Cosmoenergy And Magic - Alternative View

Cosmoenergy And Magic - Alternative View
Cosmoenergy And Magic - Alternative View

In this article, I would like to bring some clarity to the relationship between cosmoenergy and magic. But you should keep in mind that each subsequent article implies familiarization and understanding of the information given in previous works. Of course, this information at the initial stage of training is difficult to understand and adapt. But start thinking about these things, be affirmed in the Faith that you are not so much a physical body as energy, Soul and Spirit. Never forget this, as it is very important. Repeat this to yourself at least a thousand times a day, meditate on these words. Then this conviction will eventually give correct and stable movement to the vector of your development.

What is cosmoenergy (k / e)? These are all energies that exist in the Cosmos, including the energies that we call terrestrial frequencies, since our planet Earth is only a small particle in a huge family of a complexly organized world with many immutable laws, which we used to call the Universe.

What is Magic? Where did it come from, who and how, first used energies to create and subsequently change all existing realities? This is the Primordial Magic contained in the Origins and the Creator, using it for the Creation of everything that exists in the universe. This is the creative and constructive Highest Magic of Beauty and Perfection of the World from the Ideal Source. In the Higher Worlds it is presented in its entirety, and these Worlds are perfect, there are no rigid forms in them and the high energies of Love and Beauty, the combined coordinates of Color and Sound flow freely, exchanging and intertwining in perfect Harmony unprecedented in our worlds, but Harmony that is not frozen, and all the time creating, in turn, new Beauty and Perfection. For me they evoke associations of shining Worlds. These are the Worlds to which we constantly strive to return,and where the Primordial Magic of Creation is present. This information is recorded in our DNA and the relic memory containing this information does not allow us to completely forget that we are all also from the Ideal Source and that this is our Essence, the result to which we will all come, having passed the shell of separateness and isolation, expanding the boundaries as much as possible perception and ceasing to perceive itself as a unit separate from the rest of the World. The shell of limitation will finally crack and we will see and contain the entire vast and beautiful World. Today's axiom “The world is me” will go away, and the understanding will come that “I am the whole world”.maximizing the boundaries of perception and ceasing to perceive oneself as a unit separate from the rest of the World. The shell of limitation will finally crack and we will see and contain the entire vast and beautiful World. Today's axiom “The world is me” will go away, and the understanding will come that “I am the whole world”.maximizing the boundaries of perception and ceasing to perceive oneself as a unit separate from the rest of the World. The shell of limitation will finally crack and we will see and contain the entire vast and beautiful World. Today's axiom “The world is me” will go away, and the understanding will come that “I am the whole world”.

But we are talking about the Highest Magic of Origins and Creation in the Higher dimensions. And how is this Magic transformed as it descends into the lower dimensions, in particular, into our reality? Just like everything else. Since there is no possibility in our dimension to comprehend, cognize and contain it in its entirety, it begins to split up for the best comprehension of it. And given the influence of gravity on the spatial levels of the Earth, which also distorts the basic principles of action of High and creative Magic and our perception of it, then we are talking not only about creative and constructive magic, but also about magic that destroys other people, their world and health, and also about magic used for their own selfish personal purposes. So, what is meant by the concept of Magic at the present level of human development? I tried to walk through the Internet to understandwhat modern sorcerers mean by this word and came to the conclusion that everything roughly boils down to this understanding: Magic is the ability to activate and consciously control the flow of energy processes and flows through your own developed will. I would add to this - for some kind of reality change.

Cosmoenergy also fully meets this definition. Since this is also a change in reality - the purification and harmonization of the energy fields of a person, territories and even the possibility of purification of the subtle fields of the planet, if the energy is at a high level of development, is able to correctly and clearly form an intention and follow the movements of energy flows that form these changes.

I am not going to write a treatise on Magic here, but I consider it necessary to clarify some principles, since I agree with the statement that Magic of the past is the science of the present, and Magic of the present is the science of the future. Our entire World is solid Magic, it is saturated with Magic and literally floats in this ocean of Magic. The entire life of the human population and each individual individual, Nature, Elements, Planet Earth, the Solar System and the entire Universe is the implementation of magical programs created by the Creator for him to cognize himself. All conceivable and inconceivable in our reality synthesis and quintessence of synthesis in the Universe - the energy of Wisdom, this is also Magic. Each of us retains a particle of the Creator and Light, which contains the relict energies of the Perfect Source, and we must refer to this particular particle when cognizing any processes, science,art and everything else that makes up our life with you. We must consciously activate in ourselves this spark of real creative and constructive Higher Magic of the Source and Creator, since only in this case, according to the laws of resonant vibrations, we can increase its amount in ourselves and in our very reality. Our civilization has followed the path of development of science and technology, we are following the path of development of technogenic structures, and we even begin to learn magic through science, in particular, through quantum physics and the physics of elementary particles. We even create mechanical devices for diagnosing the state of our energy fields and energy centers. The rapid development of science at the present time confirms this, but the human population must necessarily turn its face to the development and knowledge of the Higher Magic, to the energies of the Creator through knowledge and expansion of perception,first of all, at myself. This path, of course, does not close the path of development of either science or technology. Having accepted this point of view and shifting the focus of attention to the adaptation of the energies of the Creator and the Origins, awakening the relict memory, we will open new, truly limitless spaces for the development of science, art, technology, accelerate and qualitatively change the spiritual development of our entire civilization and, finally, recognize the fact, that our planet is a living organism and we will stop pursuing the policy of a parasitic civilization, we will begin to help the planet and support the Earth with our Love and care. Figuratively speaking, we will finally gain in full our Father, whom we abandoned in due time, our Mother - our beloved planet Earth, which until now has only been egoistically exploited and will open the Path for the complete unification of this indissoluble triad in our consciousness. There is simply no other way of development and preservation of us as a biological species.

At the moment, a very limited number of people are engaged in magic (in comparison with the entire population) and they have been persecuted and even died throughout the development of civilization. But that's another question. Maybe we will deal with the coverage of this issue in the future.

First of all, as usual, earthly magic was divided by color - white, gray, black. But magic is one and only you yourself, ascribe any color to it.

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And also, only you yourself, are trying to determine whether it is good or bad. It is generally accepted that white magic is everything that benefits a person. But how sure are you of the action that you perform with the help of white magic. Are you sure that it will benefit the planet, man or other people, and you yourself? Very often magic is divided into colors in order to justify oneself and one's actions, in order to forgive oneself for a small sin that a person made, justifying himself, because it is for good, or to restore justice (from your point of view). As long as this way of thinking prevails, people will divide magic into white, black and gray. But the statement is absolutely true: "Often the simple seems complicated - Black - White, White - Black" and we must not forget about it.

And this means that there is almost no integrity left in earthly magic, and this is often the most distorted Primordial Magic, for the use of which to the detriment of a person, and therefore the entire universe, a magician working in this vein will bear karmic responsibility. This is a conscious withdrawal and rejection of the Spirit in our reality. But you need to understand that for some people this is also the Path of development. And for passing along this path or along the path of Light, it is very important not to extinguish the spark of the opposite sign at all, otherwise the Path of development in this incarnation ends.

Any selfish abuse beyond normal forces and energies can be attributed to black magic, even if they are not intentional. What we mean specifically by black magic is also divided into a number of separate areas. But all of you, represent, at least approximately, this classification and therefore I will not consider it in this work. In general, if something is done in an unusual way, simply for the sake of personal pleasure or curiosity, then this also qualifies as black magic.

All religions operate with energies, which means they activate magical processes on the subtle plane, using very strict rituals and ceremonies, but the perverted magic of our reality reaches extremes and, therefore, religions prefer to anathematize the very word magic, and at the same time all other energy manipulations that produce other directions for the development of spirituality. But if you feel bad in a church, mosque, synagogue or near a Buddhist stupa, then this is the problem of your energy, not the church. I already wrote that cosmoenergy must accept and adapt in its field any energies of both signs, and the energies of the overwhelming majority of churches and other religious buildings and structures are quite subtle and do not destroy either physics or human energy at all.

Hard, heavy energies present in the energy blocks of cosmoenergy act as a counterweight for subtle light vibrations and impart energy stability to the blocks. I have already noted that they are in an inactive state before the opening of the frequency and can be activated, that is, manifest in our space, only by the intention of the cosmoenergy.

The apparent ease of activation of the frequencies of any sign creates the illusion of a frivolous process of energies working. At first it seems like magic: "Yesterday I could not and did not see anything, but now, after only a few days, I have become a healer and really help people." After some time, the person is filled with respect and reverence for himself, attributing the merit in healing patients exclusively to himself. Then disciples appear, and some really begin to consider themselves to be such great Gurus. The ego grows to unthinkable values, and the development of the cosmoenergy itself has long stopped and it remains the same immature personality that once came to attune itself to the frequency of Farun-Buddha. It is good if energy is taught and guided by a real Teacher,which from time to time does not allow the student's Ego to grow and completely absorb the desire and thirst for further cognition and development of the student as a person. Next to such a Teacher, you always want to look beyond your own nose and tight wallet. To look beyond the bounds of the possible, which is constantly moving away and this curiosity leads him along the road of Knowledge, like a compass.

During attunement, the student receives great opportunities for his own development (and this is the main goal of our direction) and the opportunity to help other people, curing serious, often fatal diseases. But these, very quickly emerging opportunities and the rapid development of vision, significantly lag behind the development of the cosmoenergy, as a mature and responsible person, gradually he falls into the illusion of impunity and permissiveness. The ego comes to the fore and a person begins to seriously consider himself the arbiter of destinies, interfering in the processes taking place in the life of others who did not even think to turn to the help of cosmoenergy. A person, in an illusion created by him, begins to retreat from the position he has reached when attuning to any frequencies or blocks. Many are overwhelmed by the noose of money, and if a person has passed the test of money,then the illusion of power comes to the fore, which follows on the heels of the illusion of money, but is much stronger than all other illusions. There are so many temptations that gravity shows us, and each individual has his own biggest illusion. Someone is very important sex, someone money, someone power, and someone wants everything at once. There comes a time when the rules that the Teacher makes them obey become a burden and the student leaves the Teacher. Unfortunately, often very, very early, not realizing that when there is such a person who can point you to your delusions and illusions, then this is a reward and care of the Higher Forces for you. But the Ego says something else, and gravity enhances and stimulates these processes.which gravity shows us, and each individual has his own biggest illusion. Someone is very important sex, someone money, someone power, and someone wants everything at once. There comes a time when the rules that the Teacher makes them obey become a burden and the student leaves the Teacher. Unfortunately, often very, very early, not realizing that when there is such a person who can point you to your delusions and illusions, then this is a reward and care of the Higher Forces for you. But the Ego says something else, and gravity enhances and stimulates these processes.which gravity shows us, and each individual has his own biggest illusion. Someone is very important sex, someone money, someone power, and someone wants everything at once. There comes a time when the rules that the Teacher makes them obey become a burden and the student leaves the Teacher. Unfortunately, often very, very early, not realizing that when there is such a person who can point you to your delusions and illusions, then this is a reward and care of the Higher Forces for you. But the Ego says something else, and gravity enhances and stimulates these processes.become a burden and the student leaves the Teacher. Unfortunately, often very, very early, not realizing that when there is such a person who can point you to your delusions and illusions, then this is a reward and care of the Higher Forces for you. But the Ego says something else, and gravity enhances and stimulates these processes.become a burden and the student leaves the Teacher. Unfortunately, often very, very early, not realizing that when there is such a person who can point you to your delusions and illusions, then this is a reward and care of the Higher Forces for you. But the Ego says something else, and gravity enhances and stimulates these processes.

In addition, inner discipline is very important, which helps the education of Will. Only a firm, I would say, unbending Will makes it possible to gather in just one vector, gives one-pointedness in the formation of intention. I consider it necessary to note that it is very important to understand and share the feelings that the individual experiences and the emotions that these feelings cause. A person should feel brightly and powerfully, but emotions, and especially peak ones, leading to hysterics and bringing a person into stressful states, should not control a person and destroy, first of all, his astral body, and then all other energy structures and the physical body. It is very difficult to learn how to manage your emotions. It is hard and time-consuming work, but necessary. It is not our feelings, but our emotions that make us utter terrible words and do rash acts,which sometimes radically change our entire karmic scheme. Until a person learns to keep his negative emotions in check, he will continue to throw out the most powerful energy impulses and feed them to the most diverse consumers of his energies, while feeling moral emptiness and physical weakness. As long as we are influenced by emotions, we are not able to maximally concentrate the Will.

Only the most purified consciousness makes it possible to correctly form an intention and raise it to the Highest levels, from which it descends into our reality already as an expression of will, which, being realized in our world, does not give karmic responsibility. Only the most pure consciousness in the most pure person. This is a very difficult question and, in due time, I will return to it later. The act of Will, which manifests cosmoenergy, working with frequencies, relies on its own strength, which directly depends on its interaction with the Spirit. Power is given only by Unconditional Faith and Absolute Trust that you are Light and in your Higher Self, and Power gives Energy for transformation. But this is possible only with complete concentration on the Path, when there is nothing but the Path and everything is directed towards this. It is necessary to give up the usual perception and, which is very important,the usual way of life. Do not fall into the illusion that such a transition is possible with the way of life that most cosmoenergy lead.

As a rule, our consciousness is next to our body, it is not fixed and free, but its correct position, to which we all, in the end, will come - to be in the Spirit, to be SPIRITUAL. The state of spirituality can be very approximately described as a state of unlimited freedom of consciousness, which a spiritualized person can freely move to any point in the Universe, while receiving Pure Knowledge, and not information, and interact at these points with any objects.

It is necessary to know and take into account when working with energies that the human energy system has several important points that you need to know and learn to work with them consciously:

1) The assemblage point is the center around which the entire energy-informational matrix of a person is located. A certain conditional sum of the energy fields of a person and the processes taking place in them at a given moment in time. Where, at each moment of time, it is located, there is a person's perception. On the one hand, this point with coordinates in time and space is a completely real object on our plane. On the other hand, at other levels and dimensions, it acts as a fixation of the personality, which gives understanding about you to others.

Some kind of energy identity card.

2) Point of attention - attention focused at one point in time and space, in which a person can consciously work with the assemblage point if he learns to properly focus attention for a long time.

3) The point of concentration is the point of application of the point of attention and (or) the assemblage point to an object or process, supplemented by an intention, 4) The fixation point is the assemblage point + the point of attention + the point of concentration. The ability or inability to collect the world (inner self) at the right point in time and space. Fixing all points in the right place.

When the perception expands as much as possible, and a person begins to realize and feel that his consciousness is in the Spirit, and he has transferred control of his life to him, then, from that moment, he becomes able to control all the Elements. This is a very high level of development of the human personality, which is already able to include in its Magic the energies of the Sun, Moon, Earth and all Elements, which descend directly into the field of such a person, whole and pure from the Ideal Source, and also interacts with the Spirit (in our reality, more often with ether, but direct interaction with Spirit can also take place). Such a person is able to apply and use all the magical and energetic potential that is embedded in our reality and, if necessary, use the Higher Magic. But such a level of development makes it clear that our world is good,beautiful and necessary exactly in the form in which it exists, although we do not always like it. A person becomes a Perfect Object, reflecting the Perfect Subject without distortion, this means that the subtle bodies of a person move to the Higher spaces, and the physical body continues to live in our reality, that is, in our understanding, it becomes enlightened. Although people, as a rule, do not understand this and begin to consider such a person to be blessed or holy fool, or something else. He becomes different and completely different from the rest. Often people feel this difference, and this causes them to reject the person himself, his words and actions, and in some special cases and aggression.reflecting the Perfect Subject without distortion, this means that the subtle bodies of a person move to the Higher spaces, and the physical body continues to live in our reality, that is, in our understanding - it becomes enlightened. Although people, as a rule, do not understand this and begin to consider such a person to be blessed or holy fool, or something else. He becomes different and completely different from the rest. Often people feel this difference, and this causes them to reject the person himself, his words and actions, and in some special cases and aggression.reflecting the Perfect Subject without distortion, this means that the subtle bodies of a person move to the Higher spaces, and the physical body continues to live in our reality, that is, in our understanding - it becomes enlightened. Although people, as a rule, do not understand this and begin to consider such a person to be blessed or holy fool, or something else. He becomes different and completely different from the rest. Often people feel this difference, and this causes them to reject the person himself, his words and actions, and in some special cases and aggression.they do not understand this and begin to consider such a person blessed or holy fool, or whatever. He becomes different and completely different from the rest. Often people feel this difference, and this causes them to reject the person himself, his words and actions, and in some special cases and aggression.they do not understand this and begin to consider such a person blessed or holy fool, or whatever. He becomes different and completely different from the rest. Often people feel this difference, and this causes them to reject the person himself, his words and actions, and in some special cases and aggression.

Cosmoenergetic frequencies consist of the energies of the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, as well as the Planets, with the planets located, including at the other end of the Universe, planetary systems and galaxies, as well as in a diverse and diverse synthesis of one or several Elements (there are still many components of these energies, but within the framework of this article I cannot indicate all of them), but you should understand that all these energies do not have the integrity of the Creator and the Ideal Source in our reality, because their descent into the physical world is accompanied by their separation, since physical objects, like our physical body, cannot withstand these highest vibrations. After all, we can observe only the physical Cosmos from the physical body. Only the Creator and the energies of the Source have all the fullness of integrity. In addition, the subtle bodies of a person must be as capacious and flexible as possible in order to receive and adapt these energies in their field. It seems that the cosmoenergy accepted these highest vibrations, or rather the Teacher attuned them to him, and the student can already work with them, but his subtle bodies are literally stuffed with unnecessary coarse Ego - forms that he, of course, disbands while standing at the sessions. But in real life he continues to form more and more Ego-forms and this process goes much faster than the conscious process of their disbandment. There are very few students who completely devote themselves to work in this direction, most do not even understand and do not think about the things that are said here. I repeat once again that the path of cosmoenergy should not interfere with its realization and socialization in life, but one must understandthat frequent alcohol or any other stimulant, as well as only physical sex, especially casual, have in their essence gross vibrations. And the construction of forms containing these vibrations only increases the influence of gravity on a person, he gets into a labyrinth and begins to wander through it, no matter how beautiful illusions the union of gravity and the Ego builds. These are huge hooks - traps on which you will hang while these vibrations shape your worldview. Please understand me correctly, I do not preach asexual relationships and the anchorite lifestyle, especially for young people, but you always need to see the forest, not individual trees. Consistent and conscious activation of high energies during the work of cosmoenergy and the same consistent activation of gross energies and life in such vibrations in the intervals between work will, of course,ruin your energy structures and your physical body. It is useless then to run around the clairvoyants and look for those to blame for this state. Sometimes, I get the impression that you are deliberately closing yourself off from the awareness of this information. Finally open your ears! And try to hear what the Teacher is constantly telling you. You are trying to sit comfortably on two chairs that stand in different corners of the room, and do not want to understand that this is impossible, especially when activating high blocks, starting with the master's degree, and even more so after attuning to the Hutta block.what the Teacher is constantly telling you. You are trying to sit comfortably on two chairs that stand in different corners of the room, and do not want to understand that this is impossible, especially when activating high blocks, starting with the master's degree, and even more so after attuning to the Hutta block.what the Teacher is constantly telling you. You are trying to sit comfortably on two chairs that stand in different corners of the room, and do not want to understand that this is impossible, especially when activating high blocks, starting with the master's degree, and even more so after attuning to the Hutta block.

We are all at our own levels of development, we accept and adapt in our energy bodies different vibrations and energy spectra. In order not to repeat myself, I will use the names of the Elements in the future, but you must understand that I mean the frequencies containing these Elements in a predominant amount, and not the Elements themselves that exist on Earth. Moreover, we, in our reality, have practically no idea about the deep nature of these energies. Only hypotheses and theories not supported by True Knowledge. But evolutionarily, the collective intelligence of our population is developing quickly enough, and we all hope that this knowledge will be obtained by humanity quickly enough.

Man, as a synthesis of Elements and Spirit, consisting of them and living in them, in the coordinate system of Elements, can be represented as follows: Fire is the entire energy system of a person.

Earth is the human body and information about the physical body at the moment.

Water - information about human history.

Air is the future of man.

But there is also a time coordinate system in which:

Fire is real, and the frequencies of Fire are used to increase the energy power of an object, impulse or signal, to clean it.

The earth is also real, and also, it is matter, material, structure of an object and information about it. If they want to get information about this and many other things, they use the frequencies of the Earth.

Water is the past. As well as duration and extent in time. If they want to get a lasting result of any action, to slow down someone or something, to see the past, then the frequencies of Water are used. In addition, Water will help to find out who sent the impulse or signal, and for what purpose.

Air is the future. Multivariance and even chaos if the future is not defined at the present point in time. If they want to change the variant of events, speed up any processes, find out the future of a person or an object, they use the frequencies of Air.

Also, for a more complete understanding of the principles of the work of the Elements, you need to take into account their following properties:

Fire is activity, action. Fire is the transformation of one into another. Fire makes you change. He is a mediator between the visible and invisible parts of the world. Fire gives an image and launches the process of creativity, these are our desires and passions, an act of Will. Its colors are red, orange and their shades.

Earth is reality, the physical world. Passivity, stability, solidity, reliability, generosity, protection. The earth realizes the idea. Our body is the earth and its frequencies will help to zero or charge something, save or waste the accumulated. Earth is stones, crystals, trees, plants, and all the magic associated with these items. It is the Earth that is the connecting link in the interaction of the Elements. Its colors are green brown, black and their shades. Frequencies that have a green color in their spectrum carry a pronounced healing aspect and indicate that the frequency uses the interaction of all or several Elements in its work.

Water is variability. It takes on the form and behavior of other Elements. The water adjusts, spreads; receptive and fluid, it can absorb or give movement and development. Water is a state in front of a form, it is an opportunity. Our emotions are like water. The frequencies of Water are used when working with nerves, psyche and memory, it will help to strengthen it, forget or remember something. Water is a help to a woman giving birth. Its colors are green, blue, black and their shades.

Air - idea, thought, dreams, abstractness, activity, lightness, weightlessness, speed. Breath. Word. Air sets in motion all the other Elements, it is a conductor for the manifestation of the properties of other Elements. Gives an idea and movement, like Ether, permeates everything around and most often turns out to be a conductor of information and energies in our reality. Air is our mind - labile and fast, which is why air frequencies are used to introduce ideas or suggestions. They will help awaken and strengthen the craving for knowledge and inspiration, protect a person by rejecting or stopping something he does not need. Air frequencies are used to treat blood, nerves and brain diseases. Colors - blue, light blue, gold and their shades.

I want to remind you once again that you cannot understand all this literally or linearly, because even in our reality, as we all remember from the high school curriculum, for example, two gaseous substances - oxygen and hydrogen under certain conditions give water … That is, the elements of the Release of Air, entering into a chemical reaction, can eventually give an element of the Release of Water. In k / energetics, we can say that in the process of synthesis, elements of one Element or even different Elements can turn into elements of other Elements, giving a huge number of diverse options for their interaction. This is very important, since on the subtle plane, these processes are always much more varied and intense. And on higher planes, everything at once. In the Multidimensional, which we call Chaos, it is impossible for a person to perceive the instantaneous frequency,the speed and multidirectionality of the processes occurring in it, because the individual perceives only a few coordinates and the main ones are time and space. We have put together a block called Harmony, which allows us to reflect Chaos in our perception as an ordered structure. Of course, he does not put things in order in him, this is impossible. Multidimensionality, which has been ordered - it even sounds ridiculous. But he rearranges and expands the perception and approach to understanding this structure, in such a way as to give it a structure that is acceptable for human perception. Of course, he does not put things in order in him, this is impossible. Multidimensionality, which has been ordered - it even sounds ridiculous. But he rearranges and expands the perception and approach to understanding this structure, in such a way as to give it a structure that is acceptable for human perception. Of course, he does not put things in order in him, this is impossible. Multidimensionality, which has been ordered - it even sounds ridiculous. But he rearranges and expands the perception and approach to understanding this structure, in such a way as to give it a structure that is acceptable for human perception.

In magic, carrying out any ceremony or ritual, the adept on the subtle plane collects the energies necessary for the production of these actions. How he does this depends on his ability to implement an objectively manifested intention. In fact, this is a very complex process that must take place under the control of this adept, who collected energies and called on the Forces. And he must be able to make sure that they go exactly where he wanted to send them. Otherwise, the adept will be obligatorily responsible for the wrong action. If there is no Faith (not as a block, but as a concept), then both Strength and energy will be wasted.

Work in this direction led to the creation of the magic block of the Subtle Hutta, which we called the block of "4 Elements and Spirit (Ether)". In this article, I will not indicate how and according to what scheme the unit was assembled and the frequencies were identified, it works well, but it requires great concentration and strong Will. The block involves the energies of all Elements, their synthesis, interaction and interpenetration. The fifth element is Ether, but as the cosmoenergy develops, the Spirit and the energies can come and enter into interaction. At this point, adapting the previous blocks of the High Hutta and working with them, the cosmoenergy must freely combine several spaces with completely different characteristics (it is better if there are more of them) into one space with the characteristics it needs and consciously work with such space.created by him for a specific purpose for a while. In the Universe there is always an already created space with the given characteristics you need at the present moment. The acquired Harmony block makes it possible to quickly reach such a space for working in it. After you visit any space, it is entered into your personal space register. But this does not at all exclude the need for your ability to work with spaces on your own. In addition, it is necessary to understand the principles of energy weaving. It should also be borne in mind that if the cosmoenergy does not have a properly assembled Power and a properly educated Will, then it will be extremely difficult for him to interact with this block and manage the activated magical processes, not to say impossible.although we have tried to simplify and facilitate the work with the block as much as possible.

If a person moves along the Path, then as he progresses he has to go through certain repetitive cycles. These cycles correspond to certain Spiritual numbers. I will try to explain the capabilities and operation of one of these loops. It, like any Knowledge, is decomposed into three points in our three-dimensional reality:

1) The upbringing of such a Faith, which will lead to Unconditional Faith and Trust (Trust - as the energies of the Source and Creator, which existed even before the appearance of the concept of Faith. They are called that - before the Faith). Passing this point, a person must consciously abandon a harmonious, comfortable and organized existence. It also requires a conscious rejection of the usual existence and way of life. Full concentration on the Path when there is nothing but the Path. Belief in your Higher Self and in the fact that you are Light.

2) Strength - Energy - Transformation. Turn the Force on yourself, then you will go through the Fire of Transformation. Both Power and Energy are directed only towards the continuation of the Path. Unconditional Faith is required to advance in this section of the cycle.

3) End of the cycle. Completion of all processes of the second stage. Consolidation of the level of transformation achieved at this stage. Entering information into the DNA about the achieved level. Simultaneous capacity building and preparation for the transition to the next cycle.

After passing through such a cycle, repeating similar cycles, but at higher levels and at an ever-increasing pace.

Working with energies in this way, a person must understand that he has embarked on the path of complete transformation of his personality, and such a Path is always very difficult in all respects, since the old (seemingly so stable and dense) world and human personal perception of this world breaks down; all accepted personal and collective concepts are shattered and this, of course, is a huge stress for the psyche. But do not be afraid, because the choice is always up to the person who decides for himself whether to go this way or use energies only in the healing aspect (which does not exclude constant work on his own impeccability). But one must understand that coming to such a reference point in human development,always predetermined and prepared karmically and from a nightclub you cannot jump straight into the High Spaces of the creative and constructive Magic of the Sources and the Creator. And many practicing magic, preferring to remain in our reality, run around with chickens and chop off their heads to gain Strength and Power over other people. I do not condemn either one or the other, or the third, since I have no right to do so, because a person always does only what he cannot but do. You just need to remember about the gravitational illusory nature of this world, including the possibility of choice. Here, as it seems at first glance, there is a contradiction between the freedom of choice that the Creator gave us, and a certain predetermination in the choice of one or another line of probability, but this contradiction is illusory, like everything else in our world. May be,I will come back to this issue in future articles to clarify it if there is no understanding. And in this article I am just trying to convey this information to you.

Usually magicians are very closed and do not give out absolutely any information about their work, and even more so about the principles on which it is built. But now, as they say, the time has come "H" and many secrets are revealed to the human species that have been under seven locks for centuries. One lock for each level of human energy structures. We can and should start working according to other schemes and fulfill the immutable laws of the Universe, according to which the entire Universe exists.

In addition to the vibrations with which many of us are working at the moment, completely new (but only for the current level of human development) energies are directed and come to our planet, which prepare the entire population and the planet itself for the transition to another level of development. They rearrange the DNA chains and must be adapted without fail by every person, and by the whole community of people, and the planet as a whole, together with everything it possesses. Planet Earth possesses human civilization and allows it to develop, and not vice versa. This must be perfectly understood. The planet is at the point of transition to another level and everything that is on it and in its bowels and oceans will have to go with it into a new reality. And all those people who will be able to successfully adapt these energies will move with her. People,who are not capable of such adaptation, will leave this plane of being, and develop according to other schemes. Some of them will leave to quickly incarnate and continue on the Path of Cognition. Moreover, such people can incarnate literally half an hour after leaving.

These energies of transition and transformation are completely uncomfortable for people, we are not used to such energies and the form for our manifestation in this reality, that is, our body, gives out rigid compensatory mechanisms. This can be expressed in short-term loss of orientation and adaptation in reality, loss of any pieces of memory (suddenly they forgot some simple word), emotional instability, loss of any sensitivity and feeling (for example, I love a certain person so much, and suddenly I look at him and realize that he is indifferent to me now), as well as in wandering pains, strong enough, but not diagnosed by official medicine. etc. This is a restructuring and transfer to an active state of previously unused areas of the brain and a change in the principles of the entire nervous system. The opening of the 4th energy center is associated with pain and tachycardia of the heart muscle, the future restructuring of the food chain gives an imbalance in the work of the digestive system at the moment and you can continue this listing for a long time, but I think that you understand where and why a new direction was given to the development vector of humanity and in what way such changes will continue.

Is it possible to weaken the compensatory mechanisms produced by the Higher Forces of change? Yes, with our methods and frequencies this is possible and is happening. We help with our work, not only for patients, but also for ourselves. A conscious transition to a higher vibrational spectrum, that is, work on one's own perfection, also actively helps. Both will help and will give time for adaptation and awareness of these energies, as well as short breaks in the work of new vibrations and feelings of humility and peace. In the sense that you will be in a state of tranquility and peace with the entire Universe together with the energies that came from the Higher Spaces, which are “At the World of Creation”.

Should we resist the work of vibrations coming to us? No, it is useless and only strengthens compensatory mechanisms and leads to more serious consequences, up to and including departure to another reality. This is a given and you will have to experience it, or not. When Higher Magic enters into work, and even more so on a global issue, a person can only adjust his behavior and the spectrum of his vibrations. Of course, the way of life and thoughts of a person strongly affects these processes. But I wrote all this in previous articles and I ask you to return your attention to them from time to time, because there are several levels of understanding and comprehension of information.

T. V. Volkova
