Falsification Of The New History Of The Church - Alternative View

Falsification Of The New History Of The Church - Alternative View
Falsification Of The New History Of The Church - Alternative View

Video: Falsification Of The New History Of The Church - Alternative View

Video: Falsification Of The New History Of The Church - Alternative View
Video: Few people know about this function DRILLS !!! 2024, September

This Temple in Kharkov has been lost.

The altar of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Borki near Kharkov.


After the Civil War, the Cheka (NKVD) tried to unite Orthodoxy with the Christian Church (Christian is a Christopherian Catholic Church from the main Saint Christopher), then headed by Patriarch Tikhon.

Patriarch Tikhon (Belavin)
Patriarch Tikhon (Belavin)

Patriarch Tikhon (Belavin).

Patriarch Tikhon (Belavin)
Patriarch Tikhon (Belavin)

Patriarch Tikhon (Belavin).

But not one patriarch of the five officially operating Orthodox denominations (Arian, Peasant and Cossack, Catacomb and Skopskaya churches) did not agree with the unification with Catholic Christianity, for which they were, like Tikhon, shot.

Promotional video:

The invaders, through the NKVD, forcibly made such a union, calling the new united church "renovationist", forcing the bishops of the five Orthodox faiths to sign an agreement.

The United Church of Orthodox and Christians (Christopherians), headed by the colonel-general of the NKVD Patriarch Vvedensky, known to us today as the Renovationist Church.

Patriarch Vedensky
Patriarch Vedensky

Patriarch Vedensky.

Patriarch Vedensky
Patriarch Vedensky

Patriarch Vedensky.

After pre-prepared speeches and toasts, they began to try to combine the unconnected - the Orthodox ritual and the Christopherian props. We agreed to simply add the second one, although difficulties arose with naming and baptism, which were completely different from each other. Difficulties arose with Orthodox saints. Dmitry Donskoy, the Christopherian church did not want to recognize the saint, which he was in the Orthodox Church, referring to some documents, allegedly testifying to his Abyssinian origin. Although it was this man, who defeated foreigners three times, was more worthy of canonization than others.

Despite all the difficulties, the union did take place. All dog-heads were deleted from the category of saints: St. Valentine, St. Christopher, St. Savva and others.

The sacrilege was abolished - to make stuffed animals depicting the Russian gods and burn them, which the Christopherian (Christian) church continued to do since the time of Batu (Al-dr Nevsky). And this satanic rite was banned, but not stopped, since the Catholics continued to secretly burn both the images of the Russian gods and Orthodox symbols: a wheel with 8 spoke beams and an Orthodox cross (swastika). But now Christopherians, who until 1919 were called pagans (for using the sound language as a way of communication), received the right to be called Orthodox, i.e. silent (Germans), and pagans began to be called only those who continued to perform the forbidden Christopherian rituals for burning Russian gods and Russian Orthodox symbols.

True, the representatives of the peasant Orthodox Church, who in reality accepted paganism, but did not renounce Orthodox polytheism, continued to be called pagans. Therefore, polytheism and paganism were made synonymous, although there is no equal sign between them. And the Orthodox peasant church and its bearers have been destroyed by the invaders for a century already.

Almost immediately, while the Christopherian priests had not yet had time to learn the Orthodox ritual, the general arrests of all former capital Orthodox believers and their newly minted priests (in the past, Rakhmans or Magi) began. The executions were led by the patriarch Colonel General of the NKVD (Cheka) Vvedensky. The Orthodox ritual was eventually supplanted and its carriers destroyed.

From 1919 to 1939, all Orthodox and Christian priests who sincerely believed in the unification of churches and diligently mastered an unusual ritual for them were arrested and shot, as well as all followers of Tikhon who did not want to unite. As a matter of fact, the organizers of the association were not going to legitimize Orthodoxy: it was important for them to get official recognition that from now on the Christian Church would be called the Orthodox Christian Church, and not the filthy pagan Christopherian Church, as it was always called. So the substitution took place - the disguise of Catholicism as Orthodoxy.

Elderly people, perhaps, still remember the time when there was a struggle with klikushi - Orthodox priests who made hail in cemeteries to incarnate a deceased descendant from his Family into the body. Because an important difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism is the control over reincarnation, while Catholicism is engaged in the irrevocable sending of the souls of dead people to the next world.

Since the center of Christianity was in Moscow, and Christianity was divided only into Protestants and Orthodox (Catholics), now a new confession has appeared - Orthodox Catholicism, or Orthodox Christianity. Therefore, in 1920, the Vatican was hastily rebuilt in Italian Rome, where the center was moved, headed by the Catholics of Europe and Asia. The entire history of the Inquisition was transferred there, which whitewashed those who are hiding in Upper Tartarus and the Moscow catacombs from all the atrocities on Earth that have been created over the past 200 years.

Hordes of Pesinags (Pechenegs), hiding behind the faces of the Russian patriarchs, were able to introduce paganism on Earth, which lowered people to the reality of the perception of the world below animals. For persuasiveness, the novels of the Russian writer-white émigré Alexander Dumas, the father, were written and popularized, where he described famous European cities in which "a huge influence" was exercised on the "European history" of the Pope. At the same time, the myth was launched about the inexhaustible Vatican archives, which in reality never existed in Rome. If anything, somewhere, remains of that medieval archive, it is only in Moscow and in the Moscow region, in Sergiev Posad.

From 1939 to 1953, Stalin restored and rebuilt 23,000 Christian churches and temples (this also includes mosques, which are real Orthodox churches preserved in Siberia, the Urals, the Caucasus and Kazan), which were now called Orthodox, but they had nothing to do with Orthodoxy. Orthodox churches, like the temples of the Arian (common in the territory of the Kazan region), Cossack and peasant churches had a circle at the base. Instead of a circle, they now began to build a square, typical for Catholic churches. In contrast to the Cossack and peasant churches, the Orthodox had churches in the catacombs and in the taiga (Urals, Siberia and the Far East). And she never recognized the invaders, because she did not abandon polytheism and reincarnation and did not want to accept paganism. The non-capitalist Orthodox believers who came out of the underground managed to build several churches since 1905 (one of them survived in Moscow, the other in Yaroslavl). All these churches were also completely destroyed during the next inquisition, now called the dictatorship of the proletariat, and Christopherian churches were built in their place.

After the Second World War in 1945, Stalin's government entered into an agreement with the new German government to bomb the Russian ancient Orthodox cities of Siberia and the Far East: Omsk, Chita, Tobolsk, which stood aside from the railways and territorially did not coincide with modern cities with the same names - Omsk, Chita and Tobolsk. They were inhabited by non-registered Orthodox people who did not recognize either Romanov or Soviet power. Tobolsk - one of the most beautiful cities in the world, for a long time remained the capital of Great Tartary and, like others, was barbarously destroyed after the Second World War.

From 1956 to 1962, during the time of Khrushchev, the persecution of priests continued for refusing to cooperate with the NKVD (then the KGB), i.e. those who refused to inform the parishioners, since the church canon prescribed to keep the secret of confession. Not only priests suffered, but also their families. The repression extended especially to those priests, in whose work something of the Orthodox ritual was noticed, or they still remembered that the Christopherian Church had united with the Orthodox. To talk about it meant to sign my own death warrant.

Today we are told that Christopherianism has existed in Russia for a thousand years, but in reality, the final Christopherization took place only by 1953, after the mass shooting of Orthodox priests, although repressions against the priesthood continued until 1962.

Today, the introduced alien Catholic rite forever sends people to the next world without the right to return back to this life.


The Cossack Church recognized monotheism, but did not refuse reincarnation, did not recognize Christopher as a god, and did not refuse to punish, i.e. she performed all her rituals in silence. It was destroyed during the years of the Inquisition, called the dictatorship of the proletariat.

The peasant church is named in honor of the Cross - this is the posthumous name of Presbyter John. Most of the Orthodox confessions are closer to Catholicism due to the fact that the peasantry in Russia was in slavery from 1814 to 1861, and during this time the Russian magic culture was squeezed out and replaced by Catholicism. She baptized all her followers with the Savior Krestos, whom she did not identify with the Saviors: Christopher, Isula, Solomon and Ishuya, not seeing the divine nature in the latter, and opposed the unification of the five Saviors in one person. As a result of the most severe repressions, when entire villages with Orthodox people were burned alive, she was forced to recognize monotheism and accept paganism. Many toponyms have survived in Russia from that time: Gari, Pogorelkino, Goreltsy, Gorelkino, Garevo … … Guides usually tellthat in these villages people burned themselves, although this is very doubtful, judging by the way in our time they deal with non-capital Orthodox Christians without sparing either children, or the elderly, or even those who have just been born. But now they use napalm, not fire. The peasant church was finally destroyed along with the Cossack church after the October Revolution.

Read V. Shemshuk "Borean Rus".

Now from here.

During the years of Soviet power, representatives of different confessions, including Old Believers, both clergy and laity, were subjected to repression. Today, thanks to relatively free access to archival materials, anyone can get acquainted with the cases of repressed relatives or completely strangers.

Old Believer Bishop Filaret of Kazan and Astrakhan
Old Believer Bishop Filaret of Kazan and Astrakhan

Old Believer Bishop Filaret of Kazan and Astrakhan.

Old Believer Bishop Irinarkh of Samara, the future Archbishop of Moscow and All Russia
Old Believer Bishop Irinarkh of Samara, the future Archbishop of Moscow and All Russia

Old Believer Bishop Irinarkh of Samara, the future Archbishop of Moscow and All Russia.

On the left is Priest Markel Kryukov
On the left is Priest Markel Kryukov

On the left is Priest Markel Kryukov.

Ancient Orthodox, and now Christian, churches.

Cathedral of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in Moscow. The Spiritual Center of Ancient Orthodox Christians (RDC)
Cathedral of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in Moscow. The Spiritual Center of Ancient Orthodox Christians (RDC)

Cathedral of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in Moscow. The Spiritual Center of Ancient Orthodox Christians (RDC).

Malinovsky Skete, Ancient Orthodox Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, Nizhny Novgorod Region
Malinovsky Skete, Ancient Orthodox Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, Nizhny Novgorod Region

Malinovsky Skete, Ancient Orthodox Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, Nizhny Novgorod Region.

Old Believer Church of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos
Old Believer Church of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos

Old Believer Church of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Astrakhan | Orthodox church of the Protection of the Holy Virgin
Astrakhan | Orthodox church of the Protection of the Holy Virgin

Astrakhan | Orthodox church of the Protection of the Holy Virgin.

Old Believers Church Abroad (Belokrinitskaya Metropolitanate) Romania
Old Believers Church Abroad (Belokrinitskaya Metropolitanate) Romania

Old Believers Church Abroad (Belokrinitskaya Metropolitanate) Romania.



Author: Larisa Mosunova