The Place Where The Second Moon Fell - Alternative View

The Place Where The Second Moon Fell - Alternative View
The Place Where The Second Moon Fell - Alternative View

Video: The Place Where The Second Moon Fell - Alternative View

Video: The Place Where The Second Moon Fell - Alternative View
Video: A Strange Object Is Circling Earth Like a Second Moon 2024, July

They say that even some five to six thousand years ago, two moons could be seen in the night sky above the Earth.

So it was until the very catastrophe about which the legends and myths of many peoples of the world tell: “The stars fell from heaven, crossing the sky with a fiery train, the earth rumbled, trembled and cracked, shaken by jolts. The world was crumbling."

The consequences of this catastrophe were the displacement of the earth's axis by 30 degrees, tectonic shifts and, possibly, the flooding of large areas of land.

But why and how did all this happen? Perhaps the answer to this question lies in the territory of Argentina.

Area Campo del Cielo - "Heavenly Field" - located in the north of the country. This name reminds of an ancient Indian legend, which tells of how a mysterious fireball once fell from the sky at this very place. Old chronicles claim that the Spanish conquistadors found a huge piece of iron on Campo del Cielo, which they used to make swords and spears.

In 1576, the Spaniard Erman Mexico de Miraval, among the marshy lowlands of Gran Chaco, five hundred miles north of Santa Fe, came across a large block of iron. After that, the enterprising Spaniard made four more visits to the block for iron and beat off small fragments from it for various needs.

The fifth and last expedition to the iron boulder was organized by Don Rubin de Celis in 1783. He estimated the mass of the iron debris at 15 tons. True, for some reason no one else saw him, although attempts to find him were made repeatedly.

In 1803, a meteorite weighing about a ton was discovered in the vicinity of Campo del Cielo. Its largest fragment, weighing 635 kilograms, was delivered to Buenos Aires in 1813. It was later acquired by the Englishman Sir Woodbine Darish and donated to the British Museum. This lump of cosmic iron still rests on a pedestal in front of the museum.

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Part of its surface has been specially polished so that you can see the structure of the metal with the so-called "Widmanstetten figures", indicating the extraterrestrial origin of the object.

The unusually large number of meteorites found in a relatively small area indicates that several thousand years ago a whole "meteor shower" fell over the Earth, leaving many craters in the Campo del Cielo region.

"Meteorite field" has the shape of an ellipse, elongated 17 kilometers along and 6 kilometers across. The largest crater is Laguna Negra; it has a diameter of 115 meters and a depth of over two meters.

El Chaco (37 tons) is the largest fragment of the Campo del Cielo iron meteorite. Found it with a metal detector in 1969 at a depth of 5 meters.


One way or another, the American scientist from Columbia University W. Cassidy became interested in the legends and finds of Campo del Cielo in 1961. An expedition undertaken by him discovered a large number of small metallic meteorites, the so-called hexaderites, consisting of almost chemically pure iron.

At the same time, the scientist drew attention to a strange fact. Usually, when a large meteorite explodes in the atmosphere, its debris falls to the Earth, crumbling into an ellipse with a maximum diameter of about 1600 meters. And on Campo del Cielo, the diameter is 17,000 meters! That is, an order of magnitude more …

The published preliminary findings of Cassidy's research caused a stir. Hundreds of volunteers came to him. As a result of their searches, new fragments of meteorite iron were found even at a distance of 75 kilometers from the "Heavenly Field".

The final conclusion reached by the Cassidy expedition was this: a huge meteorite fell to Earth not from the circumsolar orbit, as is usually the case. Before the fall, this celestial body revolved in an elliptical near-earth orbit, gradually approaching the Earth. That is, in other words, this body was the second satellite of our planet!

According to this hypothesis, "Luna-2" gradually approached the Earth under the influence of gravity until it crossed the so-called "Roche border" and fell apart. These fragments spent some time in orbit around the earth, and then entered the atmosphere and began to fall to the surface of the Earth.


When did this cosmic catastrophe occur? A charred tree stump was discovered - the result of a giant fire caused by a meteorite bombardment. According to him, they determined when the catastrophe happened - about 5800 years ago.

But was "Luna-2" really a natural celestial body? Some ufologists believe that it was a huge starship from which an alien expedition landed on the island of Atlantis. And when it turned out that the members of the expedition caught some kind of HIV infection, which also penetrated aboard the spaceship, they had to destroy everything in one fell swoop - both the ship and the base on the island …

Like the kamikaze, the starship pilots wanted to direct their ship directly to Atlantis. But something went wrong, the ship fell apart in the atmosphere, and some of its debris fell not only on Atlantis, but also scattered across the Earth, falling, in particular, on the territory of Argentina.

Which of the following versions is correct, or are all of them nothing more than delusions? All this has yet to be clarified for future researchers. In the meantime, all over the world there is an active trade in large and small fragments of the Campo del Cielo meteorite. Take a look on the Internet. There are offers at quite reasonable prices …