Another Proof Of Substitution Of Peter I - Alternative View

Another Proof Of Substitution Of Peter I - Alternative View
Another Proof Of Substitution Of Peter I - Alternative View

Video: Another Proof Of Substitution Of Peter I - Alternative View

Video: Another Proof Of Substitution Of Peter I - Alternative View
Video: Commission on the Future of Surgery - 19 April Oral Evidence - PART 2 2024, September

Much has been written about the replacement of the Russian Tsar Peter I. But recently I listened to one of Artyom Voitenkov's videos dedicated to the "bloody secret of kings":

and suddenly he clearly felt that everything he had said was yet another proof of this substitution carried out during the "great embassy" of the Russian Tsar Peter Romanov in Western Europe in 1697-1698. For example, here's what Artyom said in this video:

However, did the German line of the Russian czars of the Romanovs really begin only with Catherine II? Surprisingly, after the return of the “great embassy” from Western Europe, the “Russian tsar” not only abandoned everything Russian, including his relatives and his people, not only forgot Russian speech and especially writing, and suffered strange changes in his appearance, his tastes and habits, but also flooded Russia with foreign specialists, most of whom were Germans.

And it is very strange that the tsar, who loved his first wife Evdokia very much, did not want to meet with her and sent her to a monastery. But for some reason, as a new wife, I chose a German woman of Prussian blood, Marta Samuilovna Skavronskaya, known to us under the name of Catherine. Why would the "tsar" suddenly hate everything Russian and passionately love the Germans after visiting Europe? Because the impostor himself was of the same blood! All this also explains why his descendants, the already Germanized Romanovs, likewise preferred to take brides of German blood.

Who were these Romanovs entrusted with composing the "history of Russia"? Was it not German historians who wrote it, having come up with their Russophobic "Norman theory", which substantiates the 300-year-old German-Romanov yoke in our country? And here it also becomes clear why the false Peter abolished the old calendar, stealing several millennia of our history, and why the Romanovs, with the help of German historians, not only invented a new history for us, but also tried to remove from the monasteries and destroy ancient books and chronicles under the pretext of "restoration" contradicting this new version of history. The same fate befell the family books a little later.

Promotional video:

This is what such a careful aspiration of the pseudo-Romanovs to adhere to the German genetic line, which in fact began not with Catherine II, but even with the arrival of false Peter from Western Europe, who in fact had nothing to do with the real Romanovs, can tell about it.

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