Is Death The End Of Everything? - Alternative View

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Is Death The End Of Everything? - Alternative View
Is Death The End Of Everything? - Alternative View

Video: Is Death The End Of Everything? - Alternative View

Video: Is Death The End Of Everything? - Alternative View
Video: Is Death Final? | Episode 1306 | Closer To Truth 2024, September

Is death a conscious necessity? Good? But no one can know what will happen after death … perhaps earthly life is an exam, after passing which we find ourselves in a good or bad place, it is not so much whether the work is completed that matters, but its value. Each examinee must be prepared for the fact that the call will announce to him that the time given to him is over. Each person should be ready at any moment for the fact that one day he will be "recalled" too. And will we be given another life in reincarnation or not …

What is death?

Death is what is forever. Death is the only thing guaranteed in life.

Or is death the beginning of a new life? It is not for nothing that there is a phrase “life after death”. What is death if you believe this phrase? Death is the door to a new life. The feeling of fear is peculiar to people and the fear of death is familiar, because death is the unknown.

Is humanity's enemy death?

It must be admitted that people know only one side of death - the negative. For the overwhelming majority of people, death is a terrible event, an end, a destruction that deprives a person of the joys of earthly life (even if this life was not too joyful for someone) or a loved one - if our loved ones leave life, and not we yourself. Almost none of us, brought up in the spirit of materialism, does not think that in nature there is no such thing as "the end." In nature, there is only the transformation of one energy or form into another, possibly invisible in the physical world, but still does not cease to exist.

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Fear of death

In religion, the fear of death is “neutralized” by the belief in the immortality of the soul. In our era, the belief in the immortality of the soul began to revive in new forms (for example, one can recall the most curious work of the American scientist R. Moody "Life After Life"). But for all the consolation of this kind of views, after a short reflection, you sadly realize that if the soul is separated from its habitable native body, then this will be the death of a person as a bodily - spiritual being. Without a body, human consciousness will be helpless, inactive … And will it be?

A spontaneous, instinctive recognition of the value of life, causes a reaction in people against death. The human psyche cannot accept death. Therefore, death causes in a person a hopeless sadness, unbearable suffering.

“The inevitability of death is the gravest of our sorrows,” said the 17th century French thinker Vauvengarg. It's hard to disagree with him. Fear of death is a natural and, paradoxically, useful to a certain extent feeling. The fear of death serves as a warning of impending danger. Having lost it, people seem to lose their protective armor. By restraining people from acts and actions associated with danger to life, fear contributes to the preservation of the human race. However, fear at the same time has a depressing effect, because a person, instead of being wary of some danger, begins to fear everything. He realizes that death is the inevitable lot of all living things.


Pay for excellence

The Russian philosopher N. Strakhov has an original work "The World as a Whole", in which one of the chapters is called "The Meaning of Death."

“Death is the finale of the opera, the last scene of the drama,” says the author, “just as a work of art cannot drag on without end, but by itself isolates itself and finds its boundaries, so the life of organisms has limits. This expresses their deep essence, harmony and beauty inherent in their lives. If the opera was only a collection of sounds, then it could continue without end, if the poem was only a collection of words, then it also could not have any natural limit. But the meaning of the opera and the poem, the essential content require a finale and a conclusion."

An interesting thought. In reality, chaos has no beginning or end. Only organized bodies are capable of developing in a certain direction. But every organization has a limit to its improvement. After reaching it, it remains either to remain stable or to degrade.

Death is a conscious necessity. Our complete freedom is not. The capital punishment, to which we are condemned by indifferent nature. However, there is another directly opposite point of view.

“We admit sincerely that only God and religion promise us immortality: neither nature, nor our reason tell us about it … Death is not only deliverance from disease, it is deliverance from all kinds of suffering”. This is what M. Montaigne thinks.


Uncertainty regarding death

Let's take two alternatives:

1. After death, a person retains part of his consciousness, but all physical aspects of his existence are lost.

2. Death ceases to exist. Human consciousness is destroyed along with the body. Died and EVERYTHING.

This uncertainty of what will happen to us after death is a serious problem. In order to live the way I think is reasonable, I would rather know for sure. If I considered option 1 to be true, I would begin to live differently than if the true option is 2. They cannot be combined, they are incompatible. The goals I would set for myself are different for each of the options.

Living in a state of uncertainty is not appropriate. In this case, the unknown will be a poor foundation for making intelligent decisions for life. It's okay if I don't know what the weather will be like next week. However, the uncertainty about death makes long-term planning almost impossible, all that remains is to suppress your consciousness, often watch TV and attribute yourself to the surrounding society, not make your own decisions. Think about it - if you knew and were completely sure of what would happen to you after death, how would it change your life today?

Doubt is not the best option. It is better to choose one way or another and make a mistake, than to be in doubt doing nothing.


And if death is the end?

… Alas, we all crave not only knowledge but also consolation, understanding the blessings of death for the triumph of biological evolution can hardly help us joyfully expect the end of our personal life, invaluable to us and the only one forever and ever. And against the inevitability of eternal existence after a fleeting stay in the world, there is only one antidote - to live, so to speak, to the fullest.

“If along with death,” writes V. Bekhterev, the existence of a person ceases forever, then the question arises, why all these worries about the future? Why, in the end, is the notion of duty, if the existence of the human person ends with the last breath? Isn't it right, in this case, not to look for anything from life and only enjoy the joys that it provides us, because after our death there will still be nothing left.

That is why the human mind does not want to put up with the idea of the complete death of a person outside of his earthly existence, and various religious beliefs create images of an ethereal soul that exists behind the coffin of a person in the form of a living incorporeal being, and the worldview of the East created the idea of transmigration of souls from one creature to others."

Death is not the end

Science today, following religion, comes to the conclusion: death is not the end, but rather a transition from one state to another. Scientific instruments record that there is something behind physical death. Scientists have made a unique discovery: after death, a person's energy does not disappear for several more days, and its character is directly related to the cause of death.

From a scientific point of view - detached from our personal experiences and fears - death is presented as a regulator and organizer of life. Any organisms in a favorable environment multiply exponentially. This powerful "life pressure" would rather quickly turn the earth's biosphere into a swarming cluster of organisms. Fortunately, some generations have cleared the arena of life for others. Only in this scheme is the guarantee of the evolution of organisms.


Academician Natalya Bekhtereva believes that visions of people who have experienced clinical death are not hallucinations.

Dr. of Psychology from the University of Arizona, Professor Harry Schwartz is sure: “There is no death. There is a transformation, a transition from one state to another. Just as the caterpillar does not die, but turns into a butterfly, so the body, decomposing physically, actually releases energy and transforms into another state."

“Death is included in the program of life. If there were no death, there would be no life,”says Nobel laureate Robert Horwitz, who discovered the mechanism of cell suicide.

Does the soul exist?

It is always said about the existence of the soul after death, but not about the existence of the soul itself. Maybe she doesn't exist? Therefore, one should pay attention to this concept.

In this case, it is worth moving on to scientific facts. The whole world - nature, earth, water, space, etc. - consists of atoms, molecules. However, none of the elements can feel, reason and develop. If we talk about the existence of life after death, evidence can be taken based on this reasoning.

Of course, we can say that the human body has organs that are the source of all feelings. We should also not forget about the human brain, which is responsible for the mind and mind. In this case, it is possible to compare a person with a computer. The latter is much smarter, but it is programmed for certain processes. In our time, robots have begun to be actively created, but they have no feelings, although they are made in human likeness. Based on the reasoning, we can talk about the existence of the human soul.

It is also possible, as further evidence of the above, to cite the origin of thought. This part of human life has no scientific basis. You can study various sciences and "mold" ideas from all material means as long as you want, but nothing will come of it. Thought has no material basis.

• Probably the main thing in life is after which it is not scary to sum up this life.