What Is The Russian Language Really - Alternative View

What Is The Russian Language Really - Alternative View
What Is The Russian Language Really - Alternative View

Video: What Is The Russian Language Really - Alternative View

Video: What Is The Russian Language Really - Alternative View
Video: The Russian Language 2024, September

So what is our native Russian language? We use it every day in our daily life: we chat with friends, with colleagues, write SMS, listen to the radio, read books … It turns out that the language helps us to transmit information. Do we think in everyday life where it came from? What is the logic behind the words we use so often? What did the people of the past put into these words, do they have a secret meaning and messages for us.., their descendants? Why are there so many languages in the world, how did it happen and was there ever a single language? Such questions rarely arise in our head, we are used to using language casually, in our own interests, without thinking about its secret meaning and possibilities.

So, our native Russian language is the programming language of the universe, the language of the universe, the language of the first white people, whom some called gods. These are our distant ancestors. Where these people came from, and why I believe that they spoke exactly in Russian - I will tell you about this in the following articles.., but for now, back to the language itself..


Now, you are reading this text on a computer screen or tablet and do not think about what the program displays this text on the screen, but this program is written in a special language … So our thoughts - we formulate our thoughts, our thoughts, including through our actions shape our reality … After all, how do we express our desires and aspirations? Language … And what does, for example, a grandmother who reads a conspiracy? It launches algorithms by programming in a language understandable to the universe … Our universe is a super-computer that is able to understand and process our language, the universe hears us and understands.., you can communicate with the universe through language … because what are prayers..? But what the universe is - since childhood we have had a rather false idea, distorted by that information,which we receive from the cradle about the structure of our world … But again, not about this now …

Speak your desires, let the universe hear you and give you the opportunity to live the way you want … All the best to you.

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