What Is The Danger Of Digitalization Of Schools - Alternative View

What Is The Danger Of Digitalization Of Schools - Alternative View
What Is The Danger Of Digitalization Of Schools - Alternative View

Video: What Is The Danger Of Digitalization Of Schools - Alternative View

Video: What Is The Danger Of Digitalization Of Schools - Alternative View
Video: What Will Schools Look Like in the Future? 2024, September

In Europe and around the world, politics and economics are moving towards digital in school lessons, introducing the use of smartphones, laptops and tablets as an integral part of the curriculum. Some politicians even require that every student in elementary school be provided with a tablet. The purpose of this development is, of course, to support our children and their education.

Unfortunately, government authorities and the media are silent about the opinions of dissenting people, about the results of research and about the consequences of digitalization, so we have set ourselves the goal of informing you about this within the framework of this program. Listen to these alternative voices and form your own opinion. This will give you the opportunity to compare and test, or judge for yourself what is compelling and what is not, because besides working with digital media, learning to write seems to be ignored. According to brain researcher Professor Manfred Spitzer, the brain is stressed and trained by sensory and motor stimuli. "Learning to write is used to train motor skills, and this is the basis of our thinking." When learning to write, first of all, motor skills develop, the corresponding areas of the brain are activated and connected. In contrast, rubbing the glass surface of the screen and typing on it with the same hand movement over and over again on a smartphone, tablet, or similar device does not provide any new stimulus, and this interferes with higher thought processes. “Writing is, in a sense, a path to our memory, and that is why it is so important […]. If I study without developing motor skills and sensors, I will practically lose my brain. " [five]I'll practically lose my brain. " [five]I'll practically lose my brain. " [five]

See this with the markedly higher brain activity of the student (10), who activated the integration of eyes, ears and brain through specific exercises in a kinesiology session *. The effect was visible in his second handwritten sample, which was taken less than 1.5 hours after the session, which suggests much clearer writing. [4]

* the science of movement and sequences of movement of our body

Professor Manfred Spitzer says: "There is no evidence that anyone is getting smarter using a computer." Thus, through research, he comes to the conclusion that education is the most important factor affecting health, and it also prevents the onset of dementia in old age. The use of all senses in teaching children involves many areas of the brain, which in turn leads to the compaction of its fine structure. The more the brain structure is formed in early childhood, the longer senile dementia does not occur, which in recent years occurs earlier and earlier in people. For this reason, Professor Spitzer warns against using digital media for teaching from kindergarten and elementary school, because it leaves large areas of the brain unused.since learning is limited to driving on the screen and typing. He calls the consequences of this "digital dementia." According to his findings, “the more games with numbers and fingers a person uses in kindergarten, the better he will be in mathematics at the age of 20. If you want to raise good IT professionals, you shouldn't give them a laptop as a kid, but you should give them finger games."

With strong opposition to the results of these studies, the question arises whether our children are being deliberately injected into "digital dementia." Because "if people know what is good and what is bad, they can usually decide for themselves what to choose." But as long as we first of all hear how good the smartphone is and that there are no problems with it, we are generally not able to make rational and responsible decisions. " (Prof. Dr. Manfred Spitzer) [6]

In his lectures, Professor Manfred Spitzer mentions, among other things, disturbing visual impairments as a frequent indirect consequence of the use of smartphones in children. In South Korea, where most smartphones come from, 95% of all young people already suffer from myopia, in China 80%, and in Europe 30-50%, with a strong upward trend. Professor Spitzer says: "You cannot interfere with the development of the brain and eyes with digital devices that prevent it." Would parents recklessly buy their children a smartphone if they knew about it? These facts are still hidden from the public and the positive advantages of the smartphone are too one-sided. [1]

If, on the other hand, you want to make childhood possible, you need peace and plenty of time to guide, accompany, practice and make decisions for the children. According to child psychiatrist Winterhoff, in the mid-1990s, adults began to dig deeper and unknowingly abolished childhood. The following is a statement by a child and adolescent psychiatrist: "We turned children into little adults because the prevailing idea is that you can educate with words and explanations." Winterhoff summarizes the implications of this as follows:

Promotional video:

When obstacles arise in a child's life, the result is either a complete refusal to fulfill or an unnecessary ambitious effort. In the social sphere, they are guided by the wishes of children. They never see any real personal contribution to the conflict. Other people or circumstances are always to blame.

The child does not accept comparisons.

In life, the principle of pleasure and discretion prevails. Winterhoff asserts: "We, adults, missed in childhood to form and train in these people the emotional and social functions of the psyche." That's why they don't have them. […] We have more and more children and adolescents showing the level of maturity of young children. " This, in turn, becomes a threat to our society. [7]

A major German study by pediatricians also reveals frightening relationships that shed a very different light on the much-vaunted digitalization than what has so far been published by the media and politicians:

- Children from 2 to 4 years old learn to speak worse if they often use digital devices;

- mothers who use a smartphone while breastfeeding have babies screaming at night;

- 8-year-old children suffer from attention disorders due to frequent use of smartphones;

- 13-year-olds cannot independently control their activities in smartphones. [2]

At present, in China, it has even come to the point that, under the pretext of developing the abilities of children, students of one primary school are constantly under supervision and control. To do this, their brain waves are measured by sensors behind the ears and on the forehead, and the resulting data is immediately transmitted to the teacher's computer and the central government computer. In addition, parents are regularly sent to smartphones with up-to-date information about their child's progress and ability to concentrate. In order to become the global leader in artificial intelligence (AI) control, healthy children are used here as guinea pigs for research and obtaining as much data as possible.

Insiders see this as a blueprint to be able to control and influence everyone's thoughts in the near future. But is there a place for a person who has intuition, heart and soul? [3]

A study with London taxi drivers showed that the areas of the brain that are dedicated to orientation are much more pronounced compared to other people. The conclusion of Eleanor Maguire, professor of neuroscience and author of this study: "The human brain remains formable even in an adult and adapts when we learn something new." Professor Spitzer concluded in his lecture "Digital Dementia": "If we stop using the navigation system of our own brain because we have a navigator in our car, then we allow ourselves to be controlled at the expense of our natural navigational ability." We also need to develop this ability in our children by allowing them to show us the way while driving. [8]

With all these findings, research and perspectives in mind, the critical question is: Do children really need to be ready for the digital age?

Winterhoff's position on this issue is clear: no child should be prepared for the future, because that is impossible. If our children have a psyche similar to the one that was formed in our own time, they will cope with everything, becoming adults.

Digitalization is a technology and nothing more! If we can handle this technology in such a way that we have more time for ourselves and our children, then we have won. Therefore, the child and adolescent psychiatrist advises adults to regularly take care of their emotional and social development of the psyche. The psyche should have time to recover, because sleep alone is not enough for this. To be in nature in the forest, to be in silence to calm down. This way we will have a healthy psyche and intuition, we will have more clarity and security. Therefore, Winterhoff's message to all parents is: "Take care of the timeout, take care of your peace, take care of your children." Your life is not determined by the device, free yourself from the slavery of digitalization! […] Do with the children what you did: nature, forest, walking,- even if the child doesn't like it at first. Take a vacation without a cell phone for everyone. " [nine]

This is what real preparation for life looks like, isn't it?

Sources / Links

[1] www.youtube.com/watch?v=cW3oWwhhQHo

| Buch "Die Smartphone Epidemie" [2] ORF Interview vom 2018-30-09: www.youtube.com/

watch? V = cW3oWwhhQHo [3]

[4] Aus der Praxis einer Therapeutin [5]

[6] www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnDEF7Aw9HI

(ab 1:42:14) | Buch “Digitale Demenz: Wie wir uns und unsere Kinder um den Verstand bringen“Droemer Knaur [7]

(ab Min. 39) [8] www.spiegel.de / wissenschaft / mensch / gedaechtnisfors … | www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnDEF7Aw9HI

[9] Wie die Digitalisierung unsere Kinder verblödet - Psychiater spricht Klartext!

(ab Min. 77)