. In November of the same year, in the Boyar Duma, Godunov, knowing the insidious plans, accused the boyars (Shuisky, in particular) of treasonable ties with Lithuania. The Shuiskys make excuses and inspire riots in Moscow against Godunov.

In October 1596, a historic cathedral was held in Brest, which split into two cathedrals: the Uniate and the Orthodox, as a result of which the Kiev Metropolitanate was divided in two - loyal to Orthodoxy and Uniates. In the West, persecution of the Orthodox begins. It all ended with the fact that the Romanovs, who were not princely families, were placed on the royal throne, did not belong to the Rurikovich or Gediminovich.

The founder of the Romanov family, the son of Prince of Prussia Glanda-Kambila Divonovich, who entered the Russian service in the 13th century, in St. John's Orthodoxy. Their family was small and belonged to the new aristocracy. The old aristocracy under the Romanovs had no chance of power. Our enemies were counting on this, but they miscalculated. The Romanovs seized power so much that the West had to reckon with them and they could not impose their will, but they always maintained friendly and then family ties, which gave them the opportunity to influence historical and political events in Russia.


Let me also remind you that the "traders" through the 5th Iberian column in England, made a putsch and cut off the king's head. However, since the restoration of the monarchy (counter-revolution) soon took place in England, the Dutch had to organize an international intervention in England in 1688; well, as it is now in Libya or Syria. And the Dutch Landsknechts massacred in England, Ireland and Scotland almost everyone who could resist. And May 1, which we celebrate, is the birth of the new Kingdom of Great Britain - May 1, 1707. That is, at the turn of the 1700s, a change took place in England, both the population of these countries and their leadership. This happened due to the importance of the strategic position of England to the newly discovered America, Siberia went into distant prospects. Now whoever is closest to America will receive all of its untold riches. To some extent, this saved us from wars and devastation.

Well, Tsar Peter had to fulfill for the English-speaking, a great mission - to defeat the Swedish empire, which gained power during the 30-year war and became the first military force in Europe. Therefore, Peter immediately began to feverishly finance and arm, one Western uniform was only worth what. They created a Russian army according to the Western model, installed their own officers, trained the Russians, the Romanovs did not have an army in Russia before, and the Cossacks could not cope with it. On the site of the future St. Petersburg, there were already majestic buildings, masons and Jesuits decided to found the capital of Peter here. Therefore, the legend of the construction of the future capital from scratch and in a swamp was invented for Peter I. This is how colorfully they described this process.


The picture below shows an engraving, Summer Garden in 1716, by Alexey Zubov. This is the speed of construction, "not like the current tribe", or there is a catch somewhere, maybe historians are lying? Some of the buildings depicted in this engraving, according to the official history, should appear much later, after the death of the author, but A. Zubov knows exactly what and where to draw.


Spiers can be seen in the distance to the left and to the right, the Mikhailovsky Castle on the left, the Savior on Spilled Blood on the right, and so: on April 17, 1819, the foundation of the Mikhailovsky Palace was laid. This day became the day of the founding of one of the largest museums in the world - the State Russian Museum. The Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood was erected in 1883-1907, on the site where the Tsar-Liberator Alexander II was mortally wounded on March 1, 1881.

It is hard to believe that the planning, breakdown and referencing of the buildings of St. Petersburg under Peter 1 was carried out without surveyors, the scope and accuracy, volume and territory are striking. So, the city stood long before the current historical version of its appearance. And this begs the question for historians, was the city founded or restored by Peter? We will no longer find the truth in the annals, scribes cleaned everything up, we can only hope for their mistakes, as, for example, they missed at Zubov's.


Well, for Peter, the Dutch Leforts completely rebuilt the Russian army and navy, burying our shipbuilding, which was specific to the northern country.

The whole point of this Anglo-Saxon system is that by arming mercenaries in one country, you overthrow power in another. Then the mercenary states gain strength and they also have to be killed by hiring others. So the Anglophone Empire raised the "Protestant 5th Column" and hired Swedes to slaughter the Spanish-controlled Europe. And now the English-speaking Empire hired the Russian Tsar Peter to defeat the Swedes. Then the Anglo-Saxons will arm Japan against Russia! And besides, a second mission was prepared for the Moscow kingdom - to liquidate the Turkish Ottoman Empire, which, under Peter, was at the zenith of its heyday, but this will have to be done mainly in the era of Catherine II.

Meanwhile, the English-speaking Empire from England was taking root in America with might and main. In 1670, they formed an organization for the colonization of America called the Hudson Bay Company, which was the company of "traders" typically displayed on the coat of arms of the tribes of Israel. And they used the same flag as for the East India Company with the red Genoese cross.


Since the Genoese traders colonized Holland and England, the first US flag was just the flag of the East India Company with 13 stripes and 13 stars of the "European Union", that is, 13 tribes of Israel.


As you can see, by 1700, the Anglo-Saxons already had two legs in America and India, and then it was also necessary to soak the Swedish Empire and the Turkish-Ottoman Empire. They did this by initially arming Russia, i.e. Peter.

This is the effect of the emergence of the Russian Empire of the House of Romanov, who used this situation for their own internal organic growth.

That is, the Russian Empire was an instrument for the destruction of first 2 empires, Swedish and Ottoman, and was later used by the Anglo-Saxons to destroy three more empires - French, Austro-Hungarian and German! In addition, in the 1700s, the Russian Empire was entrusted with a critical mission to defeat the rising Prussian Empire of King Frederick the Great. This is what Russia did with brilliance under Elizaveta Petrovna, when Russian troops took Berlin in 1760.

It would seem, how can wars be useful to "hucksters" in the struggle for world domination? Nothing changes life like this, creates such devastation and opens people to power and influence like war. Both sides of the conflict can count on abundant supplies and funding from those who intend to create a world government and a single slave state.

At the end of the war, all participants in the war are in debt to international bankers, most of the debt belongs to the Vatican. Do not ignore others that serve the same purpose. All parties involved use each other to achieve the same goals, they are separated only by greed, because if one competitor is destroyed, the other gets everything. What they have in common is worship of the same "Lord".


The West, at the expense of the Russian spirit and Russian bayonets, created a new history, remember, Suvorov in the Alps moved down from the mountains on his tailbone. For whose interests he fought, Russian interest was not close there, but the most offensive, the warring parties made it up, and they forgot to warn us about this, we are cannon fodder for them.

Instructed in Holland and England, the Russian Tsar Peter successfully coped with the destruction of the Swedish Empire, and according to the agreement, in Holland and England he began to attack the Turkish-Ottoman Empire. But as soon as he was brought into the zone of primary vital interests of the Anglo-Saxons - on the territory of Persia, just like Tsar Peter at the flourishing age of 53, the "merchants" were sent to the other world with the help of the then-known poison "Aqua Tofa". They labeled it with the pathetic story of Peter's cold during the rescue of the unknown. As in English they say in such cases "to good to be true". The same sad fate applies to the last tsar, the house of the Romanovs recently began to carry out reforms, to work more and more for the benefit of Russia and its people, for which it paid.

Although the Anglo-Saxons still love and appreciate Tsar Peter, and they erect monuments to him, because he saved them from the damned Swedes. But who now remembers the once mighty Swedish or Turkish-Ottoman Empire? Nobody! Some forgotten on the outskirts of history Sweden and Turkey! But they were powerful empires! Russia, by the way, is also no longer an Empire and not "Great and Mighty", but a fragment and leads to the same. But at the last moment they broke their teeth, both about Stalin and about the last president of Russia.

It's 2015, and US President Obama promised that Siberia would become America's 51st state this year. He has a lot of hopes for the Siberian separatists who agree to allow the United States to annex their region by taking it from Russia. The well-known American politician Zbigniew Brzezinski positively assesses the transformation of Siberia into a part of the United States and wants to help create a new community from Vancouver to Vladivostok. Here's a piece of information:

Not so long ago, Irkutsk State University held a seminar with the participation of fifth-year students of the American-Siberian Department of Management and Regionalistic Alternative to Siberia. A social movement composed of graduates from the American-Siberian branch of the university were delighted with the prospect of becoming part of the United States. “Our economic future is great,” said one excited alumnus. That is why there is a distortion of history on all fronts, the aborigines will then be very happy with their masters from the West for their happy slavery.

You need to know your history, or rather the heritage of our ancestors, or at least be interested, otherwise it may happen that you find yourself on the other side of the barricades, fighting against your country and your people, an example of this is Ukraine.
