Mystical And Eerie Places In Bashkiria - Alternative View

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Mystical And Eerie Places In Bashkiria - Alternative View
Mystical And Eerie Places In Bashkiria - Alternative View

Video: Mystical And Eerie Places In Bashkiria - Alternative View

Video: Mystical And Eerie Places In Bashkiria - Alternative View
Video: The Scariest Places of Google Earth 2024, September

Most of the local residents do not even imagine that in the republic and, in particular, in Ufa, there are shivering places, which are dangerous and create fear by their appearance.

Abandoned abortion

Not far from the Northern Bus Station of Ufa, in the forest, there is an abandoned abortion clinic, where, according to rumors, illegal abortions were performed in Soviet times. In fact, this is an ordinary maternity hospital, the former ambulance hospital №16, but today the building catches up fear and horror for its very appearance. This is a two-storey building of dirty yellow color with worn paint, burnt window openings, stripped of dirty inscriptions, with collapsed ceilings and floors. The walls inside are covered with obscenities and incomprehensible words; in some places, visitors left the alleged appeals of ruined children. There are two cellars preserved here, which have different exits. One of them allegedly housed a morgue.

Mystical dump in Cherkasy

Another scary place near Ufa is a landfill in Cherkassy. Rumor has it that in addition to huge heaps of various waste, poisonous burials were located here, and once there was a cattle burial ground. According to the stories of local residents, the dump has its own ghost, which usually comes out into the fog.


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According to legend, the ghost of a landfill is nothing more than an evil that people throw together with garbage in a landfill. It is also known that this dump is a favorite place for homeless people who make money by selling discarded non-ferrous metal, plastic and waste paper.

Novoaleksandrovka - a dead city

Probably every second resident of Ufa has heard a lot about the mystical Novoaleksandrovka. This dead village, located between Ufa and Blagoveshchensk among industrial buildings, was abandoned by people about 20 years ago.


The reason was the close location of the oil factories. According to one of the versions, local residents fled from the village due to a sharp outbreak of cancer. Once there were several clinics, a school, a kindergarten, about 45 thousand people lived. However, now only abandoned houses and playgrounds remind of the stormy life of people here.

Aksakov's house with an old man's ghost

Note that horror stories can be heard not only about abandoned buildings in the vicinity of Ufa.


So, in the historical center of the capital is the well-known House of Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov.


The wooden building of the 19th century, painted in a calm green color, turns out to be also fraught with mysticism.


According to the museum staff, a ghost lives in the house. Rumor has it that this is the spirit of the writer's grandfather.


He is most often seen by night watchmen, but the locals also inspire fear with stories of a ghost with burning eyes.


Aksakov himself wrote about the spirit of his grandfather in his autobiography.


In addition, the presence of anomalous phenomena was confirmed by ufologists who came to the museum.


The stinking Vakhmyaninskaya bath

Another historical building in Ufa, located in the center of Ufa, is the Vakhmyaninskaya bathhouse, built with the money of the merchant Dmitry Vakhmyanin at the end of the 19th century. Today the building is dilapidated, covered with various graffiti, and inside it is littered with waste and debris.


In all likelihood, the same homeless people like to rest here. They say that in summer it is impossible to be near the building because of the disgusting smell; water with human feces and other things collects in the basement knee-deep. In winter, however, there is no smell, but the rooms are littered with rubbish, and in one of them they even left several boxes with spoiled fruit. It is impossible to climb onto the roof of the bathhouse; in many places the ceiling is all rotten. The fact that there was once a bathhouse here is evidenced only by the basement. Apparently, the main amenities were located there. Even today, you can stumble upon a small pool with a pipe and frozen water in it. And there is also a bathtub and an electrical panel. Everything that could be taken away has already been taken away.

Abandoned children's camp "Dubki"

In the Chishminsky district, deep in the forest, there is an abandoned camp "Dubki".


Adventure lovers who have been here say that unusual phenomena occur on the territory of the camp: the doors of the buildings are constantly slammed inside, a child's scream is heard, car alarms go off on their own, some visitors see silhouettes of children. Moreover, there are rumors that a killer was once hiding in an abandoned camp.

Sterlitamak meteorite

19 years ago, a huge meteorite weighing 300 kilograms fell on the field of one of the state farms near Sterlitamak.


At the site of its fall, a large crater was formed, which was never protected by anything and on which a small plaque was not even placed as a reminder that a celestial body fell here on the night of May 17-18, 1990. Today this meteorite is kept in the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of the Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Turakhan's mausoleum

This stone monument, according to some legends, has been standing since the 12th century, from the time of the Tatar-Mongol yoke. Now it is located in the Chishminsky district.


The fact that this building was once a mausoleum, today says nothing. The stories do not mention the fact of finding a sarcophagus in the mausoleum. But there is a version that this stone building once served as a courtroom where criminals were tortured and executed, and according to other sources, it was just a stone yurt.

Akhunovsky menhirs

A kind of small semblance of the English Stonehenge is located in the Uchalinsky district.


Akhunovsky menhirs are a complex of one two-meter vertical stone and eight other stones encircling the central one.


This natural monument is considered not only a cult complex, but also one of the largest observatories in Eurasia in terms of the number of observed astronomical events.


According to rumors, standing stones in the village of Akhunovo can grant wishes.


Aulia spring

Located in the Uchalinsky region, the Aulia spring, which is known even in Mecca, annually gathers thousands of pilgrims.


It is believed that the water in the spring is healing: it can remove kidney stones, relieve allergic reactions, and help with digestive problems.


The locals even previously used the water from the spring as a medicine and drank one spoonful a day.


There are rumors and legends about the benefits of water, explaining the emergence of this source. According to one of them, many thousands of years ago, local residents saw a caravan of people and, deciding that they were going to war, attacked and defeated them. After the battle, they learned that the leader of the caravan was a righteous wanderer - awliya named Ramadan.


He was buried with honors on the top of Mount Aushtau near Lake Aushkul. And after that a clean spring came from the mountain, which now comes to life in late spring for several weeks, in May-June. In fact, the water is melted snow and, which is typical for such water, it is very soft.


But people piously believe in the healing properties of spring water and come from distant corners to drink it. It is believed that it can last for years.

Author: Gulfiya Galinurova
